Jul 11th 2013, 7:50:26
I quit again, yes i know but i will NEVER ever play this game again you have my word on that. I guess in the end i WIN because i will NEVER return to this sess pool that i have wasted countless hours apon hours trying to build a legitimate alliance however small, and the same fluffwitts who want to remain nameless continue to pick on the weak to make themselves feel better. Well for you folks, as much as it will hurt to hear this, this game isn't real life. There is sun outside the windows and real fresh air with people who don't act like complete fluffing morons who cannot even see it. This post will get trolled, flamed, maybe even deleted. Good luck, i'm not going to waste another second investing into this game, which provides an outlet for some seriously retarded people to act out some weird dominating fetishes. The select few i am talking about, are hell bent on controlling, manipulating, dominating and being downright fluffing rude at any cost, its disgusting. This game represents for some, the sesspool outlet to release rage, hate, anger, dominance its pathetic and its time to stop wasting time here thinking this community will change. New players come, and leave. So good luck to anyone still willing to stick around.
For those who actually act like normal human beings in this game, i respect you, but those few and i think we know whom, and those alliances whom harbour those same losers LAF and SOF. You win. I hope for the people in your real lives, for their sake this game carries on so you can continue to release this filth in this game and not in REAL LIFE... the stuff outside your door.. :)