
Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 9th 2010, 3:21:26

I miss the good ole days when people posted pages of discussion on strategies... or even just random math problems.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 9th 2010, 3:18:05

How is that out of whack? You were 4m+ larger than him, so your gains were less than when he hit and you were only .5m different. The closer the two networths, the greater the gains.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 10th 2010, 3:09:13

I think this is another display issue. I was trying to play on IE6 with some advice from others, but the screen never seemed to update. AKA, I explored, and it told me I gained acres and food, but then I went to build, and nothing had changed, I was at the same turns, money and food. So I explored again, and I got a new acreage and different food lost, yet the main menu and building screens had not updated that (nor the header that lists turns/money/food).

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 9th 2010, 10:21:32

So there's no hope for IE6 users? I'm traveling, and the hostels mostly have only IE6, I can't see below the status screen on the main page, so I can't see any news. On the Building page, it cuts off halfway down so I can't build construction sites or even press the button (though enter works).

It's pretty much unplayable like this. If you're not planning (or it's not worth the effort, seeing as how IE6 is no longer officially supported), could there be an option that reverts the view back to the old style (which I assume works)? At least in the short term? My turns are storing up =P

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 7th 2010, 8:42:32

On the topic though, I've logged in before when it said 18.1 and 18.2 hours since last log in, and it only gave me three turns. I felt very ripped off.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 5th 2010, 6:03:15

But then the turn bonus becomes part of the skill? You have to know when to take it and when to leave it.

Also, the more dedicated you are, you can get extra turns by logging in every 18 hours exactly and not just once a day.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 27th 2010, 3:24:15

Well that was lame. You said we could perform retals, so we did. Your player logs in to see he has lost 3x the land he gained from us and then goes nuts and starts ABing.

According to what you told me, he thus loses tag status. When we AB him to the ground for his acts of war, 5 Rag players from 3 tags all with NW 5x larger than us start the kill runs. Way to cheapen the game. A legit group of small players using retals according to YOUR rules then gets tag killed for being successful.

What is the point of team server if it is just going to be bully alliances vs 3 players anyways? If I wanted that, I would have joined a small group on alliance server. What a joke.

[This is a few days late, but logging into the forum was giving me sql errors for the last week or so.]

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2010, 18:21:04

That has happened to me before too, I'll send you the details by PM, but it has happened on most defends, though when I am the ally, it shows my losses, so I assumed it was a display bug rather than a calculation error.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2010, 17:38:16

Okay, well I'll tell my guys no more special attacks, but this also happened today:

2010-07-20 03:01:28 SS IDrinkYourMilkshake (#28) Ragnarok Blablabla (#181) xRFx 36A (93A)
2010-07-20 03:01:26 SS IDrinkYourMilkshake (#28) Ragnarok Blablabla (#181) xRFx 45A (118A)
2010-07-20 03:01:13 SS IDrinkYourMilkshake (#28) Ragnarok Blablabla (#181) xRFx 47A (120A)
2010-07-20 03:01:09 SS IDrinkYourMilkshake (#28) Ragnarok Blablabla (#181) xRFx 48A (122A)

So there may be some retals headed your way. Thanks for the discussion.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2010, 17:27:51

RD isn't quite on the same Alliance policy as most =P

Plus, how are non-alliance players supposed to learn? When I send a retal, I'll send a message, but for farm tags, no one tells them what is or isn't acceptable and the big guys multi-tap everyone into oblivion until they quit anyways.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2010, 17:19:22

Acts of war in Alliance server, but honestly so is 6 tap, or at least with escalating retals it might as well be. In team/primary/tourny, smaller players do not know the netiquette and often can rely only on special attacks to defend themselves. =/

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2010, 17:09:31

The simple solution would be to count everything as the networth it is worth and have a separate war networth. Technically you could do it without any extra information which could somehow be reverse engineered. Networth before the attack, then after. The database then just adds it up and you could have it tracking for individual players even, so there could be individual and alliance ranking for it. Too simplistic?

It would be funny to see which alliance has the highest War ANW, aka literally the most destructive alliance. Though depending on land gains, some of the big farmers might still be pretty high up there.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2010, 16:56:05

Ah, I think you may be missing out on the first part where Rag 6 striked one of our members to begin with.

2010-07-13 02:48:23 SS IDrinkYourMilkshake (#28) Ragnarok Blablabla (#181) xRFx 12A (31A)
2010-07-13 02:48:23 SS IDrinkYourMilkshake (#28) Ragnarok Blablabla (#181) xRFx 19A (50A)
2010-07-13 02:48:22 SS IDrinkYourMilkshake (#28) Ragnarok Blablabla (#181) xRFx 19A (50A)
2010-07-13 02:48:21 SS IDrinkYourMilkshake (#28) Ragnarok Blablabla (#181) xRFx 24A (64A)
2010-07-13 02:48:20 SS IDrinkYourMilkshake (#28) Ragnarok Blablabla (#181) xRFx 25A (65A)
2010-07-13 02:48:19 SS IDrinkYourMilkshake (#28) Ragnarok Blablabla (#181) xRFx 25A (67A)

Then the next 6 strikes in 36 hours.

2010-07-17 18:36:47 SS Top Cat (#82) Rag2 Imagination Land (#180) xRFx DH
2010-07-17 18:36:22 SS Top Cat (#82) Rag2 Imagination Land (#180) xRFx 64A (131A)

2010-07-19 01:34:41 PS Top Cat (#82) Rag2 Imagination Land (#180) xRFx 107A (229A)
2010-07-19 01:33:09 SS Top Cat (#82) Rag2 Imagination Land (#180) xRFx 92A (197A)
2010-07-19 01:32:54 SS Top Cat (#82) Rag2 Imagination Land (#180) xRFx 95A (201A)
2010-07-19 01:32:29 SS Top Cat (#82) Rag2 Imagination Land (#180) xRFx DH

All of our attacks have been provoked, and 6 attacks is a lot more an act of war than a failed GS/BR from someone new to the game trying to figure out how it works.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2010, 7:46:37

I think they would still get that chance to learn, because this is just the most basic introduction. Plus, they can still build however they want to build, they don't have to follow the adviser, but it's the typical advice given even in the wiki, but more focused so they will not have to spend several days of reading just to know how to spend their first turns.

It's like when you first learn cooking, you start with a recipe, and when you get more experienced you can change things to your taste and eventually create your own. However, if you just start throwing things randomly together, maybe you'll have fun, but it is doubtful you'll ever arrive at anything palatable.

But I do understand what you're saying, and maybe it's not a good idea for EE, but I thought I'd throw it out here to see what people think so thanks for getting the ball rolling.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2010, 5:45:24

Oh additionally, the reward could be something that leads into the next learning phase. Maybe reward them with 100 tech beneficial to whichever strategy they chose to follow. Then it could be mentioned that technology is good, and they should produce it or better yet buy it if they are not specialized for research.

And after their first defend, some small notes could be mentioned about that being a part of the game and different ways to prevent it (more defense, higher networth/land). If there was an automatic attack as part of that, which they could then spy and retal, that could be a great additional learning tool, though that may present some programming difficulties.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2010, 5:37:14

I know that EE is looking to get into the Facebook market and there will be lots of new players. I know in other games I have played which are looking to increase their market, they made the game more friendly by implementing a challenge quest in the beginning which would teach some of the basic concepts and perhaps give goals and/or rewards for small accomplishments.

There could be some companion on one of the sides that makes the suggestions like: building CS, specializing (maybe have them choose farmer, casher, indy and then give them realistic goals), exploring, attacking, selling on the market (public/private), etc... all the things that experienced players know to do, but without making them have to search the wiki. It doesn't need to be perfect, and it doesn't have to be turn by turn instructions.

For example, have the companion (make it earth related somehow, a top adviser?) suggest that by turn 99 they should have X CS and Y Farms, make mention that protection will be gone after that and they should prepare defense. Show that they can sell on their private market for cash in the beginning. I'm sure the different alliances who have trainers could easily come up with a few different scenarios, and then at the end, give them a small bonus such as cash/turns/increased production.

If primary server is going to be where most new players are sent, you could have it just there, at least for testing purposes and see how it goes. I think this way new players will easily learn some of the basics and be more enticed to stay and learn the more advanced topics.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 20th 2010, 5:24:50

We have an issue with one of your members, if you could post contacts here or message me in the forum, thanks. (no icq unfortunately)