
llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:49:47

woah woah! calm down mr bipolar


llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:49:14

i was pretty amused

amusement makes me happy


llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:48:21

oh, you're not the joe from NA then? lol

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:44:14

im sure its tradition somewhere!

at least on a nudist colony!

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:43:24

nowie: correction buddy, its member, not memberS and DM played in evo, not in NA

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:42:00

nowie: word!
joe2: i still plead the fif!
max: lies!
DL: well i can't inspire more people to find this game... i did submit the game to one review site... i could go around submitting it all around the place... then again so could any of you ;) i would love to see this game grow like nuts

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:24:54

that increased activity has occurred on this forum!

*throws pies at everyone*


llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:23:31

more civs = more hits to kill nowie

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:23:01

so what, we can rise again!

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:22:18

i volunteer to bring vid cam and popcorn!

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:20:51

no, not really?

omg lighten up


llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:20:22

i have risen!

submit to llaar!

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:19:44

nowie lies

he is always serious

why so serious nowie? its ok


llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:19:11

skythe, exploiting bugs...

tsk tsk!

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:18:30

one of them, they executed already... 3 weeks after his crime

go go efficient death penalty!?

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:17:59

jeez, thats like the 5th or 6th time i think in the past couple months someone went psycho and went to a school and hacked up kids with a knife

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:16:43

its a feature now, that you can see why you died

you get one login to see wtf happened

good for n00bs like TAN, who otherwise wouldn't know wtf happened


llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:15:06

oh wow

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:13:34

that was uber funny to see all SOL's top wallers die and they couldn't login

rofl.. one of the best moments ever

we were tagkilled and came back and tagkilled SOL and finished way ahead of them

that was an awesome war set :)

llaar Game profile


May 12th 2010, 14:06:46

lol wackness!

llaar Game profile


May 11th 2010, 22:19:40

oh really? cant win no matter what eh?

llaar Game profile


May 11th 2010, 21:59:43


llaar Game profile


May 11th 2010, 21:33:11


llaar Game profile


May 11th 2010, 21:31:40

does it get harder? or you just run around blasting the fluff out of people at that point nukevil?

llaar Game profile


May 11th 2010, 21:30:29

who are you?

llaar Game profile


May 11th 2010, 20:12:19


llaar Game profile


May 11th 2010, 20:11:29


llaar Game profile


May 11th 2010, 20:11:00

who are they?

llaar Game profile


May 11th 2010, 3:35:52


llaar Game profile


May 10th 2010, 23:50:11

Originally posted by Skythe:
Your issue with Paradigm was, as you said, "BULLfluff".

I really don't get all this "fluff" talk everyone is going on about these days... makes everyone seem like their mum is checking up on them and what they are doing on the big scary Internet.

Llaar, some advice, shut up, and start digging upwards. Stop pointing fingers at everyone else. The more crying and blaming you and your followers are doing on here is only making people lose respect for you more.

skythe, the forum here edits curse words and replaces them with the word fluff. if fluff is in white, it was a curse word. if it is in pinkish tone, then it was actually typed as "fluff" so thats what all the "fluff" is

aside from that, i called the other wars bullfluff

not PDM and NA

i was looking forward to getting messages from you all and reconnecting with old friends and such, and kicking some activity into your clan. i still <3 paradigm, dont get me wrong at all there lol.

requiem: this post was just to poke holes in rages logic and stuff. i'm not actually trying to change whats going on with this war.

i see imag joined? i don't even honestly know what thats about yet.

and i doubt pdm called in anyone, these other clans just created reasons to hit us it seems, no where did they say they were coming in to defend paradigm.

TAN: and 40 of our members hit in the FS and you guys had 35 members or so? i wasnt really trying to argue the fairness, i do know we outnumbered you, sorry i rounded in an offensive way to you. i was just arguing against TGD's statement, that was my only point, nothing more.

llaar Game profile


May 10th 2010, 21:43:41

Originally posted by TGD:
Maybe Rage wanted a war and not just 1 or 2 days of fighting and putting it 100 Vs 20 or 30 lol

Originally posted by Dragonlance:
1.) You cheated.
2.) You stole our target.

That's pretty much it.

holy cannoli

so lemme get this right (approx #'s rounded)

PDM: 40
NA: 60
Rage: 20
SOL: 70

Rage wants to hit PDM
PDM wants to hit NA

NA hits PDM
SOL hits NA

war is now:
110 vs 60

now, instead of rage continuing to hit PDM making 110 vs 80

they hit NA for "stealing their target"

so now the war is 130 vs 60

so ummm your "target", Paradigm, is going to be fine now

Rage, if you want your "target" back, go ahead and hit them, and then we can sidebar against SOL?

otherwise this war will be over in a few days, and you all will be bored again

which doesn't seem to make sense for you guys, if you wanted to have a "fun" war

the cheating arguement is stupid, since 1 member cheated, and he was deleted and was already gone from the site before you attacked us.
thats sorta like when SOL FS'd NA because they didn't like Rats... the set after Rats wasn't even playing in NA. you're killing people who weren't even involved, and didn't do anything.

our issue with paradigm was COMPLETELY based on ingame stuff.

I honestly thought all the trolls here were clamoring for wars to BE ABOUT THE GAME, not about political BULLfluff

i even wrote a huge ass essay detailing the trials and tribulations of the ingame dealings!

sorry for trying to make a good change to the gameplay, one that had been asked for ummm last set? by all you people!

it really seemed what was needed around here.

instead we got wtf gangbanged for half ass reasons (my personal opinion which i attempted to back up) lolz.


llaar Game profile


May 10th 2010, 21:40:54

i plead the fifth!

llaar Game profile


May 10th 2010, 21:31:07

probably lol

dark morbid has played for years bro

llaar Game profile


May 10th 2010, 21:29:09

Originally posted by Pangaea:
I suspected there was shady stuff going on in 2025 :p

I'm not even talking about any finish I ever had either that people wondered about. So anything you're thinking of, probably isn't what I'm talking about.

Fact is, that I haven't done anything 'bad' in this game since day 1. I've played legit.

llaar Game profile


May 10th 2010, 21:08:00

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
Originally posted by llaar:
I did a ton of fluff in 2025. a ton of fluff, that no one here ever even suspected or knew about. I've always kept things to myself, and never burned friends.

You know i love you llaar, but "no one ever suspected"? seriously?

yes, solidsnake, there were things that i did, that no one even suspected it was me, who did them. 2025 was a different game, things happened, long ago. in earth empires i have played 100% completely legit. that was my point in prefacing my statement with that.

llaar Game profile


May 10th 2010, 21:02:50

Originally posted by Earth Watcher:
llaar I am sorry I don't buy these bullfluff answers. This does not include NA really but still don't cover up the fact you were going to cheat. LAE and NA are uniquely connected though in most of the leadership and members of LAE seem to be NA. Most notably you.

>> i never said i was going to cheat. i said be more active. for example, i just found out today that crippler plays in focus not in lae. i barely did anything over there leadership wise

Originally posted by Earth Watcher:
I will accept the fact that you in all likelihood do not have the master control of all things LAE as you would be busy with NA leadership. I will even accept that you could be out of the loop on some things.
Do not insult our intelligence. Do not play down your own intelligence.

>> NA does get 95% of my attention... your point?

Originally posted by Earth Watcher:
LAE is an alliance it likely has a hierarchy of leadership and you are in the top ring of it. You are well aware of the other leaders and seem to know them quite well. It is obvious to me that you would talk on ICQ, IRC, or some other more private communicator.

>> i talk about lae things with other lae leaders on messenger, at most maybe 5 times a week? i have known most of the players for 4+ years though. is that a crime? to know other players? oh noes!

Originally posted by Earth Watcher:
LAE likely has a board for all of it's leaders to talk on already. For a general member to have access to a board shared with just 3 leaders means he has the private ear of those leaders and is obviously trusted by them. So do not make the claim that he was "just a member".
What would you have us believe this private board was for and why a general member and a proven cheater would have access to it? Why would you post on this board that you will have more time to help rather than in front of all of the leaders?

>> jager was just a member in NA. he was not a leader in NA. that is all i have ever said. there is no "secret board" in NA. there has been no suggestion of one even existing. and mods have access to NA now, and confirm there isn't any secret board and none has ever existed. and yes, jager was just a plain old member. just 1 guy.

Originally posted by Earth Watcher:
You don't have to answer these questions they are rhetorical. You are a liar, the 4 of you knew specifically what that board was intended for, you were fine with it's intentions or a hacker wouldn't of had to hack your account, and being those countries were active the whole set I am sure you knew and helped out with running them or the site development.

>> you're mixing two clans and two completely different issues and making no sense really, so i do feel obligated to point that out to you. so you're telling me a hacker had to hack my account? where are your morals? i logged in once. since i do think you were the hacker, you would know that that access was given just that day, and that in my message box i never even talked about or knew any of that stuff before that day.

Originally posted by Earth Watcher:
NO NA LEADERS WERE INVOLVED?! You should have written it in caps because that is the only way you could say that was true... You are the figurehead and the final say of NA.

>> no NA leaders were involved in the deletions on the alliance server. jager was. that is well known and admitted by him too. so yes, no NA leaders were involved.

Originally posted by Earth Watcher:
You lied to game admins,

>> no i didnt. show me a statement where i lied

Originally posted by Earth Watcher:
you lied to everyone in ffa,

>> really? where did i lie about anything?

Originally posted by Earth Watcher:
and you are lying to all of us in alliance.

>> i'm telling you everything i know. that is not lying

Originally posted by Earth Watcher:
You all claimed you were so innocent and even if proof came out it had to have been doctored.

>> no i only said it isnt right to obtain information by hacking. which it isnt. i never said anything was doctored

Originally posted by Earth Watcher:
We are innocent.. Never did anything wrong.. We are victims of a horrible hack and the admins wont give us back our cheating countries.. Admins are persecuting us with out proof..

>> i never had a country deleted. i've never complained ever about any deleted country, anywhere.

Originally posted by Earth Watcher:
I even defended the notion and wanted answers from the mods about possibilities of it being a hack. You even were given a chance to come clean... You knew you were busted you should have just taken the information to the mods if you wanted to be so clean.

>> you defended what notion? your logic is unclear here. my account was hacked, dark morbid has the IP logs on the site of proxy ip's logging into my account countless times.

Originally posted by Earth Watcher:
Don't even try to give us bullfluff about you were out of town either, I have only seen 1 day where you haven't been active on these boards.

>> i never said i was out of town. but i was out of town for 5 days a few weeks ago. even so, i dont see why me going to a wedding a few weeks ago has any bearing on anything, considering i've never brought that up before

Originally posted by Earth Watcher:
You were going to cheat in FFA, just admit it. The more lies you heap onto this mess the worse it is going to get. I really don't think this is just going to go away at the end of the set.
If you would like NA to not be gangbanged every reset admit the truth, ask forgiveness, and don't fluffing cheat?! How hard is this.

>> i gave mods access to our site, and i want us to be 100% legit. and we are currently as far as i know. and i never cheated.

Originally posted by Earth Watcher:
*edit* I maybe confused on what "juggs" membership is in LAE I am under the impression he was of normal member status under both LAE and NA. There seems to be accusation if not deletions of him running multies on this server too. I don't care he is a cheater. I am just looking for the point of that he had the ear of llaar.

>> juggs was a leader in LaE, and just a member in NA. is that more clear for you? no one that cheated was a leader in NA and NA leadership did not know of anything.

llaar Game profile


May 10th 2010, 18:56:23

encourage them?

wtf is qz smoking!

llaar Game profile


May 10th 2010, 15:25:08

and ice didnt play in alliance

llaar Game profile


May 10th 2010, 4:01:24

oh please

admuncher proxy usage was so like 6 years ago and it sucked balls

thats the only fluffing thing you blacked out that i talked about

llaar Game profile


May 10th 2010, 3:44:11

Alright look.

I did a ton of fluff in 2025. a ton of fluff, that no one here ever even suspected or knew about. I've always kept things to myself, and never burned friends.

When earth empires started, I decided to play legit. completely. in all servers.

You guys know juggs was deleted in NA. there were no other boxcar accounts. since we switched over from earthstats, I haven't even checked to see who is unclaimed in our tag. all those deleted were unclaimed. juggs was member level. he no longer has access.

Yeah, I said I would have more time to help out, as I hadn't really done anything leadership wise for LaE. I've missed every war we've been in, haven't led a single warchat, and have't done a single piece of FA work. I haven't really done anything as a leader except bring over NA members to LaE. When I came back I meant I would be more active and help out.

I only ever logged into that secret forum once. That forum and the country pool thing I only ever looked at that one day. So how long did I have access? 10 minutes?

A ton of ex cheaters play this game. Everyone deserves a chance. That can not be held against anyone. juggs started NA with me as senate, how could I not let him play? when he came back, he was only a member.

No NA leaders were involved at all.

I never lied to game admins.

I had no idea those forums were there until that day I was given access.

Netters Anonymous is my clan. I came up with the name, I started it, I recruited for it, and I trained countless members, all over the past 5 years. Of course I will continue to lead Netters Anonymous.


llaar Game profile


May 9th 2010, 21:32:25

not sure actually...

the intestines and blood cake was in a soupy mixture with vegetables

it was all really really spicy... which was good :)

llaar Game profile


May 9th 2010, 21:26:41

well pangaea can access whatever he wants right now from our site

and no ones asked me for anything regarding IP's

so i don't see how your comment is relevant ivan

llaar Game profile


May 9th 2010, 21:24:17

i'll eat about anything

except insects

llaar Game profile


May 9th 2010, 21:16:38

not really, my parents are in a different state

i went out for lunch, had some ox tongue, ox tripe, and some braised pork intenstines with pork blood cake cassarole

it was really good!

got nothing to do rest of today :D

llaar Game profile


May 9th 2010, 21:12:43

mother's day? seriously?


llaar Game profile


May 9th 2010, 17:30:05

at all

whats with the public service annoucements?

i was given access to an FFA forum for a few hours before it was comprised. i never even cheated in FFA.

mods have been given access to the NA site as well

llaar Game profile


May 7th 2010, 20:56:27

someone get the man a fridge already!

llaar Game profile


May 7th 2010, 20:28:11


llaar Game profile


May 7th 2010, 18:34:49

we've warred/netted on average about 50/50 over the past 5 years we've been around

call us a warring alliance with a netting problem or a netting alliance with a warring problem

but i don't think we distinctly fit into either classification by itself

we do have fun though, and thats what a game is for!

llaar Game profile


May 7th 2010, 3:59:04

no retirement allowed pally!

and yea SD was totally cool

where is that comwood slacker anyway? any wheres my ES!?