
mrcuban Game profile


Jun 2nd 2019, 1:53:45

Local pub here does soco on the rocks double for $7. Its a short walk home. win win

mrcuban Game profile


May 28th 2019, 20:53:26

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I give really really great blowjobs. Ask around.

I knew it!!

mrcuban Game profile


May 28th 2019, 5:20:40

Ok im officially getting off this thread and topic. </leaves>

mrcuban Game profile


May 28th 2019, 5:20:23

Hey, I never said anything offensive. This day and age its like almost anything goes in society. So i wasn't saying you blew D, I was just implying that if you did, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. :p

mrcuban Game profile


May 28th 2019, 3:49:18

Originally posted by breeze:
well requeen if you don't remember, I believe you stated this in another thread. So shut up dumb ass

May 25th 2019, 0:30:12

Derrick likes iFag because breeze gave him a blow job sometime in the past.

iMag still sucks tho.

But maybe Derrick gives good blowjobs... Req never said it was a bad thing Breeze, he just said maybe you gave D one?

mrcuban Game profile


May 26th 2019, 2:41:36

LOL thats cute.

mrcuban Game profile


May 26th 2019, 1:22:47

Derrick you can shift the focus all you like.

At PDM we net as a team or we war as a team.

Nobody voiced issue with our fs of imag last set to me directly. You remained silent. If you had issue truly you could have discussed it with me but you didn’t. You ignored my dms.

Either way there is no honourable way to FS pdm when it’s 15 v 7 blindside on a netting tag. So you throw stones under the bus.

Class act.

mrcuban Game profile


May 26th 2019, 1:22:46


mrcuban Game profile


May 25th 2019, 22:47:27

Derrick the fact of the matter is we expected Imag to FS us, and we would have wiped the floor with them. The only person who didn't pact us was you and Imag. We pacted everyone else and offered IMAG and Elders pacts because we wanted to net. Given our positive history PDM would not have picked Elders to blindside us. Because you never said anything...

The decision for PDM to war last set was decided LONG before we were approached to join the server war. Our decision to war IMAG was not a personal decision to upset others. I put the needs of our members above the needs of YOUR members and that is what every president should do. We were blindsided by imag and when that happens sometimes people want to see payback. . PDM is a netting alliance and when i took over PDM would average 1-2 members every set. Now PDM sits consistently 6-9 members and those are netters, not great netters but that is how they enjoy the game.

Your decision to blindside PDM this set was clearly personal for you, and its how you make enemies in this game. I'd never had issues with you, or Elders up until this decision. In fact the assistance you provided PDM when imag blinded a smaller PDM I made the mistake of thinking we were allies we could call apon if needed, my mistake.

The thing is with people like you, your slimmy and cannot be trusted. If i have an issue i'll message you directly and talk it out. I won't say one thing, or in your case say nothing and ignore my chats and requests to pact and then blindside us...

Edited By: mrcuban on May 25th 2019, 23:04:40

mrcuban Game profile


May 24th 2019, 21:24:43

Derrick your ego is too big for this game my friend. You can quit your virtual vomit on these boards posting as if any one individual here actually matters more than someone else. There is no such thing as EE clout, but you have been chasing it for years.

The divide between clans and narrative here is similar to left or right wing US politics in that everyone is just listening to their own fluff and unable to hear another POV or another direction of a situation. Facts are facts, but not here.

PDM already decided the SET BEFORE that we were going to FS imag, this was in retaliation to their blindside of PDM. NOBODY reached out to us to join until after the new set began. I NEVER CONFIRMED WE WERE JOINING.

If you somehow were emotionally hurt because we turned up late to a war we never confirmed we would be joining thats on you.

So quit twisting the facts to suit your emotional agenda. Its a game, your war dec sucked, but the recipe saved you. GG

mrcuban Game profile


May 24th 2019, 2:24:46

Derrick no need to be condescending. We are netting, you knew this. No turns and full stocking there ain't going to be much of a CS.

We never messed with Elders nor any other tags last set in the server war. I told you and Maki we had other plans and might not be in the server war. Whatever you did with that is on you, not us.

I will however follow the recipe as it sounds great. Thanks.

mrcuban Game profile


May 24th 2019, 2:12:56


mrcuban Game profile


May 24th 2019, 0:17:46

Originally posted by UgolinoII:
To add to that I think the defining factor will be how well LaF utilise SoL (or perhaps how SoL contribute).

It was clear in the FS that SOF was targeting LAF over sol. Says a lot about who they deem or what countries they deem to be a greater risk.

mrcuban Game profile


May 23rd 2019, 21:24:23

The scoreboards are a bloodbath

mrcuban Game profile


May 23rd 2019, 6:23:29

Take no notice of Good / Bad side:

mrcuban Game profile


May 22nd 2019, 20:55:50

Oh and good luck to both sides!

mrcuban Game profile


May 22nd 2019, 20:54:35

I was impressed, well done on the war dec.

People like to hate on Bieber cause he was/is annoying / baby faced and songs were rubbish. In the end he is the one slaying models and driving lambos...

Creative war dev well done.

mrcuban Game profile


May 22nd 2019, 20:50:59

Originally posted by breeze:
hahaha sh*t happens

This haha

mrcuban Game profile


May 21st 2019, 6:28:59

Same late birthday wishes here. Did not see this until the bump

mrcuban Game profile


May 21st 2019, 2:42:37

Look at all these people who come out and defend people i'm not talking about, saying that hypothetically 'if' they netted they'd net better than I.

I've never said I'm a great netter or great at warring. If I often finish top 30, regardless of opinion I'm top 30... I could say that if I used the same strategy as the top netters, and cared enough to put in the time I'd be a t10 netter but I don't.

I don't care to put in the time to play a war game of 'numbers' with 0 risk. If you enjoy moving your net finish just a little bit more higher number than thats great for you. It's just not for me.

Heaven forbid this game actually attracted a new user you'd want to keep them away from this place.

mrcuban Game profile


May 20th 2019, 23:12:45

Originally posted by mrford:
this dude has got to be one of the worst players in the game lol.

Don’t get me wrong at no point do I think I’m good at netting or warring.

Statistically I’m too 30 in netting, which I guess with player numbers makes me one of the worst :p

mrcuban Game profile


May 20th 2019, 7:44:57

fluff me, my mistake. Was alliance server but somehow some bushels were listed at $36. RIP me

mrcuban Game profile


May 20th 2019, 7:00:12

I'm stocking with cheapest bushels at $99 and $ went to just under $2.6b

mrcuban Game profile


May 20th 2019, 6:17:50

Who's buying up my $99 bushels thank you xo

mrcuban Game profile


May 19th 2019, 3:54:56

Originally posted by wari:
I love lamp

Linux apache mysql and php? :)

mrcuban Game profile


May 18th 2019, 0:42:25

Please explain

mrcuban Game profile


May 14th 2019, 22:51:23

Vote John McAfee for president!

mrcuban Game profile


May 12th 2019, 7:56:37

Originally posted by LightBringer:
Pre-arranged wars are for pussies? I'm pretty sure its blindsiding a netting alliance is what pussies do.


mrcuban Game profile


May 12th 2019, 2:30:46

I don't think anyone should enforce someone else how to play, It was simply something for discussion. I do not think for a second that 45+ SOF members returned to NET.

What would have been sweet is MD doing the same. :)

mrcuban Game profile


May 11th 2019, 8:49:33

In the interest of the game moving forward and keeping people HAPPY Laf might want to think about warring another set. SOF is here with 50 wanting to war. Unless the larger tags step up all thats going to mean is smaller netting tags getting stomped.

mrcuban Game profile


May 11th 2019, 7:13:29

The numbers match up well. I think it might be a good match up to see.

mrcuban Game profile


May 8th 2019, 13:32:41

Whilst I don't agree with suiciders or griefers the set where those few were going to play and cause havoc like we've never seen before was certainly exciting. It brought the server together which was good energy IMO.

The game does need to have some uncertainly in the storyline. I think that far betters the stagnant that is hitting bots and tweaking numbers to increase the 'biggest number'...

mrcuban Game profile


May 6th 2019, 4:20:17

Originally posted by DruncK:
Well that explains the mess at mum's...


mrcuban Game profile


May 4th 2019, 23:18:44

The dynamics of the game has changed a lot. Netters don’t want to be hit at all, and very few are left who seek war. Those who are left who seek war have very little targets to pick. Which is why you have the same wars over and over.

The game and for a lot of players are sitting on the fence with regards to continuing to put in the time to run turns.

Forcing war mongers to net seems awfully boring and forcing netters to war is far too much effort.

An alliance like SOF or sol really struggling in the game to maintain community and activity unless they war.

Seeing a tag with 50 members is very positive for the game, I hope there is a catalyst of change to see player retention.

The only long term survival of this game rests in player numbers. Enough players to feed war. Otherwise it’s just us hitting npc and moving the net worth needle forward slightly.

mrcuban Game profile


May 1st 2019, 5:23:53


mrcuban Game profile


Apr 22nd 2019, 7:34:15

Originally posted by Suicidal:
No war talk. Xyle said this would be a netting set....

SOF leadership pulls almost 50 back to play for a netting set? I highly doubt that :)

mrcuban Game profile


Apr 22nd 2019, 0:28:33

Originally posted by Sov:
Membership retention is a different story.
this responsibility rests with everyone.

Well done on recruitment! It’s a positive sign for the future of the game.

mrcuban Game profile


Apr 21st 2019, 22:53:41


mrcuban Game profile


Apr 21st 2019, 22:37:18

Well done on making the 50. At 482 countries is that more NPC countries or some new player growth (returning players)?

mrcuban Game profile


Apr 17th 2019, 0:59:14

forum pm is great. Thanks

mrcuban Game profile


Apr 16th 2019, 22:20:13


mrcuban Game profile


Apr 15th 2019, 21:15:55

The story I watched just now said it was deliberatly lit ?

Edited By: mrcuban on Apr 15th 2019, 21:38:02

mrcuban Game profile


Apr 14th 2019, 15:04:13

There is just too many RIP threads. So sad news with a young family as well. Thoughts and prayers with his family.

mrcuban Game profile


Apr 12th 2019, 8:42:10

Good war guys. At PDM we are lazy average netters but we enjoyed the war chats, and being involved in whatever capacity we could.

Well done to all parties!

mrcuban Game profile


Apr 12th 2019, 5:21:10

LAF doesn't need more members. The game community needs more members. :)

mrcuban Game profile


Apr 11th 2019, 12:45:46

Grats guys!

mrcuban Game profile


Apr 10th 2019, 19:15:17

Paradigm is a welcoming place to be. We’ve got a few competitions this set for netting awards. :)

mrcuban Game profile


Apr 9th 2019, 20:59:05

Originally posted by Leto:
Good war y'all, was fun.
