
SuperFly Game profile


Nov 23rd 2011, 16:48:30

can we atleast get a war dec or are we not worthy of some kind words?

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 23rd 2011, 6:06:18

i like KoH cuz he is the king of my heart. What type of war is this? netting or an actual war?

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 23rd 2011, 5:56:29




Date:Nov 23rd, 04:54

Message Body:
you posted you were going to run your I R Wog Superfly in Express.

I see you let us all down again.

Run that country coward.

Keep your meager POS word.


You had to be an idiot to think I would seriously get in on the receiving end of a gangbang by using I R WoG SuperFly lol

I will however gladly nail Fatty or the other 2 loser from last set if someone gives up their country numbers this round :)

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 23rd 2011, 5:53:53

what side is fatty on? I am against him as always.

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 23rd 2011, 5:19:05

haha yea I fa'ed some of you guys in allaince and now I need FA lol

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 23rd 2011, 4:23:33

iScode, u didnt know that TSO was going to FS WoG?

That was their plan since the war we had last set lol

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 23rd 2011, 4:22:17

i like that MKR is back, more farm land for us :)

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 22nd 2011, 14:24:07

Scodey my homie why didn't u tag up with WoG?

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 21st 2011, 20:09:46

Originally posted by diez:
TSO? Jerks? lol

Jerks is playing with WoG. We are here to deffend all the netters and small teams now :)

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 21st 2011, 5:08:58

snawdog, was the guy that we killed last set :(

sorry Snawdog

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 20th 2011, 23:54:45

KoH, what do you mean my team server attitude is to blame? The cross server stuff is bull fluff. I'm not the big bad bully of team server, ask everyone who started playing team under my leadership at WoG. We would net peacefully and DNH'ed every one. Then WoG and FBI merged so Zen and LS took over and we warred every set since. The hate for WoG is also unjustified as we have never gone out of our way to kill net gainers for no reason as was the case with TOS last set. On the contrary we helped the 5 man tags of Fist, Lords and Jerks last set. We finally got to play the white night role in defense of the netgainers and when we tag kill a team of 5 it's becuase that team has gone out of their way to piss us off with topfeeds, rors, etc..

The only player that I have personally been a fluff to along with all of WoG is Fatty. Which is why I hoped he was one of the 3 guys who hit me becuase he deserves some retribution and #12 pistol preacher is his type of country and style of play :)

Edited By: SuperFly on Nov 20th 2011, 23:58:29
See Original Post

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 20th 2011, 22:32:28

Message from Pistol Packin Preacher (#12) sent on 11/20/2011 18:03:41

Report this message
Ur hunted.

Enjoy the swatter.

BTW your meak attempt to br me was restored easily.

You were OWNED.

Run your cheese dik I R wog superfly country next set either in or out of GDI and your dead.

Your on our kill list you loser.

Ok there little buddy, In case you dont login before the reset is over, looks like #131 and your self are once again left with 90% of your land unbuilt after I BR'ed you both.

#70, my hat comes off to you, as I could not really do anything to your country other than the hand full of missles that I sent you way.

see u 3 losers, who hid their identities next set :)

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 20th 2011, 15:58:02


SuperFly Game profile


Nov 20th 2011, 3:55:21

I'll run I R WoG SuperFly next express round sans GDI as I am up for some fun :)

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 20th 2011, 2:35:26

Originally posted by snawdog:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
I play express on and off and I generally do ok, just look at my profile lol

If you do any is because you hide...
Believe that ,Arse your ability..

So snawdog, do you post your country name every set? Or do you hide aswell?

Becuase I have not seen any posts by your saying "hey this is my country" come get some. So dont accuse me of hiding lol

in allaince my country name is always I R WoG SuperFly, in express and tourney I always use some random country name. In team server everyone knows that the servers #1 commie is owned by me, especially if it is tagged WoG/FBI lol

I would not say that I "hide" all that well and currently in express I am now fighting a 3 vs 1 and pretty soon It will be 2vs1 as I have almost killed idiot boy who ABed me :)

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 20th 2011, 1:36:18

I play express on and off and I generally do ok, just look at my profile lol

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 19th 2011, 15:33:26

Want to war? We have 2 spots left in WoG

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 19th 2011, 15:22:57

went over my news you are correct, I thought I did that in alliance not tourney. It's ok though that Theo did a wicked retal lol

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 19th 2011, 6:47:26

Oh well atleast i still have the good country in tourney lol

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 19th 2011, 6:39:54

Haha that's fatty? How awesome, he is going to be so happy to have abed me. This will probably be the poor bastards happiest day this month lol.

Guess it was also my fault for not joIning GDI I guess or having 500k tanks on hand lol

Edited By: SuperFly on Nov 19th 2011, 6:42:04
See Original Post

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 19th 2011, 6:27:12

So I was peacefully minding my own business this round playing country La Gente Esta Muy Loca (#93). Made 2 LGs and 4 retals and I am now a parking lot becuase some one ABed the owner of #131 last round....

I seriously hope that #131 is owned by one of my many team server haters to atleast give him the satisfaction that he ruined my country.

Message from WxHawk (#131) sent on 11/19/2011 05:43:30
Report this message
fyi...7239 buildings destroyed for no reason but to inflict pain on your good game. You might consider developing a few tanks on the next reset. Something similar happened to me last time and I have to admit, I feel better now! Reply


SuperFly Game profile


Nov 19th 2011, 5:27:53

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
I grab every one once and move on to the next guy.

I did just get raped for 1.7k acreas over a 240a PS that I made lol

Lol,that's cuz this ain't Team Server....

Ya it sucks that I dont have my personal army to kill off all the people that I LG on this server :(

its like express, I play all alone and deep down I wish that half of the server was on my side lol

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 18th 2011, 20:08:05

I grab every one once and move on to the next guy.

I did just get raped for 1.7k acreas over a 240a PS that I made lol

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 17th 2011, 19:52:50

Ingen på denna tråd har testikel mod att kämpa ganska en mot en. förresten hela denna inlärning av svenska languange är en barnlek när du har Google Translator på yourside

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 17th 2011, 19:48:49

Du kan alla gå och hoppa från en bro!

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 17th 2011, 17:38:29

can we recruit some of your warmongers?

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 17th 2011, 17:38:05

sweet 8 tags, that looks like fun work for the FA department

*hides from Pain*

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 16th 2011, 4:24:15

so TSO, please give up his number as soon as he tags up.


SuperFly Game profile


Nov 15th 2011, 15:26:32

Thats right we are accepting applications for the next 24 hours only. If you are interested in joining please messsage Lord Slayer or myself.


WoG/FBI Trouble Maker

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 5:34:54

becuase your restart is automatically tagged up. Once you join a tag you are stuck in that tag for the whole reset. Dont matter if you die or self delete (fatty style) you still restart in that same tag :)

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 11th 2011, 3:08:58

Ravi my good man. Come back to Team server. Your awesomeness is required at WoG/FBI!

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 10th 2011, 14:50:57

Can someone post war stats? I'm to incompetent to do it :(

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 8th 2011, 15:07:12

If any DBDers want to war next set join WoG/FBI

thanks :)

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 8th 2011, 4:47:15

Fatty was in TSO?


SuperFly Game profile


Nov 8th 2011, 3:36:49

Holly F Batman, no wonder you said show up with all turns or get booted from WoG.

SuperFly dont want battle???

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 8th 2011, 3:16:35

Honey and fire ants?

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 7th 2011, 22:55:20

Ill take you on 1vs1 in tourney or express if you wish.

However this is team and it is not an individual server, so yes I will have my boys and my girl Galleri splitting your head and you ass W I D E open lol

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 7th 2011, 20:24:20

where does this crest guy play? I will go LG him and then have WoG kill him so he can come and cry on the boards for us to stop

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 7th 2011, 20:23:17

naked spelling bee!

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 7th 2011, 20:13:44

Originally posted by crest23:

If you really do go for it, I predict that in less than 60 minutes after you make that claim Lord Slayer AND SuperFly WILL both come here crying. Cos all that tough tslk they've been doing will fly out the window.

Crest, I'll have fun with you 1vs1 if you like. You are probably the guy from TSO that keeps LGing me/us anyways so why not. I'll take you on if you like...

oh and Boltar want battle btw

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 7th 2011, 13:17:57

I'm surprised that DBD didn't want to war. They have been the biggest team on this server forever.

Oh well so who will the fine folks at TSO fight with now?

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 6th 2011, 3:56:49

i miss detmer also, he was wicked!

Zen+Detmer=wicked fun times

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 6th 2011, 3:55:43

guys its a trap. these are the countrys that Boltar will rape first. Hide your kids!

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 6th 2011, 2:55:04

I just send you an email and I got an automated reply that told me to go fluff myself. that is very rude considering I was inviting you to drink beers tonight...

Back on topic, I am ready to LG and kill everyone...

I triple dog dare anyone to LG Boltar or ViLSE!

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 6th 2011, 2:08:30

Lets all dine in hell!

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 5th 2011, 5:24:40

Just a heads up to everyone, WoG will be policing this war. Any 3rd party that LGs either side of this war will be killed by WoG/FBI right away.

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 5th 2011, 2:48:53

i bet they FS everyone at once

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 4th 2011, 4:45:46

Originally posted by ViLSE:
Hmm, we dont really need the help Boltar but thanks for offering. DBD is perfectly capabale of defending itself if need be.


Them words sound aggressive, I demand a PPV event. I want to see ViLSE vs Boltar in a topless jello wrestling match!

I think DBD should have an arranged war with TSO and WoG will police any hits that others do on either tag. By police we mean kill your tag of course :)

Or Lords 4 teams could join MKR's 3 teams and xMx's 3 teams and any other teams that have been oppressed by WoG or TSO and FS TSO and WoG/FBI. Just imagine how cool it would be to have Lords and the good guys tag kill The bad guys that are WoG and TSO