
waffledelux Game profile


Nov 18th 2013, 3:35:49


waffledelux Game profile


Nov 11th 2013, 3:18:52

Somebody beat me to Philippines*, but I still want my bonus.

waffledelux Game profile


Oct 23rd 2013, 2:12:45


waffledelux Game profile


Oct 14th 2013, 17:18:39


waffledelux Game profile


Oct 12th 2013, 18:29:02


waffledelux Game profile


Oct 2nd 2012, 15:55:27


waffledelux Game profile


Sep 20th 2012, 16:00:10


waffledelux Game profile


Sep 11th 2012, 0:50:46


waffledelux Game profile


Sep 5th 2012, 19:04:59

I wasn't aware that the short bus has a recruiting process. 'Thought it was more of a nature than a nurture thing. Kudos on making it look easy

waffledelux Game profile


Sep 4th 2012, 1:19:31

# 2 ! ?

waffledelux Game profile


Sep 4th 2012, 0:59:41


waffledelux Game profile


Sep 3rd 2012, 16:19:06


waffledelux Game profile


Aug 13th 2012, 20:52:41

Cut the dirge quotes and stick to warring. Or LotRO. I have a delicate disposition, you see, and you're making me want to throw up.

waffledelux Game profile


Aug 9th 2012, 23:55:46

I'm interested.

waffledelux Game profile


Aug 6th 2012, 17:19:19

Ya kinda figured from other convos. Saving grace tho i know elves is and at least one of the other commentors fsho. Dryfire point

waffledelux Game profile


Aug 6th 2012, 6:22:01

I'd consider LoTRO more of a lifestyle. An unhealthy one.

This thread was my EHarmony ad equivalent of "Male Seeking Anti-TSO Clan." I never HAD an alliance and I never will; I wanted to join a pre-existing one. Running one is too much effort, and I prefer to have someone tell ME what to do, not the other way around. You just see my name attached to these things because I'm relatively persistent at posting.

I also enjoy suiciding and long walks on the beach.

waffledelux Game profile


Aug 6th 2012, 3:41:18

If you do message waffledeluxe, tell him that I said to lose the "e." - And why is THIS the thread you've decided to refresh? I've started plenty of good ones. I don't even have any paragraph posts in here. 'Be damned if I won't fix that, though..

'Thing is, I misplaced my Anti TSO sign-in sheet at last week's rah-rah-rally, so instead of that, I've got a figurative tip jar for you. The proceeds will go towards finding hobbies for TSO so that they won't have so much time on their hands that they have to sift through and comment on old threads to remind themselves that there are people out there that want them to leave, but can't single-handedly force them out. Let's be honest here: This game, let alone this server, doesn't get a big enough influx of people to change things quickly - and, well, it's the internet. When most people don't like something, they can and do just, uh, go away.

So, to sum up TSO's hold over the server with a metaphor that I just thought of but will now forever associate with them: Several nerdy plus-sized kids were invited to a pool party. Said kids formed a club, which proceeded to huddle together in the pool, high fiving each other in the shallow end where nobody else wants to go - long after everyone else has gotten out of the pool. Ahh, promoting self awareness. It feels good to be a humanitarian.

waffledelux Game profile


Aug 3rd 2012, 17:14:19


waffledelux Game profile


Jul 24th 2012, 16:35:18


waffledelux Game profile


Jul 19th 2012, 6:10:35

OH btw shes 4 so the two of you would have a lot to talk about. Thing is tho shes white

waffledelux Game profile


Jul 19th 2012, 5:54:52

Two sure signs of somebody who can single-handedly bring down the average IQ score of a nation by a full point: Arguing semantics, and copying and pasting. I'll keep you on call the next time my "W" key is broken and I need to reach Wikipedia, though. we both know the chances of you constructing any given sentence of that by yourself are pretty slim, KoHeartsGPA. There's nothing wrong with a few typos or the occasional mistake, but your normal posts.. Well, let's just say that Picasso did something similar with pictures. The only difference is that his were on purpose. But hey, I guess that didn't stop people from reading them, right?

Also, there's no way to break this to you easy, so I'm just going to go ahead and say it: Most latina fluffes aren't that great looking unless you're wearing a straw hat and leaning up against Home Depot. It's not a rule or anything, I'm just saying that they're the exception. Sorry, Man. I once had to tell my niece that her bunny died, and I'm getting the same vibe here.. :(

waffledelux Game profile


Jul 19th 2012, 4:39:24

It doesn't count as reading when you're looking at the ones with illustrations, elvesrus. As long as you can make sense of the pictures, I suppose..

waffledelux Game profile


Jul 18th 2012, 21:26:44

My mistake. Here I thought that you were making nice the first time you fluffed up, and then you go and do it again. 'Read the news lately, Genius?

waffledelux Game profile


Jul 18th 2012, 20:32:28

Woah woah woah. Just a gosh darn rootin' tootin' minute, Par'ner :P

So he is under exemption, unless you're listed here OR unless you have Boltar in your name and you're a part of TSO; then you can go ahead and flagrantly disregard the rules without fear of repercussion. Does that about sum it up? Or did you just get bored and decide to have a couple guys rough him up?

I guess that fine print can be a real fluff, huh?

waffledelux Game profile


Jul 17th 2012, 18:13:45


waffledelux Game profile


Jul 7th 2012, 21:47:47

I would imagine that there are very few tags who wouldn't welcome a former 20+ personnel clan leader.

Edited By: waffledelux on Jul 7th 2012, 21:50:04. Reason: Double Negative Pfft
See Original Post

waffledelux Game profile


Jul 7th 2012, 1:45:00

*Flicks TSO's nose*

TSO: You think I care that you flicked my nose? I don't care. It doesn't even matter. I didn't even feel it. I WANTED my nose flicked. In fact, I was just about to flick it myself. I was sitting here, thinking to myself: My nose really itches. I should flick it. Then you came here and flicked my nose. You saved me the trouble. I'm GLAD. DO IT AGAIN.

*Flicks TSO's nose*

waffledelux Game profile


Jul 7th 2012, 1:27:44

Right, so elvesrus has balanced his yin and yang, achieved peace and enlightenment, whatever. That is just super. Believe me, it's not that I created this thread for any other reason, but I was wondering if anybody has anything else to add. Perhaps someone had a bowel movement lately, maybe vomited? You know, something important. Ah, ah; not you, Elves. Thanks though.

waffledelux Game profile


Jul 7th 2012, 0:16:37


I must have overlooked your name in the top ten. Top twenty?.. What, FIFTY?! Ahh, 'ES AH WRECKIN MACHIINE ! ! !

waffledelux Game profile


Jul 6th 2012, 22:06:22


As I've stated before but didn't mention in my last message, networth delay is also an objective. Though killing the suiciders repeatedly (Something I expected to see a lot more of. I've died once this set. I realize that there are multiple projects holding your attention, but you're still underachieving ..) limits our effectiveness, focusing on us also limits your ability to coerce the other clans and the rare, living networther or two still out there. Obviously, the influence we can exert in this way is small, but you've probably figured out by now that I'm a gosh darn bleedin' heart optimist. I also hold out on the remote possibility that it might amuse MIB or a different coalition of smaller clans to annihilate the multitude of relatively low networth TSO countries that are bound to result as a byproduct of your own singleminded conquests and predictable reaction to suiciders. While the possibility IS remote, it exists and continues to exist every set, and its perpetuity works to make it an eventual inevitability - and when it happens.. Well, you get where I'm going with this. Like I said: An optimist, and only at the cost of roughly fifteen minutes a day :)

Of course, as others have mentioned, if we just left you to your own devices the clan would likely just dissolve, and maybe sooner than it would if we did things my way, but that's not nearly as satisfying for me. You see, I need hobbies. I like weight lifting, running, reading, and virtual terrorism, so the show must go on.

waffledelux Game profile


Jul 6th 2012, 20:15:33

It's a learning experience, and what I lack in concrete comprehension I make up for in enthusiasm. I learn best through example and practical application, too, so why not demonstrate sooner rather than later, Archaic? Simon Says may not have been my favorite game as a kid, but I'm willing to give it another go.

Also, I am genuinely curious about suicide strategy discussion as a whole, so please break it down for me. That's not a joke; I am perfectly okay with any TSO member offering me advice on how best to bust them up. Please keep in mind, though, that me and those like me are often working with limited timetables, resources, and relatively little support, whereas TSO has the numbers to simply suicide a bunch of a jets and troops to the point where the other guy runs of out civilians. Since we can rarely kill any of the larger countries, the general idea is to make them waste turns and resources attacking us and rebuilding.

Still, as a whole, I'm pretty satisfied with the rapport we've got going with 122. That's you, Hearts, isn't it? I admire your tankless AB defense and I'm sure that the testers this set are as appreciative as I am.

waffledelux Game profile


Jul 5th 2012, 7:20:03


waffledelux Game profile


Jul 1st 2012, 4:36:49

I offered you a penning, not a dunking. Next time I'll use smaller words. Try to keep up.

waffledelux Game profile


Jul 1st 2012, 4:20:00

That ribbon was already cut, Monex, but I'll snip it a few more times just in case you didn't get the first memo. As for being the star attraction, well, what can I say, I'm a diva. You should see my rendition of Sister Maria in the Sound of Music.

Yeah, Elves, after I got done giving a first name to each of the piles of crap my dog left in the lawn and then gave the maggots I found in them a proper Christian baptism, I penned in the actions of that clan tag in my tome of Stuff I Don't Care About. "elvesrus." Is that a surname? For posterity's sake, I don't want to confuse any of the details.

waffledelux Game profile


Jun 30th 2012, 23:39:02

You keep playing the "GOOD THAT'S WHAT WE WANT" card, but it's getting pretty worn out. What you and yours keep insisting is this: You would rather have countries hitting you when you're not ready than leisurely accumulate turns and kill whoever you want to whenever you want to.

That is not true for the majority of TSO, because most of them aren't really warmongering assholes; they're guys who joined because there is strength in numbers and it's easier to be on the winning team than it is to fight it. Either you insist that that is bullfluff and tell us that all of your members are there for the donuts and blood and are willing to give a pound of flesh for the team, or you accept it. If it's true, then here's my point: Those guys, the ones that want the easy security, are not getting it, and that will make a difference in the long run.

It's easy to ridicule and make light of when you're in a position of strength (Even when most of your jokes are fluff that High School Freshmen find cliche, somebody will still pretend to find it funny because they're on the A Team too), but you're kidding yourselves if you believe that your entire clan enjoys being suicided at the start of every round. Every Round. That's not a threat, it's more of a mid year resolution.

waffledelux Game profile


Jun 30th 2012, 22:47:17

You'll want troops, too.

waffledelux Game profile


Jun 30th 2012, 21:52:49

It's open season on anyone sporting a TSO tag and I'm double dog confirming it with sprinkles and fluff on top.

If you're suiciding without the intention of living through it, hit them sooner rather than later. Some of them don't bother to get tanks or troops early on, which can be pretty gratifying.. Even if you don't bust through, though, forcing them to bulk up on armies prevents them from getting any real momentum with networth. Additionally, they don't have the stockpile of turns they need to kill anyone yet - and once they get them and start to use them, they're just widening the gap between themselves and others. If they ignore you, though, well, that's the best part :P

Two more things: As wonderful as it would be to bust up MIB at the same time, unless you've got a personal vandetta against them, just focus on TSO. Make them glad they chose that particular clan. Secondly, message me if you need any spy ops done and I'll do my best, though this is (unfortunately) probably a limited time offer.

It's easy to be a terrorist :)

Good luck.

waffledelux Game profile


Jun 29th 2012, 18:50:05


waffledelux Game profile


Jun 18th 2012, 1:22:46


waffledelux Game profile


Jun 14th 2012, 4:09:51

Your application has been carefully reviewed by a very important committee, Crest, and, after very serious, very lengthy deliberations, the board has decided that this is pretty damned funny.

Bring your friends :)

waffledelux Game profile


Jun 14th 2012, 1:05:42

Oh, Dear, Agent Kitten -- The "K," it's for Kitten, right? -- ..And here I was living under the misconception that death was sort of a requirement when suiciding. Boy is MY face red. 'Guess it'll be awhile before I'm ready for the grown-up table, huh?

So listen. I fancy myself a realist. As much as I would like to ruin the both of you, well gosh, we just don't have the turns or the numbers! So we'll have to settle for upsetting your tea party in any way that we can. Now, what is the best way that I can think to do that.. Hm hm hmm.

Ignore MIB. Hit TSO exclusively when practical. Make their hair pulling contest as one sided as possible, Boys, and you'll ruin all their fun. It'll all come full circle anyway. Imma' tell ya that, fluffcat. :P

Oh! By the way: Be sure to post the dates that this is kicking off.

I wouldn't miss it for the world.

waffledelux Game profile


Jun 13th 2012, 21:32:16

For those of you interested in suiciding the both of them, no applications are required.

We'll see you there :)

waffledelux Game profile


Jun 12th 2012, 23:49:39

Are you surprised that this wasn't an incredibly memorable conversation for the admin? Let's just say that between the two of you, I'd take the brick wall. Also, it was never explicitly requested that Warster SCAN TSO based off of what you posted here, TSO Girl #1; you simply stated -- Like an overeager and not too bright dog-- your willingness to kill off a TSO country found cheating.

Nobody should really give a fluff, though. In the spirit of the original discussion:


If the reader knows my brief but violent history with them, I hope you realize how much that pains me to say, but technically, NO OVERT RULES have been broken. If you want to delete them arbitrarily because you can, I'm all for it, but it isn't a legitimate response.

Warster, our very own Mod who has stated that the server he is responsible for is worthless (That's right - I'm not so subtly pointing out that that's a crap cop-out and it's a damned shame that you're in charge of something that you don't give a fluff about) , has stated his willingness to enforce this abstract, unofficial Team Spirit rule.

Maybe I'm just being unrealistic, but here's a suggestion: Beginning next round, officially add a 5-man TAG max rule for clans and give an admin or two the power to enforce it.

A quick fix, and if it doesn't solve the problem completely, it still buys some time for code changes and maybe lessens the degree of bullfluff.

Is any part of that unreasonable? I am genuinely curious.

waffledelux Game profile


Jun 12th 2012, 2:55:57


waffledelux Game profile


Jun 11th 2012, 7:27:31


waffledelux Game profile


Jun 7th 2012, 18:44:54

The answer is pretty damned fast.

You hit early on in a round against the top countries that these inbreds have to offer and they either ignore you and get hit some more, or fight back and lose their momentum in terms of networth, which gives other clans the opportunity to bust them up if they can get their acts together. How many girls sporting TSO do you see in the top ten? Let's just see here.. Oh, that's right: None. BUT WAIT They don't WANT to networth; they aren't TRYING to networth. That's like saying that TSO chooses to be abstinent. You know who chooses abstinence? The girls too ugly to get any.

Nah, the truth is that they weren't allowed to networth. You didn't have the rest of the server's permission. Uh, what's that silly phrase that you use after making arbitrary statements like I just made? Oh, right.

Confirmed :P

waffledelux Game profile


Jun 7th 2012, 13:19:39

Oh but hey Thanks for keeping tabs.

waffledelux Game profile


Jun 7th 2012, 13:18:12

As I recall, your favorite part of this game is the kills, right? I suppose you'll just have to work faster for it next time. Shh, sh sh Don't worry, Honey; I'll give you plenty of opportunities to get it right.

waffledelux Game profile


Jun 5th 2012, 5:05:28

Gosh, Paw, I didn't know it was like that. I swear I'll mind my manners. Dot my Ts say my prayers mmhm yessir from here on out, you're looking at a new #175.

Now how 'bout that VIP slot, Girls? You're not just gonna' leave me out in the cold, are ya?