
grelk Game profile

New Member

Nov 6th 2013, 2:35:10

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
I think you mean Regina, Saskatchewan.

Yes. And now I feel dumb.

I don't think it was Jer Bu, simply because of how often he was away from the game and because he wasn't really super active when he was in the game. I could be entirely wrong, but if so that dude is more machiavellian, and was way more into Earth, than I gave him credit for.

grelk Game profile

New Member

Nov 5th 2013, 18:09:37

Teal's ISP was from Regina, Ontario. I'm from Massachusetts. We weren't both active in the game at the same time for long stretches. If people thought I was Teal then they're idiots.

grelk Game profile

New Member

Nov 5th 2013, 17:12:37

Also, goddamnit, am I ever going to find out who Teal was? I don't even recognize most of those colors, and several of them were recycled. I met the original Mr. White, and it sure wasn't Gramberto.

grelk Game profile

New Member

Nov 5th 2013, 17:11:24

The original was better.

grelk Game profile

New Member

Dec 21st 2012, 16:45:55

"8 years ago you were torpedoing the Dean campaign"

Hey! I worked in New Hampshire. It was Iowa that fluffed us over. We knew at the start of January that we were going to lose Iowa. I remember Jeremy Bird (you might recognize the name if you were on Obama's mailing list) being furious with his counterparts in Iowa who were pointlessly obsessed with the number of out of state volunteers they were bringing in while completely failing to set up the infrastructure you need to win a caucus state. Argh. That still frustrates me. And if we'd had more than one week between Iowa and New Hampshire, I still think we could have won NH. Winning beyond that, who the heck knows.

grelk Game profile

New Member

Dec 12th 2012, 17:26:19

Hi Ponderer!

I don't think I was doing anything interesting in Earth 10 years ago. But 10.5 years ago Iccyh, Beefhawk, and I tried to create an alliance called Tiger. We ran a half reset in 1B, recruited people there, and had a nifty little group that might have done OK if we hadn't been farmed to a pulp by SoF. Also, if Iccyh, Beefhawk, and I weren't all incredibly competent yet incredibly prone to burning out due to trying too much at once.

Alas, poor Tiger.

grelk Game profile

New Member

Dec 7th 2012, 16:57:40

And I'm back.

This time a decade ago I was... where was I? I'm getting old man's disease. I guess I was back in Omega at that point, which means that I've been there on and off now for over a decade. Yikes.

grelk Game profile

New Member

Sep 27th 2012, 23:14:45

Also, this is officially the "give your reminicenses of the olden days to get your bonus" thread.

Violators will be unheeded.

grelk Game profile

New Member

Sep 27th 2012, 23:12:32

There are so many more turns in this game than there were in the old days. I know I've missed a bundle and I'm over 4000 for the reset. Makes it kind of hard to compare performance across the eras, even ignoring the fact that the game was much larger and landgrabbing was much different.

grelk Game profile

New Member

Sep 13th 2012, 17:20:45

Who the heck was Mr. Teal, anyways? I never figured it out.

grelk Game profile

New Member

Sep 3rd 2012, 14:14:25

At what point do we all start teaching our children how to play?

I want multigenerational bad blood between alliances! "No, dad! I'm joining RD because you grounded me!" "You're no son of mine!"

I'm only moderately surprised at how many oldies I see around, given how many people I regularly keep in touch with from the game. If other people are similar, there's a lot of ways to get dragged back in.

grelk Game profile

New Member

Aug 28th 2012, 14:52:35

After I'd been playing for a couple years, I thought to myself "It's going to be weird if I'm playing Earth 2025 in 2025. But nah, no way that could possibly happen."

That was 2000.

It's over halfway to 2025 since then.

If that happens, yeesh.

I guess I should name this "grelk's once weekly comment so he can get his bonus turns."

grelk Game profile

New Member

Aug 25th 2012, 19:48:20

what sort of treachery is this?!