
Sov Game profile


Jun 2nd 2021, 15:45:25

Haha he needs to wall the chem rush first 😉

Sov Game profile


Jun 2nd 2021, 15:20:20

Also with regard to the CD change, the only reason SoF Dict Destroyers (our Dict Techers that drop/destroy land to boost SPAL) don’t sit on more than 40m troops is because CDs wreck us and make it too costly to replenish more. With this change we would likely sit on 50m or 60m or possibly even more troops comfortably making us even harder to kill.

For SoF this change greatly favors us. But overall it will diminish warring.

Sov Game profile


Jun 2nd 2021, 14:50:38

And in regards to Bomb Buildings. The thing that does need to be nerfed is not the amount of buildings destroyed but rather the amount of CS destroyed. Right now this is a broken mechanic and the amounts of CSes taken out is extremely high. Bombing Runs do not kill barely any CSes until all other buildings are virtually destroyed, yet with a handful of ops you can take out a large portion of someone's CS.

I think the amount of buildings killed is fine right now as is. Just nerf the CS component almost entirely.

Sov Game profile


Jun 2nd 2021, 14:42:08

Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by Dark Demon:
I’m open to change. But a lot of people
Don’t have the same skill levels as some of the elite and buy making these changes. The elite basically be un touchable would it not.

I really don't understand this. I asked this question earlier and I don't think that anyone answered it yet: "With the new formula, a country with 10 M spies could kill up to 4 M troops or jets with 10 successful ops. Does that feel about right? Should it be higher or lower?"

4 M troops is something like $500 million worth of military. That's what you get with ten successful ops. Is that number wrong? What should it be instead?

I suspect that if I changed things to be 3% max instead then people would feel that makes CDs stronger than a variable approach that would give 3.1% out of 4%. Why is there a need to do the absolute maximum amount of damage with every spy op?

If a country has 40m troops (common for strongest countries in late set wars on Alliance) and is a Dict with 145% weapons then the raw break is 72500000. Effectively right now using ops we could easily reduce that break to 22000000 raw which means you can break it using a Dict with 12m approx troops and only 40m troops on hand.

If with your proposed change you could CD 4m troops per 10 ops then 20 CDs (standard amount of CDs conducted on a killrun) reduces the troop count by 8m troops. This bring the raw break down to 58000000. With demos that is reduced to 40600000. Assuming the breaker is a Dict with the same weapons, it means that the breaker will need to have 22,400,000 troops to break, and for optimal readiness loss will need more than 3x that in troops on hand. Effectively 70m troops which is very costly for any country to buy.

Then the other massive change no one is considered here is the massive increase in oil consumption which is a further burden on the attacker. It would also drive up oil prices significantly over the course of the war because raw breaks would be far higher.

Essentially this all means that any early lead achieved in a war will almost be insurmountable as the sheer economic requirements towards killing large countries will become unfeasible once you start to struggle for breakers.

All in all I can see there will be less killing and wars will become a lot harder to conduct.

EDIT: Also it should be noted that I am basing the above on SoF's Dict breakers which we usually run far more of than any other warring tag. These numbers are far worse for Tyrannies and Commie countries commonly used by other tags. In fact breaking with anything other than a Dict with these numbers would not be viable and thus warring with those governments would be probably obsolete.

Edited By: Sov on Jun 2nd 2021, 14:55:11
See Original Post

Sov Game profile


Jun 2nd 2021, 14:24:39

The only problem with this change is that with spy DR, you are limited in how many troops you can effectively CD. CDs are a great equalizer in allowing medium countries to reduce a raw break enough to be able to efficiently attack. Strong countries will overcome this no problem, but essentially it makes stronger countries unkillable.

For me personally it works fine because I am pretty hard to kill as is and with this change I will be near impossible... (good luck ever killing me again Derrick!!) But it will make wars less competitive and decided far earlier.

Sov Game profile


Jun 2nd 2021, 2:47:49

Activity on the General Talk board is very low and hence the basis of my argument that no one frequents there to participate in those discussions and therefore we should just keep them here.

Sov Game profile


Jun 2nd 2021, 0:17:52

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Sov:
emo out the boards.

Who the fluff still says emo in 2021? At least Dark Morbid and Turtle Crawler had the decency to go away after they got busted cheating.

You are living proof that in 2021 emo is still a thing.

If you have any evidence of me cheating other than what was discussed on the announcement thread then please post it so I can embarrass you with it. But if me looking up a bot country after I attacked it is all you have then I'll play a little violin for you. Regardless, I'll keep going and continue playing the role of archaic's tear extractor for years to come.

Sov Game profile


Jun 1st 2021, 15:25:22

If you want to take a simplistic approach suitable for a simple mind, I’m sure it is.

Sov Game profile


Jun 1st 2021, 15:19:39

Originally posted by Suicidal:
Get defrock outta here

Don’t be too mean to him, he has a tendency to cry victim and emo out the boards.

Sov Game profile


Jun 1st 2021, 15:05:23

How old were you when you were defrocked of your manhood?

Sov Game profile


Jun 1st 2021, 14:25:58

I would like to recommend to the mods that off topic discussion on AT should not be moved to GT. AT has always been the most active board on the game and off topic discussions thrived on it. Right now any thread not game related is being moved to GT and those threads are dying and AT activity is low.

If you want to generate more activity then you need to allow and encourage more activity on here. There is only so much discussion that can take place on AT with so few Alliances and stagnant game politics.

Sov Game profile


Jun 1st 2021, 11:05:25

There are a few in Mercs. Good group, check them out!

Sov Game profile


Jun 1st 2021, 6:56:49

Just a little payback owing from killing 2 of ours last set <3

Sov Game profile


May 4th 2021, 1:54:14

I apologize for the drama this has caused everyone. I’d like to make it clear that in this instance, what I did was use the mod tools to confirm a bot country was indeed a bot. This is out of line and I am prepared to accept full responsibility for it.

There was no malicious intent on my part in my use of these tools but nevertheless my actions were not in line with the conduct expected of a mod.

If anyone has any questions you are welcome to contact me about it.

Sov Game profile


Apr 27th 2021, 14:08:12

Don't top old threads.

Sov Game profile


Apr 23rd 2021, 11:56:56

Yes, refer back to the not smart enough part.

Sov Game profile


Apr 23rd 2021, 11:52:18

Originally posted by Link:
Looks like they got rage getting ops on us LOL. This fluff is hilarious

That's right mfs you better call backup 👀💀😂😂😂

What is more hilarious is that you are not smart enough to work out that Rage and SoF are the same Alliance and have been for the better part of two years.

Sov Game profile


Apr 13th 2021, 14:30:42

Originally posted by Chevs:
interesting allegations. sounds like some nice drama for a change.

regarding the 100m nw advantage im not suprised. Sov is a giant vageen, not sure what hes scared of. Been running SoF into the ground for a year cause hes scared of LaF & Mercs. I guess hes too busy playing WoW to care about his members.

Maybe he should let Gerd run SoF fulltime instead of part time.. maybe their leadership will find their balls again. Say what you want about Gerd he doesn't back down from a fight.

Oh wait. He left his whole tag out to dry and forced them to kill untagged restarts all set while he netgained. again.

hmm. quite the conondrum for the SoF members. If only there was an alternative....?

I could run an Alliance better being inactive than you ever could being active.

Sov Game profile


Apr 13th 2021, 14:29:06

We had 13 countries tagged SoF. I also asked LAF to double check for me and confirm there were only 13 tagged SoF in the war, and they did. So now you accuse us of having 16, yet we never at any point in the set ever had 16 tagged. At one point we did have 15 tagged, but 2 countries were detagged long before the war started. Gerdler also verified when those countries left the SoF tag.

So if you want to accuse SoF of having 16 members, thus making the war 20 vs 16 as you so claim, how about you post some evidence to support your claim. Until then I will call it an outright lie as it deserves to be.

At the time the war started with SoF and Rage the sides were even. If Mercs had a problem with the war we could have discussed it and come to a compromise.

I have NEVER been unreasonable with Mercs in the past year. I have been forgiving. I have compromised. All in all I like Mercs and I like the people in it. But sometimes you go too far. And by lying on here trying to justify your position you continue to go too far.

Sov Game profile


Mar 31st 2021, 3:31:05

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Requiem:
People can change. The fault of your statement, in my opinion, is that you place the blame on the player, not the developer. It would be best if you didn't blame players for playing the game as designed.

The developers did not create Eug, Candy, TC, Ivan, Xyle, Silver, Copper etc. - those were people who put winning above the game and were willing to do whatever it took (including cheating) to not only win but to eliminate any competition. The whole "we're just playing within the bounds of the game" argument that Don Marshall/H4xor (another blatant cheat) used to spout while farming small tags out of existence rings pretty hollow in a graveyard.

I love warring, well - I used to. When the really great wars happened, they went on for a set or two and then folks moved on and politics changed (even TIL and SLIT only lasted a few sets each). Now it always devolves to set after set after set of grudge wars that leave everyone exhausted. I cannot make anyone net, but anyone can make me war - that has been the problem on this server since day one. When somebody like Derrick decides that no matter how many times the same fight has been fought - its going to get fought all over again next set, this is where we end up.

Derrick did finally change, but not until after Elders had driven numerous players off the server and he had nobody left to play with. I changed too - I quit playing this server 6 years ago.

Absolute nonsense. You are as butthurt now as you were 8 years ago.

The numbers and statistics for the server do not support your arguments in any way. The server wars ended in 2014, at which time the game had over 700 players. The game only ever had a maximum of 900 players. In the 12 months after the server wars ended there were no grudge wars and the EWPP was affect and the game declined to less than 350 players. So if the grudge wars chased all the players away, why did the player base decline by over 50% in the 12 months after they ended?

Sov Game profile


Feb 7th 2021, 21:30:27


Sov Game profile


Oct 29th 2020, 12:45:25

The FFA discussion was LAF's attempt to save SOL from being curbstomped, you didn't want it. So we curbstomped you. There was no cry for help.

And if you think our countries were ruined, then you are showing you are even worse a leader than I thought. I'll give you a pro tip... You reduced SoF's 10k techers with 3k TPT to 2k TPT. Those techers even damaged as they were still crapped all over your 10k rainbow nublet countries. Perhaps when you learn to build better early war countries you might survive longer than 10 second killruns. How long did your killrun last? 9 seconds? Ouch.

I've been gone for 3 sets. But I'll be here for the next 3 sets to keep you and your horrible leadership in line.

Sov Game profile


Oct 29th 2020, 11:25:12

Originally posted by Getafix:
Originally posted by Rasp:
Originally posted by Getafix:
SoL is dying with dishonor.

Fixed and fixed for Americans

SoL was glad to have a fair fight with SoF, 20 on 20, and I expect we would have won. It would have been fun. I wouldn't expect anyone in this game to be able to survive with 20 against 45, so yes, we are dying with honour and not crying about it or begging for help. And when we've been tag killed we'll take a nice break until next set.

I think the American minority around here can probably read English, so there's no need to correct the normal and original spelling.

This sort of North Korean style rhetoric is best kept to your internal boards, but if you want to bring it to these boards then I guess it deserves a response.

See I can only attribute SOL's actions this set to one of 3 things:-

1) Naivety.

SOL's leadership is naive to the ways of Earth politics and how things have been conducted on this server for a couple of decades. When you reject several pacts, that being of the 3 other major Alliances in the game, and then start conducting yourself shadily to start trouble, you need to make sure you are covered politically.

2) Arrogance.

You were over-confident based on your solid performances in recent sets and under-performances of other tags that you somehow believed yourselves to be invincible against the other tags on this server.

3) Stupidity.

You guys were really that stupid and thought you could dictate to us, that being SoF, Mercs and LAF, that we should war on your terms.

I am quite curious as to what the correct answer is, but alas only SOL leadership can answer that question.

If you really wanted a fair one on one fight with SoF you would have asked us for one and we would have arranged it just as every other war on this server has been conducted for the past year. But you didn't.

And what had be even more curious was when SOL members were telling me the internal narrative of blaming Weezy for the deterioration of relations between SOL and the other major Alliances, when it was the current SOL leadership that rejected pacts with us to begin with. You only sought pacts with LAF and Mercs, on your own silly terms I might add, when it was quite frankly too late and the 3 of us had already determined what actions we should take.

I really do not see much honor in the way you are dying, maybe because I see it as your Alliance conducted itself dishonorably for the past few weeks so how could you possibly be dying with honor.

Sov Game profile


Oct 19th 2020, 8:30:42

Find Duna. I think he is still around somewhere.

Sov Game profile


Oct 6th 2020, 8:24:12

Yeah can’t say I was a fan of ES

Sov Game profile


Oct 1st 2020, 14:32:19

Pitiful attempt to blameshift and deflect. For the most part we don't hold all of Mercs responsible for the actions of a few, but still you cannot help yourself but come on here and try to gaslight us all in to thinking this is somehow SoF's fault.

And are you seriously trying to make the spy ops a major issue? If so, you must be a pretty terrible war leader. But wait, how did the last few wars you fought against a SoF lead by a fully active me turn out? Hmm, how short memories may be.

But keep posting thinking somehow you are helping your cause. Prior to you posting I still had warm feelings for Mercs.

Sov Game profile


Sep 20th 2020, 11:41:40

Originally posted by archaic:
If nothing else, hearing so many Sof maggots weeping and crying has given me an urge to run a country next set just so I can suicide them too and listen to Xyle sobbing about how unfair it all is. Quit pissing your panties and stand up like a man you minty fluffes. Maybe they'll go back to hide in TEQ again.

If you think I care about being suicided on then not only are you a total retard as I claimed in the previous thread, but also your reading comprehension needs some work. The issue was simply that I messaged iScode 10 mins before he suicided telling him to come home.

But you want to see crying? I distinctly remember you crying like the emotard you are several times over all the horrible things I did to PDM. In fact pretty much whenever PDM is mentioned you show us how emo you can be.

Sov Game profile


Sep 17th 2020, 0:42:20

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally I didn't want to be this happy that the two biggest lying douchebags in the game are hacking away at each other while their decade long incestuous love affair crumbles. Then I realized that it's ok to enjoy the suffering of others, so I'm fine with this.

I'm fine.

Everything is fine.

Keep making Sof miserable Scode, maybe that will keep you from griefing actual players that aren't scummy fluff.

You can call me a liar, yet I bet even an emo total retard like you can even quote a single instance of me lying.

Sov Game profile


Sep 16th 2020, 13:40:58

He is a Kiwi living in New Zealand.

Sov Game profile


Sep 16th 2020, 4:01:29

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Can I still think it's funny that someone topfed like 3 clans and held 50 missiles in a spam solo and someone thought trusting them and not killing them immediately was somehow a great decision? I feel like that's really getting lost here.

I wasn’t even aware of anything going on as I had not been paying attention. I only saw that someone said iScode was causing trouble and I immediately stepped in to say iScode was one of us and maybe someone should have a chat with him to tell him to just come home.

I have admitted I was stupid to trust him. But then again, I wasn’t paying ANY attention as to his country or what he was doing.

Sov Game profile


Sep 15th 2020, 20:42:03

Originally posted by iScode:
Ill just leave this here.

"From: WArriOR
May 08, 2014
To: iScode
Xyle told me to message you what your doing in 18 hours, we were wondering if you could send a few attacks at me like a GS/EM ectt.

Md is gonna try and kill you :P and I could use your land before you die to help make up for that moron anarchy X."

If that’s the best you have to try and say it was my idea... lol

Keep it coming though. You validate exactly what I was saying above. My mistake here was thinking you had a sense of loyalty to us. How wrong was I.

I have been inactive this set. But hey, at least you peaked my interest and got me going.

Sov Game profile


Sep 15th 2020, 11:33:38

To me, the issue is not the suicide. We have been suicided before. It's the betrayal by someone whom I considered one of us.

But don't worry, I won't ever consider you one of us nor a friend of ours ever again.

Sov Game profile


Sep 15th 2020, 11:17:55

I hope it was worth it for you.

Sov Game profile


Sep 15th 2020, 11:02:51

You are welcome to think of it how you will. Being hit by a suicider, I don't care about. I'll just consider it as a personal hit on me.

When SoFers mentioned your name to me yesterday I told them that you were one of us and that we should just bring you back in. I wasn't even aware of any issues. How stupid was I to defend you.

Yeah, I won't make that mistake ever again.

Sov Game profile


Sep 15th 2020, 10:47:51

No you won't. Seriously, you are a piece of fluff.

I think back to all the times I tried to help you and this is how I am repaid.

I was probably always the first person to stick up for you too.

Sov Game profile


Sep 15th 2020, 10:42:59

No no. It is clear now. You are a retard. You've always been a retard.

Unfortunately I was just too blind to see it.

Sov Game profile


Sep 15th 2020, 10:36:49

Only now do I realize how much of a fluffwad you really are.

Sov Game profile


Jun 14th 2020, 23:52:29

It gets really confusing when Galleri abuses me about not pulling my weight around the house

Sov Game profile


May 25th 2020, 1:54:18

My condolences to his friends and family

Sov Game profile


May 14th 2020, 12:01:23

Originally posted by ZEN:
Statement: Women have an advantage over Men in every day life.

Initial Argument - Women have been getting their way for millennia, though it isn't the same way Men may accomplish their agenda. As the saying goes, behind every strong Man there is a stronger Woman. Now, the weak willed or weak minded women want to tip the balance by competing with Men at Men's game. Society does not make special allowances for other weak willed or weak minded Men (barring race, sexual preference, etc.). Just because a baseball player may be a hall of famer, doesn't mean they should be accepted into the hall of fame for football. I bring in Sun Tzu's Art of War to put it into perspective

"For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill. Hence to fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

Women had their equality (maybe even an advantage), but now they are getting greedy. Not only can you overpower any man with skin, touch, promise of ecstasy....but now, you want to extend your reach and compete on a "Man's level". For what? "Respect from society"?

1. A real man respects a woman for being a real Woman. So if you feel the need to be equal to a man, its because you aren't with a man.

2. "Respect from society" as an equal gets you - half the bill, half the lifting, half the financial burden, half the decision making, half the open doors, and half the compliments. With 100% of the burdens of being a woman and 0% of what a husband owns.

3. "No respect from society" gets you - none of the bill, none of the lifting, none of the financial burden, none of the decision making (or 100% of it when you want it), 100% doors open, and 100% compliments. With the potential of a lesser burden of being a woman and 50% of what a husband owns. (nanny, maid, etc)

Final Statement: If I could be successful in having someone else do what I want and put in less time or effort.....I would. Without respect needed. Here are all of the things that would be damn near impossible for me to do because I am a man. ( Side Note: If you take offense or feel specifically targeted by any of these below, that is on you and your issues. These are general statements and I don't believe all women will do these things. But I do believe they *could* and be more successful than I)

- Sleep my way to the top
- Dance for money
- Get anyone to open anything for me ever. Jar, door, pants....
- Cry and get forgiven for anything. Every time.
- Be sexually attractive
- Look at friends boobs without it being creepy
- Fondle friends boobs without it being creepy
- Fondle multiple friends boobs at the same time without it being creepy
- Fondle boobs. Boobs. Booooooobs.
- Eat food on camera and get paid
- Look good during an orgasm instead of a deaf person trying to count stars by memory

In my opinion, much of this only applies if the woman is attractive. Sadly for many of these women, they do not know the power they yield. But there are also those that do know.

Sov Game profile


May 1st 2020, 8:17:11

Rage is around :)

Sov Game profile


Apr 22nd 2020, 2:06:05


Sov Game profile


Apr 21st 2020, 2:07:58

That is for Earth2025, this is for EarthEmpires. This is not a new group, the EE group has existed for many years.

Sov Game profile


Apr 20th 2020, 14:29:15

Originally posted by Requiem:
Facebook has challenges to overcome though... The younger generations don't like or use it. Good thing they also bought insta.

This entire thread is just a rouse so that I may hunt you down on Facebook and stalk you.

Sov Game profile


Apr 20th 2020, 12:42:25

Of course there is always potential for such things and I identify that. It all comes down to process and some of our processes and rules do need some work. All mods can only work within the framework provided. Over coming weeks I am going to be working with the mod team to introduce some changes to moderation which should give everyone more peace of mind. Be patient and stay tuned.

Sov Game profile


Apr 20th 2020, 12:33:20

Maybe so, but I believe in good governance. I have sent Derrick a message privately addressing some if these concerns and I hope that he can see I am taking the issue very seriously as a result of that.

Sov Game profile


Apr 20th 2020, 11:52:55

I am investigating this issue and as other mods (and developers) will no doubt be able to vouch, I will do so diligently and thoroughly. I will message you directly about this to clarify some things for you.

There are ways in which situations like this should be handled, but lobbying on a forum is not one of them. If this continues, then I will personally delete offending posts and issue bans if necessary. If anyone wants to message me in private and voice any concerns about moderation of the server and mod conduct I am happy to address those issues with you, but this is not the correct forum for that to take place.

By all means feel free to argue and trash talk each other all you want regarding anything political or game related, but leave any moderator actions out of it.

For the record I also realize the rules posted on this board (and others) are outdated and I will be updating them all soon. Refer to the IRC and Discord rules as well as they may apply to this forum.

Sov Game profile


Apr 20th 2020, 4:20:44

I do not know anything about your FFA allegations but I shall look in to it.

I will contact you privately about this matter.

Sov Game profile


Apr 20th 2020, 2:39:09

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
fluff Facebook

I'm on Myspace, add me!

2005, meet 2020.