
Thomas Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 23:02:21

[quote poster=Detmer]
Thomas µ [War-VP]

Alliance: Collab
Server: Earth Council
Posts: 2603
*Best restart - 755 Hits, 203,024 civs - Feb-Mar '10*
Jun 18, 2010 5:54 AM

I made it clear at the end of last set I was going to farm them. [/quote]

Thomas µ [War-VP]

Alliance: Collab
Server: Earth Council
Posts: 2713
[Best restart - 755 Hits, 203,024 civs - Feb-Mar '10]
Jun 22, 2010 5:45 PM
I probably shouldn't have made that comment. Yes I have hit them, but I don't have a vendetta against PDM. There is history between them and I stemming from when I was a Senate member there. I wouldn't have waited three or four resets or however long it has been to go after them if those were really my intentions.

I've grabbed them but I've also hit Rogue and several others. Land is scarce and so we have had to hit the countries we can. As AxA said, once he pointed out the amount of attacks we made on them, that I wasn't even aware of, we slowed down drastically. It would have stayed that way had #195 not started double tapping countries that were not the aggressors, rather than retalling the hits on their tag which he had every right to do.

The last thing we want to do is force players off this server. I actually had a conversation with Rolangunslinger from PDM a few days ago about this very issue. I didn't have any intentions on following through with my comment about farming them, otherwise there would be a lot more attacks by me on their tag. I talk a lot and a lot of it is usually just hot air.

I'd like to talk with you in private if we could.


I guess this post didn't help your cause so it was left out.

But lets talk about how Thomas planned to farm PDM all along, and not that PDM wasn't wise enough to create tag protection. Find me an alliance that won't take advantage of free land.

Edited By: NukEvil on Jun 29th 2010, 0:00:19
See Original Post

Thomas Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 18:45:40

You know, you guys take Lost Lovers word for too much. I said I was going to farm you guys every damn reset and I never did. This set I actually wanted land, and so I was grabbing from the beginning. Land is more scarce this set than it usually is, and so you guys were the unlucky ones.

Now lets look at this... Lost Lovers said I planned to farm you guys. Yeah I made that post. I also made an explanation to that post when the issue came up, but he didn't relay that to you of course. What he did give you was my country information, so nice of him. The country information that got me topfed by your guys and suicided on by an unknown NAer, how convenient.

Look at my news. I didn't start hitting PDM out of the gate. I hit untaggeds, crap tags, and then hit Rogue. But the big thing here is that I stayed clear of Rogue after they put a big ass retal on me. I knew if I hit them again I would get retalled just as hard, so it was pointless to grab them for land I wasn't going to be able to keep.

On the other hand, PDM had NO commie indies and no retal-capable countries. It was easy land, on a land scarce server. You can chalk it up to me planning to farm you guys all you want, if that's what makes you feel better. But if you can think rationally for 5 minutes you would see what I saw. It's not really my fault that you guys didn't organize things on your end at the beginning of the set, if you had you would have had a couple of Commie Indies heavy on the Jets to retal. And none of this would have happened.

Whether it was me or someone else in Collab or someone else in an entirely different tag, you guys were going to lose a lot of land because of your inability to retal.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 18:25:03

We could do an organized KR on you if you think you can wall so well, rather than doing offline targets :P

Thomas Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 9:12:06

I'm going to have sex with Drow on the battlefield.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 2:57:31

There's my pal Wari...

... So what's the gameplan? Going to lead the men to an all Stir Rebellion attack? Or maybe it's going to be a mass Cause Dissension and Bomb Airbase attack. The best offense is a good defense approach?

Thomas Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 1:20:23


Thomas Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 0:39:58

Have Wari fire up the All-SR Counter Strike.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 0:30:03

I find it funny that you can say Collab is afraid of PDM, when Collab took on SoL 1 on 1 and beat them, despite them having more countries than us.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 28th 2010, 0:22:36

Thank you, please come back soon!

Thomas Game profile


Jun 26th 2010, 16:07:21

I just spoke with Bug on MSN briefly but he's heading to bed.

is his MSN.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 26th 2010, 9:59:47

Check the news on #222 and now #708, who is allied to #222. Killing of #222 and some serious reps are in order.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 26th 2010, 4:29:17

Who is doing FA for you guys these days? Can't find contacts posted here and you don't seem to have a public Boxcar page.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 26th 2010, 1:06:58

Hmmmm, pretty weird that your alliance with this unknown person just happened to be canceled after the AB hits on me. Also interesting is that he kept all his other pacts.

But you don't know who it is....

And my fluff is the size of Ron Jeremy's.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 26th 2010, 0:45:59

Originally posted by TAN:
Originally posted by Thomas:
So who AB'd my country?

I know TAN knows.


I had to look through the news to confirm:

Jun 25/10 7:56:02 PM AB ONE MORE TIME FOR THE LAST TIME (#222) () French Fries in Kemos Pooper (#29) (SancTots) 91 B
Jun 25/10 7:56:00 PM AB ONE MORE TIME FOR THE LAST TIME (#222) () French Fries in Kemos Pooper (#29) (SancTots) 93 B

hahahaha poor Thomas. i could make a pretty good guess who that is, but sadly, i can't be certain.

You sure you want to follow through with this lie, TAN? Think it through and get back to me.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 26th 2010, 0:45:25

Not really since you had your buddy suicide on me.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 25th 2010, 20:39:14

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
"FULL FORCE RETALIATION against a clan won't do anything."

I actually really disagree with this point Slag. I've found it to be a highly effective method of getting larger alliances to back off. When they did back off they got left alone as well. If you zombie terrorize them long enough they will eventually come to the negotiating table and leave you alone or work out some amicable arrangements.

Or they'll just go to full blown war.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 25th 2010, 20:32:13

So who AB'd my country?

I know TAN knows.

Edited By: Thomas on Jun 25th 2010, 20:32:25
See Original Post

Thomas Game profile


Jun 25th 2010, 0:40:47

Drow - Contacting us before your own President decides to continually double tap and RoR would be a good idea as well.

ORKIN - I just saw the news, I'll get in contact with the guy who did it.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 6:42:54

If offending country top feeds, they will be ass raped.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 6:42:12

lets have sex, wari

Edited By: Thomas on Jun 24th 2010, 6:44:31

Thomas Game profile


Jun 24th 2010, 6:09:15

My inept war department had a successful war against SoL two resets ago didn't it?

Thomas Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 20:17:41

Originally posted by wari:
You're a turncoat idiot powermongering douchebag with no real skill who would have *NEVER* gotten a chance to be put in power in a real alliance if *I, and I alone* hadn't made the (WORST) decision (EVER) to give you that chance.

Funny, I thought the worst decision you made was the AB FS on SoF in week 5. Or maybe the LG FS on LaF.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 23rd 2010, 3:42:31

Who is TGD anyways?

Thomas Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 21:59:52


I'm not sure why you think I have this big vendetta against PDM. I don't care about you guys, nor do I have intentions on hurting your tag.

Did I do so when I left PDM in the first place? No.

Am I trying to do so now? No.

Would there be a point in doing so several sets after I left PDM? No.

Did I try to recruit members away from PDM? No.

Are there any other PDM members in Collab? Yes. Joe, who I talked into joining us AFTER he left PDM and stopped playing completely.

You're right, I'm purposely trying to screw you guys over. It's my goal in life to hurt PDM. Considering the only person I ever had a problem with was Wari, who was and still is a jackass. I don't even know if he's still playing anymore.

Our guys hit you, you have every right to retal the countries that hit you. But constantly double tapping other countries not involved because you're pissed off isn't going to fly. And considering this was your President that did this speaks for itself. He, above anybody else, should know how to handle these situations.

Rolan, as he told me, isn't even a leader in PDM, yet he contacted us. We never received any contact from Drow or Bodyman. Had he talked to us we may have been able to work something out that kept his country alive. Instead, he decided to take a different route which I'm sure he understood wasn't going to be acceptable to us.

Edited By: Thomas on Jun 22nd 2010, 22:07:05

Thomas Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 17:55:54

AxA made a post to slow down the attacks on you guys before anybody started hitting back and without FA contact. So you guys can say whatever you would like.

To be honest, I had no idea we were hitting you guys so much, I wasn't paying attention, and I stopped hitting except for #195.

But thanks for the kind words TAN and Balin.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 17:54:51

[W-I] AxAlar [Pres]

Alliance: Collab
Server: Earth Council
Posts: 2588

Jun 18, 2010 2:59 AM
We've farmed them a bit too hard in the last 72 hours.
ICQ: 167324517
AIM: I The Brandon

Thomas Game profile


Jun 22nd 2010, 3:21:25

We certainly tried to avoid this. The last thing we want is to push more people out of this game, but we certainly won't allow anybody to continue to do this to our guys.

Edited By: Thomas on Jun 22nd 2010, 3:29:35

Thomas Game profile


Jun 18th 2010, 6:43:43

LaF isn't going to stop the farming, so unless you do something about it (like kill or maim the guy), talking about it accomplishes nothing.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 16th 2010, 1:30:03

Originally posted by Mr Midnight:
maybe you are being treated like landfarms because you ARE landfarms

That was a funny post :)

Thomas Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 23:01:48

People complained about a lack of land. So they re-introduced ghost acres. Now with this crap going on, you really think they're going to be here to stay if this crap becomes more widespread? Nope... and then we'll have less land than we currently have.

As for FA'ing and doing buyouts. I think that is just as unethical and lame and won't condone it, nor have I when such things have been mentioned inside Collab.

Originally posted by Mr. Lime:
everybody here is so pro mouthing the phrases and yet those that follow that up with actual action are so far and few between

Is that an invitation?

Thomas Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 21:42:53

Attacking News report showed 10 PS but when you click on his country it showed 5. It double reported them.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 21:34:39

Originally posted by Mr. Lime:
i don't see how i abused jack sh1t...look at the numbers...not only did it not work like we had hoped i believe now we should have waited till 15k acres to try this..but our expenses were astronomically higher then a all explore rep.

But yet you guys continue to do it.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 6:21:39

That name fits you well, chump.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 3:44:46


Thomas Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 3:33:43

Nevermind, apparently the Attacking News report is buggy.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 15th 2010, 3:31:25

It used to be where if you sent 5 PS within 18 hours, you couldnt do another form of attack until one of them came back. Just saw someone do 10 straight PS. Is this a bug or was it changed and never mentioned?

Thomas Game profile


Jun 12th 2010, 5:49:24

#31 decided to suicide me for no reason. He's now protected by humanitarians from me with 110 total land. 11 LGs kills him.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 4th 2010, 4:21:49

Alliance: Collaboration
Tag: SancTots

Thomas Game profile


Jun 3rd 2010, 1:09:59

#6 is Charles. If you couldn't figure it out by his name.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 3rd 2010, 1:09:31

You sure have a funny way of recruiting.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 20:48:46

I could.

Just douchebags ruining this game even more by being pricks for no reason.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 15:25:10

3 of the countries went inactive. Another one decided he was going to suicide because he was pissed. I wasn't aware that any of them were even active anymore. I don't keep tabs on these guys, I only knew of 2 of the guys in the team. And obviously his actions were 100% separate from mine as I haven't made any grabs on Wrath.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 5:09:34

I grabbed an RDer. Got retalled worse, 1 time. That was the end of it.

Thomas Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 5:08:08

So kill #7. What's the point in hitting me?

Thomas Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 4:52:12

Red Wings hit someone. Since when was it acceptable to suicide someone else in the tag?

Red Wings hit country A. Country B retals me. Do you guys subscribe to some other retal practice that nobody else does?

Thomas Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 3:43:55

Haha.. so Red Wings NM'd your guy and you decided to AB and bomb my airbases why? Since when did you retal a DIFFERENT COUNTRY?


Thomas Game profile


Jun 2nd 2010, 3:39:08

That just suicided on me for no reason?