
Vinag Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 14:46:36

Why the love for Apple? Especially when Manethdouche farmed. you you then decided to pay us a visit. good thing I had some pent up rage in the form of 40+ missiles to send as nothing else was really worthwhile...

I did not bother going back to all ur news from the start of the set, don't care really. leave all explore countries alone in future. if u have a beef with someone hitting you, they know payback may come, that is part of the charm of a grabbing set. if you hit me again I will use all of my turns on you next time, not some.

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 29th 2010, 17:43:47

just blew all of my turns on him, do the same cuz he only has 1.4k pop or something.

btw I grabbed OG a few times, so blame me

*runs away*

Vinag Game profile


Dec 30th 2010, 5:55:05

yeah mate i saw u hit him once, after Manethdouche had farmed the snot out of him...

lol I dont overly care really, my farmer was just itching to ram into something

*chases SF*

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 30th 2010, 21:57:31

Im out of range so I could not BR him anymore

Dragon Game profile


Dec 30th 2010, 22:52:26

I could put up some news where Apple has been multitapping me but since OG lost 2 members after the set started and I'm not really playing, I won't say much.

However, while you're crying, I'd note that you shouldn't expect candy and flowers when you disarm missiles on a country before you grab it 5 goddamn times. A country that didn't do a single hit on Apple, btw.

I don't know who the fluff you are, but if OG ever comes back with a full 5 members, I'd recommend changing your tag permanently because there won't be a set that you don't war.

Dragon Game profile


Dec 30th 2010, 22:53:26

Oh. And I'm OG 122

Vinag Game profile


Dec 31st 2010, 5:43:03

Well as I clearly stated, I was an all explore, so I did nothing to incur the wrath of ur farmed country. getting farmed sux, but if u get enough defence early on, or have some tag protection from a commie indy or some buddies, you can have a reasonable set.

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 31st 2010, 6:04:01

im sorry Dragon, i'm just passing the buck the same way #84 did to my team. I made 4 or 5 hits on #84 and in turn he ABs and land grabs the innocent countrys on my team. He also nuked and CM'ed, which is fine becuase I did hit him.

So any how, I figured if #84 is out of my range, I might as well take our your missles and farm you in retalition.

Vinag Game profile


Dec 31st 2010, 6:36:55

As we are doomed for all of eternity in this server, e may as well go down in flames ey sf?

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 31st 2010, 6:49:46

Wrath gets suicided on every reset and we always get atleast 1 top 10 so w/e :)

Dragon Game profile


Dec 31st 2010, 22:38:51

Ah well. 2 guys isn't a team anyways. I honestly expected we'd get farmed after losing 2 guys.

If I don't find some more players, I'll probably look for a team to join next set.

Anyways, have a good set and a Happy New year, Apple Dudes.

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 31st 2010, 23:49:23

ok ill stop being such a jerk and I wont hit you again cuz I feel bad now lol.

hey if you need a team next set we have 3 Wrath guys that where left out of our team this set so they tagged up else where and you could join them if u wanted...

let me know next set

trainboy Game profile


Jan 1st 2011, 0:18:35

I hit u guys as you farmed. Disarmed. Etc. I hit ur other guys as I couldn't hurt the main perp once out of a few missiles u jumped before I could ab. Sorry to the others but guilty by occasion.
Also for future reference don't farm a tag that in the past has been successful. Cause there is prolly good players in it.

trainboy Game profile


Jan 1st 2011, 0:20:13

O and happy new yr :)

BlackMamba Game profile


Jan 1st 2011, 7:58:18

trainboy, come back to ragnarok, bring dragon with you :) <3

trainboy Game profile


Jan 1st 2011, 11:21:50

Maybe depends what happens next couple of days

Vinag Game profile


Jan 1st 2011, 12:37:55

Mate I did not farm you from the start so don't direct your rant at me. You are the one that hit me without provocation so I should be lecturing you. Am a bitover this guilty by association fluff. I ran an all explore farmer and did no one any harm all set. ur attempt to mess with me was quite pitiful thankfully and so had very little effect on my plans for the set.

lastly, if you were a good player this would not have happened to you. the farming I mean. you have a happy new year also. After this set, I hold no beef with you or OG, like always.

trainboy Game profile


Jan 1st 2011, 16:44:56

if i was a good player i wouldnt be ranked in top 10 for best 3 in team which i am and i wouldnt be joint top10 for top10 finishes. 2/4 sets isnt bad.

i was playing the same strat as you, all -x farmer and like i say it was going well until we were guys short and no one played a retaller.

2-3 sets ago og won avg and tnw

were not amateurs y'know

Dragon Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 16:33:45

Just couldn't leave well enough alone.... #32 was a bad, bad boy.

SuperFly Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 17:48:54

Oh Bore, he lost 11k land on that exchange...

Dragon Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 19:29:09

Indeed he did.

bore Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 20:31:12


Dragon Game profile


Jan 5th 2011, 21:48:54

If I might ask, what was the point in going back to a well you should have just avoided? What did you expect would happen? Are you just stupid?

I mean, you're welcome to play any way you like, but stuff like this isn't forgotten. I even tried to be a good guy about the whole thing.

Oh well.

bore Game profile


Jan 6th 2011, 0:44:48

i wasn't paying attention to what i was doing. i would think me not noticing your gazillion missiles and 2bill cash on hand would be proof of that:P

Dragon Game profile


Jan 6th 2011, 1:29:48

Yeah. Your Team has been multi tapping the two countries in OG all reset but you didn't pay any attention.

That's okay if you're an idiot. Which obviously you must be because you admit you werent paying attention to the fact that the country you decided to farm could turn you into a parking lot.

I'm telling you right now. In the future, if you or any Apple country EVER grabs an OG country, you will be in a war. I can easily find 3 other guys besides me and trainboy to play this server every set and make your tag my land fluffes and kill targets.

Walk away now or don't, fluff.

bore Game profile


Jan 6th 2011, 2:06:53

ahh, just realized you're from that crapteam that ab'ed me when i hadn't hit you at all.

wtg you.

BlackMamba Game profile


Jan 7th 2011, 23:15:25

I support trainboy <3

BlackMamba Game profile


Jan 7th 2011, 23:22:17

Nobody loves you, like your mama loves you, but whose loving your mama, I am, I am

Dragon Game profile


Jan 7th 2011, 23:25:36

Originally posted by bore:
ahh, just realized you're from that crapteam that ab'ed me when i hadn't hit you at all.

wtg you.

"Crap Teams" don't usually win a Triple Crown in a reset of Team. OG has.

How many has Apple won?

bore Game profile


Jan 8th 2011, 4:49:24


bore Game profile


Jan 8th 2011, 4:57:03

heh, what is a triple crown on team server btw? if one of them is total members or tnw i applaud you:P

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 8th 2011, 5:06:30

I think it's been a bit more than 2-3 sets since OG won TNW/ANW.

Dragon Game profile


Jan 8th 2011, 7:30:33

It matters how many sets it's been? What's your problem?

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jan 8th 2011, 7:35:35

Defensive much? It's just a statement. Take it or leave it.

It was in response to Trainboy, and the main thought I had was that sadly OG had been in the decline for some time now. You've lost players, and you guys are not the team you used to be, but you know that.

Dragon Game profile


Jan 8th 2011, 15:21:43

You're absolutely correct about that.