
ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 16th 2010, 15:28:16

Havoc. Oh we don't like him.

We are just decent human beings, unlike you cave dwellers over in FFAT.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 16th 2010, 15:24:51


Come to the real west coast, without getting shot at or sitting in 4 hours of traffic to get 12 miles down the freeway.


WE hardcore down here. With our surf boards and blond hair.

I stay away from LA like the plague. Not even the "happiest place on earth" can shine through the hell that is LA.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 15th 2010, 19:56:30

I never said I believe in any of the dribble that spews from these fat phalanges.

I asked myself "Self. How do I get everyone to impose their opinion (violent or not) on others and mainly at myself, all at once?"


ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 15th 2010, 19:15:29

Horticulture > Statistics

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 15th 2010, 19:04:18

I am also ok with banning cell phones in their entirety.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 15th 2010, 18:52:03

Good discussion here.

Let's spruce it up a bit.

Abortion kills future cancer curing individuals. Funny how we have more up in arms people over clubbing seals or seeing how well our FOOD is treated. I get it. I don't want my food's feelings hurt either. Hey Jenny, I know you drank too much at that party three weeks ago. Condom? What is a condom? Birth control pills? What? Normally I would condone such evolutionary necessities in killing off the weakest, but would much rather you fall on a large sharp object. He/She didn't have the chance to learn from your mistakes and beat the odds. I'm not even going to give sympathy to rape victims because I have solutions. You think not letting women vote, own land, work, or have rights barbaric? How about killing babies? I think we should up the wages a bit. If you decide to have an abortion, you lose your rights for 7 years. What if you are a man and you wanted the abortion? Easy. Go fight for our country for 8 years. What happens to the rapists? Instant death penalty. Anyone who gets off by taking advantage of a woman for sexual gratification, dies. There are no misunderstandings in this case. Will we see Salem witch trials? Not likely. These days we have something called technology. Lie detectors. Forensic technicians. Etc etc.

Republicans are money hungry and conveniently stand behind religion if it suits their immediate needs. No one is perfect, however you are worse than the worst when you are hypocritical of your belief system and the eternal existence of your soul.

Finally, America is the only free thinking empire left. The rest of the world has conformed to two sides of the spectrum. Pussies and psychotics. Both sides hate the US because we could give a rats ass about what they do, what they believe in, and who is in charge. Plus their music sucks. This excludes China, because we owe them half our country.


ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 15th 2010, 14:21:58

Could be worse. You could be pregnant.

In all seriousness. Good luck buddy. Give it hell and we'll see you back here after you win!

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 13th 2010, 22:32:39

I think you were thinking of Trumper.

Though I do remember a Thumper, but I thought he was UCN.

Trumper is still here. We just can't get rid of him.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 13th 2010, 18:57:42

I can speak for PDM.

However I do everything on AT and I am not officially a PDM contact.

Whatever that means.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 13th 2010, 18:06:39

Sakit, you hooker monkey.

I miss your facial (and body silhouetted) features :(

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 13th 2010, 18:03:14

Just like your sex life!

*crowd cheers*

Give me your lunch money, NERD.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 13th 2010, 17:52:50

I nominate, unofficially, FFWN to be the new LCN spokesman.

He is a FUN-GI!

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 13th 2010, 17:47:13

I heard one time a man joined LCN and impregnated 65 women (immaculately) across the globe. It is said that it was due to the raw energy of LCN combined with the raw energy of this individual.

Three months later, Ravi was born and become our savior. Why three you ask? Because he is three times quicker at growing in women's wombs than humans.

He now currently sometimes kind of plays in LCN, when he isn't doing miracles. Though his miracles are less impressive then the original savior. He is known to make liquid from aluminum cans disappear in a matter of minutes.

So ask yourself, trippadoodle. Do you want to see Ravi post once a week in the nude or join the best netting alliance in the game?!

P.S: LCN is one of the most active alliances I have ever played in. Which could be saying a lot if you knew the alliances I have played in or how long I have played this soul sucking game.


Female Body Inspector

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 12th 2010, 18:36:52


ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 9th 2010, 17:37:23

That is common knowledge.

But the fact stands. "Use" is spelled correctly. "Then" is spelled correctly.

"Suck it" is not a correct spelling for "I love you Assassin".

I mean, really we could back and forth all day on what is not correct spelling for what.

Is it really a spelling error if the correct form of the word is not used? Would this argument hold up in a court of law?

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 9th 2010, 16:43:59

You said spelling.

Use is spelled correctly.

Then is spelled correctly.

As you can see, I did not say anything about grammar or usage of a word.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 9th 2010, 15:07:32

Which he eats after.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 8th 2010, 14:43:15

dagga likes men

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 7th 2010, 17:43:21

Now your only flaw is capitalization!

Everything IS technically spelled correctly. At least your quotation.

As for the rest, I claim nothing.

ZEN Game profile

EE Patron

Apr 7th 2010, 15:12:07

Attention! You! Yes you! Not you, clown. But you man with collared shirt and lack luster motivation!

The Nostra is recruiting this round. Why you ask? Why I answer. For a limited time only YOU TOO can become a LCN member. Not only will you become a full fledged slave *cough* member of the Nostra, but if you act right now you will also get......A larger organ size! Have you always wanted to be bigger? Whether in the shirt or the pants? Then have I got a deal for you! Act now, and not only do you grow in size BUT HEAR THIS. You also earn MORE ANNUALLY!


Listen to our testimonials:

The Assassin says "I use to be worthless. Couldn't buy a date if I tried. I joined LCN and not only do I have more companions then I could have dreamed of, but I also have a place to bury them!"

Ravi exclaims "Big unit, big wallet, and big dreams. This is what I wanted and this is what I got! Except for the dreams part. I AM LIVING IT. I can punch an infant and get away with it thanks to the endless supply of legal advice and assistance that LCN provides! Take that toddlers!"

Lady J screams "I use to need pleasure. Every man I was with couldn't satisfy me with all 10 fingers and 10 toes. Now I can't even sit down without a satisfied grimace! Thanks LCN!"

Trife mumbles "My boat has sunk. Someone get the raft! ARGGGGHHHHH"

Purposful1 raps " I got hoes. I got hoes in different area codes."

The local drunk rants "I remember when I was in another alliance. I couldn't even count to 6. Now I can't count AT ALL. I just crapped myself. Give me money."

Joining LCN may not do any of these things for you. Nor do we approve of anything that ZEN announces. You will earn more annually, but the more is subject to imagination and not to be confused with income. Finally, ZEN has probably never kissed a girl.


We are hosted by boxcar ( But feel free to contact me in game. You will have to guess my country number. So GOOOOOOD LUCK!

This message has been brought to you by:

"Who walks the stair without a care
It shoots so high in the sky.
Bounce up and down just like a clown.
Everyone knows its Slinky."


Casino Inn off freeway 8. If you can't bag a 45 year old cougar from here, then you my friend are DEAD.

Female Body Inspector