
enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 6th 2021, 21:20:03

gut feel i dont think MBR will actually matter much because you give up so much production turns and cash to do it

if your big the cost is prohibitive, and if your small the benefit is small

id imagine the netting oil will fall significantly making the majority of the market be war oil which could lead to a much more volatile market

and oil will be worth a lot less end of set too

perhaps still high for emergency

interesting dichotomy on produce oil or use it though, will lead to a lot less people using their own oil and a lot more flowing through the market

for nw record type countries looks like destocking methods would need to change a bit at least

id hope this change comes in sync with the clanGDI changes as the need to get bigger could lead to much easier suiciding

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 5th 2021, 18:16:00

did you try leaving gdi?

i think its opt out now but you have to do it before you make an attack

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 5th 2021, 15:40:53

you could give different governments a multiplier on different bonus' maybe

or just plain give commie expenses reduction, perhaps even just for jets or turrets

keep in mind the formula used to be a lot harsher, was more like 30m than 80m, also i dont think the formula was edited when nw values got halved for almost everything

basically there used to be an 'oh no nw's are too high' lobby and a similar one for too much land

it had a lot more effect when you could only dump 2b cash at a time so you ended up taking days to destock and the escalating expenses meant you had to stop running turns at some point

now it only applies to indy, and maybe casher sometimes

but it also has an impact on wars since as big countries you get a lot lower $/acre net income and contributes to the dropping land war meta

if you wanted to check whether its too high or not id look at comparing warring nw's, CI nw's and finishing nw's compared to years ago and prior changesets, compensating for when it was a lower

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 5th 2021, 15:22:00

i guess this is good

maybe tougher to delete some things than add them or am i misremembering that you could click on a category to send max

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 18th 2021, 9:52:59

this is a potential problem when you cant change tags easily after clangdi

will increase burdens on devs

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 15th 2021, 12:47:04

While in protection, we are both unable to make attacks and to be attacked by others. Protection ends as soon as we play our 100th turn.

this message can display as a tip in a restart which i believe is incorrect and may add to confusion

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 15th 2021, 9:46:22

70 food private demo means 57.169 so 57 min food price on na demo
ill assume you will leave food at 29 min or untether it when dropping food max


which gives a food range from 36 to 57, with demos being able to clear or oversupply at those prices so only 37 to 56 guaranteed price range

which feels really low and is a potential 51.35% rise and 32.72% fall

interestingly 32.7 is less than 39% switch loss, though if demo>mono>theo that would be a little closer because selling at 35 max not 36

i doubt express ever hits 56 as an average or even consistently but it obviously must at times for this to even matter, particularly end of set i remember being unable to buy food to stock when i played in the last hour, that was back when there was more turns stored and on hand though i think

tbh ive never looked at volume on private food, and gerdlers argument about tmbr is much bigger, but it also means theo can stock private food at some volume at about 50 which is better for them than buying food at 47 on pub which is also interesting, and like the tech price argument you might want to do it when food was 45 or 46 to disadvantage your competition a little

if its 2 per acre that sounds like it at least exceeds consumption usually


i mean outside of the reset, we already have primary as a solo server like that, and tourney unfortunately is pretty much the same because of the fewer number of games compared to the old 26, so it would be nice to have all 3 solo servers function in different ways

primary - multi set ally diplomacy
tournament - can only ally people in your game so ideally would find people during the game
express - no need for multi set positive relations increases opportunity for aggressive grabbing, which ties in with no defence allies, although given my druthers id possibly just ban ps on express to change that as opposed to bringing back d allies, but i definitely like the idea of d allies and no o allies, theres probably also a risk of mini clique like tags that work together, but the most likely scenario is the server goes more non interactive since the pvp players will now be facing 50% more defence on average

playing express:

sure more changes in general are also good even if they arnt huge improvements they keep it fresh, a lot of its just wanting to play many times a day though, and liking to put most effort into alliance, though this set netting was over rather quickly, i played ffa somewhat seriously more recently than express though and obviously thats a huge timesink comparatively

ironically the 2>4 hour ps change might make thinks more complicated if you had to spend more time grabbing than currently, since 16h a day with 45 ps's sounds like way more than most people do in express

checking out your country last set which might be one of the heavier grabbers its 110 ps's or 22 cycles/logins maybe 4 or 5 a day for potentially 8 hours playing a day, but if its changed to 4 then for the same efficiency youd take 16h a day which is a lot

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 15th 2021, 6:24:28

id like to see retals chance based escalating based on hate/aggresion/threat
destocking would be nice to have multiple strategies, public/private/oil being the main ones, and maybe an indy strat

bonus turns were inverted years ago, originally it was server load in ee2025 days, but that doesnt promote activity, not sure if express was different but i agree forced playtimes more often than 24h or so isnt good

ps at 5 and 2h with 30 turns in 2h compared to the 'slowest' server of primary which is 5/20h/30m for 40 turns in 20h is still 133% the rate of ps's to turns that primary has, slightly lower when bonus turns are taken into account though
and much faster than that compared to every other server

maybe on private food but 70 is way too low imo since it takes out all the risk and opportunity of a high food set but also impacts end of set decisions slightly, the first option should be to raise on market time from 8h, since obviously a market where potenitally only 1/3 of player base has access to it will be hugely erratic compared to other servers where its 2 days

the only downside to longer market time is recall costs but recalling could be free on express once its been on the market for a certain amount of time, say 2 hours, that also has some potential destocking impact but its not huge unless you never stock anything else during that time

any allies on express makes the server way too meta gamey
personally i like the idea of only having defence not offence as it shifts the topfeeding PS balance towards landfat countries but i dont think its worth it
with only a 5 day reset to get allies in game youd have to first identify likely countries then message and wait for them to accept, so im sure everyone would just use the same out of game allies each set

seems fine, i hate the idea of pretending to be bots being a strat
theres a bunch in alliance this set who used bot names for example

treat it like buying on the public market, if you try to sell for a price that will get you less than 1000-commission then it just sell for 1000-commision instead, unfortunately commission is going in the opposite direction of buying so it doesnt give then nice buffer and arbitrage opportunity for lower commission govs though

as to the balance between clearing tech at 1k then hopefully selling for more to the public, that seems hard to enforce, just like with food sales on private, if you were going to try something then it would be logical to try and stop people selling food on pub for less than they would get on nprivate as well

thats basically what i tell new/returning players to do, shouldnt be any different for bots :)

definately wouldnt hurt, either seasonal or recent would be fine
one potential option is to break it up into changeset eras as well
assuming the game ever goes more mobile having it push your tanks to your friends/clanmates makes sense as well, and should be done in the current ui as well
hopefully persistant tags come in as well then you could start to have stats for tags performances in war and netting for alltime/recent/season/changeset

consistency is good but some variance is needed
hopefully the details page clan clarify more of the changes though
like i know FFA doesnt apply a lot of things that are in alliance like the min jets send, but it would be nice to see them on the details page, and i have no real clue whether alphaFFA follows FFA which makes it hard to use it to test for non FFA servers when its the best environment to grab yourself and so on and also alpha tends to have potential changes on it sometimes, or do you have an extra dev server set up?

not sure on potential changes at this point, i havnt played for ages

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 14th 2021, 6:26:33

Originally posted by raz:
We all knew it was you and I was told.

Don't play this game. Since when does a solo tag get to have FAT countries (thousands of acres) and get to run with NO defense and NO spies.

You get special treatment when you play don't @ me with this garbage. This type of treatment discredits what the rest of us have to deal with.

its since the 10% rule theres even less point trying to buy defence because now people have to run much better countries to mess with you to a large degree, sure someone can hit me and get maybe 6k then maybe i only get 4k back and i lose out but its nowhere near the same as someone taking 40k and theres not the same incentive of "lol big grab" that there was previously, thats one reason i chose to play ffa again actually

spies again you have to have an insane amount to stop people spying on you or even reduce the success chance much
if you look at this op from my first set youll see 0 spies and huge spy cost
thats one reason why i had exactly zero spies on most of my countries to see if that would happen again, and i dont think it did, it definately doesnt show on the final op, but there was a weird thing where it would happen some days then disappear other days, it happened with both decay and build cost btw

even if i do get special treatment why would the response be that i should get suicided as well?
then the next person who gets left alone needs to get suicided too?

everyone should have the opportunity to play based on what happens in the reset without being targeted based on things from other servers or resets

of course if someone suicides 5 sets a year then expects to netgain untouched the other set thats pretty hypocritical

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 13th 2021, 9:38:29

you can get 1m acres in ffa fairly easily i think

and if you want to build to 500 bpt in 1980 turns on a tyranny first then aid yourself from other countries so you can build thats fine

but if you actually planned to build 1m acres at 500 bpt thats 2k turns +1980 which is really close to turn count of say 60 days bonuses at 82*60=4920

so 4920-3980=940
which is a pretty high average grab number even for ffa, it might be possible

but if your playing ffa anyone you can make it way easier for yourself by just not building all the acres, build to 500k if you want, grab onstrat, self farm your other countries for easy land, so 1m is probably still an achievement but you could go a lot higher optimising

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 13th 2021, 9:22:00

2020-06-08 00:01:01 8 $2,147,483,647 5,160 acres DG enshula
2020-06-07 17:11:01 8 $2,147,483,647 5,160 acres DG enshula
2020-06-07 17:06:01 8 $2,147,483,647 5,160 acres DG
2020-06-07 17:01:01 8 $2,147,483,647 5,160 acres DG COVID19
2020-04-12 22:11:01 8 $16,302 280 acres M COVID19
2020-04-08 15:31:01 $4,717 100 acres M

that was my second reset playing ffa and it looks like i changed tag to enshula after i jumped 7 hours before the end of the set

i think i might have told one person who i was because they sent out the 'were going to kill all the suiciders' type message but everyone just assumed who i was

the set before i played the whole set in tag 'enshula' though and that set i got slightly higher tnw and anw 21.3b vs 19.8b
but obviously its a lot easier to get higher nw spread out over many countries than just in 1 country

looks like i lost about 280k tech in the second set which is basically nothing across 16 countries, and way more in the first set when i was actually playing under my own name

i have no idea what happened to bug in FFA last set so ill check

about day 5 at 8k acres 34 grabs and 1 cm for about 8300 acres and 100 buildings loss
also a huge loss is the CS's lost but i dont know how much that is
what we can see is bug didnt have to kill the enemies himself and was obviously able to recover well
thats not nothing but averaged over 16 countries thats about 500 acres or around about 2 landgrabs a country worth of lost acres and cs's

no idea how much defence he bought up but looking at a few of the countries i dont think he actually did as the nws seem fairly linear with the increase probably being accounted for by tech

and this whole argument is a little offensive to bug as he won alliance last set while not getting suicided or doing enemy hits when a lot of other countries got suicided, does that mean his achievement there was worthless? i dont think so

the argument that people are advantaged because suiciders know who they are and choose not to suicide them is a horrible one, ive been suicided as much as most people in other servers, not a whole lot in ffa and i think most of those times were unprovoked wars rather than suicides per se

as a solo tag of course i was incredibly vulnerable to people messing with me, but at the same time joining a tag puts you at risk of being suicided because of something someone else has done, or opinions about someone else

id say the only advantage i have is people would trust me if i say im just going to net, and can go through and see ive never suicided anyone on any server

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 13th 2021, 6:48:49

37 was just building cs nothing else net cash income

so basically 0 food income or cost since you start off food positive then go negative as you fill the empty land

which means the 37-25=12 was roughly the available cash for when you start to build income buildings and the 25 would have eaten into that a lot

making a new country to test
with 100 acres you hit 0 net food and 3776 net cash at 40 turns
and 347 land expenses

if the land expenses started at 10 rather than 3.47 then there would have only been 5.5 extra per acre if you went to 100 cs on 100 acres, along with -24 food per turn
which if you had to buy on private is a crapload of course if you didnt stock up
even at just 36 which is about 34 food it would be 864 which would be enough to push you negative

of course that scenario isnt realistic since i dont think you can skip 20 acre bonus on real servers, or maybe you get it for having country during the signup day so not sure maybe for late starters you could

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2021, 14:09:12


at least you didnt have to make your own thread, i might have done that a time or two :P

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 12th 2021, 14:07:51

checked on the net income in protection and for a mono with no income buildings its $37.33 an acre, so $25 would have been about 2/3 of that so good change

wouldnt be quite as high for cash start but would have made a big difference still compared to indy and farm start

interestingly land isnt flat 10 yet either so i guess that ramps up as well

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 11th 2021, 4:32:33

nicks should just be marked as fake/anonymous if they arnt openly linked to all your other open nicks and the main one

anyway is this enough to make people expect that at least this sets countries will be opened or should there be an extra message/confirmation

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 8th 2021, 15:14:31

what display name does the bot account have?

will it be a letdown when we find out?

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 8th 2021, 4:59:28

if two war tags go clangdi they literally cant hit each other and cant declare war on each other

if its ok for war tags then theyd maybe have to argue over who got to be the clangdi one

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 8th 2021, 3:50:24

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 8th 2021, 3:38:05

two sets fairly recently average public food sales for the whole set were at 33

so id imagine a pile of food was sold on private those sets at less than 33

and 34 average food sets seem very common lately

in the last year it looks like about a 10% chance average food price will be over 36, of course if thats all being weighted down by theos selling stock at 33 end of set that could mean its higher than it appears for most people and farmers in particular

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 8th 2021, 3:28:46

liquidity can be so bad in express it probably helps more than it hurts

especially since in express no tech alllies means you producs 100/130=76.92% of the tech you can in other servers

so a 1000 floor here is equivelant to a 767 floor somewhere else

looks like average tech price in express is maybe 2500 anyway so 1000 doesnt seem to close to that, and if a huge amount was selling for 1000 hopefully thats reflected in the average and not just ignored

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 8th 2021, 3:21:11

good, especially since you can leave if you forget
doesnt even have to be huge limits on how much a gdi country can be grabbed by a non gdi country if they can choose to farm you back at any point

4 hits on a target while staying in gdi seems like a lot, seems pretty high amount of farming while #4 alleviates it slightly

probably needed for express, but im not even sure how long express dr lasts these days, is it still 24 hour halflife and 3 day expiry or did it get shortened to something like 8 hours? even on a short timer once you start taking enough hits that your dr is low your kind of in the clear for farming anyone

dont forget this helps war countries since you can both cripple an enemy and farm them for land at the same time

good change in general, could even be applied on other servers since landtrading is pretty dead right now

4 hits while in huge dr on a 0 dr target still gets you about 380% with only 100% guaranteed back isnt a huge retal but at least its something

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 8th 2021, 3:06:41

i wouldnt hate the idea of identifying non open forum nicks as such, theres some fun when its anonymous top 10 lists of tags or players or whatever

and having a filter to ignore posts by anonymous people, possibly even opt out

the one case for anonymity is when theres a lot of undeserved harassment, and possibly just in general for devs/mods

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 7th 2021, 16:54:40

currently with 48h retal window and untagged only doing 5% damage against a gdi country then dropping tag to change tags wouldnt have much protection

unless it was enforced by a tag

but because two gdi tags cant war unless a non gdi tag was involved the level of enforcement would be limited

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 7th 2021, 5:03:51

so ffa and alliance are going to be closer together moving forwards?

i kind of liked they were spread out a little

Dec 8 00:00 - Feb 8 00:54

also the sets going to end at 00:54 now?

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 6th 2021, 16:19:27

does the distribution have to be a one time thing? maybe a 72h cooldown? if a war is too early of course its going to be small and not worth distributing but the longer into a war the less effect it can have, and the longer left in the war the longer you keep paying for it without the potential of ever getting anything back

oh btw heres an exploit for you, have everyone except one person join vacation in the turn before everyone is kicked out of vacation and distribute the military then

given that its 14 days left, war cant be declated and can auto peace in 9 days left, and takes 2 day to declare that leaves a 3 day vulnerability window

and 14 days left might be a good time to sell military on public, or even just private since its free

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 6th 2021, 16:06:07

non cs buildings sounds like a nice change with early game effect in particular, also helps with restarts and people who get their countries flattened, cash starts are still going to be hurt the most but not as crippling as before and theres option to do non pure cash start

have to join gdi in first 72 hours is pretty simple at least, an option to have costs start at 72h while joining before or auto join at 72h would be nice though

* Clans cannot be created during the final 75% of a reset.
this seems problematic with the current arranged war meta
How so? What's the current meta?

a lot of the time multiple tags will have some people detag and join new tags to war, evonet and evowar for example, a lot of it has to do with whos inactive and balancing numbers, but this set people joined 2 tags, honey badger, and screaming eagle, so it forces those tags to be made in the first fifteen days of the set, which isnt horrible but is more complicaated

theres nothing wrong with having 6 little tags all participating, or people swapping between tags but its nice for people to be able to participate either under their own banner or a neutral banner, could lead to every tag having to make two tags just in case

interesting changes with regards to spyops and missiles during war then, will be fun to watch or take part

true on the bots and gdi, i didnt grasp that, it is slightly disapointing to lose some of the strategy of dec war landgrabbing and gdi in wars but i imagine part of the reason is to reuse gdi for clan gdi and save a lot of effort making changes so its understandable

Vacation is still allowed for untaggeds and the 72 hour clock ticks during vacation.

less of an issue now than before, i guess i was just hopeful people would have an opportunity to kill a country that was detagged for some serious reason before it could make a 1man tag and suicide, although given it would need to vacation for 5 days to wait out the timer then tag up and wait for dec war timer its a fairly significant cost, but at the same time a clangdi tag wouldnt be able to kill someone that repeatedly grabbed allies and dropped land or two stepped

to have some sort of real war yet have netgainers in the tag at the same time to save 200m/day per 100k acres seems like a pretty big hassle. the closest comparison i can think of is a set where a laf country wasnt participating in a war and just kept netting but i think it died eventually anyway.

id lean towards something like x% of readiness spent attacking a war target reduces or eliminates the $25/acre/turn cost

so say a normal war country get 72+6 turns per daay for 78 turns a day or 234% readiness if say 117% readiness was spent on hitting the war dec tag then you wouldnt have to pay, might need to exclude ss/ps

but netgaining even if you were deliberately losing max readiness on a dh i cant remember if you lose 27 or just 18 that would still be a lot of hits and mil and oil that would be least damaging while building a lot of cs so you could still grab with other turns

for mono that would be about 13 turns grabbing, having to build 24 cs, and send 650% of your offence, just to save 1950*acres each day, at times it would still matter your up to about 50k acres so thats 97.5m a day or 7.5m a grab which works out to grabas of about 350k jets, and i think theyd be a bit bigger then, so your doing all that and basically destroying 13 cs a day

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 6th 2021, 7:50:38

theres obviously a lot here probably easy to miss stuff

* Clan GDI adds expenses of $25 per acre.
does this kill off cash starts in clan gdi tags?
also in general 25 per acre is a huge expense early game, its something like 50% of early game income at a guess
can we test this on alphaffa?

* Clan leaders can join the new clan level GDI during clan creation if the clan is created before or during the first 72 hours of the reset.
is this you can only join in first 72h or only join in tags that were created in 72h?
also combined with the 25 cost if it has to be turned on by 72hh thats a huge early game cost

without numbers particularly decay no point worrying about the clan army yet

* Clans cannot be created during the final 75% of a reset.
this seems problematic with the current arranged war meta

* Outside of war, landgrabs are permitted against countries in a non-GDI clan. No more than two landgrabs can be done against any one clan over any 24 hour period.
this implies bots wont be tagging up, which is my preference but i heard before devs want bots to tag

* Countries are 50% less likely to create missiles.
interesting, thats probably going to be the main differentiator between war and net tags assuming its viable for netting

* Harmful ops launched by the country are 50% less likely to succeed.
potentially an issue netting but seems super unlikely

* Any incoming harmful op or missile has a 50% chance of being blocked by GDI clan level defenses.
biggest impact is likely to be almost certain reveal of whos doing ops, but theres some cases where someone is turn/op limited and the 50% fail would matter, particularly if its 50% fail then normal fail roll after for the ops
but for sdi it immediately cuts chem kills from about 60 to about 120 which probably significantly reduce the amount of solo kills that will happen

* Except during war, harmful spy ops are not possible against countries in any GDI clan. Normal spy ops are always permitted.
this comes later in the post but if non clan gdi countries cant spy on gdi then does the 50% apply during war? or solely to untags?

* Country level war declarations are removed.
are bots still going to join gdi at about 1/3 rate?
takes a lot of strategy out of the game either way
but i dont hate the idea of no dec war and bots still in gdi if there are more bots, just dont get that full stratification of targets while keeping dec war but you still get a lot of it since its only 1 dec war target per 2-3 days

* A war declaration is not possible against non-GDI clans. War between two non-GDI clans works in the same way as it does today.
seems a bit of a pity as hopefully stats and things get added for wars, one thing that could be added is a wider humanitarian range for example which solves a lot of restart problems without requiring big restart bonuses especially now blindsides are getting reduced

* If a country leaves the clan it cannot join any clan for 72 hours.
is this going to disallow joining vacation for that 72 hours as well?
or count time only outside of vacation?

* Point out any loopholes that may allow for players or clans to abuse the system. For example, I would be open to dropping the GDI maintenance requirement while a clan is at war. However, doing so would allow for clans to declare fake wars to avoid paying expenses.
you could tie it to a specific level of damage sustained, otherwise a clangdi tag who is war declared on will always be $25/acre/turn poorer than the aggressor

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2021, 12:32:24

i think for pre x date countries they should still be opened but id be fine with a grace period

where it was grandfathered in over a period of time so it wasnt just last reset being immediately visible but might become visible in say a year, when it wasnt as big a deal anymore

one huge benefit of profiles becoming open is its a lot easier to prove whos been sending FA to who which is relevant for netgaining with reps, farmed land, uneven landtrading, tech leeches, offence leeches being the main issues

also you could have one person faking sending aid by getting it back after

and another option is to open countries but not reveal who played them

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2021, 8:32:51

Originally posted by ZEN:
The simple fact is. It is against the rules to have two accounts. Not because you gain anything but because its to prevent you from playing multiple countries. That is why you can delete your account every set and create a new one and not get deleted.

and there is a reason to do with bonuses to use multiple profiles if you play multiple servers, its not a huge gain but it shouldnt be encouraged

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2021, 3:21:44

Originally posted by ZEN:
enshula - thats BS and you know it. Makes no sense. The picking and choosing of what benefits you can gain vs what you can't gain.

The simple fact is. It is against the rules to have two accounts. Not because you gain anything but because its to prevent you from playing multiple countries. That is why you can delete your account every set and create a new one and not get deleted.

Don't worry though. I have the solution:

Let's just NOT allow any new accounts period. That would help the game! That way the frat party can stay at the top with their imposed rules on the server and nobody new can ever join the game. That gives everyone what they want! You're welcome

im confused by the first part? thats the point we cant pick and choose which multiple accounts are allowed and which arnt

at least if someone's constantly deleting accounts they cant have a game history, i think what some of the suiciders have been doing is playing non normal servers to build up a history and then get into tags which they either spy on or suicide from

it will become even more relevant with open profile history

pretty much everything i suggest is at least cautious of how it will effect new players if not designed to be good for them, right now theres a lot of hassle to make new forum accounts for new players which id hope can be changed but unfortunately it sounds like it was more hassle for the volunteer mods to deal with bad accounts than to approve good ones

if people are forced to actually delete their 'main' profile rather than just make extra ones then im not sure if they can still claim old forum nicks or have to go through forum mods to get re approved which might be a cumulative added hassle for forum mods though

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2021, 2:59:58

Originally posted by ZEN:
Originally posted by enshula:
Originally posted by ZEN:

It tells you what strat the bot is running.

much wow

Don't undersell it. What some people take for granted is very helpful for others. I've used it many of times to my benefit. Like who to ally, who to hit if im playing a certain strategy, or if I wanted to get some cash and land at the same time from the bot to finish out building.

its a slight convenience

but we got all the same info with a little more effort before that column was added, im sure theres a few people that didnt bother then that do now though

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 9:32:44

that said with the leader board fix we could just go with open profiles in general

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 9:29:17

maybe making a profile open after being inactive for a certain amount of time in general?

legal issues though?

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 5:50:18


i know there was some hassle making this change so thought a flat 60 day delay might be the easiest option

its kind of sad that the change gets made right after it was used to catch cheaters though

Edited By: enshula on Feb 4th 2021, 5:53:55
See Original Post

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 3:54:09

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

Yeah. I actually sort of agree that deleting totally legit FFA countries over a multiple acct on a different server is probably more extreme than usual and sets a totally new precedent.

if the goal of using 2 accounts is to achieve a benefit then why should whoever does that be allowed to keep whatever benefit is achieved

even if the benefit is something like not being known as a suicider

as much as i hate cross server issues usually it involves someone being suicided because of what they did on another server, when instead its a suicider trying to avoid responsibility for their actions on another server even if its more so to maintain a good reputation than to avoid being suicided themselves it doesnt feel the same

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 3:42:31


the real reason for that page existing is because forum accounts used to be separate to game accounts

and you could have multiple forum accounts

but now you are supposed to have 1 forum and 1 game account combined with all the additional names claimed


its been the rule since the start of ee i think, ive been talking about it for years

the only 'good' reason to do it is because of the broken leaderboard problems, and even then only if you are getting suicided from leaderboard tracking but with how easy it is to work out who is who even that is pretty useless

it probably has more application for war but i still dont like it because if it is useful then its yet one more dumb thing everyone should be doing to compete properly

most of the use is by people wanting to show a fake/clean profile, or be untracked suiciders, or run multies, or avoidance of the most recent change with restart tracking

deleting is of course sensible as both disincentive to do it in the future and taking away any possible benefit gained

Players are only allowed to have one (1) game account.
One account provides full access to the game and creating multiple accounts is not permitted. In addition, players may not login to another player's account for any reason. Players violating these rules may suffer country deletions and account closures.

the only reason not to delete both accounts as well is because then you essentially gift whoever wants a new identity with what they wanted, if there was someway to keep the bad history while wiping out some of the achievements im sure that would be considered

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 4th 2021, 3:23:23

Originally posted by ZEN:

It tells you what strat the bot is running.

much wow

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 1st 2021, 1:48:13

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
I still get my entertainment from pocking fun at Buch for stealing my tech fully knowing I'll never get it reimbursed, I haven't even played here in a while 😝

i actually remember fondly getting tech stolen from me once

but that was bomber the set before he died

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 30th 2021, 21:26:11

i dont remember the last time i got anything back from destructive ops

even ops from allies

if i ask for something the next set then it ruins two sets even, unless you wait until after youve been suicided by someone else the next set but by then its harder to pay reps

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 29th 2021, 23:04:37

the other big factor is if bot code needed to be redone for a change

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 28th 2021, 22:47:23

could need a new game mode or perhaps focus on a lowest activity mode

if the ideas are more random and strange a shorter cycle could be nice, for it to be a longer or 2 month server would have to make sure some sets arnt just completely broken

im sure ive seen the idea of temporary rules before, i think of path of exile seasons, but d2 ladder mode i think did it first

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 22nd 2021, 18:22:12

i wrote the same thing as req before reading his post

no idea how much you get for watching ads on brave supposedly 70% of what they get paid, so i guess its 'extra money'

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 20th 2021, 10:37:37

add more domains like littleitaly posted then wait for cache to expire

if they are using a pc rather than ios/android hosts file will always work as well, i think you need an unlocked rom to do hosts file on ios/android now which is probably something you wouldn't want your kids to use

its probably worthwhile putting a hosts file filter on the laptop

but the natural evasion on a phone if they realise what your doing is to turn off wifi when they want to use discord

maybe one of those ipads with only wifi and no phone network would be pretty easy

the always on vpn suggestion could work, i assume theres a phone management solution for that

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 16th 2021, 23:52:13


enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 11th 2021, 6:07:03

maybe if no one is allowed to join another team after leaving tag

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 10th 2021, 3:55:03


Jan 10th 2021, 3:09:46
The site is back up, but the link ingame to them doesn't work.

This one does work though.;incentive=187

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 5th 2021, 2:23:46

we are pay to not get screwed by downtime now it seems

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 4th 2021, 4:18:14

try on a different computer/phone, sometimes when it gets broken that fixes it

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 2nd 2021, 7:37:51

these are the two i remember from ages ago where they tried a similar thing