Jan 19th 2011, 5:42:40
either the wiki is wrong or there is a PM penalty for logging off in express which effects any player who wants to clear his PM
this post is yet another attempt to change a rule that impedes the growth of express
so take it for what it is please
according to the wiki on the regeneration rates of the PM there is a .015% depreciation in the number of PM units for every turn that a player is logged off. The wiki does not mention any depreciation for turns when the player is logged in. If true, then a player who logs out for ten hours late in the set and then comes back in loses say 45.000 troops 35000 jets 35000 turrets and 9k tanks just because he logged out. After ten hours he receives no bonus turns so he is in a dramatic net loss position.
from a purely gameplay point of view, he should not log off. while this may true of all servers it is especially hurtful to express because many players do not wait 18 hours between log ins. if you log out for 18 hoursa on express, you have fallen so far in the scores that you become farmable. 18 hours on express is more than a week on primary.
if this is accurate then the rule should be changed, if inaccurate the wiki should be corrected.
thanks for your consideration.
this post is yet another attempt to change a rule that impedes the growth of express
so take it for what it is please
according to the wiki on the regeneration rates of the PM there is a .015% depreciation in the number of PM units for every turn that a player is logged off. The wiki does not mention any depreciation for turns when the player is logged in. If true, then a player who logs out for ten hours late in the set and then comes back in loses say 45.000 troops 35000 jets 35000 turrets and 9k tanks just because he logged out. After ten hours he receives no bonus turns so he is in a dramatic net loss position.
from a purely gameplay point of view, he should not log off. while this may true of all servers it is especially hurtful to express because many players do not wait 18 hours between log ins. if you log out for 18 hoursa on express, you have fallen so far in the scores that you become farmable. 18 hours on express is more than a week on primary.
if this is accurate then the rule should be changed, if inaccurate the wiki should be corrected.
thanks for your consideration.