
guochel Game profile


Feb 28th 2022, 5:30:05


guochel Game profile


Feb 28th 2022, 1:06:16

wait, what happened to division bell, now? i just saw him drop 5000 acres on the leaderboards

guochel Game profile


Feb 28th 2022, 1:00:44

philtre does not have the killer instinct to grip a win. he is a pacifist and implements an imperfect strategy for a "within a ball park" aim

guochel Game profile


Feb 27th 2022, 21:26:31

i wonder who will win game A, now

guochel Game profile


Feb 27th 2022, 4:19:34

ok, thanks!

guochel Game profile


Feb 27th 2022, 0:37:46

can anyone tell me what happened with this country? i'm not in game A but i've been monitoring the leaderboards and the sudden decrease in acres for this country makes me curious. did this country get in a war with mcdonald's big mac?

guochel Game profile


Feb 26th 2022, 17:40:15

why does this guy have so many EMs and no NMs or CMs? that's wierd

guochel Game profile


Feb 23rd 2022, 4:34:44

would love to join but i'm sitting this one out!

Edited By: guochel on Feb 23rd 2022, 4:44:13
See Original Post

guochel Game profile


Feb 23rd 2022, 3:57:43

i see. anarchist!

guochel Game profile


Feb 23rd 2022, 3:34:00

Originally posted by g0nz0:

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Originally posted by guochel:
Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
2.4 hours ago
Your military lost:
17,131 Turrets
1427 Tanks
Their military lost:
32 Troops
136,800 Jets
7408 Tanks


Originally posted by Rocky79:
Biden's death toll exceeds Trump's now, he's the new champ!

but biden had twice as many years to get a higher number. this comparison is unfair to biden!

Biden didn't do fluff, he's just a puppet, the man can't put a sentence together even with a teleprompter in front of him, we elected a fluffing zombie FFS 🙇‍♂️


The dumbass of the year that hit me did 8 GS THEN an SS.... that's why he's a tard, actually, supertard, tard of the year and this is February....

Looks like a bored mid level. Expect sporadic missile and AB attacks rest of set. Spy ops if SPAL is anything.

"We" elected Trump. "They" installed a feeble automaton to act on behalf of a massive den of incestuous snakes and rats. Unelected lifelong globalist stooges. Communist subversion, Big Pharma, Big Tech, MIC, Large University's, Blackrock, FED, "Wall Street", Chyna, "Climate Change/Green Energy" lobbyists, various secret fraternal orders, some Monarchies, your sister, and the family dog Brutus.

so, uh, are you all mostly democrats or republicans?

guochel Game profile


Feb 22nd 2022, 3:15:04

they have higher maintenance cost than tanks. 2x

guochel Game profile


Feb 22nd 2022, 1:52:05

this was uncalled for. that poor noob, he didn't deserve what you did to him!

guochel Game profile


Feb 21st 2022, 2:26:14

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
2.4 hours ago
Your military lost:
17,131 Turrets
1427 Tanks
Their military lost:
32 Troops
136,800 Jets
7408 Tanks


Originally posted by Rocky79:
Biden's death toll exceeds Trump's now, he's the new champ!

but biden had twice as many years to get a higher number. this comparison is unfair to biden!

Edited By: guochel on Feb 21st 2022, 2:30:58
See Original Post

guochel Game profile


Feb 21st 2022, 0:27:11

not bad. they only killed about 40k civilians. that's pretty low compared to how many donald trump killed during the coronavirus pandemic!

guochel Game profile


Feb 14th 2022, 11:03:49

that's his stage 1

guochel Game profile


Feb 14th 2022, 3:24:42

grief ops and grief 20 ABs on random ppl, that's his style

guochel Game profile


Feb 13th 2022, 21:58:25

well, that's how he always does it. he names his country after food because food is so innocuous, then, BAM

but maybe he won't go crazy on someone this time because he read my forum post. he's always thinking of how to hurt someone the most. he may think: "if i don't do anything, this will discredit guochel and ruin his reputation, so that is what i will do"

guochel Game profile


Feb 10th 2022, 19:51:47

Originally posted by Rocky79:
The only thing I like about Papa Johns is their estranged founder John Schnatter because he claims to eat over 300 pizzas a year and is often on talk radio talking about ordering and eating a bunch of Papa Johns pizzas and how he's still Papa John and the guy is clearly obsessed with the company but not allowed to run it anymore and I think the whole story should be made into a comedy movie

john schnatter understood how to make things personal and to make every pizza almost a piece of art. the company doesn't do that, anymore. they industrialized everything and it's no longer from "papa". it's from this manufactory that pretty much makes everything impersonal. i don't like that.

the result? low quality food and low market share, which is what state the company is in now. they deserve what they get

guochel Game profile


Feb 10th 2022, 18:52:56

papa johns is a cheap company that does all sorts of little things that make you think that they are super high quality. like they add these little jalapeno peppers into each pizza box to make you think that "wow, papa john's really thinks of everything. they must be really good" but in reality they just suck

i don't know what snoop dog has to do with it

guochel Game profile


Feb 10th 2022, 2:09:28

best to worst (for me):
1. dominos
2. pizza hut
3. papa john's
4. frozen pizza

guochel Game profile


Feb 9th 2022, 23:44:26


guochel Game profile


Feb 9th 2022, 2:18:39


guochel Game profile


Feb 9th 2022, 0:54:43


guochel Game profile


Feb 4th 2022, 4:45:32

uh, just so happens that i love mcdouch. except the big macks. i'd rather eat 1-dollar cheeseburgers which have the most calories per unit of weight ... on their entire menu

guochel Game profile


Feb 2nd 2022, 2:35:06


guochel Game profile


Feb 2nd 2022, 1:41:45

so get a lot of spies and tanks! his strategy is usually to mess you up and instigate some negative emotions by damaging you with "griefy" spy ops or ABs, so keep a decent amount of both!

by doing so, he then gets you to war him, which further derails you from whatever goal you originally had

get enough spies and tanks to prevent you from being a juicy target that can be easily damaged. you don't have to go crazy and get an infinite amount of spies and tanks, just a decently more amount than the other poor bastard he's going to target instead

guochel Game profile


Feb 2nd 2022, 1:18:11

sylvester stallone is not named food, correct, but i spoke with this person many rounds ago when he was named after food and when he was sylvester stallone. he talks exactly same. furthermore, his strategy to mess you up is the same. therefore, i guessed that it is the same person.

guochel Game profile


Feb 2nd 2022, 0:18:54

guys, just to let you all know: "mcdonald's big mac" is probably Sylvester Stallone from two ages ago. this particular griefer always names his country after food. If i am correct, he will try to create wars with everyone in the hopes of griefing other people and occupying their time and energy.

guochel Game profile


Jan 20th 2022, 1:10:35

i can't sell my fluff on the market. it's fluffing incredible. i have not sold a single bushel on teh market. there's like so much supply from all these farmers

guochel Game profile


Jan 1st 2022, 5:40:36

happy new years, everyone!
what are your wishes for the new year?

guochel Game profile


Dec 30th 2021, 21:27:46

oh, i now understand why it is called 2a. under that same naming system, back when the game was called earth 2025, the highest i ever got would be Game 2N

guochel Game profile


Dec 30th 2021, 20:27:16

i don't understand!! i'm glad that next set won't have him in game A, but.... he was 9th place when he died. Since the top 50% of players in game A remain in game A, and since there is 18 players in game A... if he had lived, he would have remained in game A!

so why did he kill himself?

what is game 2a? is that just game A?

guochel Game profile


Dec 30th 2021, 20:13:51

there are people like this all over the world. people who just want to hurt you. really creepy people.

what is the solution? the solution is to never give him any information about you (your goals / what matters to you). in fact, never speak with him in general.

guochel Game profile


Dec 30th 2021, 20:06:30

Originally posted by g0nz0:
Some builds require grabs if you want top score. An all-x techer could win, as we see this round, but who knows if he didn't bomb those airbases or farm early risers. He could have won if gouche and the others didn't have their revenge. This game is replete with "what if's". Next round we'll see some skirmishes. Christmas break is over.

his intention was never to win this round. his intention was to prevent other people from reaching the goals that matter to them. this guy is the ultimate evil sadist. what's worse is that he is smart. he will do whatever is necessary to optimize his strategy of hurting other people's priorities (ie: what matters to them)

i just wonder what he looks like in real life. is he a psychopath or a sociopath?

Originally posted by Rocky79:

I wonder what his reckless play will do to the server overall? My guess is that the top countries at the end of this round will have much lower net worth than normal, and a player who wasn't involved with sly will likely win

absolutely correct! tech guy will win, or philtre

guochel Game profile


Dec 30th 2021, 3:40:43

if chaos is a ladder, what is he? is he a ladder? XD XDXD

guochel Game profile


Dec 30th 2021, 2:47:25

this guy is sadistic. he likes causing pain and negative emotions in other people. he's probably oping everyone in hopes of getting some type of emotional response

AB Dec 29, 02:10 Give it a try (#8) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 5 B
AB Dec 29, 02:10 Give it a try (#8) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 45 B
AB Dec 29, 02:10 Give it a try (#8) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 45 B
AB Dec 29, 02:11 Give it a try (#8) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
GS Dec 29, 15:07 Sylvester Stallone (#1) my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) 6046 C
187 F
GS Dec 29, 15:07 Sylvester Stallone (#1) my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) 5852 C
188 F
GS Dec 29, 15:08 Sylvester Stallone (#1) my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) 5658 C
188 F
GS Dec 29, 15:08 Sylvester Stallone (#1) my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) 5469 C
187 F
GS Dec 29, 15:08 Sylvester Stallone (#1) my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) 3701 C
131 F
GS Dec 29, 15:08 Sylvester Stallone (#1) my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) 5165 C
187 F
GS Dec 29, 15:08 Sylvester Stallone (#1) my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) 4993 C
187 F
GS Dec 29, 15:08 Sylvester Stallone (#1) my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) 4827 C
187 F
GS Dec 29, 15:08 Sylvester Stallone (#1) my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) 4684 C
188 F
GS Dec 29, 15:08 Sylvester Stallone (#1) my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) 4533 C
188 F
GS Dec 29, 15:08 Sylvester Stallone (#1) my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) 4382 C
188 F
GS Dec 29, 15:08 Sylvester Stallone (#1) my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) 4235 C
188 F
GS Dec 29, 15:08 Sylvester Stallone (#1) my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) 4093 C
188 F
AB Dec 29, 17:13 Give it a try (#8) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
AB Dec 29, 17:13 Give it a try (#8) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
AB Dec 29, 17:14 Give it a try (#8) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 42 B
AB Dec 29, 17:16 Give it a try (#8) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 42 B
AB Dec 29, 17:16 Give it a try (#8) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 42 B
AB Dec 29, 17:17 Give it a try (#8) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
CM Dec 29, 19:58 One Step Beyond (#11) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 79 B
7655 C
CM Dec 29, 19:59 One Step Beyond (#11) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
NM Dec 29, 19:59 One Step Beyond (#11) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 112 A
EM Dec 29, 19:59 One Step Beyond (#11) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
EM Dec 29, 19:59 One Step Beyond (#11) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
SS Dec 29, 20:02 One Step Beyond (#11) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
CM Dec 29, 20:03 One Step Beyond (#11) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
AB Dec 29, 21:16 Give it a try (#8) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
AB Dec 29, 21:16 Give it a try (#8) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
AB Dec 29, 21:16 Give it a try (#8) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
CM Dec 30, 01:34 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH

guochel Game profile


Dec 29th 2021, 1:55:06


guochel Game profile


Dec 29th 2021, 1:41:10

man! why is it that everyone hates this guy? RIP RIP RIP RIP LOL! SIMULTANEOUS GANG RAPE!!!!!!

News for December 26, 00:00 through December 29, 01:37

Attack Time Attacker Defender Losses
PS Dec 26, 17:00 Sylvester Stallone (#1) Give it a try (#8) 331 A
GS Dec 27, 00:07 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 13,893 C
1834 F
GS Dec 27, 00:07 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 13,543 C
1831 F
GS Dec 27, 00:07 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 13,203 C
1829 F
EM Dec 27, 00:07 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
CM Dec 27, 00:07 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 387 B
25,073 C
NM Dec 27, 00:08 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 679 A
GS Dec 27, 00:10 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 12,265 C
1828 F
GS Dec 27, 00:10 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 11,959 C
1826 F
GS Dec 27, 00:11 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 11,661 C
1825 F
GS Dec 27, 00:18 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 11,373 C
1823 F
GS Dec 27, 00:18 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 11,091 C
1822 F
EM Dec 28, 01:54 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 144,960 MU
EM Dec 28, 01:54 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
AB Dec 28, 01:56 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 354 B
AB Dec 28, 02:01 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 347 B
AB Dec 28, 02:05 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 341 B
AB Dec 28, 02:08 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 336 B
AB Dec 28, 02:12 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 331 B
AB Dec 28, 02:15 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 326 B
AB Dec 28, 02:20 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 320 B
AB Dec 28, 02:24 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
AB Dec 28, 02:26 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 315 B
AB Dec 28, 02:27 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
AB Dec 28, 02:28 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
GS Dec 28, 03:02 Sylvester Stallone (#1) my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) 5387 C
59 F
PS Dec 28, 07:33 One Step Beyond (#11) PoopTroop (#9) 1365 A
AB Dec 28, 12:26 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 313 B
AB Dec 28, 12:26 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 307 B
AB Dec 28, 12:26 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 303 B
AB Dec 28, 12:26 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 297 B
AB Dec 28, 12:26 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 292 B
AB Dec 28, 12:26 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 286 B
AB Dec 28, 12:27 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 282 B
AB Dec 28, 12:27 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 276 B
AB Dec 28, 12:27 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 271 B
AB Dec 28, 12:27 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 267 B
AB Dec 28, 12:27 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 263 B
AB Dec 28, 12:27 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
AB Dec 28, 12:28 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 257 B
AB Dec 28, 12:28 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 252 B
AB Dec 28, 12:28 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 248 B
AB Dec 28, 12:28 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 244 B
AB Dec 28, 12:28 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 240 B
AB Dec 28, 12:28 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 236 B
AB Dec 28, 12:28 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 232 B
AB Dec 28, 12:28 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 227 B
AB Dec 28, 12:28 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 223 B
AB Dec 28, 12:28 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 219 B
AB Dec 28, 12:28 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 216 B
AB Dec 28, 12:28 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 211 B
AB Dec 28, 12:28 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 207 B
AB Dec 28, 12:28 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 203 B
AB Dec 28, 12:28 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 200 B
AB Dec 28, 12:28 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 196 B
AB Dec 28, 12:29 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 193 B
AB Dec 28, 12:29 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 189 B
AB Dec 28, 12:29 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
AB Dec 28, 12:29 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 186 B
AB Dec 28, 12:29 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 182 B
AB Dec 28, 12:29 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 179 B
AB Dec 28, 12:29 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 176 B
AB Dec 28, 12:29 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 173 B
AB Dec 28, 12:29 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 170 B
AB Dec 28, 12:29 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 167 B
AB Dec 28, 12:29 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 165 B
AB Dec 28, 12:29 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 161 B
AB Dec 28, 12:30 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 158 B
AB Dec 28, 12:30 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 155 B
AB Dec 28, 12:30 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 153 B
AB Dec 28, 12:30 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 150 B
AB Dec 28, 12:30 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 148 B
AB Dec 28, 12:30 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 146 B
AB Dec 28, 12:30 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 142 B
AB Dec 28, 12:30 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 140 B
AB Dec 28, 12:30 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 138 B
AB Dec 28, 12:31 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 135 B
AB Dec 28, 12:31 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 133 B
AB Dec 28, 12:31 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 131 B
AB Dec 28, 12:31 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 129 B
AB Dec 28, 12:31 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 127 B
AB Dec 28, 12:31 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 123 B
AB Dec 28, 12:31 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 121 B
AB Dec 28, 12:31 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 119 B
AB Dec 28, 12:31 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 117 B
AB Dec 28, 12:31 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 115 B
AB Dec 28, 12:31 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
CM Dec 28, 12:32 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
AB Dec 28, 12:49 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 114 B
AB Dec 28, 13:18 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 9 B
AB Dec 28, 13:18 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 88 B
AB Dec 28, 13:18 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 87 B
AB Dec 28, 13:18 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 86 B
AB Dec 28, 13:19 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 83 B
NM Dec 28, 13:19 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 681 A
AB Dec 28, 13:23 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 102 B
AB Dec 28, 13:24 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 79 B
AB Dec 28, 13:24 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 78 B
AB Dec 28, 13:24 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 77 B
EM Dec 28, 13:30 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
AB Dec 28, 13:32 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 76 B
AB Dec 28, 13:32 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 75 B
AB Dec 28, 13:32 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 74 B
AB Dec 28, 13:32 Green Coca (#15) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 73 B
AB Dec 28, 14:06 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 91 B
AB Dec 28, 14:06 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 89 B
AB Dec 28, 14:56 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 88 B
AB Dec 28, 14:56 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 86 B
GS Dec 28, 19:22 Sylvester Stallone (#1) my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) 5477 C
470 F
GS Dec 28, 19:22 Sylvester Stallone (#1) my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) 5311 C
470 F
GS Dec 28, 19:22 Sylvester Stallone (#1) my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) 5149 C
470 F
GS Dec 28, 19:22 Sylvester Stallone (#1) my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) 4992 C
469 F
GS Dec 28, 19:22 Sylvester Stallone (#1) my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) 4840 C
469 F
AB Dec 29, 00:36 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 77 B
AB Dec 29, 00:37 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 75 B
AB Dec 29, 00:40 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 73 B
AB Dec 29, 00:40 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 73 B
AB Dec 29, 00:43 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 71 B
AB Dec 29, 00:44 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 70 B
AB Dec 29, 00:48 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 69 B
AB Dec 29, 00:52 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 68 B
AB Dec 29, 00:53 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 66 B
AB Dec 29, 00:53 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 65 B
AB Dec 29, 00:56 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 63 B
AB Dec 29, 00:58 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 60 B
AB Dec 29, 01:00 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 59 B
AB Dec 29, 01:00 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 57 B
AB Dec 29, 01:01 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 56 B
AB Dec 29, 01:02 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 53 B
AB Dec 29, 01:03 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 52 B
AB Dec 29, 01:03 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 51 B
NM Dec 29, 01:04 my my my wat a pleasant surprise (#5) Sylvester Stallone (#1) DH
AB Dec 29, 01:36 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 6 B
AB Dec 29, 01:36 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 58 B
AB Dec 29, 01:36 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 57 B
AB Dec 29, 01:36 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 56 B
AB Dec 29, 01:36 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 55 B
AB Dec 29, 01:36 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 55 B
AB Dec 29, 01:36 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 54 B
AB Dec 29, 01:37 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 54 B
AB Dec 29, 01:37 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 53 B
AB Dec 29, 01:37 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 52 B
AB Dec 29, 01:37 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 51 B
AB Dec 29, 01:37 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 50 B
AB Dec 29, 01:37 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 49 B
AB Dec 29, 01:37 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 48 B
AB Dec 29, 01:37 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 48 B
AB Dec 29, 01:37 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 47 B
AB Dec 29, 01:37 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 46 B
AB Dec 29, 01:37 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 45 B
AB Dec 29, 01:37 country (#14) Sylvester Stallone (#1) 45 B

guochel Game profile


Dec 28th 2021, 5:47:19

wow, that's incredible advice! thanks so much!

guochel Game profile


Dec 27th 2021, 3:19:32

what 250 dollar troops?

guochel Game profile


Dec 26th 2021, 6:59:23


guochel Game profile


Dec 23rd 2021, 5:15:56

i'm going to make jets from now on!

guochel Game profile


Dec 23rd 2021, 5:15:30

he is exploring too much to be a techer! he is also a republic, so another reason that he's not a techer!

but i agree now, he is brilliant and aggressive! like xi jinping or hitler or putin!

guochel Game profile


Dec 20th 2021, 0:58:14

he is a griefer

guochel Game profile


Dec 19th 2021, 3:47:49

syvlester stallone

guochel Game profile


Dec 15th 2021, 17:13:38

oh, that's what i do every reset anyway. i haven't attacked anyone in the past two years