
eManny Game profile


Feb 12th 2014, 0:59:58

Hmm yeah 175M bushels is like $8B + with 20 days left.
So let's say 8k TPT @ $1700 in for 1000 turns is another $13.5B, so that's a 21.5B destock (selling the food for what you bought it for) or 75M NW + what you have.
> 90M NW total.

Sounds like a T10 finish to me =S

eManny Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 19:16:12

And yet he finished t10 with > 100M ?

eManny Game profile


Feb 9th 2014, 18:39:57

What happened last set blid?

I missed most of it, was foolin around :D

eManny Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 20:22:36

Yeah huge retals everywhere, so jets have been pricy all day.

Edit: Another huge one just happened =S

Edited By: eManny on Feb 8th 2014, 21:17:11
See Original Post

eManny Game profile


Feb 8th 2014, 19:45:27

2014-02-08 19:21:30 PS Soupr Cikkin (#118) EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#12) 3421A (4877A)
2014-02-07 18:17:54 PS EEVIL WAR MACHINE (#12) Soupr Cikkin (#118) 277A (604A)

Was that what Cannon was talking about? O_O

eManny Game profile


Feb 7th 2014, 0:56:36

Do you guys factor spy tech and allies before you count your SPAL and claim it on here? or neither?

Anyways, Lost another 150k spies and didn't get a single spy op off.
Then I spy some other dude that's got near 1 mil spies, and had to double him off b/c there is no way I'd get a spy on alliance off.

So I decided to buy 100k indy tech and now I'm pumpin 3k spies / turn. That's what happens in a freakout moment.
My SPAL is > 20 too. But when everyone and their mom runs 50 + SPAL, this game really starts to suck haha.

I hate this game. lol.

eManny Game profile


Feb 6th 2014, 4:49:17

Why SPAL and why not spy force? I'm sure the argument was presented but if military is force based not per acre based why are spies?

If you have a million spies shouldn't fail against some guy on 6k acres and 150k spies lol :)

I can understand why tech is per acre based simply because otherwise you'd just max it out from get-go but anyways.
Just throwing out thoughts near midnight ;))

Me tired, me hungry.

eManny Game profile


Feb 5th 2014, 18:41:45

I got lucky and bought @ $ 41

LATC: On the bright side, food prices aren't $122 :p

eManny Game profile


Feb 5th 2014, 4:59:47

Looks like a big techer started stockin'

eManny Game profile


Feb 5th 2014, 1:17:46

I was a math major and my head is hurting.

If DR will last 72 hours and stack, aren't we basically forced to get shiet returns from the first time the target gets grabbed onwards? >.>

I mean, given the amount of countries bottom-feeding it will be impossible to find a country that doesn't have a huge DR?

Edited for accuracy (lol)

Edited By: eManny on Feb 5th 2014, 1:22:39
See Original Post

eManny Game profile


Feb 4th 2014, 23:23:54

Crest, It's really not so bad to build your own if you've got the economy.

For me it's defenetly not a monetary issue, I could run 5k indies but that wouldn't change the fact that half the countries in the 3M-5M range have a 60SPAL. It's also impossible to maintain that kind of SPAL when spying on 3-4 people a day + allies... So the natural convergence point is between 15 - 25 SPAL depending on luck even with 10% indies.

What's also interesting to me is that their ridiculous SPAL is preventing them from running a successful country. You cant prosper if you are losing -$1M/turn on 8k acres with barely any tech at all... And they keep generating more and more spies because they don't grab/spy/etc...


eManny Game profile


Feb 4th 2014, 22:31:59

Blid: exactly.

Im pumping spies out of over 3k fukn idies and I still have a fluff SPAL.
No wonder people are MTing every freakin target with low SPAL....

eManny Game profile


Feb 3rd 2014, 3:22:25

Brings up a good point Xin, about the possibility of having oil purchasable on the private market for like... $500 ? :p

Edited By: eManny on Feb 4th 2014, 1:29:09
See Original Post

eManny Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 23:07:47

post count = post count + 1 :)

eManny Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 20:40:14

That's true.

Sometimes though if the D sucks and he's got a 100SPAL I just double him up and PS away.
I mean, the difference between like 1.3M and 1.5M isn't worth the headache.

It's a judgement call...

EDIT: The rule of 0.7T/NW only applies to non-repubs and also those who don't have a 0 SPAL. From the data that I've collected high spal reduces the T / NW below 0.7T/NW 99% of the time. I hope it makes sense... can't always put it in words lol.

Edited By: eManny on Feb 2nd 2014, 21:36:51
See Original Post

eManny Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 19:17:38

Blid: No, it's not what I was saying.

Let's say that you spy on some guy and both D allies are outside 1/4 range.
You can't spy them, so I have to guess what their turret equivalent count is, and I use a conservative estimate of 0.7 T/ NW, unless logic indicates otherwise... (Such as them performing topfeeds or whatever...)

eManny Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 15:14:52

I have 99.27% attack success. The fails are almost always because I sent a SS instead of a PS, or the target came online at the same time I hit.

Most of my fails is that I forget an input: (govt bonus, weapon bonus, my own wep tech, etc...)

I rush through it a lot, sometimes you see me grab countries seconds apart, lol :)

eManny Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 4:06:26

Techers are stopping already?

I thought they usually do that with 20 days left >.>

eManny Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 3:52:36

If I was to guess I'm usually pretty conservative because I'd rather have big losses than miss the attack.
So I assume 0.7 Turrets / NW

If the guy has 5M NW I assume 3.5M Turrets. It's a rule that works 99% of the time, as only 1% of the time someone has more than 0.7 T / NW. If you want to be less conservative you can assume 0.5 T / NW and it will still work 90% of the time. But logic changes things a bit, for example, if he's made big grabs he's obviously mostly jets or whatever so that changes things. But usually when bottom-feeding these guys don't have much offense.

I have my own question, can anyone point me to military (e.g. troops, turrets...) loss calculations when getting grabbed?

eManny Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 1:45:21

Originally posted by crest23:
Originally posted by Getafix:
afaik, you don't even bother to spy allies? You just assume 100%?

With the recent change of increased jet losses, that would not be very smart to not spy allies.

Basically if I fail like 4 ops before getting one off, I'm not going to spy on allies and all his allies. I'd just lose 20 spy ops and have too fluffty of a spal to get any ops off for days lol.

But defenetly, if you have the SPAL (or they don't) I go for it. Sometimes you can deduce through the % of NW alliance cost if the guy has none, 1 or 2 D allies...

EDIT: Another neat trick I use is that sometimes the person's alliance cost = Land * 5 which means no free GDI and no allies either :D :D

Edited By: eManny on Feb 2nd 2014, 1:47:26
See Original Post

eManny Game profile


Feb 2nd 2014, 1:37:04

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Ya, country-country DR already exists, but only applied to Ghost Acres. This ghost DR is on top of the normal DR (discounting double counting the same attacks), and lasts the full reset. It was added to discourage landtrading on Alliance.

Does this country to country DR reset at any point during the 2month period?

eManny Game profile


Feb 1st 2014, 23:21:56

I like how #94 and #103 get farmed everyday for thousand + acres and their response to getting farmed is explore all their turns or whatever.

I am totally going to suggest an internal DR from country to country attacks, otherwise it's all about finding the nicest landfarm, lol.

eManny Game profile


Jan 30th 2014, 22:44:38

Got a question, does military strategy increase land gain, or land gain and ghost acres?

eManny Game profile


Jan 28th 2014, 22:38:55

Well, I think that those who war should find someone who wants to war.
It's not hard, look at a country that isn't in GDI :)

I think what most people have a problem against is those people who create a country for the sole purpose of top feeding a country that cannot possibly get their land back. Isn't there a morality issue there? It's like going out of your way to sucker punch someone, lol.

Anyways, what I do think though is that people who run all jetters or anything over 70/30 J/T probably deseve to get topfed simply because otherwise it's an easy path to victory. You can imagine that if topfeeding wasn't ever done, everyone would basically go 80/20 J/T.

Also, going 50/50 doesn't mean you don't get topfed. At this stage of the game anyone in T25 can produce/buy 5M Jets/day especially with bonus. So regardless of ratio you can get grabbed... and cannot really avoid a retal done against you...

eManny Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 22:56:34

Another topfeed or two today looks like.
NX01 and Population

eManny Game profile


Jan 26th 2014, 18:49:56

Do you actually think that the guy was topfed because he was the fattest in the top 25?
Those moves are rarely ever to 'gain land' its mostly a move to piss someone off.

There is a big difference between a midfeed where the retal is the risk, or a topfeed where ghost acres are the 'land trade' and a topfeed made by someone 1/3 of the land size...

eManny Game profile


Jan 22nd 2014, 22:46:05

Looks like weapons tech is pretty high right now, is that normal for this time of the set ?

eManny Game profile


Jan 21st 2014, 23:27:10

You two need to get a room :-)

eManny Game profile


Jan 20th 2014, 16:59:05

yeah tech went from cheap to 'there is none on the market'

good work guys looks like they all converted at the same time lol :-[

eManny Game profile


Jan 19th 2014, 21:20:50

looks like tech prices went up by $500

Techers are in a good spot at the moment... :p

eManny Game profile


Jan 17th 2014, 22:10:02


eManny Game profile


Jan 13th 2014, 21:57:01

poo poo

eManny Game profile


Jan 12th 2014, 22:39:46

One of the best things you can do is have good defensive allies =)
A good rule of thumbs is to have at least 50% of your networth be military... dipping below that makes you look fat...

eManny Game profile


Jan 10th 2014, 23:27:46


eManny Game profile


Jan 5th 2014, 21:17:29


eManny Game profile


Dec 25th 2013, 16:31:27

chi chi

eManny Game profile


Dec 22nd 2013, 19:21:35

weiner shnitzl

eManny Game profile


Dec 13th 2013, 19:14:06


eManny Game profile


Nov 29th 2013, 1:35:52

kaka keke

eManny Game profile


Nov 24th 2013, 1:44:55


eManny Game profile


Nov 16th 2013, 22:33:01


eManny Game profile


Nov 3rd 2013, 21:02:20

Isnt it concerning though that every change made in the last few months reduces the potential for high NWs?

Jet losses, construction costs... etc...
I mean CS costs did go down but still higher than they were before.

eManny Game profile


Nov 3rd 2013, 0:43:18

It's all good =))

eManny Game profile


Nov 3rd 2013, 0:34:40

I'd prefer to give him the courtesy :)

eManny Game profile


Nov 3rd 2013, 0:31:42

I am HakunaMatatta...

Oh and not to take away from my allies early game (blid and crest) they got attacked about 20 times, hahaha :( I was losing more units than I could cash in a day.

But after the early game crest was pretty solid and blid went on to do his warring business