
Cathankins Game profile


Dec 13th 2022, 19:41:41

1. 100cs
2. ~1000 farms(or a total of 1000 farms/ICs) and 60 more CS, while taking care to allow pop to catch up with your acres by building CS
3.explore and build labs until you are 1900 acres anf fully built
4. batch explore 60 turns(it will cut you off after about 35-45 turns depending on govt)
5. build up your empty acres with Labs
6. destroy your farms/indies and replace them with labs
7. tech 200 turns
8. switch to casher or farmer

Written by Tmac

Captain Control Game profile


Feb 7th 2023, 23:04:56

I have a couple of questions regarding this strat. I only started playing last week, I'm trying to get a better understanding of the long term concept of this strat.

Step 4 to 6 - You should have ~3800 acres all converted to labs / CS before you tech?

Step 7 - When you Tech for 200 turns, what are you focusing on researching?
Do you only focus on maxing Military, Military Strategy, and either Ag or Business depending on your future rebuild plans in step 8?

Is there an option after teching for 200 turns to rebuild into a blend of IC's / Military bases. The main concept would be to mass produce spies and sell on the PM then repurchase your own military through the PM.
Look for the Greek Mythology references and bring a beer! 🍺

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 7th 2023, 23:10:27

You focus your research depending on what strat you're going to play, if casher you tech bus/res heavy, if farmer you tech Ag, etc etc

Selling spies on private market not good idea, you'll need them to spy plus you can produce better amounts of jets and sell them on public market
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Captain Control Game profile


Feb 8th 2023, 0:21:22

Ok, is it a viable strategy to mass produce oil? Or is that less effective then farming?
Look for the Greek Mythology references and bring a beer! 🍺

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 8th 2023, 1:13:02

No oil research, no, fascist has oil bonus, you can do fascist farmer/oiler strat, play around with them in express, you get short resets with loads of turns!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Captain Control Game profile


Feb 8th 2023, 15:04:00

Ok, that makes. I am trying this strat in express right now.

When you are on step 7 and after you tech for 200 turns, do you sell any of the tech on the market to get your farmer/casher build back up again and operational?

Or do you keep all the tech and once you max out, destroy all the labs and start building up your ICs / Farms again?
Look for the Greek Mythology references and bring a beer! 🍺

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 8th 2023, 19:45:34

I don't sell unless I need cash desperately, you can sell to fund your conversion yes.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

the sick Game profile


Mar 21st 2023, 11:55:39

Quick question regarding the "switch" to your end game strat (once you've researched for 200 turns). Let's say your intent was to tech up agriculture. Would you still break down your first 1000 farms and rebuild them after teching? Or skip the step of breaking down 1000 (assume the latter).

Teching agriculture while keeping the farms seems strong, however would you then tech for 250 turns (25% more since you have 25% less tech labs)

Looking forward to your thoughts here.

g0nz0 Game profile


Mar 21st 2023, 20:51:52

Originally posted by Cathankins:
1. 100cs
2. ~1000 farms(or a total of 1000 farms/ICs) and 60 more CS, while taking care to allow pop to catch up with your acres by building CS
3.explore and build labs until you are 1900 acres anf fully built
4. batch explore 60 turns(it will cut you off after about 35-45 turns depending on govt)
5. build up your empty acres with Labs
6. destroy your farms/indies and replace them with labs
7. tech 200 turns
8. switch to casher or farmer

Written by Tmac

Originally posted by the sick:
Quick question regarding the "switch" to your end game strat (once you've researched for 200 turns). Let's say your intent was to tech up agriculture. Would you still break down your first 1000 farms and rebuild them after teching? Or skip the step of breaking down 1000 (assume the latter).

Teching agriculture while keeping the farms seems strong, however would you then tech for 250 turns (25% more since you have 25% less tech labs)

Looking forward to your thoughts here.

The increased tpt is worth more than the food and rebuild cost for this few acres. Carry less military if you're worried about cash or food consumption. I play Jet/Spy countries, so explore phase has no cost other than building/razing.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 13th 2023, 23:31:46

Originally posted by the sick:
Quick question regarding the "switch" to your end game strat (once you've researched for 200 turns). Let's say your intent was to tech up agriculture. Would you still break down your first 1000 farms and rebuild them after teching? Or skip the step of breaking down 1000 (assume the latter).

Teching agriculture while keeping the farms seems strong, however would you then tech for 250 turns (25% more since you have 25% less tech labs)

Looking forward to your thoughts here.

Good question, i personally would tear down the farms totally prior to I ever begin teching. If I am teching, it’s always on 90-100 percent of my land as labs.

I did attempt a run at a tech start demo farmer last set in primary with the idea that it should optimize the democracy tech bonus. It was a poor farmers set but that strategy has a LOT of potential. It seems a lot harder than a rep casher though.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 13th 2023, 23:39:56

I’ve tinkered with this tech start for a while now and have got it dialed in pretty good now. This should be fairly close to optimal for a rep casher

modified tech start 3.33

Switch to rep

1. 100cs (I did 2 or 3 turns of farms at 20bpt)

2. 600 farms, and 80 more CS, while taking care to allow pop to catch up with your acres by building CS

3.explore and build labs until you are 1900 acres and fully built (I tear down all farms here all labs)

3.33 tech 30-40 turns bus/res (until at 145 bus/res)

4. batch explore 60 turns(it will cut you off after about 35-45 turns depending on govt)

5. build up your empty acres with Labs

6. destroy your farms/indies and replace them with labs

7. tech 100 turns bus and res (should be around 150k tech total at this point or in that area)

8. switch to casher

commander1972 Game profile


Nov 26th 2023, 1:34:03
