


Nov 24th 2013, 2:40:33

This explains the "success" of Asians in America.



Nov 24th 2013, 2:26:36

Detroit, the Banlieues of France, indolence in almost every black community will now expand!



Oct 1st 2013, 0:58:57

It is time to treat humans like any other species.

For the dog species, some breeds are more intelligent than others. Some can pull sleds better. Some can track and hunt better.



Sep 14th 2013, 21:43:58

White women, of course, are producing children for blacks on a factory scale at this day and age.



Sep 14th 2013, 12:39:45

There are virtually no rapes reported of black women by white men. It numbers between zero to five per year, while rapes of white women by black men number in the tens of thousands.



Jul 20th 2013, 17:29:13

More race baiting. But we did finally get the change he promised.



Jul 20th 2013, 17:26:51

Anyone who plays chess knows that one of the biggest criticism of the game is that players spend too much time memorizing the opening. As a result, a few variants such as Capablanca Chess or Chess960 was developed to add excitement to the game. It could be said that most Champions play some chess variant at least part of the time. (In fact, Capablanca chess was invented by Jose Capablanca and Chess960 by Bobby Fischer.)

If something similar were done to earth, interest would undoubtedly be revived.

-New building types such as power plant and hospital are added and removed periodically. Interesting new effects such as new market dynamics, new spy ops, and attacks.
-Game length changed every time for at least one server. Too many people are basing their games on reset length. If FFA ranged every time from 2 to 4 months, there would be more ways to play. More uncertainty.
-Attack gains would sometimes be based on amount of forces sent. This would force people to have some military in FFA.
-New units added. For example, Kamikaze which all die in an attack, but cost only $40 and have the power of jets.

All these factors change randomly in each reset, much how the pieces change position in Chess960.



Jul 19th 2013, 6:51:04

Very similar situation happening to most of the midwest. In no other place in the world do you see city centers completely rotted out with a ring of suburbs to sustain some semblance of economic and social activity.

It's not hard to think of the reasons why, which is immediately censored by the political correctness police. Harlem, Gary, St. Louis, etc are all rotting. Denver, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, Minneapolis are not. But in time they will be given current trends.



Jul 4th 2013, 14:18:38

I think everyone will think it would be fun, not to mention the ability to test radical changes.



Jul 4th 2013, 0:30:54

As Earth was the game I grew up with, it is saddening to see FFA dwindled so far from its heyday. The following are reasons for the decline

Divide between the haves and have-nots
Sounds familiar in certain real societies, doesn't it? Big clans hold all the power in FFA. Newcomers are treated badly and suffer serious reprisals for minor offenses. Unspoken rules and game etiquette are hard to learn. It is almost impossible to net even to the top 10 as 16 member tags.

Concentration of techers
Once upon a time, it was possible to get enough of a head start as a industrialist so that the techers wouldn't ever be able to catch up. A lot of people will remember the fat 60k land indies 10 years ago that the 20k land techers couldn't outgrow (anyone remember Hapnam Kinship?). In all the time I've played earth, techer vs indy was probably the most exciting race to watch or participate in. It was the proverbial turtle vs hare. But now, the turtle runs as fast as the hare.

The reason is simple. With record low military costs for techers due to landfarming, it is possible to have 0 military across the board. The demand for military for most of a set doesn't even compare to the demand for tech and food. The land advantage that commies used to be able to achieve just isn't there anymore.

No matter what is said about how people should be able to use their own countries in whatever way they desire, this is one of the most serious problems of the game. Attacking other people is just not even close to as effective as landfarming. The major element of aggression is now solely directed to newcomers and 16 member tags who are helpless.

And unlike in real societies, the helpless can simply leave and never come back.

Edited By: Watertowers on Jul 4th 2013, 0:36:15
See Original Post



Feb 3rd 2013, 0:35:19

Truth is, South Africa was thriving until the black took over. Now AIDs and crime are rampant. The black president Mbeki refused to admit AIDs was caused by HIV.

South Africa provides an important historical lesson, as the efforts of an entire world to stifle the country was not able to prevent a white ruled country from exceeding, in every way, all its black peers combined.



Feb 3rd 2013, 0:31:03




Feb 2nd 2013, 10:50:15

I'm not very strong at warfare, so I'm looking for a netting clan.



Jul 24th 2012, 8:14:13



Jul 24th 2012, 7:36:02

Dragon, I am intrigued by your definition of "evil" and the people who you mention who perpetrate it.

Julian Huxley, first director of UNESCO said, "of all the outlets for altruism, eugenics is most comprehensive and of longest range". William Shockley, perhaps the most important electrical engineer in history echoed those sentiments.

So what is evil? Is it telling the truth, or is it burying one's head in the sand...



Jul 23rd 2012, 10:42:23

Liberia was founded by American slaves. Even though they have a history of enslaving fellow blacks, they are poor even by African standards.

Which reminds me of another similar country which experienced the world's first slave revolt and first black rule.

Edited By: Warster on Jul 24th 2012, 9:18:22
See Original Post



Jul 23rd 2012, 10:41:41

was founded by American slaves. Even though they have a history of enslaving fellow blacks, they are poor even by African standards.

Which reminds me of another similar country which experienced the world's first slave revolt and first black rule.



Jul 16th 2012, 14:55:42

Another pretty politically incorrect video to go along with the daily political correctness.

Disclaimer: I do not agree with either political correctness or the political incorrectness of the videos, but the two in tandem provide a nice contrast.



Jun 26th 2012, 12:09:56

I think most Americans need to spend a year or two in any dilapidated Midwestern City to understand what the problem is. Why is it that no matter how much money, resources, charities, etc. etc. etc is poured into Detroit, Flint, or Africa for that matter, nothing changes, just more reproduction?

And when British are put into a new land with no support whatsoever, they manage to build Australias.



Jun 23rd 2012, 14:06:01

Quite similar to what has happened to Africa for the past 50 years isn't it?



Jun 12th 2012, 14:26:33

Which city name is the best?

d)Los Mexceles

Which is the best name of a new president?


Now onto the real deal... Which of the following is false?

a)Mohammed is the most common baby name in Great Britain
b)Nigeria will have a population of over 700 million by 2100 according to the UN
c)I.Q. differences remain among blacks and whites raised by the same family.
d)Incomes of biracial children fall almost exactly between those of the races of their parents.

I will release the answers later



Jun 8th 2012, 21:07:59

I was not trying to be unpopular, polarizing, racist, or offensive... just adding interesting videos that people don't commonly see. And people respect that.



Jun 8th 2012, 19:26:06

Due to the positive message I got from posting the first video, I have decided to add a second, which once again is fairly "offensive", unless if you replace all the "black" with "white".

After all, every day we hear of "black inventions" and such, when "white invention" would be "racist". So here it is... enjoy more than even the first video.



Jun 3rd 2012, 18:23:27

As many people who know me are well aware of, I am not racist, however, I do like to talk about political correctness now and then. I wonder how offensive the following video would be if "black" and "white" were switched.



May 18th 2012, 2:01:25

Myth: More whites are on welfare.


With regard to AFDC the figures are:

White 38.8%
Black 39.8
Hispanic 15.7
Asian 2.4
other 3.3

2)Myth: Interracial crime generally target blacks.

Truth: "Because interracial rape is now overwhelmingly black on white, it has become difficult to do research on it or to find relevant statistics. The FBI keeps very detailed national records on crime, but the way it presents rape data obscures the racial element rather than clarifies it. Dr. William Wilbanks, a criminologist at Florida International University, had to sift carefully through the data to find that in 1988 there were 9,406 cases of black-on-white rape and fewer than ten cases of white-on-black rape.

Interracial crime figures are even worse than they sound. Since there are more than six times as many whites as blacks in America, it means that any given black person is vastly more likely to commit a crime against a white than vice versa."



Apr 29th 2012, 20:56:50

Looks like the left-wing Europeans do learn from the Americans after all. J-Z also helped the current political correct individual get elected in the US.



Apr 25th 2012, 13:36:00

What caffeine addict says. The earth community IS actually pretty cute, its just that land is supposed to be harder to obtain as one gets larger- makes the game interesting.



Apr 22nd 2012, 14:14:54

I would support an experimental server, but Earth is Earth, like Chess is Chess.



Apr 2nd 2012, 4:02:09

I knew this was coming for a long time. As some know, I am now the father of two beautiful children and have been swamped by social, family, and religious responsibilities. Despite such real life issues, I had always managed to find time for the only game I truly enjoyed.

But there were several last straws which have finally made me decide that this would be my last set. Most importantly, it was the departure of Walding and the imminent merging of the only clan I ever really knew. Though many may not have known Walding or even hold negative opinions for him, he was the only person who was able to show concern for my needs and accept my idiosyncrasies and often out-of-the mainstream beliefs. Even his more rough moments emanated with the responsibility of leadership. He had a heart for all of the people in the clan and was a naturally charismatic leader.

PG and Aquaview were equally accommodating, but neither have enough time to run a clan. I have thereby decided that it is now time to leave behind the game that I have played since its inception under E:2025.

I sincerely see NBK as a great clan which has demonstrated both warring and netting abilities. TKO is a serial netter with several people performing better than what I thought possible (despite several players losing their top countries to suiciders). They now form what will now indisputably the two main premier clans of FFA.

I leave with the pleasant thoughts and memories of all the people I have met and all the camaraderie that this game has been able to generate. Also, this set I feel that I have finally been able to do all that I am able to alone, achieving an average land of over 250,000 and networth of 250 million.

I only hope that the players here will continue to strive and contribute to the growth of the first real mass multiplayer game- the genesis to all the commercialized MMORPGs that exist. I will miss all the people here, whether they have opposed or supported me, they have shown true sportsmanship.



Mar 31st 2012, 8:30:14

10) ...

Martian obviously has a passion in history that exceeds my own. After careful consideration for months, I will revise my original post to include the final three dates and possibly modify my original posting. I certainly agree with him on the rise of Mohammed and Roman empire events, but Chinese and Indian history are relatively unimportant, because my list should have been specifically defined on who has influenced the world in its present condition the most. Accordingly, the most important countries to consider in that order is..

1)Great Britain. Certainly #1, it was the foremost colonial power and first real superpower for the longest period of time (1800-1945) and influenced civilizations all over the world.

2,3,4)France, United States, Germany. Cant really place them in any particular order. France for its remarkable cultural influence and second global power between 1700-1900. USA for its massive economic contributions and being the foremost superpower for the past 60 years, and Germany for its pre-eminent influence over Europe.

5)Russia/USSR. I was tempted to place this in a lower position since the ideals that the USSR is known for has undoubtedly failed, but Russia did have influence in stopping Napoleon and its 45 years of being the second most powerful country.

6-7)Italy and Spain. Both are obviously washed-up in terms of their influence. For Spain, their heyday happened earlier in history than the above countries and Italy never rose to a premier level of prominence.

8-9) This is where China and India finally come in. I rank China higher mainly because of recent events, but India has arguably had more cultural influence.



Mar 29th 2012, 14:56:33

I rest my case...

Blacks are known to perform worse on the academic tests such as the SATs. There is thus affirmative action which makes up for this issue so that blacks can get the right to go to college.

Whites are known to be physiologically less able to run fast given their bone structure. There is no division just for them. Therefore, for equality, there should be a separate sports division .

As for interracialism, it has been shown that light eye color is a recessive trait and intelligence and most aspects of physical strength is incompletely dominant. This means that blending races would produce individuals with fewer particular distinctive characteristic.

And, as such, it comes to the only point where it is my opinion that it would be bad.



Mar 29th 2012, 5:10:54

I am not racist, i have stated many times that no one race is superior or inferior. How much more for equality can I be?



Mar 28th 2012, 8:45:07

I don't see any superiority or inferiority between races, but why would a reasonable person want everyone to become the same? To lose human diversity would be just as stupid as losing diversity in other animals (e.g. breed a husky and chihuahua which would result in something that can neither pull sleds or be small and cute).

Without a doubt, each race has desired characteristics. For the simplest example, Whites have the most varied eye colors, Blacks can have very long legs as well as the muscular builds, and asians have their own style as well.

When the world achieves the liberalist dream of "equality", the world would be a characterless, uninteresting brown sludge.



Mar 28th 2012, 8:32:17

SemperFi should have at least one top 10. I think the top 10 will represent more clans than ever before.

1 SemperFi
1 Focus



Mar 28th 2012, 8:26:44

Indies have been mostly absent from FFA

The top players are usually techer on all servers except FFA where some very high land countries are forced to go by other means


There is not a strong market for military in FFA, and Commies have to undergo three, possibly 4 public market transactions for stockpiling (sell military, buy food, sell food, buy military). This undoes all the benefit from the higher production rate. I never understood why a government that relied so much on the public market had the highest tax rate (effectively paying almost 20% more for food than demoes).

Most importantly, one cannot landtrade with Indy, since a large military means very high losses due to landtrading.

So my suggestion is either lower the military upkeep costs for indy or take away the tax rate.



Mar 28th 2012, 8:05:03

One thing I never understood is why Bushels were so damn expensive. Farmers are propped up by the prices, while indies aren't given the same benefit.



Mar 23rd 2012, 5:00:45

I am not racist as I do not believe in the inferiority or superiority of any race.

Believing any race is inferior is as stupid as saying that bacteria is inferior to amoebas.

However, one can say that bacteria reproduce faster and have expanded to more biomes.



Mar 20th 2012, 17:17:01

.. is the worst political correctfest I have seen in a long time, especially when the FBI and DOJ gets involved despite the fact that they are usually adamant about their jurisdiction being limited to interstate crimes. Proves that political correctness is a cancer that has consumed most of the US.

And every report rants in the first sentence that the killer was "white", when he was actually about as white as the ace of spades. If they got that basic fact straight, it would be Hispanic vs Black, with a much less politically correct implication than White racist against Black. But the media needs something to rant about, and blaming whites with a black victim is their greatest forte.

Why would anyone kill someone in broad daylight after calling the cops if he really wanted to secretly do away with blacks?

Seems much more likely it was some sort of gang activity and turf wars between Hispanic and Black, something much more seedy and interesting in my opinion.

-Additional update added later-

And it appears that my main points has only gained support. Even many major websites are now pointing out the fact that the press have shamelessly used the innocent, black childhood picture of Trayvon versus the mugshot of a recent Zimmerman.

And it gets worse. Our president elected by political correctness jumped in and unsurprisingly defended the innocent black. I guess blacks needed to show their chauvinism to the black community; welfare just ani't enough.

Edited By: Watertowers on Apr 26th 2012, 2:05:54
See Original Post



Mar 20th 2012, 6:54:48

Being scientific is my motto. Something that is most influential to my views on human beings is the contention that humans are similar to other animals in most respects. Just like in other species, there are breeds of humans that we, of course, call races.

And we use breeds for specific competitions, obviously. Huskies for dog racing, bloodhounds for tracking, etc. My proposal is simply to to the same for a species that has breeds just as in dogs.



Mar 19th 2012, 14:20:50

Looking at the upper half of the top decile of men isn't a good measure of the top few percent who become basketball players. However, the graph clearly shows racial differences, such as the fact that black women are indeed fatter by far for all the percentiles.

What I'm saying is that if whites who are superior in some sports (racecar driving, which requires strategy) are competing against blacks who are superior in others (marathons which require endurance), then why not let horses in?



Mar 18th 2012, 13:23:12

If saying that different races are inherently different is racism, than I am definitely a racist.

However, all medical science has shown that races are different. Sickle cell anemia occurs among blacks. Tay-sachs to Jews and whites. Stomach cancer in Asians.

And of course, blacks are predisposed to certain sports, given that survival skills in the prehistoric black population meant who ran the fastest.



Mar 18th 2012, 10:16:06

Obviously, people of different races have different athletic abilities. A quick glance at the average weight of the different races finds that although whites are on average taller, blacks have heavy outliers. Note that this comes from an academic website where they have discovered that it is highly meaningful to separate by race.

The result is that sports now is about comparing apples to oranges. A black blessed with safari genes should not run with a white who practiced his entire life.



Mar 14th 2012, 3:12:31

I give the current candidates

Paul 7/10 Not sure if he's real or not in what he says, if he will uphold his libertarian views.

Santorum 5/10 Pretty steadfast in his beliefs, a very important character trait.

Romney: 2/10 Money lover , will do anything to get elected

Gingrich: 1/10 Same as above, but hypocritical

Obama: 1/10 His "presidency" should be renamed, Product of white guilt. Nuff said.



Mar 11th 2012, 6:06:59




Mar 9th 2012, 13:17:50

ABs seem to be significantly nerfed. They used to destroy 6-7% of all buildings, which made them extremely destructive. Now, it destroys a maximum of 3 or 4% depending on size of enemy relative to attacker, and doesnt kill as many construction sites.



Mar 8th 2012, 7:57:43

Dont raise tax to 50%. Might have worked before, now it doesnt work at all since more income will come from taxes than wasted on food.

I used to be stuck at 4000-500 land actually. The key is to get only jets and turrets with a very bare minimum of tanks/troops and always start out the day by buying jets for landgrabs. After some landgrabs, build up and spend the money getting turrets.

I will admit that indy is a very tough strat. Gotta sell max military daily, and to be safe sell at two different prices (one priced to definitely sell, one priced as a goal).