
starhaven Game profile

New Member

May 7th 2010, 15:47:50

you know canada is not the only one who has had no bank failures australia also has not had any

starhaven Game profile

New Member

May 4th 2010, 8:16:24

i know i am a little late in the talk and many of you guys havet seen me for about a year as a ex retal and fa officer it is normaly at the very least polite to send a msg to the person, some people make alot of hits and lose track of hits.
i dont know the details and i am not gonna look them up but both sides here are wrong llaar of all people should realise a retal when he sees it since he has been around so long. (yes i called you old llaar :D) and you should have sent some form of msg even if it was only fa to fa about the hits since you guys had a fdp all your guy had to do was say the terms of our pact states this retal policy for your hits on me then you would have been free and clear in my books.