
iNouda Game profile


May 19th 2011, 16:06:36

Hey, I'm not the one who's a dirty netter :p

iNouda Game profile


May 19th 2011, 16:04:00

It still works for me :/

iNouda Game profile


May 19th 2011, 15:30:16


iNouda Game profile


May 19th 2011, 15:11:56

All-X would be a pretty safe bet but you probably won't get into the top 10 netting ranks. That would require some epic balls and smarts since you'd need to be able to hit random peeps, move on after a single grab (double would be more trouble than its worth). The bigger the risk you take, the more likely you'll get a pretty good damn payoff if you play it right. Of course there are retards every game that decide to ruin someone else's set by suiciding...

iNouda Game profile


May 19th 2011, 14:12:16

*jizzes all over the thread from excitement*

iNouda Game profile


May 19th 2011, 8:46:07

galleri goes commando on thursdays

iNouda Game profile


May 19th 2011, 8:39:30

/me wonders when the next big serverwide war is gonna start...


iNouda Game profile


May 19th 2011, 8:36:54

Arsehole <-- ain't that a british thing? Haven't heard anyone use it in RL/TV/non-brit interwebs

This IMF guy is pretty cool though, he's just chilling not saying fluff, not incriminating himself and not denying it just so he can pwn those fools in court.

iNouda Game profile


May 18th 2011, 15:15:34

Funny, I don't see any of his posts in this thread.

iNouda Game profile


May 17th 2011, 9:16:14

Originally posted by ibujke:
Originally posted by iNouda:

SOL seems to be ignoring the fact that iMag was also in tech phase at the time we jumped into the war.

So was SoL.

That's why there was an "also" in that post. But yeah SOL had far better wallers. Our best waller soviet died due to a newsbot relay error while he was online. He was getting killed and the news didn't update. Died in his sleep so to speak. :P

SOL was prepped for war. LCN/ICN were unprepared. iMag nearly prepared and was getting ready to FS someone but had to fast-track ahead of time that plan, to defend ICN/LCN. Even though a fluffload of LCN/ICN breakers were killed in the FS and ICN demoralized, there was a point in the war when SOL had less than half a dozen high NW countries left and we were slowly gaining an advantage. It all went downhill after they killed my epic country =P

iNouda Game profile


May 17th 2011, 8:53:28 hero has a coffee shop?!

Btw that chick Sharla Megilligan is pretty hawt.

iNouda Game profile


May 17th 2011, 8:48:19


iNouda Game profile


May 16th 2011, 9:18:52

Congrats on the...girl!

Pre-registration for the new earther. :P

iNouda Game profile


May 16th 2011, 9:13:38

Meh, at the high point of the war we were pretty on even footing at one point until some nubs decided on their own that hitting whatever targets out of official warchats they could get at with GS and then stopping midkill was a good way to spend their turns.

Then when WC started, we didn't have enough turns to kill the SOL breakers...

SOL seems to be ignoring the fact that iMag was also in tech phase at the time we jumped into the war. Personally I was 3 days away from completing my tech phase and had to forcibly burn my insufficient stock to immediately convert to war build. I had to burn over a billion on breaking a target that ended up walling and losing most of my bought up military, breaking another target and burning most of my cash except 100m in the first wc I attended. But that's war. Lulz. SOL being epic wallers helped decide who held the strategic advantage.

When can I get back to netting? :P

iNouda Game profile


May 15th 2011, 8:45:35

*jizzes all over the thread*

iNouda Game profile


May 15th 2011, 8:41:11

I'm too lazy to pm you, how about you pm me the form instead? :P

iNouda Game profile


May 13th 2011, 14:48:28


iNouda Game profile


May 11th 2011, 11:26:18

more like massacres

iNouda Game profile


May 11th 2011, 11:25:16

^ what he said!

iNouda Game profile


May 11th 2011, 5:51:19

This thread has merit. Well, the Sol posts at least.

iNouda Game profile


May 9th 2011, 7:46:09

Originally posted by Evolution:
Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
i'd like you to clarify just to as how many dead people take the time and effort to buy electricity...

In Australia the companies don't actually check the meters, they guesstimate usage. So dead people do receive power bills quite often, then the families have to complain and provide evidence (eg death certificate) so that they bill is cancelled. Its happened three times for my family.

Its really annoying because even when we go on holidays (little to no electricity usage) we still get billed the area average.

Sounds a lot like our national power company, they check it every two months and charge your usage based on the last check (1 month check, the other month charge based on 1st month usage). Which is totally fluffed up since those lazy fags have no real reason to do that. They already pay minimum wage to a bunch of barely productive workers (it takes two full vans of nearly a dozen people to fix a power outage at the local substation (something like that: 2-3 do the work while the others just chillax in the background. Just another "cost saving initiative" by our fatass corporations.

iNouda Game profile


May 8th 2011, 15:18:26


iNouda Game profile


May 7th 2011, 10:15:49

Woah, galleri really did her job.

iNouda Game profile


May 7th 2011, 10:14:52


iNouda Game profile


May 6th 2011, 6:24:25

I'm here, now we can talk.

iNouda Game profile


May 5th 2011, 6:42:53

Sup new old guy. How was your day?

@Galleri, I'm personally putting you in charge of getting his ass into imag.

HR Manager of iMag Corporation

iNouda Game profile


May 5th 2011, 6:41:25

Hi Galleri!

iNouda Game profile


May 4th 2011, 12:40:48


iNouda Game profile


May 4th 2011, 6:31:47

Epic buttcrack.

iNouda Game profile


May 3rd 2011, 14:47:03

We're netters too! Netters but Killers (NBK)

^ 2 for 1 deal

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 23:15:56

Wrong Username or Password!
Your IP has been logged!

It's a trap!

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 23:03:38

Salt also leads to high blood pressure so caution is advised. Join NBK instead, you can't go wrong with a clan that has Killers in its name!

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 23:02:22

Don't do it mob! Then I'd be forced to kill you along with paulie :p

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 22:59:05

Woot can't wait! I'll start saving now and maybe I'll have enough by early next year. Hope galli doesn't get mad :P

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 22:57:51

Maybe by the time WWIII starts peeps will have already colonized Antarctica. It's waaay safer than NZ and we don't have terrorists (t)here! I'll start an underwater colony at the bottom of the frozen lakes to protect my harem (russians, korean and brazilian chicks) from the radiation of the nukes and repopulate the earth.

You can join me too in case the Indonesians NIC invade NZ. There will be plenty of virgins to go around.

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 22:44:14

Originally posted by iScode:
lmao now i know your just trolling saying US is Israel's puppets...

America will not invade Iran, they will let the Islamic brotherhood take hold and have a super Islam country in the middle east consisnting of Iran, Iraw, Kuwait, Saudi, Oman, Yemen and Egypt. Then Israel will be made to pay for all of their crimes.

You have a point...sorta but you forgot China, Indonesia and Pakistan. Chinese peeps will convert en mass when the communist ruling party is overthrown and they get unimpeded access to the virgins for martyrs lore. After that it's just a matter of time before the West falls to the New Islamic Caliphate. Forget about the so called NWO, the NIC is gonna be the rulers of the earth.

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 22:37:47


iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 22:35:44

My awesomeness caused the server to crash from winz overload.

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 22:34:43

Originally posted by iScode:
you need to come to NZ. The legel age here is 16 :P

[New Zealand from $149 - New Zealand Fares Just Dropped]

Sounds fun. You gonna introduce me to some local chicks? :D

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 22:31:24

Lol scode. Jihad! Jihad! Osama is but one small fish in a big, big pond.

@ Archaic

1 year or w/e is good enough to get his reelection campaign started. It's never too early. Instead of the prez who spent more than the country could afford, he's now hailed as the guy who pwned Osama and liberated the free people of Libya (assuming that effort doesn't fail hard) and resecured a friendly ME source of oil. Assuming of course, they actually took out the man and this is not all hearsay with no documented evidence to verify it (yet).

Is an invasion of Iran really such an improbable event? The US invaded Iraq for non-existent WMDs based on outdated intel and hearsay by Bush's yes-men in office, what makes you think they won't do the same for a "nuclear-armed" Iran if given enough of a "reason"? Obama's actions are eerily similar to Bush, with just a swap of white prez for a black one.

War presidents almost always get reelected into a second term of office. Everyone from Woodrow (and earlier) to Bush got their token second presidency.

The US will do anything to protect their Israeli masters including spit in the face of UN resolutions even while condemning others for violating them, what's another war so long as they can secure more oil and clear the neighborhood of "hostile" Muslims. What Israel wants, the US will provide. Woof woof, fetch boy.

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 22:03:40

Happy 18th! Now you're legal :P

/me humps galleri

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 20:28:00

Well since m0st everyone is part of the hive mind, I suppose I'm the only one who noticed the suspicious circumstances surrounding his "death"

1. It was announced a few days AFTER the white house's correspondents' dinner where Prez Obama dissed Trump and the republicans, thus boosting his public profile
2. A day after NATO tried to assassinate Gaddafi but failed, intead killing innocents in a non-military target airstrike
3. How weird is it that an elite special ops team (arguably the best military team on the planet) FAILED to take Osama alive but instead killed him and dumped his body into the ocean where no one can verify his death/body for "Islamic" reasons while not giving a fluff before this about what Muslims think.
4. Prez Obama makes a nice propaganda speech taking the credit for the "success" of the mission
5. The fact that"Osama" was only hundreds of meters away from a Pakistani Military Academy and Army base, partying in a fortified mansion and they only "found out" recently
6. That the timing of his "death" was the perfect prop for Obama's reelection chances.

The only thing that'd make his reelection chances even better is if Iran "carried out" some sort of "state-sponsored" terrorist attack on American soil/interests, giving the US the reason it needs to invade yet another ME country.

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 16:54:18

Bastard you stole it from my irc post. Plagiarizer! Time stamps were from an hour ago:

23:58 *** diez_bin_laden is now known as iBieber
00:06 Thunder[SnG] slaps Diez
00:09 iBieber
00:09 Overlord IMAGE (IDsF2.gif) - Type: image/gif - Dimensions: 156x255 - Size: 480.95 KB
00:09 iBieber i kept googling obama death for some reason
00:09 iBieber before I noticed the spelling error

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 16:52:28

The official osama videos shortly after 9/11 showed him denying being behind the attacks. Not long afterward some weird "osama" critter with a bigger nose and different facial features popped up saying it was all his idea. I smell a CIA plot!

Kidding aside, his "death" is largely symbolic in nature. It doesn't really change fluff since terrorist cells operate alone for the most part. The world is not any safer but the timing is rather suspicious. He was after all, hiding only 800 yards from a MILITARY ACADEMY.

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 15:54:49

Actual pics for you non-believers!

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 15:52:12

Originally posted by braden:
one of these days we might land on the moon, too.
(to inouda, not klown, i took too long)

You need to stop thinking everyone posting on AT is an american or gives a damn about your local politics. Trump is awesome btw, don't be hating!

Originally posted by Klown:
... the US didn't make that pic, some random person did. Do you honestly think the US would fake it? Why not do so earlier? What then does the US say when Bin Laden releases a video saying he's not dead? Then he looks like some kind of Jesus figure to the terrorists. Think.

You're pulling statements out of thin air. Where did I say that the US made the pic? It must be nice to have the ability to connect the dots between points that don't exist.

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 14:49:32

OMG the pic's a fake?! What else is new. Maybe 4 years from now the US can say they killed him.....again. :|

iNouda Game profile


May 2nd 2011, 14:44:13

Ummm no.

iNouda Game profile


Apr 30th 2011, 9:24:39

Pantat kau diez =P

iNouda Game profile


Apr 30th 2011, 9:11:38

A fair number of imaggers are already in NBK; galleri, duff, walty, me and god knows who else. Check it out hobo!