
holycamels Game profile

New Member

Mar 26th 2013, 2:12:47

Thanks! You saved me a lot of pain and frustration.

holycamels Game profile

New Member

Mar 25th 2013, 0:27:05

Hey guys,

I am planning to go reseller on tournament next set. Is this a reasonable strategy on tournament? If so how should I approach this? I have never tried the reseller strategy but I do see its advantages. Any advise would be helpful.


holycamels Game profile

New Member

Mar 6th 2013, 3:12:40

I am not sure if its good practice or not but I try not to buy tech above $3000. Sometimes you are forced to however...

holycamels Game profile

New Member

Dec 24th 2012, 22:35:09

How about tech start to indy?

holycamels Game profile

New Member

Dec 21st 2012, 20:21:56

So I got greedy and tried to go no spy route. Got spied then attacked haha! Im currently sitting on 11 spies/land. This seems to be doing OK in deterring attacks.

I guess that biggest threat is having your army demoralized repeatedly by spying and then getting attacked. If you have enough spies to stop your army from being demoralized you should be ok as long as you have enough defenses.

holycamels Game profile

New Member

Dec 16th 2012, 0:35:46

Thanks guys

holycamels Game profile

New Member

Dec 3rd 2012, 5:35:49

What is a good spies/land ratio? I am playing industrialist and wondering how much I should put toward spies for protection.

holycamels Game profile

New Member

Nov 27th 2012, 6:40:30

Ok thanks.

holycamels Game profile

New Member

Nov 26th 2012, 2:19:37


I am in the stockpile phase and was wondering what the maximum public market sell price was. I just tried to put turrets for sale for $999 and $888 and it wouldn't let me.