
BlackHole Game profile


Jul 13th 2023, 22:57:43

Originally posted by Real Man:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by mrford:

TC is an autist moron. This is a solid post.

I know some of you are 60+, and stuck in your ways, but why is this acceptable?

I'll be the first to admit I've thrown around some mean insults on these forums. And I think that's part of the whole problem here. Everyone talks about the player base dwindling, but have we ever taken a step back to realize that our community is extremely hostile and offensive toward each other. It's not a very inviting or fun place to be.

With regards to the 'autist' insult, MrFord, that insult is extremely offensive to many. You're taking the word autistic and turning it into a pejorative. It's incredibly offensive to people who do have autism, as well as the rest of the world that doesn't see those individuals and their disabilities/differences as pejoratives. I understand that calling people autists is what all the cool kids are doing nowadays, but it's actually not cool at all. It's incredibly childish. I just wanted you to be aware, in case you weren't.

That said - I won't throw stones in a glass house. I've called people quite mean things on here before. So I'm going to try to do better.

Oh come on dude be a man…Get off the internet if you don’t want to be offended. We aren’t responsible for your girly feelings and can’t be responsible to read your posts in some weird dialect similar to diaherria

Look bro - just because we are 'on the internet' doesn't mean we have to tolerate people calling others [mod edit] any blurred out degenerate pejorative you want to come up with. [/end mod edit]

I get that we all did that fluff when we were 15. But we aren't children around here anymore. Grow the fluff up. Seriously.

And I don't say this because it hurts my feels. I say it because you acting like this is what makes people not want to stick around. What the fluff do you think happens when an autistic person, or a gay person comes to play this game, and they see that the community allows those pejoratives to be used ON THE PUBLIC FORUMS. You know what happens? They don't feel welcome, and they leave.

And I get that you're hard, and you're cool and they need to get over it. But they don't care. They will just leave. And now the game and the community is worse off for it.

So again, can we act like freaking adults and chill with that sort of language?

Edited By: Primeval on Jul 13th 2023, 23:17:55

Doug Game profile


Jul 14th 2023, 1:30:24

I am the token resident gay. I’m not offended. Should I be fake outraged?

This isn’t Minecraft or any other game. This is a dinosaur. Merely here for nostalgia not growth by leaps and bounds. I know you have good intentions BH, but, nobody can change the minds of 20+ year old cranky bastard veterans here. Nobody. Ever.

I’m not being mean. I am trying to save you the ulcer or seizure over these people.

I applaud your passion, but your energy may be better suited on a platform that would be better served and appreciated than this old relic.

And you know I’m not speaking out of disrespect or anger. Just my 2 cents.

Edited By: Doug on Jul 14th 2023, 1:33:53

Doug Game profile


Jul 14th 2023, 1:36:43

Don’t make me close this thread. I know where Martian hides his hammer. lol 🥃

Doug Game profile


Jul 14th 2023, 2:01:15

Ps. I didn’t address the autism and “retard” comments. Let me be clear. It’s 2023 and you old crabby folks need to understand those insults have no place here. I can handle the gay jokes, but others may not. I don’t give a damned whose side you’re on. Knock that crap off.

Carry on.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 14th 2023, 11:00:05

Doug - that's the point.

I know people dropping gay slurs in here don't bother you. You're tough, I'm sure you've dealt with much worse. But that doesn't mean our community should tolerate it.

Let's use another example. Let's say people wanted to act like Nazi's in here, praise hitler, scream about the jews. Yea... it's the internet, and I'm an adult, I can handle it. But that doesn't mean I should. I should call that fluff out as inappropriate and tell the responsible person that we won't tolerate those ideas or that language here. Not because we can't, but because we don't want to.

That's how I feel about the autism/retard stuff as well. It's bullfluff, to be honest. Grow the fluff up. Our community doesn't need to be representing ourselves publicly like that. Not if we want to grow our player base, or at least retain what we have.

Go to 4chan if you want to act like a fluffing idiot on the internet.

Doug Game profile


Jul 14th 2023, 11:22:55

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Doug - that's the point.

I know people dropping gay slurs in here don't bother you. You're tough, I'm sure you've dealt with much worse. But that doesn't mean our community should tolerate it.

Let's use another example. Let's say people wanted to act like Nazi's in here, praise hitler, scream about the jews. Yea... it's the internet, and I'm an adult, I can handle it. But that doesn't mean I should. I should call that fluff out as inappropriate and tell the responsible person that we won't tolerate those ideas or that language here. Not because we can't, but because we don't want to.

That's how I feel about the autism/retard stuff as well. It's bullfluff, to be honest. Grow the fluff up. Our community doesn't need to be representing ourselves publicly like that. Not if we want to grow our player base, or at least retain what we have.

Go to 4chan if you want to act like a fluffing idiot on the internet.

BH, that’s why I followed up with that message as someone brought the rest to my attention. Yes, i agree. I can deal with it, but doesn’t make it right.

I don’t care which side you’re on. Just because a person has a “right” to do something doesn’t mean it’s right morally or ethically.

To be fair I posted that without fully reading the whole context. When it wad brought to my attention I followed up.

That being said. We can’t change the hearts and minds of embedded hate, dislike, and ignorance. Some have played this game for 25 years. They are over 35-45 and some over 60. We can’t expect them to feel this way as they are set in their ways and won’t change with the times.

But again, there aren’t many new new players coming. People likely don’t search for this. And we can’t push all of our moral high ground on folks they are the way they are.

We don’t agree much but as to your previous message to me, I totally agree. It’s just not likely to change anything. I applaud your tenacity, but your energy will be wasted on some folks here.

Now. Go back to the novels so i have something to read at work! lol

Y’all just settle down lol we CAN all get along. Seriously. Let’s be tolerant of our fellow gamers here. We’re a community of various beliefs and values. Let’s find common ground. In the middle.

Doug Game profile


Jul 14th 2023, 11:23:36

Now you bastards made me post a long axx message lol that’s annoying lol

Ps. I see this 4chan stuff. What is 4chan? I don’t keep up with this stuff lol I don’t know what it is.

Edited By: Doug on Jul 14th 2023, 11:26:50

Link Game profile


Jul 14th 2023, 11:28:46

Originally posted by Doug:

Ps. I see this 4chan stuff. What is 4chan? I don’t keep up with this stuff lol I don’t know what it is.


some roads are best left untraveled bud haha

although i highly doubt is is anything like what it was back when we were playing 2025 in its glory days.

I Am a meat popsicle.


Doug Game profile


Jul 14th 2023, 11:30:54

Originally posted by Link:
Originally posted by Doug:

Ps. I see this 4chan stuff. What is 4chan? I don’t keep up with this stuff lol I don’t know what it is.


some roads are best left untraveled bud haha

although i highly doubt is is anything like what it was back when we were playing 2025 in its glory days.

LOL so what you’re saying is that it’s the straight version of Grindr lol

Yeah better off not knowing. Sounds dark and scary. lol

braden Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 0:55:48

' a gay person comes to play this game, and they see that the community allows those pejoratives to be used ON THE PUBLIC FORUMS. You know what happens? They don't feel welcome, and they leave."

Maybe what is done in one's bedroom should remain there? Gays demand to be accepted and straights, we just populate the planet, and gays tell us we are neo nazi hate filled bigots.

Gay is for attention and woo see how cool I am woke and blm bruh

braden Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 0:56:22

A fetus isn't a life unless it votes left.

Doug Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 1:02:36

Bishh excuse you? I know you ain’t starting shxt with me? Cause you’ll hold your axx walkin back out that door. Trust me. I promise you this isn’t a fight you want to start here.

Edited By: Doug on Jul 15th 2023, 1:05:34

braden Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 1:08:21

I'm not sure who you are, I don't think we've played together so I'll not start anything. Nope. But there are only two genders snd the bum is exit only.


braden Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 1:09:10

OK so j domt even know if you were talking to me so take everything eith a grain of salt..

Doug Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 1:12:42

Originally posted by braden:
I'm not sure who you are, I don't think we've played together so I'll not start anything. Nope. But there are only two genders snd the bum is exit only.


Just leave it alone Braden. Your opinion is welcomed but others have one too. Let’s disagree without being disagreeable? No need to do this here. I’ll forget I saw your moronic comment and move on. I suggest you do the same.

Signed - the only gay dude here lol

Edited By: Doug on Jul 15th 2023, 1:32:13

major Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 1:39:48

while it seems this topic is up, why is it so crucial for anyone to carry a flag about where they like to plant their junk?

if you are heterosexual or gay, at this point live your life and all but why not just do it instead of making it a flag of some sort?

do what you do, just as I will. do your fluff, enjoy it, just as I do.

nobody cares who anybody fluffs, so fluff whatever you want and shut the fluff up... nobody cares!!

Doug Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 1:43:08

Did someone leave the jackass door open tonight?

major Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 1:47:37

yes, you did, Doug. and I walked into this fluffing fluff show.

Doug Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 1:49:11

Feel free to walk back out anytime. And take trailer trash Barbie with you.

Doug Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 1:55:27

Blackhole see what you got me into lol now would be a fine time for a 39 page response lol

Ok. What was the topic again? lol

major Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 1:56:11

not sure who Barbie is, but you can keep him. what did I say that was so upsetting Doug? please enlighten me with your brilliant rebuttal to an honest and unbiased post, please Sir.

Doug Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 1:57:36

Y’all make my ass itch. lol

Edited By: Doug on Jul 15th 2023, 2:02:08

major Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 2:03:28

going backward from the point where you were calling out to the Blackhole to assist you in responding to this thread... could I ask why my initial post was offensive to you in any way, Sir?

major Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 2:09:01

Anyways, all is good brother. all of us are friends here. no fluff.

For you Doug, I am looking up times for the Barbie movie tomorrow!!

I feel like I have made a new friend! love you buddy!

Auk Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 2:45:44

Well said, BlackHole and Doug.

Originally posted by braden:
Maybe what is done in one's bedroom should remain there? Gays demand to be accepted and straights, we just populate the planet, and gays tell us we are neo nazi hate filled bigots.

Ah, yes, because that's a solid rationale to use pejoratives here. 😒
Originally posted by braden:
Gay is for attention and woo see how cool I am woke and blm bruh

Aw, it appears that you're just jealous because you're not as cool and charismatic as they are. 😜
Originally posted by braden:
A fetus isn't a life unless it votes left.

Teehee, I thought a fetus is a life unless he need her to abort. Example:

Make laws for people while expressing shock that this is a possibility:
Originally posted by braden:
snd the bum is exit only.

Oh my 🫢, no rimming or prostate massage? Too bad, some ladies are good at it too.
Originally posted by major:
if you are heterosexual or gay, at this point live your life and all but why not just do it instead of making it a flag of some sort?

Likely for the same reason that groups such as political parties and movements have their flag or emblem. It's the bat-signal to assemble supporters. Also, in this case, it doesn't have to do with sex; it's support for non-straight relationships.

Edited By: Auk on Jul 15th 2023, 8:04:10

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 15th 2023, 3:35:44

This thread is about how LaF is ruining the game with qz's help.. you know clan gdi, more of that and less nonsense

I'll get us back, I'd like to for future changes propose there be an open test round we can all openly access and not just qz's gofund me crew, if the changes are indeed meant to better the game.. atleast pretend to include/care about those not in your book club
Catch me on ir c

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 8:30:27

Shweezy, respectfully, this thread is also about why this game is dying.

And the point I've brought up is on full display by braden and major here.

I brought up the usage of pejoratives, in response to someone using autist as an insult. I then used examples of other pejoratives, fag being one of them (the n word being another). These two guys then decided to go full on hate mode against gay people, completely unprompted. Nobody was sticking their fluff in either of you, I was simply saying let's not use hate speech against whole groups of people, that's all.

And your defense was 'why do gay people have to blah blah blah'.

Let's take out that pejorative and use another.

'Why do n-gg--- have to blah blah blah'

See why it's not ok? It's not about you engaging in gay sex, or watching others do it, or even liking it.

Just like it's not about you becoming autistic, or watching other autistic people, or even liking autism.

Just like it's not about you becoming black, or watching black people, or even liking black people.

It's about you not publicly using fluffing pejoratives to describe large groups of people, as those pejoratives may have an effect on this player base. My point is that there is a non-zero chance that a member of one of those groups may see that sort of language and decide this is a community they DO NOT want to be a part of. The end result, a smaller player base.

I 100% fully understand there are going to be homophobic people in the world that say all kinds of 18th century backwoods, uneducated BS. And if your mom couldn't educate you, I'm sure as hell not going to be able to. Ya'll can be homophobic, racist, hateful toward people with autism, and whatever the fluff else you want to do. I just don't think you should be allowed to use those pejoratives and similar speech on a public forum.

That's my point.

Doug Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 10:36:55

The day I agree with someone 100% is a sad day lol thank you Auk, and BH.

But weezy is right, let’s move on. We’re not going to save any souls around here. Nor will we have an influx of new players anytime soon. And yes, I let him say fag in that context as 5 people messaged me on discord to tattle.

I have thick skin but there’s a limit. Y’all calm all the shxt down. Because I’m telling you this now, someone is going to clear this thread out. And we will all be wrapped up in oak
Originally posted by Auk:
Well said, BlackHole and Doug.

Originally posted by braden:
Maybe what is done in one's bedroom should remain there? Gays demand to be accepted and straights, we just populate the planet, and gays tell us we are neo nazi hate filled bigots.

Ah, yes, because that's a solid rationale to use pejoratives here. 😒
Originally posted by braden:
Gay is for attention and woo see how cool I am woke and blm bruh

Aw, it appears that you're just jealous because you're not as cool and charismatic as they are. 😜
Originally posted by braden:
A fetus isn't a life unless it votes left.

Teehee, I thought a fetus is a life unless he need her to abort. Example:

Make laws for people while expressing shock that this is a possibility:
Originally posted by braden:
snd the bum is exit only.

Oh my 🫢, no rimming or prostate massage? Too bad, some ladies are good at it too.
Originally posted by major:
if you are heterosexual or gay, at this point live your life and all but why not just do it instead of making it a flag of some sort?

Likely for the same reason that groups such as political parties and movements have their flag or emblem. It's the bat-signal to assemble supporters. Also, in this case, it doesn't have to do with sex; it's support for non-straight relationships.

I knew I liked you for a reason lol

He said rimming… I’m dead lol ☠️☠️☠️

Doug Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 10:40:34

But to weezy’s point. we do need to get back on track as there are issues with this feature and it needs addressed. QZ was on discord and said “what bug” so we need to figure this out in the next 30 days.

I’m good, we’re all good. Let’s resolve this first then we can move on. And BH you are 100% correct in this instance. And you know me agreeing with people here makes me crazy lol

Edited By: Doug on Jul 15th 2023, 10:44:01

Lord Milk Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 10:44:00

did you just use a slur geared towards someone on the internet? oh my god string them up since when did your private life have anything to do with the game??? as many have said before LETS KEEP IT ON TOPIC GUYS!!
“Light must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.”

Doug Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 10:48:16

Imma blow someone’s back out…

Move on! lol

Edited By: Doug on Jul 15th 2023, 10:56:07

Lord Milk Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 10:48:43

for the record i don't care if you diddle crocodiles while fornicating with baboons in the pale moonlight of the sahara while riding naked and bareback on an indian elephant in morocco none of that is relevant f your gay trans straight asian white black blue diseased disabled or just stupid its the fluffing internet everybody check your ego and quit throwing your existensial fluffs around and tell someone your gonna kill their country or go back to your cave and draw on the walls!!
“Light must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.”

Doug Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 10:49:18

Originally posted by Lord Milk:
for the record i don't care if you diddle crocodiles while fornicating with baboons in the pale moonlight of the sahara while riding naked and bareback on an indian elephant in morocco none of that is relevant f your gay trans straight asian white black blue diseased disabled or just stupid its the fluffing internet everybody check your ego and quit throwing your existensial fluffs around and tell someone your gonna kill their country or go back to your cave and draw on the walls!!

ROFL!!! He said diddle… ☠️



Jul 15th 2023, 12:29:12

Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Lord Milk:
for the record i don't care if you diddle crocodiles while fornicating with baboons in the pale moonlight of the sahara while riding naked and bareback on an indian elephant in morocco none of that is relevant f your gay trans straight asian white black blue diseased disabled or just stupid its the fluffing internet everybody check your ego and quit throwing your existensial fluffs around and tell someone your gonna kill their country or go back to your cave and draw on the walls!!

ROFL!!! He said diddle… ☠️

Diddle crocodiles 🤣

Rick Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 15th 2023, 12:33:12

I diddle my diddly.

Suicidal Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 13:53:35

Look at me, Look at me!!!! I'm straight!!!

Look at me, Look at me!!!! I'm Gay!!!

Look at me, Look at me!!!! I'm Trans!!!

Look at me, Look at me!!!! I'm Bi!!!!!!


Raise your flags, have parades, and whatever else you need to gain relevance but, do it somewhere else. This is a fuxking game where most of us come to escape the bullshiat. Seek your relevance on other social media platforms.

WeeZy was right....keep to the topic. WeeZy began as straight, then went Bi, then totally gay, and now he identifies as trans but he comes here to play the game.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 14:00:02

No one gives a fux Sui! You're missing the GD point.


Suicidal Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 14:06:29

BlackholeSTFU What you call a community, most of us would call a "click". It is a very small group of folks looking for relevance outside of the game. Reminds me of a bunch of kids that form "clicks" in high school. Grow up Ahole.
I stress, a very SMALL group of players. It is not the "community" that has left the game. It is the those that get tired of the "community" excuses that politic for game changes and try to create a "group think".

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 14:18:38

Wow. Something we finally agree on.

You do act like a 'click' not a community. Like a bunch of high school kids that never knew how to grow the F up. And your click does more damage to this game than anything else you're talking about here, because nobody wants to be around a bunch of HS kids that hurl pejoratives and insults at others.

You do realize this game's most likely player base are ADULTS, not children that will be impressed by your passive aggressive 'weezy became bi then gay then trans' attempted insult, right?

Maybe your click would be a better fit in candy crush or some other setting where that kind of garbage would play well.

Is it so hard for you to not use pejoratives to insult people non-stop? Try acting your age for once.

Now I'll stfu.

braden Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 15:21:05

Sticks and stones, ladies and gentleman.

Also to expect civility on the internet these days is a bridge too far, bh :( I'm very guilty of this in the past. 3 year forum ban says enough, I think ;p

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 15th 2023, 16:01:09

I'm not expecting civility. I'm simply asking the mods to punish those who aren't civil.

I know some of you can't help but being hateful, awful people. And I know you won't change. I just want you banned if you don't, for the sake of the community.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 15th 2023, 16:35:42

Ahem....not to English nazi y'all. But clicking is what you do with a button. You're looking for the word spelled "clique." Anyways...carry on.