
mrcuban Game profile


Jul 2nd 2019, 0:00:00

To be clear we never picked a side. We considered every legitimate tag in this game an equal ally / neutral relation. The only beef PDM had on this server since I took over as president of PDM (8 or 9 sets ago) was with imag which was squashed. We pacted every single tag in this game equally to ensure we could net this set. I have been promising PDM that we would finally get back to netting and it was my nativity that caused this. I take responsibility for policing a war that I should have seen would have turned ugly.

I had no insights from ANY side, I only saw the toxic nature of the comments on this forum. Once I had accepted the policing this was always going to happen, our netting set was over and that is on me.

If I'm being honest, I created a discord server for the PDM group and they are a great bunch of guys. I get community from our chats outside of the game not from running turns. And this whole situation has made me think about why I am running turns and it was from habit not happiness.

mrcuban Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 21:49:20


mrcuban Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 21:41:15

Hey guys,

Time has come for me to switch off the lights in my ee career. I took a minute to access how much time I'm actually spending in this game and if I'm still enjoying it and it's just not the same game for me anymore. I came to PDM when there was 1-2 tagged each set, I'e been insanely active, always positive and recruited hard to see pdm at 6-8 members each set. I love PDM, I love the players, and I've met a few half decent people across the server. But the ratio between nice people and absolute toxic fluffwits is about 1 / 10.

This game has such a toxic nature to it that its actually unhealthy. You can clearly see the devide between players and its incredibly bad for your health. People are enraged, harrasing, threatening and bringing wives and kids into discussions. It has to stop, in the end this game has 20 years of grudges and this 'text game' is now being used as a tool to carry out grudges, that is it.

The game hasn't changed, in fact its gotten progressively worse and there is no change you can develop that will fix peoples stale bitter attitudes here. I am a nobody here, but I also represent the best of the game. I've always been positive, happy to help, happy to help growth of the game but in the end it doesn't matter.

This game is a habit that people have that needs to be stopped and filled with something that will make you happy. We've gotten into a habit of creating a country and running turns just because. Because we've all being doing it for years.

If you look at the actual toxic nature of what is going on here I think the person who actually owns the game, for the good of the community needs to turn the server off. Even for 6 months, and let everyone take a break...

mrcuban Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 3:32:55

We've all had the discussion about defence and every country is breakable. But with the amount of toxicity in this game surely your MMR is to keep above 10k troops? Regardless of etiquette Its far to easy for someone who has spent the entire set trying to better their finish, to have it all destroyed by some toxic fluffwit within a few minutes.

mrcuban Game profile


Jul 1st 2019, 1:58:13

TBH if a 20k Gs goes through then it says more about the country owner then it does about the accidental gs...

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 30th 2019, 22:50:24

This game needs a reset

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 29th 2019, 23:01:30

Are these threads just task1 vs LAF? I don't understand this fluff at all. Who is Task1? Has SOF installed an AT ban except for Task1?

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 28th 2019, 23:14:34

Not taking any sides at all. But in SOF defence who else do they war?

Last set they declared on LAF and SOL.

A war clan with 50+ members what do they do? Do they declare on MONSTERS, EVO, OMEGA, PDM, RAGE and still have a large numbers advantage?

The game is too small for war and net to exist. This was predicted years ago with dwindling members.

Eventually those who war will have to hit those who net. Either those who net will convert to warring or those who war will net or players will leave at a faster rate.. no question.

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 27th 2019, 1:47:00

If they hit without delcaring war there would be issue. They have declared and joined the war so no issue.

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 27th 2019, 1:36:09

Take no notice of the Good / bad side.

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 27th 2019, 1:17:57


mrcuban Game profile


Jun 26th 2019, 22:50:06

Confirmed, PDM will be policing for SOL and SOF.

Edited By: mrcuban on Jun 26th 2019, 22:54:05

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 25th 2019, 22:47:00

Good luck to both sides

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 25th 2019, 10:02:23

Man you guys have some mighty high horses up in here. All the recruiting and positivity you try to bring to the game and then one post and it makes you question why the fluff is it worth still running turns with this fluff. Heaven forbid someone who is always positive and contributes to the overall growth of the game, asks a question he doesn't understand, fluff me.

I wanted to buy troops, in my public market there was 1 available. I bought it, then it was still only 1 available. I repeated 5 times. Wondering how there is only 1 troop available on the public market.

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 25th 2019, 2:59:03

I don't know everything, I know hardly anything when it comes to this game. Still out net you everyday including sunday boi :)

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 25th 2019, 1:06:47

I've just bought 1 troop on the market 5 times over. Is that someone listing 1 troop for sale at a price?

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 24th 2019, 10:30:00


mrcuban Game profile


Jun 22nd 2019, 21:02:02

Both sides are trying to prove points that neither side will ever allow themselves to see.

Whilst I consider this whole exercise pointless for both sides, I am loving the activity on AT and more numbers in the game, so carry on!

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 22nd 2019, 2:15:48

irl jail ?

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 21st 2019, 23:54:10

I gotta give credit to SOF for recruiting and backing up the numbers the following set.

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 21st 2019, 8:17:11

The second I think I'm following this thread another quote goes and destroys it all

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 19th 2019, 9:48:08

My next go to on Netflix is suits. But I guess everyone knows suits.

They are filming season 4 of the last kingdom now. Can’t wait!

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 18th 2019, 21:55:08

I feel out of place here with owning 0 guns. Am i the od one out ?

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 17th 2019, 22:16:07

Wait there is no IRAN tag so maybe no war then... lol

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 17th 2019, 21:56:04

100% chance you are warring this set if the news has anything to do with it.

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 17th 2019, 0:13:21

Good luck with recruitment...

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 16th 2019, 4:57:30

The last kingdom. One of the best shows ive ever seen.

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 15th 2019, 10:11:03

I was going to say halve the weight they claim to hold and you'll be fine.

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 14th 2019, 15:45:43

Paradigm is always open to new players. If you’re keen to net then feel free to send a message here on the forums.

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 12th 2019, 20:13:18

I bet the team with boobies wins...

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 11th 2019, 5:54:32

APAC region looking to build a solid 5 man for scrims and tournies. We’ve got 3, 2 more slots we have good sniper(awp) but he can also play Offense.

Edited By: mrcuban on Jun 11th 2019, 5:57:04

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 11th 2019, 3:04:21

Respect to both sides. Recruiting and warring I think it worked out best for both sides considering.

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 11th 2019, 1:36:09

You killed us, we killed imag I say its a win all around.

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 7th 2019, 23:05:01

Originally posted by galleri:
Every single post of mine is about PDM uh?
*rolls eyes*

Just re read my comment again, it doesn't say that...

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 7th 2019, 22:12:23

Galleri I don't need to re read your posts. Just read every single post you make in reply about PDM.

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 7th 2019, 8:38:06

Galleri burst our bubble? Imag declares on PDM AFTER Elders killed half our tag in their fs and we still rally and tag kill imag and still have OG countries...

If imag has been reduced to a tag of countries without running a turn then that’s on imag. It doesnt takes away that we killed every country imag has run a turn on.

The fact that you dislike imag that much you don’t even want to play in it, yet still feel the need to constantly discredit PDM says alot about you as a ‘game mod’.

There is no way to burst our bubble no matter how much you may try. GG

Edited By: mrcuban on Jun 7th 2019, 10:20:45

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 6th 2019, 3:01:59

Ive had fluff dealings with SOF in the past. But I have to say I respect SOF for the actions this set. I can’t see behind the scenes.

Recruiting players back to the game is a POSITIVE.

Giving those players a war is a POSITIVE.

Hitting 2 larger tags rather than hitting 6 or 7 smaller netting tags is a POSITIVE.

I feel for LAF, we know most of their members want to net. I have respect for their leadership to rally and get the win with SOL.

Perhaps it could be arranged a war SOF vs smaller tags but would need to be arranged rather than a blindside...

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 6th 2019, 2:58:03

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Boltar:
how many sets has imag not been tagkilled?

Last set and this set.
mccuban is premature posting like his sex life

The problem is galleri imag didn’t have LAF to kill of pdm like you did last set...

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 6th 2019, 2:57:07

Sorry imag you can’t get out of this one.

Your tag has been killed, I’m giving full credit to the guys for the rally. I myself found it hard to muster to restart after the elders fs, I will say imag’s deceleration was the kick we needed to up our activity.

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 5th 2019, 21:42:18

We didn’t see elders coming for PDM this set.

We were half killed in Elders Fs, imag declaring on PDM after Elders Gs we thought it was a little low, but we copped it.

We rallied as a team and killed IMAG.

We thank STONES for taking the brunt of the attention from elders.

There are still elders left to kill.

Edited By: mrcuban on Jun 5th 2019, 21:45:29

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 4th 2019, 6:41:06

The game used to have variety. There is no variety in gameplay now. There used to be a story line of sorts with beefs and politics and a real sense of community.

Now it’s just blindsiding and old grudges that should of been left to die years ago.

The game needs a story line, a reason to run turns besides just running them because you have for x number of years.

GDI needs to come alive and kick some ass.

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 3rd 2019, 21:18:14

The key to survival of this game is player numbers. A game without griefers does not exist and imo does provide some story line to a game without one. There are many secondary changes that need to happen to EE to ensure it will continue to be sustainable. There is a number of players who will keep the lights on here and literally play until the server is sub 10 players and just net against themselves hitting bots and posting on their forums. A waste of time imo but that is what will happen.

A growth in players means the ability for people who like to war and those who like to net can co exist. Without numbers that simply cannot work and we see that now with a clan of SOF size having to hit LAF and SOL to make it a war.

Sucks for LAF, being a larger group who like to net. But the alternative in the games current state is what? To hit elders, stones, Monsters, rage, evo, omega and PDM?

This situation is going to keep happening, we need to come together as a community and make some decisions. For the owners / dev this isn't a profitable venture. Its a hobby, hence why its still hosted on a home server instead of siting on cloud gear.

The game sees very little change instead of having a roadmap of dev changes.

My personal opinion is that with some UI changes and targeted marketing this game could sit somewhere sub 5k players. With some functionality changes and in game purchases this game could have a real shot at being sustainable. I have offered to contribute financially in the past, but in its current state I would not be willing to do this.


mrcuban Game profile


Jun 3rd 2019, 10:30:55

I couldn't change the title once it was posted. Was not trying to throw anything, just wanted clarication that is all :/

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 3rd 2019, 9:29:46

Mistake? Rules Violation? Could be ingame messages?

417 SoF Older Lovable Dog (#580) 6311 $4,568,423 F

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 3rd 2019, 2:12:40

Originally posted by Original Skywise L:
Do they have female Viagra for after menopause and hysterectomy?
Asking for a friend.

That sounds like a tough combination to combat there. All the best to your friend... :)

mrcuban Game profile


Jun 2nd 2019, 4:38:13

It's a little confusing because its a game of war yet the 'ranking' metrics have nothing to do with war. It used to be okay with alot of players but now the 2 game types are merging...