
SuperFly Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 21:29:49

I will see u fluffs at the bike racks!

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 18:42:02

Originally posted by tduong:
people have day jobs, social life, and sleep. They don't get paid to be mods here. It's monday! :)

I thought mods recieve cookies and milk like santa as payment for the hard work and for all the smiles and joy that they bring us little earth players.

Galleri, can I haz some of your Oreos?

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 9th 2012, 2:06:26

lol barely got 10th

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 8th 2012, 20:06:45

I am going to try it just for fun. Rep cashed here I come :)

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 8th 2012, 17:19:09

Wtf, again?.....

Seriously mods should fix the DR bulll fluff that way no one would be accused of DRing bull fluff or pull DRing bull fluff themselves.

For the record I'd love to take on JJ's Rep/Casher to 19k land challenge. With one twist, no other allies other than deffence allies. No tech leeches, no offense allies and no intel allies. I'm game and I'll be I R WoG SuperFly again next set.

What do u say JJ, u game? Also inviting all the guys that hate on JJ to join our challenge as well. Let's see who is Expeesses greatest land grabber....

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 13:54:57

But the guy that gets the AB FS on the other guy will
Win the war and the battle

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 4th 2012, 20:07:38

JJ, I am going to PS you in express and you better not buy up jets to break all of my turrets lol :P

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 3rd 2012, 4:27:22

KoH join us!

We do the jersey shore theme everytime that my favorite show hits the TV!

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 3rd 2012, 3:07:23

right now TSO would win as they are organized and that damn good.

However, if this was mid 2011, When WoG/FBI had Zen, Detmer, Ravi and all of the other kickass FBI'ers who are now on hiatus, It would be a different story. Back in the day Lord Slayer was posting on allaince board trying to recruit people to join teamserver so we could have a challanging fight.

If TSO would have been around back then we coudl have had some epic battles and many good times :)

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 2nd 2012, 7:56:40

Hopefully LS can stop by irc for a meeting of the minds lol

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 2nd 2012, 7:54:55

Originally posted by MADMARK:
Maybe Boltar but that was different clans different day, remember we are not wog or dbd. Just because you dominate 1-2 clans the others may not be the same.

Dude I'm in WoG, they killed 4 WoG tags 3 FBI tags, 1 Jerk tag, 2 Lords tags and 3 DBD tags last set..... The FS advantage is huge in this server.

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 2nd 2012, 7:46:59

Damn that was a weak suicide attempt. I'm glad he deleted himself cuz that's embarrassing. I will talk to Assasin and make sure that the next person that suicides does it right. Sorry for the poor showing folks :(

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 2nd 2012, 7:45:07

WoG/Hippo will be FistPump next as Jersey Shore is back!

Hippo will be back in 3 sets. Lord Slayer wants a to be Slayers Angels and Pain wants Angels of Pain. Not sure which tag will have in 2 sets. But I'm going to vote for Galleries Peons

Boltar would u be interested in a Jersey Shore theme?


SuperFly Game profile


Jan 2nd 2012, 7:37:03

No idea what country is involved as i am posting from my phone but feel free to join us next set if you just want to mess around

WoG/FBI recruitment department

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 2nd 2012, 7:34:17

Feel free to join TSO or WoG next set if u don't feel like dying for the actions of your other teammates.

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 2nd 2012, 6:32:20

I am in Game C, let the bottom feeding begin.

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 1st 2012, 23:28:12

eww cross tag retaling

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 1st 2012, 18:27:58

i warned u guys. shame that the server lost all that land

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 31st 2011, 19:18:50

heh your stop on a dime. i was wondering who that was cuz I kept seeing you around me lol

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 31st 2011, 19:02:09

i thought a failed spy op was just cause for death?

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 31st 2011, 18:58:58

Originally posted by pele:

Tdoung, it is possible though to manage a set without beeing retaled. I did it awhile ago. But alot of luck is needed and i had so high def al set so i Didnt finish so well... Only like 15 mil or so :(

And i did lg ALOT, even had a hard time finding targets in the End (avoided al who i though would or could go for the retal)

I have had a few sets where no one bothers to retal me cuz I have had a large NW and deffence advantage. The key is bottomfeeding, go look at my news I have only hit really small targets and so far the only person to break me on a retal has been phreakers cuz he caught me on a double sell. My first batch of turrets had not sold @ $175 so I placed another batch @ $150 and he got me in that 45min where I only had 2.5mill turrets

btw, why is it so wrong to be good at only one strat? I love playing commie/indy in express, team and tourney cuz I love Soviet Russia (also love Soviet and Galleri). I just like limiting my skill set :P

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 31st 2011, 18:55:25

Originally posted by Boltar:
and we just keep getting stronger, even if country #'s dont go up, out quality does. :) <3 Superfly too

What do you mean I thought you picked up WoG/FBI as your netgaining teams after last sets epic battle lol

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 31st 2011, 18:53:44

Boltar I <3 u more as you have made me see the light.

WoG/FBI/Hippo FA
TSO Netgainer
Boltar Want Battle Drum Banger

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 31st 2011, 18:46:14

is it a d!ck in a box?

JJ brother, seriously dont poke TSO I am telling you from experiance they are a force that you dont want to mess with.

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 31st 2011, 18:19:07


SuperFly Game profile


Dec 31st 2011, 18:16:41

Originally posted by Trock:
anyone and everyone is welcome to FS xMx if you dare. Though I doubt any of you pussies dare to.

LOL, sounds like TSO just got themselves 5 minutes of fun cuz thats about all they need to tag kill 3 teams lol

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 31st 2011, 8:46:41

Originally posted by JJ23:
why. im in xMx and we finally have enough members between our 3 tags to make a statement.

im gonna start instituting the boltar way... dont like our rules, then fluff off. =)

JJ me and you are in good terms so I will say the following:

The only way on this server is TSO's (boltar's) way as they are now the ruliing power on this server.

This server once belonged to RD, then it belonged to WoG/FBI and now it belongs to TSO so you and the rest of xMx must bow down to TSO as they will let you play your country as long as they feel like it.

TSO layed a beating to WoG/FBI, DBD, Lords and Jerks all in one set, pretty sure they would wipeout your 3 tags with 4 of their 8 tags.

so play nice and stop retaling retals and farming people

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 31st 2011, 8:36:02

well we can always LG him at the end to bring hiw NW down and prevent him from winning another round of express..

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 31st 2011, 8:33:10

what a bunch of crap, VivaLuatioN atleast get your friend to send you a chem or a nuke to make your DRing less obvious. Or stick to retaling retals and then asking the server to LG or AB the people you ROR like you do in tourney....

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 31st 2011, 8:06:32

guess i need another deffence ally as the best of you (#126) is now dead

any one else looking for an ally? currently have 6mill turrets..

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 31st 2011, 1:25:33

just kill them all..

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 31st 2011, 1:25:19

just kill them, monks nets to much anyways

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 30th 2011, 19:54:34

Originally posted by crest23:
I forgot all about this. I could have blown the hinges off the Demo record. Damn you Superfly! LOL, just kidding, I still love you bro.

i wont be back to game a for along long time. ruined too many sets and got to many people mad at me this round. I will stick with KoH in game c and b

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 30th 2011, 7:39:17

nope im the big commie guy. whoever is superfly cant play better have a good set and finish lol

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 30th 2011, 7:23:05

please PM for my country #


SuperFly Game profile


Dec 27th 2011, 6:22:55

I like your recruitment method, farm him down and then tell him to join TSO or face death :P

btw Boltar, I have not seen you around IRC lately, miss u bud :)

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 25th 2011, 22:13:10

lol he is my ally

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 24th 2011, 15:31:43

Originally posted by crest23:
Worst set ever!

Agreed my country is a POS this round :(

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 23rd 2011, 6:44:56

hey Pain, i have deffence ally open if u want to ally :)

and btw i need tech allies in team

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 23rd 2011, 6:43:19

Does anyone know if Fatty owns this country?

Message from Makem say UGGGHHHHH (#82) sent on 12/23/2011 06:28:08
Report this message
when i get more turns im gonna fluff you up fluff just wait

I am about to throw my set away to kill this fluffer cuz I cant let this crap fly

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 23rd 2011, 5:47:02

what do you consider cheap? I just placed jets and turrets for $150 so that I can have cash to go LGing tomorrow morning :P

hey Diez, i have a deffence spot open if u want to ally me, currently have 1.4mill turrets (free spy op for all of you who want to LG :P) Will have 4million for you tomorrow morning :)

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 23rd 2011, 5:43:32

oh Deerhunter, what country do you own? I wouldnt mind keeping an eye on your progress as you are also a winner! Maybe I could learn a thing or two from you on how selling turrets for $100 right away is better than selling turrets for $150 2hrs later.

obviously I own #40, as invite all of my haters to hit me everyset lol

I R WoG SuperFly (#40)
Rank: 1
Networth: 2,995,481
Land: 11172
Successful Attack Percentage: 90%
Successful Defense Percentage: 66.67%

Edited By: SuperFly on Dec 23rd 2011, 5:51:44
See Original Post

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 23rd 2011, 5:40:08

Yes thanks I am a winner, I dont need you to tell me what I already now.

btw, if I would have been land grabbed I would have retaled for waay more than for what i was grabbed. For example check this land grab that was done on me earlier:

A brigade from Mandalore (#116) has invaded your lands!
Their forces broke through your defences!
They took:
10 Acres (19 Gained)
12 Buildings (5 Stolen)
20 Bushels
$48,302 Your military lost:
401 Turrets
Your defence allies lost:
1 Troops Their military lost:
250 Troops
242 Jets
170 Tanks

sweet, I got hit cuz I was soooo small holding my turns till my stuff sold. Guess what If #116 ever plays his turns I will PS him for probably 10x the land that he grabed from me?

so far every one that has grabbed me has been retaled by me and I am waaaay head on land and now NW btw lol

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 22nd 2011, 23:55:56

i have my turrets for sale @ $145 right now. They wont sell for a few hours but who cares once they sell, which they will, I will have made $25 more per turret so thats an extra $12.5mill in my pocket

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 21st 2011, 22:25:44

Originally posted by Armadillo:
Here is a better rule, don't dubble tap someone with 500k tanks. That's just asking for truble unless you have more yourself.

I 5 tapped a guy earlier this set but I had 700k tanks and 1.5 mill turrets for deffence. He has yet to hit me and I now have 900k tanks lol

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 21st 2011, 18:08:51

whats wrong with game A? It still seems like a good old time, very wild west game c style of game play. I can count 5 countries that have been ABed by 3 trouble makers in the last 72hrs.

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 21st 2011, 18:02:14

double tap at your own risk i say :P

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 21st 2011, 17:47:28

your single taps are huge though :P

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 21st 2011, 2:49:57

Pain is cheating!

Please dont ban me galleri, Pain is cheating on me in team server and its punishment enough :(