
brujodale Game profile


Oct 21st 2019, 16:25:52

rasp let me know your country number, I love your tech :)))))

brujodale Game profile


Oct 14th 2019, 1:32:46

RASP, Let me know ur country number, I love the taste of your tech lol

brujodale Game profile


Oct 14th 2019, 1:32:23

brujodale Game profile


Oct 7th 2019, 3:38:41

dont like to talk politics or religion with others. cannot believe how dumb others are! roflmao. just kidding.
I have my friends, and I do not care what they believe in or who they follow.

brujodale Game profile


Sep 30th 2019, 2:33:34

they had boiled fish so was not allowed to bring sardines into the park.

brujodale Game profile


Sep 24th 2019, 1:00:42

Our tiny tiny town of calumet michigan is once again hockeyville USA. The Blues and Red Wings will play in our hockey rink which is the oldest in the United States. Talk about a stone age arena omg. we only had sheets of plywood loose as the flooring, thin wood benches. but was a big day as the wiener mobile showed up and the peanut truck. The game is set for Thursday Night.
The kids from other schools just hate to come up here to play hockey as it is the life blood up here and they take it super serious. Seems lots of injuries to opposing team members. They had to make up a female hockey league as the gals we kicking ass in the guys teams lol.

The Calumet Colosseum, built in 1913, is the OLDEST indoor ice arena still in use in ... 1902:The Amphidrome was built in 1902 on the South shore of Portage Lake in Houghton, Michigan

yeah I wore my BLues t shirt

brujodale Game profile


Sep 16th 2019, 2:13:25

we have mods? when did this happen

brujodale Game profile


Sep 9th 2019, 21:44:01

indeedie loved killing sof :))

brujodale Game profile


Sep 3rd 2019, 2:36:52


brujodale Game profile


Aug 26th 2019, 16:36:43

guy lQQks more like the new briutish pm of England

brujodale Game profile


Aug 19th 2019, 19:01:43

/me walks in neKKed, opps wrong room, ..........what room is marshals?

brujodale Game profile


Aug 12th 2019, 17:12:50

making nets is becoming a lost art :)

brujodale Game profile


Aug 10th 2019, 21:21:47

dang and I missed all of this.

brujodale Game profile


Jul 30th 2019, 14:28:33

netting? you mean knitting by chance :)

brujodale Game profile


Jul 22nd 2019, 2:07:10

I am stealing tech and removing missiles in my dreams

brujodale Game profile


Jul 15th 2019, 21:18:21


brujodale Game profile


Jul 8th 2019, 13:12:23

way kewl man congrats now start the training early to get her ready to play the game ;)

brujodale Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 1:06:23

old as dirt and still here

brujodale Game profile


Jun 24th 2019, 1:47:31

love clowns with guns

brujodale Game profile


Jun 18th 2019, 1:45:36

me b a happy dad

brujodale Game profile


Jun 13th 2019, 1:27:17

INDEED in honor of the bearded Ohionian and great guy VIC!

brujodale Game profile


Jun 3rd 2019, 1:40:14

thanks all!

brujodale Game profile


May 27th 2019, 23:46:02

Thank you Vet's for your service. Freedom is not free but requires many sacrifices of those who serve or served.

brujodale Game profile


May 21st 2019, 2:41:39

late bd wishes

brujodale Game profile


May 14th 2019, 1:37:35

either run with the big dogs or stay on da porch

brujodale Game profile


May 7th 2019, 3:10:39


brujodale Game profile


Apr 29th 2019, 22:26:43

/me humps bomber and drools

brujodale Game profile


Apr 22nd 2019, 15:22:46

Condolences to the family, such a shame to lose someone like this.

brujodale Game profile


Apr 15th 2019, 1:15:46

fight with all your might ftw

brujodale Game profile


Apr 13th 2019, 17:35:51

After reading the post, I had to leave and cry a bit for vic.
We chatted tons before my heart operation and after as he was getting ready for his.

He had a genetic problem with his heart, but it sounded like a not serious operation. He was very optimistic about getting through it all.

after I told him what all I went thru, I had to laugh as his main worry was if he had to shave his beard!!. He was so happy to find out he could keep it.

We will miss him so bad! Our on line family is now one less.
I hope Derrick that you can pass on these messages, and would also like to see if we can do a post in his memorial on line. also would love to see a pic of vic. Hopefully he was on facebook?

Will miss you bro! RIP

brujodale Game profile


Apr 12th 2019, 0:56:54

Thanks all! Still not sure where I am going for the first phase which is radiation treatment. from central wiscsonsin to very north michigan

Yes I consider u all my on line family.

brother Sin! yeah love that song and turn the page. I got to spend some time with bob seger in like 1972. A couple of us set up a concert in a cave, yes a cave south of st. louis in missouri.
we had bob seger and teddy da nuggent. segers group wanted like 20 different liquids. teddy wanted TWO chicks, TWO grams of coke TWO chicks willing TO do anything TWO hours before the show. I passed on helping out ted, but after that concert in the cave could not hear for a couple days.

brujodale Game profile


Apr 8th 2019, 1:35:43

I had to drive to wisconsin to get some biopsies completed. I got a call friday night at 530pm from the ENT doc, knew that could not be good.
The biops showed I now have cancers on both sides of neck, and on back of my tongue. frick....
not sure where the chemo/radiation is to be done, either in mich or wisc. So been reading all I can on this.

my on line family here really helped me out the first time I was in medical dire straights so asking for that help again.
love u all, even the ugly ones.
Derrick, my wifers sez your a super nice guy as you always asked about my condition.

brujodale Game profile


Apr 8th 2019, 1:31:33

I did NOt fail on you mr G. rofl.

brujodale Game profile


Apr 4th 2019, 0:54:17

dang that is a lot, give me your country number so I can check it out fur yah :)

brujodale Game profile


Apr 2nd 2019, 0:42:20

my zags played like fecal. 15 turn overs, only five points in almost 13 minutes. sighs.... wifers sez she is not watching zags anymore..... this season.

brujodale Game profile


Mar 26th 2019, 22:47:10

lol if you lQQk at michigan, I am at the very tippy tip of the finger that goes out into lake superior. the closest "real" hospital is marquette, which is quite a drive. we live in copper county mtns with the old 1800s mines.

Banger of heads, glad u like dem pies, sorry it gives you such skid marks in ur undies :)

Karnage I am part German, part Cherokee. The first time I traveled without my body was when I had a split heart beat as a kid in grade school, and just kinda floated around my grade school and thought it groovy.
So told the elders about the experience and they asked alot of questions. Yes they stated you had a vision quest yes, I was into native earth big time, rocks artifacts and plants esp medical plants. so that was when I was given my NA name brujodale.
second time was in an advanced baseball league age 28 and was ahhh kinda doing some don juan carlos castanada yaqui way of knowledge while at bat. I was going to bring that ball right to me. well ... it did. it curved and headed to my head, so I leaned forward, and the ball followed, I tried to duck and it followed, next thing i know I am up about 15 feet above the ground and I can see my then GF now wifers, my brother, his gf a nurse.
They were looking at a cardboard cutout of a body shape. I was I think the best words were ...non paused about the whole thing. Then someone hollered at me to get my ass back! NOW! (wifers) next thing I know I am being sucked into my left arm. I open my eyes and ask... did I make it to first base? ER stated it was another concussion, think that was like #7 by then. A year later I saw the ole home plate umpire that we all loved he was a kewl guy. He stated I quit doing umpire work after that ball chased you down. I asked the brother what do you mean? He stated it was crazy just crazy, that ball followed you. This ole bro was old enough that he lived by the Alexian Brothers hospital in south St. Louis City. that hospital was the one that held the young black boy that was possessed, and was the basis of the move the exorcist. I too am old enough that had to go to that hospital for several concussions, and every time you walked into the place you could feel the hair rise off your skin. The second floor was closed off after that event and never used again. I told him, no it had nothing to do with that, sorry for the effect on you.

On the way to the hospital, I found myself holding as tight as possible to my body, not once but multiple times. I was not going to let go. Had the same thing happen multiple times while in ICU.
I usually do not tell people about these events, but hey you all are family. some are ugli, but hey family is family.

before the heart attack, I thought each day was awesome! yeah still do.

brujodale Game profile


Mar 25th 2019, 16:36:15

we have to let the dust settle, read the whole report, what for the other agencies on going cases. this will go on for a good while.
I think we should just give people a qualude then ask them questions lol.
I have helped candidates on both sides of the fence. we always helped the one who was not a crook and had loads of crap baggage.
I have seen crap down on both sides where the people should have been arrested and convicted.

I am keeping an open mind on what else develops.

brujodale Game profile


Mar 25th 2019, 16:32:19

I had to quit playing earth.
I had a major heart attack, revived 3 times on my way to hospital 110 miles away during a white out blizzard. While on the operating table, my large colon blew apart, so spent over a month in ICU, then step down, more hospital, then took a week break then back in may for my triple bypass.
I can truly say that all the wishes, prayers, and hopes from the players here really touched my heart. You are my on line family and the support you gave me really really made a difference.
wealth is something counted, and riches are things that make your life so worthwhile. I have so many riches just from the players in this game.
thanks again for all your support, life is short.............enjoy each day.

I still have 3 more operations to go, but the worse is past, and these 3 are minor compared to the other two.

now back to stealing tech from the enemy.
/me jumps off soap box.

brujodale Game profile


Mar 18th 2019, 17:37:33

LQQKS for the


brujodale Game profile


Mar 11th 2019, 14:40:56

no way!!! that is a republican platform agenda. why do u think the repubs are so excited about our new
SPACE FORCE. now that is for sure a roflmao

walls and space force, ahhh I can now sleep at night.

they will not be deturd from stopping all enemies in space. talk about space lol.
I am cutting off trips from my sardine pies, it does effect ppl different ways.

brujodale Game profile


Mar 4th 2019, 1:47:21

/me trips over bong to lQQk at video

brujodale Game profile


Feb 25th 2019, 18:58:50

do not believe all you see or hear on tv or social media. check and verify before you vilify.

burma shave

brujodale Game profile


Feb 18th 2019, 2:09:59

walks in nekked oppps wrong room. been into politics for over 60 years, never saw anything like what is going on. I have worked both sides of the fence, ran campaigns from school board up to u.s. senate, for both sides!
you need fair and honesty
for me things that need revamping are

removal of electoral college, that page from the 1800s is no longer needed

no fricken super delegates.

term limits

states rights

DEcrim.hell yeah.

all primaries to be done by CAUCUS style only. they lock u into a room and you sign in. you must be from that local area. it is usually in a school. it is only you the local people who live there that are allowed into the room. none of this TV BS stuff. you get to hear from your neighbors, and why they are for a specific candidate. to stay viable for a candidate you must have 15% of the total present. If not, then you must blend with another candidates group or you can go uncommitted. I personally love this one....
I was a jerry brown in 92 delegate and then put on clinton p00pie list lol. then stayed uncommitted in 90 2000. I truly believe that caucus is the only way to go for primaries. doing it one on one is soooo much better.

brujodale Game profile


Feb 11th 2019, 2:33:28

/me catches all the agates thrown, oh yeah mostly limestone from that island lol
/me humps DruncK and drools and wipes on marshals shirt
oppps thats ur skin sorry..

brujodale Game profile


Feb 9th 2019, 23:57:47

good faith sows the seeds of trust
brujodale 2/9/2019

brujodale Game profile


Feb 7th 2019, 22:22:37

spies marshals country, omg u are a rainbow

brujodale Game profile


Feb 4th 2019, 1:47:29

I got two kills in less than a minute, all while making sardine pies, making michigan veggie brownies, with the song roy's toys playing loud. If u want to know the mellow laid back music that a 71 year old loves then check the song out.
I owe it all to Marshal. He told me all what to do, then I did the opposite :)

1/10/2019 19:17:10 Kronos (#368) STONES FiveEyes (#17) SOLxmas GS 1 Civs / 7715 Bushels
1/10/2019 19:17:10 Kronos (#368) STONES FiveEyes (#17) SOLxmas GS 5 Civs / 7727 Bushels
1/10/2019 19:17:09 Kronos (#368) STONES FiveEyes (#17) SOLxmas GS 5 Civs / 7733 Bushels
1/10/2019 19:17:09 Kronos (#368) STONES FiveEyes (#17) SOLxmas GS 5 Civs / 7738 Bushels
1/10/2019 19:17:09 Kronos (#368) STONES FiveEyes (#17) SOLxmas GS 5 Civs / 7740 Bushels
1/10/2019 19:17:07 Kronos (#368) STONES FiveEyes (#17) SOLxmas GS 5 Civs / 7745 Bushels
1/10/2019 19:16:29 Kronos (#368) STONES boop (#413) STONES GS 2 Civs / 1200 Bushels

brujodale Game profile


Jan 29th 2019, 3:02:52

good tag kill on those tiny clans Me, I had a blast, think I got two kills in two minutes. that may be a record??? Kronos lubbed it

brujodale Game profile


Jan 28th 2019, 1:53:16

oh sorry thought this was the sardine baking classroom. walks out

brujodale Game profile


Jan 21st 2019, 21:57:02

love the war with all the different clans involved. being a recruiter for 19 years just love to see people still in the game. Think many have changed their nics like gambit but super nice to see ole vets around. now... those darn spies who keep stealing tech and missiles gonna put out an APB on those stones spies