
darkland52 Game profile

New Member

Jan 22nd 2012, 22:58:34

A bit new to the game. I use to play years ago but was young and didn't have any strategy. I played my first round on the express server just now and learned a lot. That's just a bit of background information before i get into the point of my post.

I saw someone with 500 construction sites today and i thought to myself, that seems ridiculous. So, i decided to do a few maths. Forgive me if this information exists somewhere else and is more complete because my mathing is a little rough. I don't account for the 5 buildings per turn you get without any construction sites for instance. But it doesn't affect my point to much

Say for instance you generally end the game with say 10,000 acres. The amount of turns required to build up those acres can be broken down like this. 10,000 acres divided by X buildings per turn equals turns - 4X. or 10,000/x = t - 4x. Doing some basic calculus, where dt/dx equals 0 you get x^2 = 2500 or x = 50. So 50 buildings per turn equals 200(180) construction sites tops. feel free to check my math if you know how cuz it's been a long time since i took calculus and i could be wrong.

With 500 construction sites you spent 580 turns on building buildings. with 180 construction sites you spent 400 turns. Even if your goal is 20,000 acres, you still only need 70 bpt or 280(260) construction sites. That's 660 turns for 500 and 565 turns for 280. your saving almost 180 and 100 turns. Factoring in that to get 20,000 acres you gotta do some waring, completely changes that though. But I'm pretty sure it makes it fewer construction sites, not more.

Well that's my quota for taking a game to seriously for the week. I'm off to waste my time somewhere else.


A way to get a general idea of how many construction sites you need would be to take the number of acres you normally end a round with. divide that by 4. then square root that. then multiply by 4 and subtract 20. 180 seems like a good number of construction sites to me.