
tduong Game profile


Jan 8th 2012, 0:20:05

if i just upgrade my luck, my spies will have a chance :)
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 8th 2012, 0:19:20

Sexy Charmander (#66)
Rank: 104
Networth: 918,251
Land: 4764
Successful Attack Percentage: 87.5%
Successful Defense Percentage: 9.09%
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 8th 2012, 0:12:23

when i play fascists, oil prices will suddenly take a dump lol
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 8th 2012, 0:11:37

i have. but when i'm sending 2 mil jets at a time...that reserve ran out
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 7th 2012, 23:36:23

has been insane :(
i spend about $50m just on oil every time i attack fml.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 7th 2012, 23:33:02

lol didnt learn the first time
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 7th 2012, 15:39:45

there's so many countries trying to kill each other. If i was herbs getting hit like that then it would've been a total war set for me too.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 7th 2012, 13:09:38

what did he do to you? lol
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 7th 2012, 4:40:11

lol he stole money from my banks. Millions!!
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 6th 2012, 23:02:40

Yes. If you care enough to present evidence and prove your innocence lol
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 6th 2012, 18:04:48

express is crazy this round with all the purples and dead countries. I hope tourney is better lol. I spent 220 out of 240 turns building CS lmao. I will get bottom fed like a mother
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 6th 2012, 17:23:00

i'm starved for land with all these DRs. You should be good herbs lol
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 6th 2012, 17:22:09

23 Boredom Sets In (#90) 10,302 $2,729,127 CG
DEAD! lol
how many more
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 6th 2012, 15:37:55

Originally posted by jfotouhi:
Originally posted by blid:
Btw trep, 85m nw would have been excellent with the tech prices this round. Probably played as good or better a round as the commies, heh.

ya seriously, any techer in the top 20 is obviously awesome.

I'd say if you're a decent techer and you can race to 32k acres in a little over a month then you're set to get t10. Hell you'll net 1mil or more per day just from teching without buying extra military thus saving on maintenance. Then you got 3 research allies so you'll be winning top 25 without even stocking. But to get that extra 50 mil net to take top 5 then you'd have to :)
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 6th 2012, 15:32:38

nom nom nom
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 6th 2012, 4:37:59

along with 4 other countries at the same time. Fishy
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 22:10:26

it should be obvious who the netting alliances are since they'll have high net lol.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 22:06:46

wow, the mods are hard at work
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 22:03:11

50 gameday0 (#105)

purple!! lol
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 21:57:41

that's why prices are crap already lmao. Don't worry. I'll be buying all y'all crap soon.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 18:43:08

i wish i went demo so i can buy out lol
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 18:41:27

84 bpt
i might have overdone it
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 18:35:57

then you shouldn't have posted it on here lol
delete delete delete
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 17:20:34

maybe he's helping his friend out with dr
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 14:21:03

2012-01-05 14:17:01 SS This Shioh (#102) Herbs (#92) 51A (78A)
2012-01-05 14:16:22 SS This Shioh (#102) Herbs (#92) DH
2012-01-05 12:10:44 PS Sweden 4 russia 3 (#46) Herbs (#92) 59A (133A)
2012-01-05 12:10:36 PS Sweden 4 russia 3 (#46) Herbs (#92) 62A (136A)

Cause then they'll never know when the hurting will hit them
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 6:02:33

lol wtf?
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 6:01:44

Originally posted by Boltar:
Originally posted by tduong:
well, at least he's they're lesser of 2 evils cause they got 3 instead of 8

to be honest. when tso took our xmx and sub tags.. we actually had cheers from the rest of team server.. doesnt really make us evil.. even if 3 is lesser then 8

Maybe they cheered because jj is dead also? lol
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 4:58:33

jj where are you?
respond to this duel and entertain us all
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 4:51:45

jj keeps the forums alive fo sho.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 4:26:00

and where?
express is good for 1v1. Team could take all week for that.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 4:24:09

why don't you all just go tyranny and a few dict and store up turns. Get the first strike. With 15 of you @ 160 turns a piece. That's enough to kill at least 1 whole tag or more.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 4:21:14

Originally posted by JJ23:
i was at work getting paid a hefty amount. youre a little kid who tries to be an internet tough guy.. too bad youre on the west coast, id make you pee in your pants in real life.

now i honestly think you're just spewing random fluffs fluffs to get a rise out of people.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 3:54:14

well, at least he's they're lesser of 2 evils cause they got 3 instead of 8
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 3:50:05

Originally posted by JJ23:
no one cares about the team servers and your 30 countries.

if you challeged me 1v1 in team id wipe the floor with you, netting and warring. period.

i'm not backing anyone up. But I'd love to see an equal numbers fight 3 tags vs 3 tags, or even 1v1. I didn't think it was fair how TSO had over 8 tags with stored turns to kill vs 3 tags that were pretty much not ready. Probably at least half of them didn't even know it was going to go down.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 3:46:05

Originally posted by JJ23:
i never stated it hasnt worked...

Originally posted by tduong:
Originally posted by JJ23:
absolutely not. you can say whatever you want, but theres probably a snmarter way than to stand on wall street with a sign.

befriend a local politican and get your point across.

standing with a bunch of other idiots holding a sign, thats never worked and will never work.

hmmm so workers on strike holding signs had never changed labor laws?
african americans holding signs on the streets of DC had never had an impact on equal rights laws?
veterans holding signs...
women holding signs...
had never worked?

yes i'm restating this because it just looked too convenient that you ignored how dumb you are.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 1:41:06

Lol OK jj
you don't even know why I'm back in school
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 0:48:04

Originally posted by tduong:
Originally posted by JJ23:
absolutely not. you can say whatever you want, but theres probably a snmarter way than to stand on wall street with a sign.

befriend a local politican and get your point across.

standing with a bunch of other idiots holding a sign, thats never worked and will never work.

hmmm so workers on strike holding signs had never changed labor laws?
african americans holding signs on the streets of DC had never had an impact on equal rights laws?
veterans holding signs...
women holding signs...
had never worked?

yes i'm restating this because it just looked too convenient that you ignored how dumb you are.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 0:47:55

half the servers doesn't play 1800 turns?
86% of statistics are made up :)

i would never dare to rebuttal with you or compare myself to you.

and you seem to keep ignoring this next post
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 0:41:16

Originally posted by JJ23:
Originally posted by tduong:
Originally posted by JJ23:
says the guy whos relegated to team server beacuse he cant play any other server... whos only claim to fame is being part of TSO.


says the liar.

It's always better to be famed in one server than to be ridiculed in all servers.

i dont lie. but thats ok. anyhow tony cow pooop, i still have more friends and can garner more respect than you will ever get from the earth forums.

so sucks to be you, with your crooked teeth, family gambling problem, and small pee pee... and last but not least, since im not hopeless and i dont have to hide behind new member, when you get over 25 mill, or even 20M, come talk to me.

till then, you will bow down and stfu while tucking your tail between your legs. kthxbye

Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 0:30:56

Originally posted by elvesrus:
should we just have an even number kill them next set?

well idk....jj did claim he can take on 3-4 peeps
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 0:23:22

Originally posted by Trock:
man jj is making me look non troll with his retardation. -_-

that is jj's talent
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 0:19:42

Originally posted by JJ23:
says the guy whos relegated to team server beacuse he cant play any other server... whos only claim to fame is being part of TSO.


says the liar.

It's always better to be famed in one server than to be ridiculed in all servers.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 0:14:19

Originally posted by JJ23:
absolutely not. you can say whatever you want, but theres probably a snmarter way than to stand on wall street with a sign.

befriend a local politican and get your point across.

standing with a bunch of other idiots holding a sign, thats never worked and will never work.

hmmm so workers on strike holding signs had never changed labor laws?
african americans holding signs on the streets of DC had never had an impact on equal rights laws?
veterans holding signs...
women holding signs...
had never worked?

yes i'm restating this because it just looked too convenient that you ignored how dumb you are.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 5th 2012, 0:12:00

Originally posted by JJ23:

thats what ive been trying to say for the longest time.

Amen. PWNED.

ive never met someone who talked so much whos finishes were so pitiful.

jj you've had plenty of bad finishes and even more purples. If #10 is pitiful, what do you call the other 100+ people? unless they're all your multis?
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 4th 2012, 21:12:30

Originally posted by Hopeless:
you people are like a bunch of teenage girls fighting over a hotdog...grow the f up and play the game..

..and you're so much better? how?
The fact that you're posting here means that you're not playing the game....

Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 4th 2012, 21:08:40

Originally posted by JJ23:
blah. this thread is gone soooooo far off topic.

you don't usually mind or care about that. Why now?
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 4th 2012, 21:05:16

The opposite of the defensive alliance, an Offensive Alliance will automatically bring in 25% of your allies' available army during your attacks (if available). This type of alliance also requires 0.2% of your networth to maintain. Once again, your total strength cannot be increased by more than 100%, so having allies at your strength is most beneficial in the long run.

I may be wrong. It says "total strength" cannot increase by more than 100%. I'm not sure if that means all allies combined or just by one ally.

either way, i don't run offensive allies so it doesn't affect me :) and if i have only 1/4 of the offense you have, i don't think you want to have me as an ally
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 4th 2012, 21:00:04

EACH ally can only double your offense at max but no more than 25% of their offense.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 4th 2012, 20:58:03

hmmm so workers on strike holding signs had never changed labor laws?
african americans holding signs on the streets of DC had never had an impact on equal rights laws?
veterans holding signs...
women holding signs...
had never worked?
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years

tduong Game profile


Jan 4th 2012, 20:41:48

Boltar, i'm pretty sure off allies work the same as def allies.

EACH ally can contribute up to 25% of their military but cannot more can double. So if you have 250k jets and 3 offensive allies with 1 mil jets each. That means you would have your 250k + (3x250k)= 1 mil total offensive power. Only for ss and ps.
With PS that number goes up to 1.5. Then multiply by weapons tech and gov bonus. The numbers really can run away with offense.
Originally posted by blid:
I haven't had a wrong opinion in years