
WaterTower Game profile

New Member

Dec 18th 2013, 9:00:51

Look toward Haiti and indeed all of Africa. Those blaming European colonialism can consider Ethiopia, which was never colonized.

WaterTower Game profile

New Member

Dec 12th 2013, 15:02:53

Too many Africans even for all White liberal women in Europe and the U.S.

WaterTower Game profile

New Member

Dec 10th 2013, 12:51:58

-The advance fee fraud (aka. Nigerian Scam) is the number two industry in Nigeria behind oil. Which makes Nigeria less desperately poor than its neighbors.
-Ethiopia was never under colonization or control by any nation, but it suffers from the same ills affecting the rest of Africa.
-Life expectancy has fallen by twelve years in South Africa since Mandela was released, mostly due to the policies of his political party.

...More to come...

WaterTower Game profile

New Member

Dec 6th 2013, 5:08:36

-Life Expectancy of South Africa declines by 10 years
-Main commercial center of South Africa virtually abandoned
-Blacks and whites are worse off by almost any measure (HDI for example)

Very similar to what has happened to Detroit.

WaterTower Game profile

New Member

Dec 6th 2013, 4:32:43

And during his rule, the life expectancy of South Africa falls by 10 years.

His party, the ANC, blamed AIDS as the direct result of discrimination and poverty (aka. the white man's evils) rather than the HIV virus.

Both blacks and whites were better off under his predecessors.

WaterTower Game profile

New Member

Dec 5th 2013, 22:57:37

Since his rise to power, the life expectancy of South Africa has fallen ten years, in part because of Mandela's party blaming AIDs on factors other than a virus. The centers of South Africa's major cities have also rotted out. Johannesburg's downtown was at one time almost abandoned by business, just like Detroit was, and for the same reasons.

WaterTower Game profile

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Dec 1st 2013, 3:09:07

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Dec 1st 2013, 3:08:25

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Dec 1st 2013, 3:07:59

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Dec 1st 2013, 3:07:32