
d.drifter Game profile

New Member

Jan 25th 2013, 12:53:15

hey guys, i forgot how to de stock after being in absence from the game of 8years.

i'm playing in express and have 2days left in the set. what do i exactly do? sell my spies in private?
do i buy food?
do i sell my mil to the public market?
do i buy tech?

sorry i'm quite clueless and don't understand much what you guys are saying above. LOL

d.drifter Game profile

New Member

Jan 25th 2013, 8:58:13

wonder why i don't have access to the Q&A forum...

Follow up Q - Where can I get a list of all countries in a server?

d.drifter Game profile

New Member

Jan 25th 2013, 7:38:03

was a member of Communistic Allied Forces. I loved it there. :(

d.drifter Game profile

New Member

Jan 25th 2013, 6:56:24

submitted my application for MD. LCN ain't responding to my application. :(

d.drifter Game profile

New Member

Jan 25th 2013, 6:44:13

thanks guys!

d.drifter Game profile

New Member

Jan 24th 2013, 3:05:35

So I'm a returning player after 8 years of not playing the game.
Is there an existing attack simulator?