
livinindaghetto Game profile

New Member

Mar 23rd 2011, 16:07:58

I've been thinking about giving it a shot. From the good reviews I've been hearing from friends and whatnot I may just have to pick it up....

livinindaghetto Game profile

New Member

Mar 7th 2011, 16:16:06

Left after high school cause I had no one to play with for a while. After finding some online facebook games that were suprisingly similar, decided to give it a shot again :)

livinindaghetto Game profile

New Member

Mar 4th 2011, 16:53:56

There are a few options. What is likely happening is both routers are trying to run DHCP and it's conflicting back and forth. The two routers may also be trying to use the same IP address as well.

If you want to use the second router as a switch you can disable DHCP and then make the second router a different IP address on the same network as your primary router.

Another option is to plug your wire coming from the first router in to the WAN port on your second router. This will seperate your tivo and xbox on a different network, so that will likely cause a problem with media sharing if you have that setup on computers elsewhere.

Third option is the switch. Replacing the second router with a switch will get it all working without any configuring or anything, just plug and play :)

livinindaghetto Game profile

New Member

Feb 24th 2011, 17:23:51

FF6 (or the SNES FF3) & FF7 were amazing
Starcraft (including 2)
Defense of the Ancients....if you're allowed to count it as it's own game ;)

And yeah, I'm a World of Warcraft player too