
spchavel Game profile


Jun 17th 2014, 16:12:48

Originally posted by Viceroy:
I contend that you are misrepresenting Arabic, Muslim, and most importantly Iraqi culture, the latter of which has always been distinct and far more secular than much of the rest of the Islamic and Arabic worlds.

The violence was in decline, even while American forces were still present.

The vast majority of Arabs, to include Iraqis, identify as Muslim today. When you have an ideology that demands that nonbelievers be subjugated, converted, or killed, there will inevitably be problems. Especially if over the past hundreds of years said ideology has been spread throughout the world. There will only be peace when all people are either dead, Muslim, or living as indentured servants for the Muslims.

It is entirely possible that the people perpetrating the violence kept things quite just so the Americans would leave sooner also. This proves nothing.

spchavel Game profile


Jun 17th 2014, 12:25:19

Originally posted by Cerberus:
Since the Obama Regime, the erosion of states rights is at an all time high. He is doing more damage with his pen and phone than all previous presidents combined, and if you really want to worry about something. Imagine this... After Obama's regime has run its course, what if the next elected executive is a truly evil republican and he starts using the tools and precedents established by the libtard administration.

That is a large accusation. I would say that Obama is simply continuing practices that have been building for a long time before he was even born. I don't even think any of his actions have been anything that was not tried before, executives before him have been trying to pass healthcare legislation, his predecessor allowed the NSA to conduct sketchy wiretapping as well as granting bailouts in the form of hundreds of billions of dollars.

I think he is just following suit of his predecessors. One after the other the executive branch has been building its power; he is just the most recent example.

spchavel Game profile


Jun 17th 2014, 12:02:21

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
in an attempt to create a lasting government where (white) men would be free to live their lives. Today's politicians study how to get elected, how to raise money, and how to trade favors.

Getting elected is an important factor in a politicians career, to do that they do need money. Even the best meaning politicians find it very difficult to make much real change if they are unable to gain power.

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
Under the Federalist system, states which do the best thing achieve the best results. Under the current system, it's the Federal Government's way or no way.

The citizens of Colorado would probably disagree here. And eventually when enough states realize marijuana isn't the terrible drug people try to make it out to be, it could be legal nationwide just like booz. States have the ability to change things, the Federal Government included.

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
If it is "absolutely necessary" for the NSA to record every conversation we ever have.... Then states which follow the NSA's example will be safe, while the rest of us have to live in fear, wondering which building is going to explode today.

Those programs have been almost as ineffective as the TSA as far as twarting terrorism, but I sense you already know this.

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
That's the genius of the Constitution. Too bad we decided to shred it.

There wasn't anything inheerently good about the Constitution. It was meant to be a protector of the rights of white males, generally reflections of the people that wrote the documents.

Edited By: spchavel on Jun 17th 2014, 12:06:24
See Original Post

spchavel Game profile


Jun 17th 2014, 11:12:48

PS Jun 17, 11:01 vramool (#65) te sueres porque soy macho alfa (#33) (SEXKills) 91 A

This dude must not of gotten the memo.

spchavel Game profile


Jun 17th 2014, 3:53:46


I doubt the violence will ever stop as long as there is any semblance of a pro American form of government in Iraq. It's kind of part of the Muslim culture, what with the whole jihad and all. They seem to take that stuff serious over there.

spchavel Game profile


Jun 17th 2014, 3:45:14

Originally posted by Angel1:

Why use my own words when Tony Blair brings up such good points. Saddam Hussein would not be a stabilizing force in today's Middle East and leaving him in power would not have stopped the uprisings.

I am far from saying Saddam was a good guy, I just don't think it's our place to pick and choose which bad guys we want to kill. If the uprisings were going to happen regardless, what justifies us going there and spending trillions of dollars based on, at best, bad intel?

spchavel Game profile


Jun 17th 2014, 3:14:02

Originally posted by Viceroy:
Allied forces were making a definite difference in Iraq. The only thing half-butted about anything was how we dropped the mic and walked out before the song had ended and the job had been completed. If the intent is to build a nation, you can't pour the foundation, set the frame, and call it good. That house needs a roof.

Was the intent of the invasion of Iraq that of Nation Building? It was sold as a mission to overthrow a terrible dictator which possessed WMD's. I am not sure what song you speak of, but there was no end in sight for the violence we created in Iraq. Do you honestly think that all we had to do was occupy Iraq longer, kill more Muslims and they would just give up? Wake up.

Originally posted by Viceroy:
And at least Iraq has the capability of being a country in its own right. Does anyone really believe the Afghan government can sustain its position after coalition forces pull out?

Both of these countries were countries before we went in there and started blowing them up. Saddaam actually did a pretty good job of keeping Al-Qaida out of Iraq. What the hell is Afghanistan’s position now anyway? How is it better now than before? We cannot police the world indefinitely in order to exert our idea of what a society should be.

Sorry for the rant, it is past my bedtime so this may not make sense.

spchavel Game profile


Jun 17th 2014, 2:49:12

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Hmm 5k minimum is met?

Thats probably it, thanks KoH!

spchavel Game profile


Jun 16th 2014, 23:51:33

Thats pretty harsh. So it would only be appropriate for you to recieve the same treatement, no?

spchavel Game profile


Jun 16th 2014, 22:56:32

No, I am able to sale other things on tthe market.

spchavel Game profile


Jun 16th 2014, 22:24:52

Maybe I have missed the memo, but is there a specific reason I am not able to sell my oil on the public market?

spchavel Game profile


Jun 15th 2014, 0:58:10

Sam, when I get my carry permit I am probably going to get a Taurus revolver. Somthing about being able to carry around a concealed weapon that firees .45/ and or a .410 shotgun shell just seems like it would be bad ass.

I wouldn't say I am an expert gun owner, but I have been trained on how to operate and maintain a few different kinds during my career in the Army.

spchavel Game profile


Jun 13th 2014, 12:02:41

Originally posted by Requiem:
spchavel, the entire server does it now not just LaF. Many in LaF do not like it, including myself.

Qz has made some changes to weaken trading so hopefully it will fade away but only time will tell.

Rest assured we play with the utmost respect for the game.

Thanks for the insight, and the invite Requiem. All in all I joined the Alliance sever to gain experience in different strategies, so I feel even with land traders around I will meet my goal.

spchavel Game profile


Jun 13th 2014, 1:50:50

So from what you are saying here Xinhuan, someone messaging me ingame requesting that i attack someone they are at war with would be considered a deletable offense, right? Obviously i declined, just wondering if i need to take any further action.

spchavel Game profile


Jun 13th 2014, 1:37:30

I am not interested in joining a group that does that, so if i end up seeing that ill probably cut ties also. I have just been wanting to play on a server where i can actually work with my allies instead of being afraid to even talk to them lest i be banned.

spchavel Game profile


Jun 12th 2014, 14:27:08

So I recently started a country on the Alliance server, and am having trouble deciding which clan I should get into. I know some of you guys play there also, so would any of you like to make some recommendations?

spchavel Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 20:12:27

Sounds like you two have some history together.

spchavel Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 19:18:53

Just yesterday almost everything was cheap...

spchavel Game profile


Jun 11th 2014, 19:17:14

Is attacking someone that hits your ally coordination? When i think of coordination i think more along the lines of sharing intel op results, and setting up times and certain attacks so on so forth.

spchavel Game profile


Jun 10th 2014, 14:24:05

Originally posted by Requiem:
They do a lot more than that xin!

Thats for sure, I almost always see firetrucks parked at the gym. Plus I am sure maintaining your equipment is usually considered a big deal in your field, what with all the life and death situations and all. Then when your not pumping iron or checking equipment there is always important training to be done.

At least thats how I envision any credible emergency response force operating.

spchavel Game profile


Jun 10th 2014, 1:05:38

I find myself almost exclusively using them for the extra turns, I'm curious to see what the more experienced players do.

spchavel Game profile


Jun 9th 2014, 16:32:52

Once again on the lookout for def and intel allies, I have roughly 28 SPAL and the equivilant of about 8.5 m turrets. IM me if you are interested in setting somthing up.

spchavel Game profile


Jun 7th 2014, 9:40:46

Would it be against the rules to try and start a boycott of oil for a few days?

spchavel Game profile


Jun 7th 2014, 4:04:26

Originally posted by deezyboy:
It obviously went way over your head. Meil knows exactly what i mean.

Oh ok, and by "way over my head" you mean non-sensical gibberish... right? I don't know, I do get easily confused when people use broken english/cypher text to attempt to insult others, so maybe I will just try to ignore your posts from now on.

spchavel Game profile


Jun 7th 2014, 3:27:07

Originally posted by deezyboy:
Lel inb4 banned for posting relevant quotes. Although i'm not quite sure who said that or who they were talking about for the official record. Just seen it on the internet once and it reminds me of you ;-)

tell your mom and cousins to quit trying to ban guns while opening our borders and arming cartels too while your at it lol

Are you on drugs Deezy? What the fluff are you even talking about?

spchavel Game profile


Jun 5th 2014, 14:03:04


spchavel Game profile


Jun 1st 2014, 22:14:50

This section of the wiki should help you get a basic idea of how to run your country. One of the most important things you can do is specialize your economy so that you recieve the greatest returns on your investment. What you specialize in is up to you, the address I pasted here should give you an understanding of whats available.

spchavel Game profile


Jun 1st 2014, 22:07:07

Originally posted by BobbyATA:
well I guess I forgot I attacked someone twice. Too bad I had a pretty nice set going (#165)

He explains in another thread.

spchavel Game profile


Jun 1st 2014, 22:05:01

I switch out for someone better when the opportunity presents itself, I would expect the same to be done to me in return, but I try to keep close to what my def/intel allies have so I'm usually the one breaking up with them. :)

spchavel Game profile


May 30th 2014, 16:50:42

If I had known his MO before I hit him I wouldnt have done it, so I guess that is a good deterant.

However, he finished a place below me last set (64th), and I started a few weeks late, which tells me his strategy really isn't that effective.

spchavel Game profile


May 30th 2014, 16:28:14

if "gogy" is #106, its because he plays with a terribly low defense. He plays a dangerous game, and if anyone really wanted they could hurt him pretty bad.

spchavel Game profile


May 27th 2014, 3:02:38


spchavel Game profile


May 22nd 2014, 17:37:06

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Originally posted by spchavel:
Why are you guys being so stingy with the jets??

Because some techer is grabbing all the biggest indies, so they are not selling their jets to retal.

Yeah, you guys should fight to the death and let me move up a few places. In fact, you should do it sooner rather than later so that i can get back to buying up my fleet :)

spchavel Game profile


May 22nd 2014, 15:00:26

Why are you guys being so stingy with the jets??

spchavel Game profile


May 20th 2014, 1:13:03

So none of you guys have an open Def slot?

spchavel Game profile


May 19th 2014, 21:54:34


spchavel Game profile


May 19th 2014, 9:45:17

Just hit 59 bpt as Republic

spchavel Game profile


May 17th 2014, 20:42:17


spchavel Game profile


May 17th 2014, 9:03:27

I could use a solid Def/Intel allie as well, and I don't expect to give or recieve any charity. Message me if any of you are interested.

spchavel Game profile


May 15th 2014, 19:17:22


spchavel Game profile


May 12th 2014, 7:43:38


spchavel Game profile


May 11th 2014, 23:16:22

63 WouldntYaKnow (#463) 11,943 $14,696,660 RG

Belongs to me, that was a casher and I started about 3 weeks late. I am expecting to finish in the top 40 this set... if all goes well.

spchavel Game profile


May 10th 2014, 19:41:21


spchavel Game profile


May 9th 2014, 15:36:13


spchavel Game profile


Apr 22nd 2014, 23:15:48

Originally posted by Requiem:
spchavel, if you'd like I can coach you and see if we can't get this to stop or in the very least make it to where you can take some retals?

You're probably already behind as you've been hit a lot but we can make some progress and turn your boat around. It would require you to share info about your country with me so that I can give you tips.

If you're interested just private message me and we can get started.

Thanks, but no thanks. I think relatively speaking I am not getting hit much, and definately not double taps, so I think I will be ok. I already switched my strategy and have been gaining a lot more acres than I am losing, so it will work out in the end.

Next reset I doubt I will have this issue because I am not going to start a month late, therefore I will be able to maintain enough of a lead that I won't have to worry about getting grabbed.

spchavel Game profile


Apr 10th 2014, 20:31:23

Thanks for confirming my thoughts h2orich, I am only getting hit once per opponent, so I guess I can't complain too much.

spchavel Game profile


Apr 10th 2014, 11:52:34

Originally posted by hsifreta:
how about this. i start a country now, and see how it goes. i'll be at the bottom of the bottom. =P and see if I can get up higher than you guys. =)

I appreciate the humor, but I think this post was more aimed towards venting/ trying to understand if I was delusional about my status. I like to think that my country is very well protected, and at about 650 NW per acre it's hard to fathom this presenting an appearance of a "soft target".

I don't think this will be an issue next reset because I will begin on the first day, and probably migrate into the top 50 shortly thereafter.

spchavel Game profile


Apr 10th 2014, 6:38:42

So Im just wondering how it can possibly be lucrative for you top guys to attack me for 200 acres when you are losing at least 300,000 jets each time. Are you all just hurting for targets so bad that you hit anyone no matter what? I have at least 1,200 defense per acre NOT counting my technology, why in the world am i still getting hit?

spchavel Game profile


Apr 5th 2014, 6:31:00

Another thing I have been wondering about is my spies/acre count, I have basically been keeping 10% of my land as Industrial Complexes producing 100% spies for the majority of my play. Now that I am opproaching 20 SPAL, I am considering adjusting that percentage, or perhaps transfering production over to Troops for a bit.