Originally posted by spawn:
(kills/hits will follow once you start hitting us)
however we are open to CF discussions if you like, i think you have my contacts
The Fist of Odin
OGT and Ravi get a room already :P
Actually TAN we would kill an LAF or Collab country in the same situation it's nothing personal, just business.
Since we seem to be doing FA on AT (not that I mind it makes for fun reading everyone should do it) let's just get this all settled now so we can go on with our lives...
We sign a UNAP for this reset and the next
The Fist tags Coitus next reset PDM tags Douche
I will personally FA whoever ran the Doom countries restart (1 full FA package which will be a good chunk of change) just to be nice
So what say you TAN? Can we just end this stupidity now and go back to hugging trees or do we really have to do it the hard way?