
ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 28th 2016, 3:48:27

Originally posted by Scott:

This guy has many accounts, it seems pretty well known. A few of us see the clear evidence, but someone else called me a conspiracy theorist for mentioning obvious things even just to consider them lol...If you EE guys like your game, you best cut out the cancer while you can before it kills you.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 28th 2016, 3:41:01

Originally posted by clintonista:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
Originally posted by clintonista:
As I said before, both publicly and privately, well done.

As you have said privately, when you were sitting on Saturday night with a mere 13 million turrets(counting enhancements)
I could have double taqpped you or if you slept for more than two hours quadtapped you even though you were not the best available target. Had I done that, it would have been outside the spirit of the challenge and an uncivil act.
That aside, you are to be congratulated. Very few Is have made the top tne and most of those were farmers.

Thank you for not cheating on the challenge.

Who are You to talk about uncivil??

I am as civil as they come.
I have never cheated, lied nor posted spy ops on the forum.

You, ssj, posted a spy op on the forum simply because I farmed you to set the all time record for the largest land mass.
Your conduct was inexcusable. Unfortunately under the current rule set, it is also not punishable.
But you will always know and everyone who reads any of your posts from now on will always know that you improperly posted a spy op in an infantile pique. People acting in response to your spy op knocked me out of the top ten and I guess you are to be congratulated for that if any malfeasor is ever to be congratulated.

You tried to hurt me but only ended up ruining any reputation you may have had.

If you try to argue that farming undefended large land masses is uncivil, I disagree, it is part of the game. Buy turrets.
Posting complete spy ops to invite others to punish someone that you are too weak to hurt yourself is not.

It was never an intention to get you attacked, you actually had strong D and were ranked in the top. It was to expose you that you're not even trying to play/win. You hadn't built on the majority of your land and only had 105 CS. There was someone who argued you were trying to grow, which wasn't true. You're here to be a pest and I wanted to expose it. That was my intent and it was so short, but it doesn't matter, you're not here to win. But I admit it, I did post it to expose you.

Undefended land mass? No, my turrets were on market. And even before that they weren't. Nobody's going to stop a Dict with mass jets, weapons and PS. You got knocked out of top 10 because I knocked you out, nobody else. And I was never here to build a reputation, especially towards you.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 27th 2016, 4:32:48

Originally posted by clintonista:
As I said before, both publicly and privately, well done.
You have proven that a techer I can reach the top ten in the current environment in a set by farming bots. As I am sure you will acknowledge, most of my comments about the hardship of taking an I into the top ten were made before the recent flood of target bots. But not all. I did say it even with the current boatload of targets. Honestly, I doubt that I would have the temperament and the skill needed to reach the top ten the way you did it. I can not imagine quietly teching while massive targets are sitting around with almost no defense.

As you have said privately, when you were sitting on Saturday night with a mere 13 million turrets(counting enhancements)
I could have double taqpped you or if you slept for more than two hours quadtapped you even though you were not the best available target. Had I done that, it would have been outside the spirit of the challenge and an uncivil act.
That aside, you are to be congratulated. Very few Is have made the top tne and most of those were farmers.

Thank you for not cheating on the challenge.

Who are You to talk about uncivil??

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 24th 2016, 18:12:20

Originally posted by cronie:
I can't help but feel there is a bit of witch hunting going on. A lot of names are thrown out. Maybe half the server is a multi.

Im stepping off the soap box. May the witch hunting continue.

Really not trying to, cronie. There's just too much evidence for it. And I, unfortunately, have had to deal with this guy a few sets and so I've been watching more.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 24th 2016, 9:43:08

I'd be surprised if they ban anything with how obvious you multi and cheat, yet are still here.

Edited By: ssj4goku17 on Jul 24th 2016, 9:47:18
See Original Post

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 24th 2016, 9:42:32

Crying? You've got a bad attitude on top of you being an idiot. He freakin cheats you moron. He put himself into DR with bayrock early on, so retal wasn't an option. Now he's much bigger and just recently got out of DR so I took a hit, and someone conveniently enough just put him back in.

And of course he didn't retal you, your country sucks. He was lookin to screw someone who looked to finish better.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 24th 2016, 6:09:24

So silly. Usually you build on the land that's empty. Not go out grabbing 5k more when you have 11k unassigned.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 24th 2016, 6:06:41

Originally posted by Desperado:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
He knows what he's doing. He's leaving a willful trail to have something for you, a game mod, to look at and say "it's technically possible".

You're way too conspiracy nut to have goku in your name.

Goku didn't care about the who's and whys, goku only cares about if the fight will be good

I think you have your animes mixed up. You're probably just Asian too. But, this is no conspiracy....this is pretty obvious. Anything that requires 3 digit IQ thinking you just dismiss as a conspiracy.

Edited By: ssj4goku17 on Jul 24th 2016, 6:12:28
See Original Post

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 24th 2016, 6:05:13

Look at #73's build, he obviously doesn't care about gaining land. He's not even building on what he takes and he knows it. He's here to "annoy" and screw up other people's sets. Plain and simple.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 24th 2016, 6:02:07

He knows what he's doing. He's leaving a willful trail to have something for you, a game mod, to look at and say "it's technically possible".

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 24th 2016, 6:01:09

Originally posted by Desperado:
Well, looks like someone is gonna have their ip flagged for perma-ban

I wish, but I already asked that sets ago. This guy even multi's with the same country names?? Him cheating 1 set and re-using the same names the next...why would we think he changed??

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 24th 2016, 6:00:14

that's exactly what you did. You did it to put yourself into DR so you could go off "annoying" the whole server and they wouldn't be able to get their land back. You know exactly what you're doing.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 24th 2016, 5:49:08

clintonista are you johnny waffles too?? How many of your Chinese brethen play this game? Let me guess, you've got about 10 cousins and that's why you're all in sync.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 24th 2016, 5:46:59

Oh come on guys, this is so obvious. EE community please speak up and tell me it's crystal clear that 23, 73 and 79 are the same Chinese kid to each and every one of you. You'd have to have worse eyes than him to not see it >.<

Please ban this guy forever.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 24th 2016, 5:38:01

He pissed cuz Americans got Pokemon Go now and he doesn't or something?

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 24th 2016, 5:22:51

Game Mods, it's so obviously this Chinese kid is multi-ing all over the place and just pooping on server. Please get rid of him? His confession to annoy goes hand-in-hand with all of his countries. 23, 79, 73

GS Jul 24, 05:03 izMla (#79) BioHazard from XI (#122) 785 C
33 F
GS Jul 24, 05:03 izMla (#79) BioHazard from XI (#122) 772 C
33 F
CM Jul 24, 05:07 izMla (#79) BioHazard from XI (#122) 373 B
10,288 C

SS Jul 24, 05:13 canigliero (#73) Riders of Tristan (#8) 426 A
SS Jul 24, 05:14 canigliero (#73) Riders of Tristan (#8) 365 A
SS Jul 24, 05:14 canigliero (#73) Riders of Tristan (#8) 302 A
SS Jul 24, 05:14 canigliero (#73) Riders of Tristan (#8) 248 A
PS Jul 24, 05:18 canigliero (#73) Riders of Tristan (#8) 300 A
PS Jul 24, 05:19 canigliero (#73) Riders of Tristan (#8) 235 A
PS Jul 24, 05:19 canigliero (#73) Riders of Tristan (#8) 180 A

This is why he's always doing grabs Saturday in the middle of the night when we're all sleeping...because he's in China. This guy is busted. Let's get rid of this noodle

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 24th 2016, 5:17:42

Originally posted by KoHeartsGPA:
Well since he's going to be up for the next 14hrs and I'm signing off for the next 12hrs....hopefully for his sake he can kill me...if not...F A I L... btw....another PS on him...LOL...that's got to irritate him..

So he's some Communist Chinaman heckling a few Westies? Please tell me one of the mods is from Texas...Lol

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 24th 2016, 5:16:46

Can someone inform the mods that this guy admits he's just here to annoy? We, the gaming community, don't want to put up with it anymore. Can we vote-ban him?

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 24th 2016, 4:47:10

Originally posted by ebert00:
geez. people like that should be banned. also those effected by it should get the damage undone.

Totally agree!! This guy has been nothing but a nuisance to the whole the server. He's not even competing; he's purely he to be burdensome. But even so, the multiple blatant cheating accounts should be enough. He's a game killer.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 23rd 2016, 17:54:21

It seems obvious he's a multi. After his set is ruined, he puts #73 into DR and then goes grab happy on everyone. This game is really about to die.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 23rd 2016, 4:48:27

Originally posted by cronie:
Unrelated but another reminder I'd like to see is a voice recording telling you to wipe your ass after you flush a number 2. Just in case you forget. Shtt happens.


Originally posted by Hammer:
He is still trying to coordinate some now even from the bench.

bayrock...that little die hard bench warmer trying to get in the game. Just who does this free agent, 1 year contract bum think he is?

Originally posted by Indrid Cold:
You speak wise for a "New Member".

Lol...New Members are hardly ever New around here I imagine

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 23rd 2016, 4:41:45

Originally posted by bayrock:
i have multiple attack me no matter what. i have asked qzjul to implement a warning when first attacking that you can no longer join GDI. people forget to join GDI its as simple as that and it shouldnt ruin their entire set.

Yes it would be a nice add-in, I've had it happen to me before too, but it's not "required". GDI protection is available, just use it. Most people don't multiple attack you. Just clint or a few who might RoR out of frustration. And with bots around you can still farm without ABs and missiles flying everywhere.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 22nd 2016, 22:24:58

Originally posted by bayrock:
Couldn't be helped - I forgot to join GDI before attacking a bot so i knew my set was over. Express in in shambles and suiciders are rampact. I'm pushing to get qjzul to make some fixes that will make express better and mitigate the angry suiciding retards.

All set I dealt with people whinging that I lgd them once despite me being twice their networth. They instantly turn to suicide mode instead of continuing to play the set like a rational human - this doesn't make for good game play and is probably why there's only 70 human players in each set.

I only hit AngularJS multiple times because he suicided his set once I lg'd him the first time. As soon as I lgd him he literally PMd me saying he had no other purpose in the set but to ruin mine. He had no offensive capability and zero means to attack me. He was casher and switched to dict, took the 14% hit then switched to indies to produce spies to suicide late game. I've got no idea who this guy is and I've never attacked him before.

Meanwhile #35 had been stocking missiles from the beginning of set to use on me. After he offloaded on me he dropped all land. I also received offensive spy ops from Consummate AB professional (#40) who I'd never attacked before so another obvious suicider/teamer there - I also had 28 spal

So in summary, Express is a piece of fluff and full of noobs who don't care because they know they have 0 chance in a solo server. I did everything right this set except forgetting to join GDI - but I won't fluff up again next set and ill be #1 again and there's nothing any of u pathetic scrubs can do.

I'm pushing to get qzjul to add a a GDI warning on first attack and a ladder system that promotes legitimate play. Hopefully these will help eradicate shameful suiciding in Express.

Just join GDI; should be automatic for any vet at this point in this server. With all the people who enjoy screwing people out there, if you don't join GDI you almost deserve it. But, if you do get on GDI and don't want to FUBARed, try not doing multi hits on real people, or even stick to bots. That will get rid of most people and you'll only have a few knuckleheads like Clint who may just hit you 6 times on the last day just to screw ya, or others who landgrab and you just retal.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 22nd 2016, 19:27:57

Originally posted by Qfwfq:
Am about to retal #23 and some random hits him with 20 missiles and self-deletes...

Do missiles put someone in DR though? I didn't think they did...

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 22nd 2016, 18:39:09

So, KingMe, bot hitting is a great idea, but now it appears #65, whom I assume to be Clint, is purposely DR'ing as many bots as he can?...Lol

This guy is such a nuisance, why is he here??

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 22nd 2016, 7:58:09

Edited By: ssj4goku17 on Aug 14th 2016, 23:03:35

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 22nd 2016, 7:51:09

Edited By: ssj4goku17 on Aug 14th 2016, 23:02:57

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 21st 2016, 0:27:56

Clintonista is full of poo poo. You do not have to grab human players to get into the top 10, even as a dictator. Guys it's really not that hard to make top 10 if you even have half an idea of what you're doing. Your goal isn't to make top 10, it's just to piss people off and get under their skin. In fact, you'd do even better if you just grabbed bots because I see your news feed getting retal'd left and right, which hurts you. If you weren't such a prick you'd probably do better and end up with more land AND still alive.

And as for the bots, yes they are screwed up. They should be programmed to not even sell anything under $100(no Real player would), because all those cheap units they sell are gravy for other strats and it drags prices down for Indy's. Also, as I posted before, they're dumping so many resources into tech, driving the prices way up which drastically benefits techers(buying tech at $6-$7k? No real player does that), and makes it harder to get tech for others. At least the Indy bots are FORCED to make units and so they at least have them and also don't have as much unallocated resources to buy as much tech.

This difference in bots has really changed the game and I think it's needs to be undone. It's too much of a drag on indy's and boost to techers. Even as a casher it hurts because you desperately need to tech to compete with it and it's too scare or expensive

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 18th 2016, 3:37:32

I was checking market history too, but also just looking at the bots. For Example one bot only had ~1.3 mil turrets military and handful of spies and like 850k combined bus/res, and at like 12-13k land, but it's what most were doing. It was excessive tech buying on the bots and for a good portion of the set; like, trying to max out 180%. All that buying kept prices really high. Imagine if they spent more of that cash on military? Maybe more C's up top. I'd be selling bus/res too if I were a techer lol.

Also you'd see in history that some tech is actually selling at like $5-7k. Only a noob or bot would buy that.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 18th 2016, 1:28:56

Originally posted by Desperado:
Tech market sucked!

Yea the bots were buying insane amounts keeping the market prices high. A techer's set for sure, and congrats to them.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 17th 2016, 21:26:11

I noticed this set the bots spent entirely waaaay too much money on tech. It kept the tech prices unreasonably high just about the whole set and they wouldn't stop buying. I was getting spy ops on bots with 850k combined tech for bus/res and only 1.3mil turrets for military. Also, at their land so much of that tech is just waste. Also, they're buying tech at $3300-$3500 with about 1 day left. This is an extreme advantage if you happen to be a techer...let's see final nets for techers

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 17th 2016, 6:31:09

clint again?

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 16th 2016, 2:25:20

Was your population taken out? This seems to affect production

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 16th 2016, 2:20:59

Well thanks for sharing your boredom, prick

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 15th 2016, 3:36:57

It seems pretty obvious that this guy is cheating all across the board...not sure why he's not deleted/banned. But, I'd say go for it, Superfly. With how he harasses so many people you'll likely eventually not be alone in your efforts anyway

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 12th 2016, 1:09:33

Well, yea there's over-farming your server, but I mean to target those who merely seek to bone the whole server, like this clinto guy did last set. Hire ford to hunt down and kill the EE thugs!

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 11th 2016, 23:37:32

I vote to have ford kill this hobo's country every set he starts that b.s. and in exchange for his services we can add a stat tracker for server kills. He can be a sort of, Express Server Sheriff.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 11th 2016, 2:29:44

So clintonista is the fiend. It's not much of an accomplishment to make top 10 nowadays, but the difference is you don't play to win, so don't even try to hide behind play simply and solely to screw over, frustrate and annoy others who do play to win and enjoy playing that kind of game. You didn't grab for the sake of building your own country did it simply to drag others down. You do all that and then have the gall to boast about it? You, sir, have a freight train of all of it coming back to you, I'd suggest getting out of the way.

Doing 6 PSs on someone with 40k land with about 225 turns left isn't even of benefit to you, especially as a techer. You don't consider that ruining? You're full of it. You're here just to agitate. You should leave; try Pogo, it's free.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jul 10th 2016, 0:59:08


ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jun 26th 2016, 2:01:03


ssj4goku17 Game profile


Jun 16th 2016, 8:18:53


ssj4goku17 Game profile


Apr 27th 2015, 2:05:27

Can you show the spy ops that Jonah is asking for? Also, just to throw this out there, if someone mistypes a wrong a number, they're likely not aware that it ever happened, right? Spy ops don't re-inform you of the country you attempted to spy on. So how would he ever even know to send an 'oops' message to you? Surely you all are already aware of this...and you'd be right in saying people should type in the right number the first time, but who hasn't made that mistake? Being so trigger happy over 3 ops with no communication seems unwarranted. Why would he do 3 ops and just stop if he had ill intent? You just came on, saw it and used it as an excuse to kill. That's just who and how you people are. It's no wonder why there's so much bad blood on here.

I had a similar situation happen to me on FFA, and I still don't understand such harsh reactions when one wouldn't even know he/she made a mistake. How many more sets left before EE is dead?

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Apr 25th 2015, 21:48:00

If anything is changed, I'd like an option to buy land from the private market first. The price per acre being relative to your current acreage. We can use math to make sure landgrabbing is still a much better deal to expand, but buying land is a safer option and still lets treehuggers/the passive bunch grow and actually compete. Letting people buy land would also make the server effectively fatter, benefiting the aggressive players and overall increasing networth on the server too. With the lack of players land is hard to come by, even with bots since they're almost always farmed down. It's pure luck if you catch one coming out of DR...and I don't like things that are too luck involved...Also, we have people faking as bots just to screw you over, but it's a legit thing to do I suppose, just hurts server as people leave.

If not the above proposal, how about a minimum explore rate of 10-12 or something? Or combine that with a technology that increases explore rate & ghost acres? Could try it on one server and see how it goes.

Just ideas.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Apr 21st 2015, 22:32:00

Trife are you scrabbledmind on YouTube? Commented the same thing there that you did here...and he's apparently a satanist. Hopefully that isn't you.

ssj4goku17 Game profile


Apr 18th 2015, 14:56:00

Lol this fluff hits me twice so I retal twice. I like how he cries first, but can't handle an acceptable retal. Too little b's around here, but it is entertaining. It's nice to know his initial message was full of sincerity and nobility...kinda like what he was asking from me for in his own wrong doing. Yes, you were real nice in hitting me twice and then acting like I can't or am not supposed to retal. Yes, very nice of you.

Message from DEEZY AINT GOT TIME FO DAT (#26) sent on Apr 17, 19:37
Report this message
hey sorry about the double :-( mehul got me, i know your gonna retal, was gonna ask u to be nice enough to just take land once from me, if u bounce hit me twice obviously. that would be mighty noble of you, either way good luck :-) Reply

Message from DEEZY AINT GOT TIME FO DAT (#26) sent on Apr 18, 12:18
Report this message
welp i guess there goe pur set then Reply

Message from DEEZY AINT GOT TIME FO DAT (#26) sent on Apr 18, 12:24
Report this message
for the record i tried to be nice here, tht DH didnt really hurt, so ubasked for this.

for future reference, i war extremely easily.


ssj4goku17 Game profile


Apr 15th 2015, 6:51:49

Originally posted by Raging Budda:
Originally posted by ssj4goku17:
Do these stats ever reset? If you haven't been around since the beginning, it'll be hard to catch up. jw.

I have suggest to qz about making a couple more tabs about the past x sets or x sets, which to me would be 6 and 12 (1 yr/2ys). He said it was a good idea, but it is likely on the backest of back burners.

I agree. Building up a ranking is all part of the fun. Unless you were playing from EE conception, you'll realistically never catch up, which can cripple motivation to ever get started...

Marshal, it doesn't say all time rankings. I only saw 'from all previous rounds' type lingo, to which could/could not be cyclical depending on the system. I also was more so suggesting that it should be reset; archiving a total is still nice though. So don't sass me, k thanks.