
earthfriendlyneigh Game profile

New Member

Feb 17th 2019, 19:23:06

É óbvio que você é parcial. Os comunistas não negociam com ninguém, especialmente democracias. A Organização Mundial do Comércio não quer reconhecer violações grosseiras de acordos comerciais estabelecidos, por isso devemos lutar para proteger nossa soberania. Muitos comunistas em todo o mundo acolhem minhas ações e conquistas.

Eu não posso vê-lo atingindo seu objetivo que uma democracia normalmente quer, ou seu objetivo de matar meu país. Ele se gabava de sua contagem de mortes e que eu deveria seguir seu perfil. Talvez você tenha entendido mal a citação.

"Todos os homens podem ver as táticas que eu conquisto, mas o que ninguém pode ver é a estratégia da vitória."

"A capacidade de derrotar o inimigo é fornecida pelo próprio inimigo."

Seu simpático comandante da terra

earthfriendlyneigh Game profile

New Member

Feb 17th 2019, 18:25:39

La estrategia es un plan de alto nivel para lograr uno o más objetivos en condiciones de incertidumbre. Tal vez estoy enseñando lecciones de vida, como lo intentaste en la otra publicación del foro o tal vez es para pasar un buen rato.

Él no estaba preparado para la guerra. Estaba "descuidadamente" negociando como democracia (no es mi culpa), hasta que cambió a la tiranía porque tenía que hacerlo.

Deja que tus planes sean oscuros e impenetrables como la noche y cuando te muevas, cae como un rayo.

Tu amistoso comandante de la tierra

earthfriendlyneigh Game profile

New Member

Feb 17th 2019, 17:05:43

St0ny let's be clear I don't cheat and I don't multi, I am not macdaddy.

Hessman gets the idea. This is my new project.

I executed my strategy. He told me very confidently he could kill me but now has to resort to ABs which are useless now. He knows this, so to try and feel better about everything, he posts on the forum to people who have no idea. OMG look at Celphie he is so good, he flattened that guy. Why would I need buildings with this much time left? Wouldn't someone who cares have more then 10k acres, wouldn't someone who LGed that much off someone have more then 10k acres? Celphie is the kind of guy who would cut off his own finger when trying to cut a piece of lumber and turn around and make a forum post about it saying that is what he was trying to do.

I wasn't even going to post on forum, but I saw his delusion and had to call it out. Buddy is living in an alternative universe. Simple cause and effect. He will have challenges net-gaining under the same name every set going forward.

Yours truly,
Your friendly earth commander

earthfriendlyneigh Game profile

New Member

Feb 17th 2019, 16:14:17

Originally posted by Marshal:
celphi enjoys this so he won't change countryname.

That is music to my ears a new project!

earthfriendlyneigh Game profile

New Member

Feb 17th 2019, 16:00:53

Originally posted by trumpoz:
Originally posted by st0ny:
you should really consider playing under a different country name celphi. >.<

Then he wouldn't attract people to help him treat the small man syndrome he has by posting his conquests here.

This. I told you the first day, I already won, maybe you didn't understand. It is simple cause and effect.

It really makes it more satisfying that he brags about saving up all around and having to AB someone on last day, obviously someone who doesn't care about buildings and using them to netgain. Even better posts on a forum about it, like he won LOL!! Couldn't have been any better thank you! He even said he would login and 2/3am to kill me and to set an alarm, such dedication for me and to express just great. I really wish he shared my poems I sent him, they were actually really good.

St0ny you are like a crime investigator without the facts, this was targeted, no one else was going to get hit, I am not a moron and we should change this thread to smellybadguy revenge. There are a handful of people, who use the same name every set and don't have problems, wonder why it is an issue for him.

Don't change your name though because that would be giving in to them. Everytime I see the name absent from express server I will know I won and this will make me feel good.

Yours truly,
Your friendly earth commander