
iScode Game profile


Nov 11th 2012, 3:47:41

Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by ericownsyou5:
Servant, I hope English is your 2nd or 3rd language.

Nice ad hominem! ;)

Trife, it's how i've settled arguments for over a decade.

For reference:

omg, i never would've thought i would've been an asshat to TV. i lobbs him. 17 year old me was a complete dumbass. 27 year old me is still a dumbass, but not nearly to the same extent.

good times

After looking through the history, I feel like I should apologize to you... i was very mean for no reason. I was young as well.

Wait what???? you TEEEVEEE????
God of War


galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Nov 11th 2012, 5:14:52

Originally posted by locket:
uhh Galleri do you really think that only certain states lie about information? It would be similar everywhere..

You obviously don't know a thing about the census or how census information is collected.

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

locket Game profile


Nov 11th 2012, 5:39:54

Very enlightening reply. I'll stick to my stance.



Nov 11th 2012, 14:37:09

Giving a college education to an idiot does not make them "intelligent". I have a college education myself so I'm not biased but I have worked with plenty of college educated morons and intelligent high school grads...

Try this:
See if you find more jobs for someone with a 4 year degree and 0 experience or no degree and 4 years of experience...

trumper Game profile


Nov 11th 2012, 20:58:53

Since no one responded...

The "educated states" governors 90s and 00s:

1. Mass - Weld (R), Cellucci (R), Swift (R), Romney (R) and then the first Democrat in twenty years, Patrick (D).
2. Maryland - Schaeffer (D), Glendenning (D), Ehrlich (R), O'Malley (D)
3. Colorado - Romer (D), Owens (R), Ritten (D), Hickenloper (D)
4. Connecticut - Weicker (I), Rowland (R), Rell (R), Malloy (D)
5. Vermont - Dean (D), Douglas (R), Shumlin (D)
6. New Jersey - Florio (D), Whitman (R), McGreevy (D), Codey (D), Corzine (D), Christie (R)
7. Virginia - Wilder (D), Allen (R), Gilmore (R), Warner (D), Kaine (D), McDonnell (R)
8. New Hampshire - Gregg (R), Merrill (R), Shaheen (D), Benson (R), Lynch (D)
9. New York - Cuomo (D), Pataki (R), Spitzer (D), Patterson (D), Cuomo (D)
10. Minnesota - Carlson (R), Ventura (I), Pawlenty (R), Dayton (D)
19 Rs 24 Ds (90s-00s, total years even closer)

Your "worst educated" states:
1. West Virginia - Caperton (D), Underwood (R), Wise (D), Manchin (D), Tomblin (D)
2. Mississippi - Mabus (D), Fordice (R), Musgrove (D), Barbour (R), Bryant (R)
3. Arkansas - Clinton (D), Tucker (D), Huckabee (R), Beebee (D)
4. Kentucky - Jones (D), Patton (D), Fletcher (R), Beshear (D)
5. Louisiana - Roemmer (R), Edwards (D), Foster Jr (R), Blanco (D), Jindal (R)
6. Alabama- Hunt (R), Folsom (D), James (R), Siegalman (D), Riley (R), Bentley (R)
7. Nevada - Miller (D), Guinn (R), Gibbons (R), Sandoval (R)
8. Indiana - Bayh (D), O'Bannon (D), Kernan (D), Daniels (R)
9. Tennessee - McWheter (D), Sundquist (R), Bredesn (D), Haslam (R)
10. Oklahoma - Walters (D), Keating (R), Henry (D), Fallin (R)
24 Ds 20 Rs

Ironic, isn't it?

BobbyATA Game profile


Nov 12th 2012, 13:11:00

Originally posted by trumper:
Trife, the list is laughable. Look at the left side and then look at their governors in the 2000s ;).

trumper I don't understand why governors matter? Are you trying to make a connection between good grade schools b/c of a governor and high % of college educated folks. At least in Maryland a large # of those college educated folks are from other states, and a large # of college educated Marylanders went elsewhere. I would figure it is the same most places.

trumper Game profile


Nov 12th 2012, 17:23:15

Originally posted by BobbyATA:
Originally posted by trumper:
Trife, the list is laughable. Look at the left side and then look at their governors in the 2000s ;).

trumper I don't understand why governors matter? Are you trying to make a connection between good grade schools b/c of a governor and high % of college educated folks. At least in Maryland a large # of those college educated folks are from other states, and a large # of college educated Marylanders went elsewhere. I would figure it is the same most places.

Those people are going to those states because of opportunities. Some opportunities are derived from proximity (federal government, financial markets, etc) and others because their governors helped make them a business-friendly state. Part two would be that governors have an immense influence on the educational system in the states. The irony being that Republicans are often blamed here when the majority of this leadership has still be Democratic.



Nov 12th 2012, 20:29:09

Originally posted by Klown:
Again, we don't. Colorado is number 3 on your list of most educated states. My link shows the splits for Colorado:

Romney wins college grads 55-43. Obama wins the state on huge hispanic support.

You live out here clown or did you just do your research? Spot on about Colorado..

BobbyATA Game profile


Nov 13th 2012, 0:29:52

Postgrad probably leans so heavily Obama b/c it is so highly correlated with being young. Not many 70 year olds were getting masters in women's studies.

snawdog Game profile


Nov 13th 2012, 1:44:19

Did NBC/CBS/ABC do this story/poll?.../Me bets they did...
ICQ 364553524

Mr Snow


Nov 14th 2012, 5:11:12

Out of curiosity, has anybody mentioned the elephant in the room yet?

Would Obama have been reelected if black people had a more normal voting distribution among the candidates? Like say the same split as white men, or white women (obviously favoring Obama rather than Romney)?

I haven't seen any specific articles or news clips on that. Curious.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Nov 14th 2012, 23:09:30

I wonder what these lists would look like if you broke it down to the 50 best educated counties and the 50 worst educated counties. Wanna bet it'd be the reverse?
Smarter than your average bear.

Cougar Game profile


Nov 14th 2012, 23:16:35

Originally posted by Mr Snow:
Out of curiosity, has anybody mentioned the elephant in the room yet?

Would Obama have been reelected if black people had a more normal voting distribution among the candidates? Like say the same split as white men, or white women (obviously favoring Obama rather than Romney)?

I haven't seen any specific articles or news clips on that. Curious.

Are you suggesting that black people would have voted for the republican candidate if not for the fact there was a black candidate?

Nice attempt at injecting racism where none exists.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Nov 14th 2012, 23:21:37

Cougar: I'd bet money black people would not have voted at a clip of 93% for the Democrats if Obama wasn't the first black President.
Smarter than your average bear.



Nov 14th 2012, 23:28:13

Orkin, blacks have historically voted about 90% democrat. Now, have they turned out in higher numbers? Yes, but they already vote monolithic.

Cougar Game profile


Nov 14th 2012, 23:41:31

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
Cougar: I'd bet money black people would not have voted at a clip of 93% for the Democrats if Obama wasn't the first black President.

How much of your money are you willing to give me?



Nov 15th 2012, 2:51:01

Thats historically. If you read factchecks take it's because of the civil rights act. Probably true. I'm surprised they do still vote that way. You can't get 90% of any bloc of people to agree on anything, but meh, such is life.

Mr Snow


Nov 15th 2012, 6:35:58

Originally posted by Cougar:
Originally posted by Mr Snow:
Out of curiosity, has anybody mentioned the elephant in the room yet?

Would Obama have been reelected if black people had a more normal voting distribution among the candidates? Like say the same split as white men, or white women (obviously favoring Obama rather than Romney)?

I haven't seen any specific articles or news clips on that. Curious.

Are you suggesting that black people would have voted for the republican candidate if not for the fact there was a black candidate?

Nice attempt at injecting racism where none exists.

Um, right. That's not racism. At all. *chuckle*

dex Game profile


Nov 15th 2012, 7:42:56

Actually that is racism. Blacks will vote overwhelmingly democratic regardless. Maybe their turnout would be lower, which is what the right wing was banking on. But their anti-democratic hopes is for another topic entirely.

I would also point out the 90s Republicans are pretty much where the current Democrats are. Remember, the individual mandate central to Romneycare and Obamacare was a right-wing 'free market' idea the Republicans put forward.

I'm not really sure what the fight is of listing governors by state going back to the 90s, but the the Republican party has swung pretty far right after 2008. They've essentially doubled down on being jackasses after Bush failed spectacularly and the economy imploded in his watch. For many, the lesson is to go further right, not to moderate.

Their whole strategy post 08 is to stoke up religious extremism and rant about the debt created in large part by poor financial management by their own party, while they furiously press the giant red button on old reliable wedge issues like abortion and welfare.

So I'd actually classify the modern republican party as proto-fascist with a theocratic tinge. They don't even hide it anymore that their whole tax position is ONLY to protect the wealthy. Reagan would roll over in his grave if he were to watch Boner or Cantor speak. Someone covering the elections here in Canada mentioned the party has a jihadist streak , not dissimilar to fundamentalist governments in the ME. in that it actively seeks out and kicks out moderates while trying to retain ideological purity. I can't disagree.

Edited By: dex on Nov 15th 2012, 8:17:29
See Original Post

Dibs Ludicrous Game profile


Nov 15th 2012, 8:12:12

yah. protect the wealthy from the poor because the wealthy can afford to leave. and if the wealthy leave, then there won't be anybody left except the poor.
There are no messages in your Inbox.
Elvis has left the building.

Cougar Game profile


Nov 15th 2012, 12:48:16

Originally posted by Mr Snow:

Um, right. That's not racism. At all. *chuckle*

How so? Black people vote for white democrats, they vote for black democrats.....

Just because one political party has completely forsaken a whole group of people does not make the voters racist for voting for the other team.

Mr Snow


Nov 15th 2012, 17:42:04

Wait, wait... are you saying that Republicans don't care about black people? Are you channeling your inner Kanye?

I know a lot of Republicans that would be extremely offended by what you said, and have not 'forsaken a whole group of people'. It's quite the opposite, the 'whole group of people' (it's ok, you can say black people) has forsaken everybody but the black candidate. In 2008 it was nearly a polling margin of error away from 100% black people voting for Obama; in 2012, a few wayward % points of black people voted for Romney.

How could you possibly say that's not racist? I am fairly certain that's a logical conclusion.

Imagine if 90% of white people voted for Romney...there would be serious issues with calling white people racist and Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would make a lot of money. :P

ericownsyou5 Game profile


Nov 15th 2012, 17:49:05

Examples such as Colin Powell would support what Snow is saying.

If Obama wasn't re-elected, black people think that he would be viewed as a failure and future black candidates would be discredited and looked at as inferior because of his failure.

Like a *black man* wasn't ready for office kind of thing. LOL

I see both sides of the coin, I'm kinda indifferent for obvious reasons.

Trixx Game profile


Nov 15th 2012, 17:59:27

Originally posted by Klown:
No it doesnt... as education improves, as does the tendency to vote Republican (post-grads excluded). Romney won college graduates.

Romney won the middle and upper class. He won those making 50k-99k and 100k and above. Obama won only those making less than 50k. Show me an educated person making less than 50k.

Currently holding 2BS-one in business and one in physics. Gross income in 2006-68k, 2007-39k, 2008-2010-40k, 2011-42k, this years salary stretched over an entire year will be 47k.

Also currently 2 semesters from earning my MBA, however I am employed full time and am a part time student. The school I received my undergrad from is AACSB International, and I am currently attending Columbia Business School in New York, and if you would care to consider someone who is a graduate student at Columbia University uneducated, you sir have a screwy definition of educated. Also even 50k a year in NYC isn't even solidly middle class given that a small apartment will run you anywhere from 1,300$ a month to well over 3k per month. COL is ridiculous here, however the job prospects, especially in business and finance are more than worth the cost of living here. You just have to work your way up(unless your father/uncle/whoever is CFO of something).

I digress however, there are quite a large number of educated Americans who make under 50k-and I'm not even considering the silly people I went to school with who got liberal arts degrees.
Head of AT Spammage

ICQ: 138314471

Cougar Game profile


Nov 15th 2012, 22:16:22

Originally posted by Mr Snow:
Wait, wait... are you saying that Republicans don't care about black people? Are you channeling your inner Kanye?

I know a lot of Republicans that would be extremely offended by what you said, and have not 'forsaken a whole group of people'. It's quite the opposite, the 'whole group of people' (it's ok, you can say black people) has forsaken everybody but the black candidate. In 2008 it was nearly a polling margin of error away from 100% black people voting for Obama; in 2012, a few wayward % points of black people voted for Romney.

How could you possibly say that's not racist? I am fairly certain that's a logical conclusion.

Imagine if 90% of white people voted for Romney...there would be serious issues with calling white people racist and Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson would make a lot of money. :P

Did you miss the part where someone else pointed out that democrats routinely get ~90% of the black vote? You would have a valid point if there was a significant drop off of black support for democrats downticket. For example. Obama getting 95% and a white representative gets 60%. Then, yes, you could claim that Obama was getting the benefit of a racially tinged vote.

I can logically say that it is not racist because black people vote for WHITE democrats at nearly the same rate as they voted for Obama. Sure, I'll give you the fact that there may have been 5-10% more, but we are talking upwards of 85-90% being the STANDARD.

You should read the link that CKHustler posted.... Here's a few sentences....

"The following year Johnson signed the 1965 Voting Rights Act. No Republican presidential candidate has gotten more than 15 percent of the black vote since."

I'm not talking about Kanye. I'm talking about the party of the "southern strategy". I'm talking about the party that spent 4 years debating if Obama a Kenyan Muslim, and still isn't really that sure. I'm talking about Rick Santorum being worried about having too many "Blahhhhh people" on welfare. I'm talking about the party that tried pretty much whatever they could to disenfranchise black voters. To purge rolls illegally. To spread FUD to scare blacks away from the polls.

Republicans dug their grave, now they are gonna lay in it for quite some time. Suggesting that blacks are somehow racist for simply playing with the hand that they are dealt is the height of idiocy.

And Eric, I'm not sure quite where you are going with Colin Powell.... Yes he supported Obama in '08 and '12, but he was also pretty much cast away from the GOP after they took his credibility and used it to sell an illegitimate war. If you are suggesting Powell endorsed Obama simply because he is black, I suggest you actually watch the interview he gave, it is very specific and concise.

Mr Snow


Nov 16th 2012, 7:02:37

No, I didn't miss it. But...Obama got 95% or maybe more of the black vote in based on what you said Obama got the benefit of a racially tinged vote? Is it only racially tinged when democrats or black people do it, but it's just plain old racism if Republicans are involved? lol

Suggesting and generalizing that all Republicans are behind all of these heinous things you spewed, is tantamount to the height of idiocy, if not the totem on top. That would be like suggesting that all Democrats are as stupid as Biden, or that all democrats are like the Obamaphone or the "obama's going to pay my mortgage' ladies, or that the entire Democratic party tried to convince the world that Republicans were going to steal the election through the Diebold (brand ?) voting machines (that actually turned out to give Obama >99% of the vote in many places and so the Democrats dropped the issue after the election), etc. Tango?

But, I'm sure that helps your argument in your head, and if you and other people parrot it enough, more people will believe you. Win-win for you? Unfortunately, you will not convince me that just because someone is a Republican, they are like the ones you mentioned above. It goes both ways; I also don't think all Democrats are as I mentioned above.

Twain Game profile


Nov 16th 2012, 13:15:43

This is in response to Klown's much earlier post, but i'm a teacher in my 8th year of teaching and I'm 2 classes away from an M.A.

I'm making well under 50k. I'll still be making well under 50k when I get the next raises for 9 years and having an M.A. as well.

And someone pointed this out, but it bears repeating: you can't just say "Romney wins the more educated you get, if you take out the post-grads."

That's almost as ridiculous as saying: "Obama won the white vote, if you take out all the Romney voters."

trumper Game profile


Nov 16th 2012, 13:42:24

[quote poster=Cougar; 21310; 394634]
Originally posted by Mr Snow:

I'm not talking about Kanye. I'm talking about the party of the "southern strategy". I'm talking about the party that spent 4 years debating if Obama a Kenyan Muslim, and still isn't really that sure. I'm talking about Rick Santorum being worried about having too many "Blahhhhh people" on welfare. I'm talking about the party that tried pretty much whatever they could to disenfranchise black voters. To purge rolls illegally. To spread FUD to scare blacks away from the polls.

I'm worried there are too many Black AND White people on welfare, it means the economy sucks. If it's racist to want people off welfare and into good-paying jobs than mark me down as a racist.

You want to pick the outspoken minority in the Republican Party to be representative of the views of the whole and it's absurd. Some Republicans do the same suggesting Al Sharpton and Code Pink represent mainstream Democrats. You call Republicans the Party of the Southern Strategy and I would ask if you think that party would elect Tim Scott in South Carolina? Nominate Mia Love in Utah? Or select Michael Steele as the previous RNC Chairman. The Democrats had no problem relying upon Blue Dogs coming from states that were lock-step Democrat in their local southern legislature for decades, yet you gloss over it.

Oceana Game profile


Nov 16th 2012, 13:43:39

thats because the govt sends another check if you stay in school

trumper Game profile


Nov 16th 2012, 14:09:13

Originally posted by Twain:

And someone pointed this out, but it bears repeating: you can't just say "Romney wins the more educated you get, if you take out the post-grads."

Sure you can if you're looking at them as electoral voting blocks because that means you're qualifying the blocks for vote counting purposes.

Folks trying to argue the vote represents smart people liking one candidate more than another are on a fool's errand.