
mrcuban Game profile


Apr 8th 2019, 22:58:29

Thoughts and real prayers your way brother! You're got real people here rooting for a fast recovery!

mrcuban Game profile


Apr 7th 2019, 2:52:54

Just wondering shouldn't the impact on readiness be based on the % of units you send per attack backed on the overall% military you have? For example I just sent BR of .50% overall jets on a BR and each run reduced readiness by 4%. I sent one which was 25% of overall jets and still had the same impact on readiness. Surely sending 250,000 jets would adjust readiness more so than sending 2500?

mrcuban Game profile


Apr 5th 2019, 22:57:09

Getting that 1 fail makes all the difference :P

mrcuban Game profile


Apr 5th 2019, 0:00:52

When the ceasefire was offered we ceased ALL hits on imag and all PDM members were given access to the joint SOL war chats and told to keep up the momentum in that war.

If you look at the date of when the ceasefire was posted, the hits stopped.

You then wait a few days and imag starts to hit PDM and run a lot of turns.

Naturally we had to split our focus because at that point Breeze had ignored all requests for communication around the ceasefire, so they could run turns rebuild and hit PDM. SOL couldn’t hit imag because they wouldn’t say they were joining the war again because they knew they’d be killed. The plan clearly was to remain silent, whilst pdm switched focus I server war and then hit pdm again.

What I said was correct.

mrcuban Game profile


Apr 4th 2019, 8:39:20

LOL I don't think i've seen a funnier post on AT let alone a funier post by a game moderator? Aren't you supposed to be non biased?

How can Imag claim victory here? PDM was finished with IMAG within the first few days, we:

- Killed your only decent country in our FS.
- You put 60% of the remaining members in and out of vacation mode
- We maimed all your countries to parking lots.
- We offered you a ceasefire to lick your wounds.

You were ONLY ALLOWED to run turns because we gave you a ceasefire, and turned 100% of our focus to JOINING the server war.

You clearly accepted the ceasefire and yet remained silent, happily accepting our attention is now 100% on the server war. You rebuild, save turns and then let LAF kill our countries??

How can you possibly claim anything but a pathetic excuse for a tag that got its ass handed to it by lazy netters?

@galleri all your posts are filled with absolute love for IMAG, its cute how much affection you have for imag and yet you don't play in the tag.

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 30th 2019, 5:04:50

I'm hoping off this thread now its completely nose dived like the rest of AT. PDM you are not to post here either(for your own sanity) We'll crawl back to our happy places.

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 29th 2019, 23:38:46

Lets get the facts straight here please...

The only person butt hurt here is Imag. We FS'd the clan that LOVES TO WAR and we consider it an honour to die TAG blah blah, the guys who have a history of blindsiding tags for no reason other than 'we can'.

You had 1 decent country and we killed him in our fs, the rest were rainbows at best and we maimed to less then 200 civs and no buildings. You're that hungry for war you put half your tag into hiding, i mean vacation.

You're that embarrassed, you're all maimed with 0 credibility you get offered a ceasefire. Instead of accepting or declining it and admitting defeat you just ignore it. Twice i posted on AT and messaged breeze with 0 reply. Lame.

We declare our attention now onto the server war, we participate aid in kill runs, we allow you to run turns and rebuild You recruit new members, all to continue hitting PDM again whilst we are in the server war... Remind me whos butt hurt again?

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 29th 2019, 5:38:35

That’s awfully cute you guys joking and laughing together in this thread. Awwe :)

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 28th 2019, 22:19:55

Originally posted by breeze:
Hows this consider myself and iMagnum on the Laf side with our target PDM, not at SOL Stones or Rage.

Welcome to the WAR.

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 28th 2019, 20:50:01

Breeze if you are running the show at IMAG, then take 30 seconds and reply to my DM. You may not have liked the situation this set, but it is what it is. I don't carry the grudge we got what we wanted from this set.

But you can't have it both ways, i offered you a ceasefire you need to accept it or not (currently you haven't even replied) and continue to hit PDM. We considered it over and moved onto the server war. (all hits stopped on imag).

But if you're going to keep hitting PDM its going to affect our ability to help in the server war, and of course we need to address it. (again).

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 28th 2019, 14:38:12

Your still hitting PDM, you expect us to just roll over ?

We offered you ceasefire because we were getting pulled into the server war.

You decide not to accept ceasefire, keep hitting PDM.

What do you want ?

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 28th 2019, 10:35:17

Dude you missed the whole thing. We've moved onto the server war. Imag is able to run turns now because we've moved on.

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 25th 2019, 13:04:02

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 25th 2019, 7:06:40

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 24th 2019, 6:30:20

Breeze did well. But I wouldn’t say great, I’d prefer to say that after our fs our activity was poor. So it was more our lack of effort. I will credit breeze with selling down military and running turns, we’d get so close and not have enough members online. I’d op him again and he’d run turns as back to 500pop lol

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 24th 2019, 0:59:23

All i am going to say about the matter is that IF SOL Fa'd PDM to FS Imag then as the leader of PDM i'm butt hurt because i got jack fluff.

But i can see that Breezy and others received FA from another party during our little tousch... :)

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 23rd 2019, 1:23:38

You can't give us fluff for unbalancing the numbers, then have multi tags pinging us to join, then turn around and say we can't join now... make up your mind, please.

Edited By: mrcuban on Mar 23rd 2019, 1:31:50

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 23rd 2019, 1:06:23

Galleri your positivity is just too much

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 23rd 2019, 0:36:14

We're finished with Imag and moving our attention onto the server war. Thanks to Imag for having fun with us. :)


mrcuban Game profile


Mar 19th 2019, 20:13:43

The last thing this game needs is less people playing.

The more positive the better, for which I’ve always been an advocate for the game moving forward.

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 19th 2019, 18:50:44

I am actually all 6 pdm countries. I play off 6 mobiles all running on 4g. It costs me over $100 a month to play ee. Am I the winner here ? Lol

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 19th 2019, 10:52:53

Breeze if we suck so bad at war what does that make you guys? :p

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 18th 2019, 5:34:18

@breeze I have no idea why you were invited to join PDM. Call it in war banter? :)

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 18th 2019, 3:13:04

No they haven’t been tag killed yet.
We killed their 2 decent countries.

Between our lack of activity and half of imag going vacation mode we’ve had to settle for maiming their countries un-usable.

Edited By: mrcuban on Mar 18th 2019, 3:17:58. Reason: auto correct

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 10th 2019, 23:19:28

Breeze you forgot to mention you’ve taken a lot of FA from STONES...

Let’s run a scenario. You want to war, we wanted payback, we killed your only decent country in our fs. We did it with 4 members. It was twice as big as your next rainbow. Do you not think if we wanted to kill you we’d just meet same time again and kill each of you at over half the size??

You were all set then to offline targets to be made parking lots which we achieved within one day... you’ve all been rendered useless and in fact half your tag is in vacation mode.. hardly the lover of war warring alliance you speak off.

If you restarted you’d be in 100x better position then you are now, just saying.

Enjoy your vacation.

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 10th 2019, 18:03:55

All your countries are ours. :)

We killed your only country that had a decent build on our FS and maimed the rest. 70% of your tag has gone into vacation mode...

If the goal was to kill you, you would have died the following kill run, but it wasn’t executed that way. You can go on vacation or leave your country idle the outcome is the same. ;)

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 10th 2019, 3:10:49

All the best to your family galleri.

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 9th 2019, 5:45:43

I don't have any issue with LAF recruiting but joining a smaller clan might help you and help the health of the game moving forward. Every tag needs more activity :)

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 8th 2019, 20:56:01

Don't be lame and go into vacation mode.... We parking lot your tag but if you want to be finished off you don't go vacation mode... Shame.

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 7th 2019, 6:45:04

Let’s all get along nicely.

Edited By: mrcuban on Mar 7th 2019, 8:34:21

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 6th 2019, 20:14:57

@archaic i love that you still have that hard on for me pal. xo

@breeze If you cannot understand how a response to are you warring is not a simply yes/no than it's not worth my time trying to explain it to you. Have a great set.

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 6th 2019, 7:29:29

Just to be clear we never fully confirmed our effort in the server war. This was because of this reason.

I apologise for any inconvenience caused to others.

Our decision to declare war on imag was decided last set, well before a server war was discussed with us.

Everyone has a right to play this game how they see to enjoy it. Imag you guys claim you prefer to die, so I fail to see how you have issue with this?

Aren’t we giving you what you want ? So thanks ? :)

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 5th 2019, 23:57:19

It’s been a long time (if ever) since anyone has referred to PDM as ‘big bad PDM’.

It doesn’t feel great when you have plans for a set, put time and energy into your country to have someone blindsided it does it? Didn’t feel great for us either.

This is a war game, let’s all keep clicking buttons and leave it on the field. Good luck

mrcuban Game profile


Mar 5th 2019, 20:46:23

We know there is a sever war happening this set but we just couldn't help ourselves. The itch we had to scratch called payback was too great.

Imag we declare war on you, for your blindside on Paradigm a few sets back.

See you on the battlefield.


mrcuban Game profile


Mar 5th 2019, 2:45:57


mrcuban Game profile


Mar 3rd 2019, 23:24:10

This is great. I don't think I was active at this time in the game. Things like this are a reminder that the game has elements of community rather than complete toxicity... Let's keep it up!

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 27th 2019, 3:12:21


mrcuban Game profile


Feb 25th 2019, 11:37:58

Ouch! It’s early in the set though. :?

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 25th 2019, 9:02:35

When did they become so violent in ee?

374 buildings
271 buildings
333 buildings

In 2 days...

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 25th 2019, 2:31:21

The One Man Army that wasn't one man for very long :)

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 19th 2019, 12:35:44

I just re read the thread and PO has to be trolling. His agenda and fact source has literally changed to suit his narrative of the current post.

For example: us wall won’t work, China wall did not work (until finished), us wall won’t work because determined people will just get around or under it. States that sit on the border should have a say / pay for it but they don’t want it (source: he spoke to them).

I get tired reading the one sided rationale. It’s so cringe worthy now that one side cannot assertain the thought of a good idea simply because the other side came up with it.

Scary times

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 18th 2019, 21:45:34

Isn’t it clear though the agenda is to cause enough dissension within the public it takes the eye off the absolute criminals acts of the government?

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 18th 2019, 21:42:36

PO just went to cnn/nbc to find his ‘factial’ information.

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 18th 2019, 20:25:10

I don’t now how either side can argue they aren’t corrupt. Your government is so corrupt that people can commit crimes and not go to prison. And it’s in plain sight.

This board isn’t a place for this fluff, but the deep state has been exposed so many times with proof it’s not funny. You can google and find credible independent news that provides all the proof you need.

But you’ll only believe it if your not a far left.

It’s funny reading Derrick and KOH posts and replies. Whether you admit it or not Derrick is a demo lover and KOH is a rep / lib lover.

You say you’re not because you allow your beliefs to accept some things about your own side, but the devide between your posts is clear.

The only thing I can really say in a steven crowder style is... your entire system is corrupt prove me wrong..

Edited By: mrcuban on Feb 18th 2019, 20:28:29
See Original Post

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 18th 2019, 20:13:13

Elders stole the kill? lol