
Warlock Game profile


Oct 13th 2016, 13:33:26

How can a country have over 200 more turns then me and I have only... 5 (41) ? Collecting 24 hrs bonuses?


New Member
EE Patron

Oct 13th 2016, 23:56:24

I don't know what your 5(41) has to with what I think is your question of total turns, but if another player has 200 more total (played and saved) turns than you, then you're probably not using your daily bonuses for extra turns and he is.

Maximum turns saved in tourney is 100(100) and theoretically if you spied on someone that had full turns and had just used a lot of saved bonus points to get extra turns you could see more, like 130(100) or 132(98). Such a player would have to use those turns quickly, otherwise the next time the game hands out a turn he would lose any turns over 100(100).

Also there's no need to post on a bonus thread to get the extra bonus points if you've already posted somewhere else on these forums this week. The bonus thread is there if you have nothing else to post about in any particular week.

stanrools Game profile


Oct 14th 2016, 23:33:27

I love exploring with over 100 turns. especially when you get 100 the 6 bonus and you have points saved up.
Techer to win it all.

The original Warho Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 18th 2016, 13:41:03

I see!