
mrcuban Game profile


Feb 18th 2019, 7:37:51

Come join the family in PARADIGM :)

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 16th 2019, 23:50:39

I read the thread and still can’t see if this is on alliance or Ffa? It’s a spicy thread either way, I like it.

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 16th 2019, 23:46:10

The thing that is most evident from someone outside of the usa, is that both sides exist for their own special interest groups / agendas.

The everyday American is forgotten and the circus continues to appear so extreme because those special interest groups are far left or far right.

Both sides have to take such extreme stances and rally in their base otherwise they appear to be taking another side.. it’s the perfect combination Of people who have joined the circus and are still in middle school.

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 16th 2019, 8:48:32

Depends what the split is

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 12th 2019, 21:52:56

IA on at I love it

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 9th 2019, 22:43:26

If you want to discuss new pacting / renewals forum pm is fine.


mrcuban Game profile


Feb 9th 2019, 2:12:57

Is that 1 acre all set or dropping at the end ?

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 7th 2019, 7:00:06

You missed the point there is already a thread about lowest nw. I’m wondering finishes with say 10k acres, sub 10k acres, 20k acres what was the highest net worth.

If you’ve got a lot of land and producing 1m+ bushels per turn and you don’t finish over 300m nw you’re stupid.

Netting on lower land is impressive..

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 7th 2019, 6:56:59

Come join PARADIGM we’re medioicre at netting but a great bunch of guys

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 6th 2019, 9:51:01

It would be cool if there was a way to find genuine finishes by land. I'm not talking about these netters who destock then destroy acres down to sub 100..

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 3rd 2019, 13:03:20

Why is dibs banned ? Is he banned from game or just forums for spamming ?

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 3rd 2019, 9:44:40


Late set cruisader wanting land ? He can’t have pdm’s..

Will continue via pm

mrcuban Game profile


Feb 3rd 2019, 9:19:12

Forum pm is fine

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 31st 2019, 8:30:06

PM me 2 -


mrcuban Game profile


Jan 31st 2019, 7:25:39

Like it or not WAR is good for the health of the game. People who like to war get to scratch that itch, and most netters like to see fluff happening on the server just not to them so its a win / win.

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 26th 2019, 10:50:11

Currently netting with 9 out of 10 t10 spots...

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 25th 2019, 2:53:31

At the time of writing this there was 44 hits between both sides...

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 25th 2019, 2:52:16


mrcuban Game profile


Jan 23rd 2019, 15:03:20

Hi Req, no i was in another tag when you were in PDM. I came to PDM when it was down to 1 maybe 2 members a set. Spent a few sets grinding / helping were possible, started recruiting to now 6/7 strong and then took over the reigns about 6 or 7 sets ago.

Edited By: mrcuban on Jan 23rd 2019, 15:05:40

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 23rd 2019, 12:09:54

Originally posted by trumpoz:
Mr Cuban - how long have you played this game for?

too long

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 22nd 2019, 22:02:38

Well said PANG.

I want it to be said that this post when created came from a position of the future, not of what is current or has been.

People can get pissed off with these type of posts, but in the end nothing is changing and my concern is that the decline will be permanent. We keep thinking this game will be around forever but it won't. There is a point where the game is unplayable and people won't even login to run turns. And I don't want to see that happen, especially a community with such a history as EE.

I'm happy to continue this conversation via PM PANG to see this move forward.

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 22nd 2019, 12:19:21

Wondering if there was a game factor that affects oil you have stocked ?

I know there is something with food, and cash over $2b wondering if there is any in game change when you have oil stocked ?

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 22nd 2019, 6:02:42

Originally posted by galleri:
No one needs to go away.

Galleri is right, nobody needs go away.

The more the merrier at the point.

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 18th 2019, 22:43:04

Yeah i was simply highlighting that variety in netting and war is required to sustain the game. Just my opinion of course.

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 18th 2019, 7:24:59

Please ignore the Good Guys / Bad Guys:;badside%5B%5D=SOLxmas

Edited By: mrcuban on Jan 18th 2019, 9:42:08. Reason: added mercs - sorry guys
See Original Post

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 18th 2019, 7:23:37

Someone post war stats

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 18th 2019, 7:16:41

Originally posted by breeze:

I don't really care what you think it was mrcuban and now you have ran your mouth that you don't know when to shut it. That's your problem always running your mouth and for your info since you're running your mouth that was over a set or 2 ago.

What are you talking about? Breeze you got to get off the crack pipe.. Its not good for you.

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 18th 2019, 4:27:24

Originally posted by breeze:

Never mind I will keep that business between the leaders.

I am the current leader of PDM. It was passed to me that a pact was agreed to and you wouldn't pull that sort of thing for at least 3 sets. Good yes, moved on yes but not forgotten. It was a fluff move, you are imag and not the first time, but this is a game.

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 18th 2019, 4:14:24

Originally posted by breeze:

Yes Im old and your link you put up didnt say anthing but we FS'd Paradigm. So what was your point? Also may I add that ended up to be a good thing for both sides.

Breeze not sure how it ended up good for both sides? You blindsided PDM just as i had started recruiting. PDM was down to 1-2 members and I had recruited up to a solid 5-7 when you blind sided that set. Luckily we rallied and could victory on that one, we actually parking lot all of your remaining countries. Which I guess you could call it team building for PDM.


mrcuban Game profile


Jan 17th 2019, 23:53:07

Sure am,

Whats up

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 17th 2019, 23:51:51

@reqium I have never been in Elders.

@derrick PDM does not want to go to war, i do but PDM does not.

@lightbringer I never said there had to be a grudge. I said its the same war, without reason gets old. If SOL was picking / or had other targets than variety is the spice of life. But there isn't. Unless SOL wars LAF or Monsters/omega/pdm (which would probably cause them to leave the server) its going to be the same STONES/ELDERS war. My issue was not that SOL wanted to war, it was that its the same war.

I respect SOL for not hitting netters, but there aint nobody left..

@Pang I appreciate you putting in your own time when on Paternity leave, but this isn't your burden alone. The last thing you should be doing when you enjoy your new addition is working on EE.

I don't want this post to get sideways. I am PRO EE. I want this game to evolve.

It's such a shame in its current state, I guess I don't understand why this isn't in GIT and we have a board of sorts who can take responsibility for the community evolvement of the game.

I would have already paid for professional backend devs and frontend UI experts to have this game fixed, ported and already live with new UI / New JS elements already to breathe live back into the game.

I have offered to pay for everything multiple times back to 2015 and before that even. I'm not trying to put more pressure on pang. I don't understand ownership of the game. I thought this was a community port, but I am starting to understand maybe Pang/others bought this?

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 17th 2019, 11:42:31

If SOL didn't decide to have the same boring war again with Stones / Elders this would be another set of netters grabbing bot countries? I'm struggling here to understand why nothing is being done about this game?

AT is dead and the game is dead. There wasn't even a reason SOL declared on stones / Elders except give there members something to do to keep them playing...

Its such a shame how this has all turned out. When i was playing in small tags in earth2025 and wishing for LAF to die as the relentless farming of small tags, telling them that kind of behaviour will kill this game. I guess I'm kinda right...

LAF are here now, netting against themselves...SOL is here but for how long? How many sets can you drum up a story for your members as to why you fight Elders / Stones again?

Nobody is even grabbing anyone anymore..

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 4th 2019, 22:05:52

Confirmed 90% success is bad. Top land countries sitting somewhere between 63 - 97%


mrcuban Game profile


Jan 4th 2019, 22:03:23

Originally posted by Gerdler:

If Cuban listens to no other advice in this thread, this is the one to listen to

Also, do people actually spy allies too? To save a few jets max? D'oh

I don't usually spy all for bot grabs, but since this one failed got me thinking. Im currently only at 90% success rate at 203 grabs this set. Not sure if that is on par with the top guys for grabbing. I'm close to t10 on land as well.

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 4th 2019, 0:43:45

@table4two cheers I am aiming for that PB but I think i've gotten as best I can on my current strats... :)

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 3rd 2019, 0:09:49

@marshall I sent 1.6m with 11% weapons tech and failed. The only way it fails is that the def ally (which had 0 weapons tech) matched his def, which it did not (had 60% of original country) . So it should have passed, but failed. Which was my original concern.

mrcuban Game profile


Jan 1st 2019, 8:42:29

Originally posted by major:
Cuban, your post always entertain me, and yet here you come again... Please stay in the game lol. your country #, btw?

All i can say is its above yours :P

Edited By: mrcuban on Jan 1st 2019, 22:09:58

mrcuban Game profile


Dec 30th 2018, 22:17:32

Yes my bad for being lazy. I'll the blame the UI for being easier to create a new post. I'm glad you guys got some entertainment value from the post. At least its something, nothing else going on here...

mrcuban Game profile


Dec 29th 2018, 23:03:34

I thought I read on the wiki somewhere that your def allies can only add maximum 10% of your military strength. So let's say that i have 1m def break points. That means with 2 def allies they can add an additional 100k def points for a total break of 1.2m without tech?

A country I just tried to break at 100% readiness and no weapons tech had:

193k troops x .6 - 116k
705k turrets x 1 - 705k
20k tanks.x 3 - 60k

total break points of 880k. Assuming the 10% def ally is correct i can add 180k def ally points for a total of 1.06m def points.

Now i sent 1.6m jets with 15% weapons tech and failed...

mrcuban Game profile


Dec 24th 2018, 0:15:26

When have elders ever net?

mrcuban Game profile


Dec 24th 2018, 0:14:54

Welcome to join Paradigm. Just message in game and we'll a 'chat'.

mrcuban Game profile


Dec 20th 2018, 2:46:58

now i need nachos...

mrcuban Game profile


Dec 18th 2018, 13:57:21

Paradigm is here and looking for more players to join the family :)

mrcuban Game profile


Dec 18th 2018, 13:56:31

Had to get over the post count hump

mrcuban Game profile


Dec 18th 2018, 13:38:39

I think with a budget into UX + marketing this game could easily find an active real player base of 2000 - 5000 players. It could generate 10x the revenue but the game would be 100000000x more fun for everyone. Netters could net with NPC or war gain, war mongers could war with different clans / group wars like the good ole days.

There would be active AT community again with a decent evolving and changing game story for each set.

I've said all this fluff again and again, offered to pay for the whole thing / pay for some / offered servers / offers my limited frontend dev experience and its all falled on deaf ears.


mrcuban Game profile


Dec 18th 2018, 13:30:13

I have many cloud VPS servers with DO and Vultr. All are amazing, fast and uptime is almost 100% and they are cheap as chips.

It just doesn't make any sense to me at all. The numbers are dropping off, no updates, the game has become stale with 0 wares, we are all just grabbing NPC countries and continueing to run turns because we're used to it...

There is still hope with such a smaller player base the game can be revived, but what I don't understand is why I feel like im banging my head against a wall.. I would prefer if the opion was 'we are letting it die' then just say that.

But the 'hey we're doing out best with what we have' is getting old. If you don't want money, help / advice / offer to rebuild the game, then can we just call it that..

mrcuban Game profile


Dec 17th 2018, 22:02:40

I couldn't connect for almost the entire day yesterday? Who are we kidding here? The server has downtime all the time and the clan page is look really sad regarding numbers...

Very sad to see the state of the game. I've advocated for so many changes, offered funding, offered ways to get funding, offered to do dev work, I understand the devs are busy, but this game is heading into the ground fast... sad to see it not restored and given an actual chance at life in 2018...