Aug 9th 2010, 6:02:45
don't grab someone more than once and they will more likely than not, leave you alone. You will get single retals occassionally, but if you are attacking people half your size, none to worry.
All explore(could grab if you want) Rep Casher's can get you the highest NW, but you have to be good at it, so it will take 3-6 sets to really get a good idea as to how to play it, It really is too hard to explain.
I've done a 20mil techer, but you have to get lucky with high tech prices. if you want to do >20mil, then a rep casher is probably your best bet.
Land goals for most strats are 10k-14k.
TMBR switches at the end aren't always the best idea either.
As long as you don't get suicided or grabbed a lot, you will be able to execute a strat and learn from it. But, that doesn't happen as often as you would like. (I haven't been able to run a strat without incident for the least month and half, and I did all explore Rep cashers for 4 weeks)