
Parallax Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 16:31:27

Alin that was one of the funniest things I've read in a while =)

tellarion Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 16:33:46

Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by tellarion:

What more could you ask for? YOUR WAR-PREPPED ALLY WAS PULLED IN. Deal with it ffs.

No, YOU deal with it :)

I am! I'm busily farming Rival and trying to take down PG's country. At least Duna made it easier for us :D

tellarion Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 16:37:23

You know, I think this is the best war dec Eug has ever made!

nimrodix Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 19:04:34

welcome to the party



Oct 31st 2013, 19:36:34

Haha nice Alin :)

No point complaining or even running up this same path time and time again.... If you have been politically out manoeuvred learn from it and change your course of action and attack things from a different angle. Your alliances lose members and wars because of this.

(Btw I hate server politics)

I see no reason as to why this BS has to happen each and every set... There are those of us that want to net and those that want to fight... Let the betters net and the war mangers war..... Even it up amicably and have some fun and this game might grow.



Oct 31st 2013, 19:40:31

Originally posted by Sov:
Originally posted by tellarion:

What more could you ask for? YOUR WAR-PREPPED ALLY WAS PULLED IN. Deal with it ffs.

No, YOU deal with it :)

No, You. Neener, neener!

Murf Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 20:33:42

Lmao this is funny
But nothing can hide the fact that SoF has had a bloody awful war performance

Bikerman Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 22:25:38

Safty in numbers, SOL/MD need bigger friends :)

So it is YOU!
Originally posted by Sov:
My name in SoF is Alin.

iScode Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 23:01:55

Originally posted by Murf:
Lmao this is funny
But nothing can hide the fact that SoF has had a bloody awful war performance

cant argue with you there, its been quite disappointing so far, especially compared to our previous sets.

a true test of warring ability is not when you have all the advantages but when you are up against bigger numbers and bigger countries. I was hoping we could perform like the set against MD when they were bigger than us but alas, it was not to be.

I have faith we can turn it around in the second half of the set though, a lot of players coming back who are learning the new formulas and such.
God of War


iScode Game profile


Oct 31st 2013, 23:04:01

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by Fuji:
Originally posted by En4cer85:
Sof were and have been outnumbered for a long time in this war :P

That's funny, they didn't have a problem launching a OOP FS with a 25 member advantage. All we did was turn it around and give ourselves a 20 country advantage. One would think that attacking Rival and giving SoF/Rival the numbers advantage would have made everyone happy, but how could anyone know Rival would literally do nothing but let us hit them over and over again?

Oh well. Everyone knows LaF honours their pacts, and we all knew this was a possibility. I look forward to the SoF keyboard warriors coming out from their bunkers to tell everyone how big and bad they are behind the LaF juggernaut.

lol oh ok, so we are just meant to let you decide who we choose to war along side?

Your mistake was hitting rival and expecting us to follow your plan, that was never going to happen...

Scode, don't be retarded. As others pointed out, Rival did the exact same thing to Lcn/Evo last set, and we weren't even pacted to each other.

Sof and Rival are close allies. Rival was 100% fully war prepped and sitting on a pile of turns for their FS on Lcn scheduled for less than 24 hours later. We didn't know they were targetting Lcn until after, of course, but it doesn't matter. You guys had the slight number advantage, and the NWs were pretty close as well.

What more could you ask for? YOUR WAR-PREPPED ALLY WAS PULLED IN. Deal with it ffs.

I fail to see your point? Once again, we are just meant to let you choose who we war along side? What mre could we ask for? Well i guess at most you to die in the method we choose...
God of War


Pride Game profile


Nov 1st 2013, 2:14:15

Agreed, Sof has been quite awful this set. To be perfectly honest I thought you guys were just going to take the loss. Oh well.

Sof dies
Sol dies
Rival dies
MD wins
Laf wins

tellarion Game profile


Nov 1st 2013, 2:35:15

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by Fuji:
Originally posted by En4cer85:
Sof were and have been outnumbered for a long time in this war :P

That's funny, they didn't have a problem launching a OOP FS with a 25 member advantage. All we did was turn it around and give ourselves a 20 country advantage. One would think that attacking Rival and giving SoF/Rival the numbers advantage would have made everyone happy, but how could anyone know Rival would literally do nothing but let us hit them over and over again?

Oh well. Everyone knows LaF honours their pacts, and we all knew this was a possibility. I look forward to the SoF keyboard warriors coming out from their bunkers to tell everyone how big and bad they are behind the LaF juggernaut.

lol oh ok, so we are just meant to let you decide who we choose to war along side?

Your mistake was hitting rival and expecting us to follow your plan, that was never going to happen...

Scode, don't be retarded. As others pointed out, Rival did the exact same thing to Lcn/Evo last set, and we weren't even pacted to each other.

Sof and Rival are close allies. Rival was 100% fully war prepped and sitting on a pile of turns for their FS on Lcn scheduled for less than 24 hours later. We didn't know they were targetting Lcn until after, of course, but it doesn't matter. You guys had the slight number advantage, and the NWs were pretty close as well.

What more could you ask for? YOUR WAR-PREPPED ALLY WAS PULLED IN. Deal with it ffs.

I fail to see your point? Once again, we are just meant to let you choose who we war along side? What mre could we ask for? Well i guess at most you to die in the method we choose...

Scode, all I hear is 'waaaaaah! We were forced to fight alongside our best buds but it wasn't our choice so it's not fair! And we have been on the losing side all set, and finally have to taste our own medicine. It tastes soooo bad!'

bertz Game profile


Nov 1st 2013, 5:55:27

Originally posted by Xintros:
*tackles bertz and rubs*
Lolz I could have just as well been SoL or MD as SoF.
I just fell this way.

*gets up and fixes hair* :-)

Just bring back IX!

keivisuaL Game profile


Nov 1st 2013, 6:01:22

Originally posted by Pride:
Agreed, Sof has been quite awful this set. To be perfectly honest I thought you guys were just going to take the loss. Oh well.

Sof dies
Sol dies
Rival dies
MD wins
Laf wins

Innocence is something we all forget. I haven't quite, I'm naive.

Alin Game profile


Nov 1st 2013, 7:33:55

Originally posted by Pride:
Agreed, Sof has been quite awful this set. To be perfectly honest I thought you guys were just going to take the loss. Oh well.

Sof dies
Sol dies
Rival dies
MD wins
Laf wins

I would not bet on that! Someone can ask and receive mass FA . They did that, many times in the past.



Nov 1st 2013, 13:00:32

Politics are a fancy way of saying tree hugger
but what do i know?
I only play this game for fun!

Alin Game profile


Nov 1st 2013, 14:01:39

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by Murf:
Lmao this is funny
But nothing can hide the fact that SoF has had a bloody awful war performance

I have faith we can turn it around in the second half of the set though, a lot of players coming back who are learning the new formulas and such.

Let me rephrase that for you pal.

"I have the faith we can turn it around in the second half of the set tough, a lot of players are getting 3-4 FA packages/daily and will eventually learn to use it against this evil Qzjul"

Edited By: Alin on Nov 1st 2013, 14:21:51
See Original Post

CandyMan Game profile


Nov 1st 2013, 15:38:06

Alin, more log script writing please! You made my set

Kalick Game profile


Nov 1st 2013, 16:01:21

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by Fuji:
Originally posted by En4cer85:
Sof were and have been outnumbered for a long time in this war :P

That's funny, they didn't have a problem launching a OOP FS with a 25 member advantage. All we did was turn it around and give ourselves a 20 country advantage. One would think that attacking Rival and giving SoF/Rival the numbers advantage would have made everyone happy, but how could anyone know Rival would literally do nothing but let us hit them over and over again?

Oh well. Everyone knows LaF honours their pacts, and we all knew this was a possibility. I look forward to the SoF keyboard warriors coming out from their bunkers to tell everyone how big and bad they are behind the LaF juggernaut.

lol oh ok, so we are just meant to let you decide who we choose to war along side?

Your mistake was hitting rival and expecting us to follow your plan, that was never going to happen...

Scode, don't be retarded. As others pointed out, Rival did the exact same thing to Lcn/Evo last set, and we weren't even pacted to each other.

Sof and Rival are close allies. Rival was 100% fully war prepped and sitting on a pile of turns for their FS on Lcn scheduled for less than 24 hours later. We didn't know they were targetting Lcn until after, of course, but it doesn't matter. You guys had the slight number advantage, and the NWs were pretty close as well.

What more could you ask for? YOUR WAR-PREPPED ALLY WAS PULLED IN. Deal with it ffs.

I fail to see your point? Once again, we are just meant to let you choose who we war along side? What mre could we ask for? Well i guess at most you to die in the method we choose...

Scode, all I hear is 'waaaaaah! We were forced to fight alongside our best buds but it wasn't our choice so it's not fair! And we have been on the losing side all set, and finally have to taste our own medicine. It tastes soooo bad!'

What Scode is really saying is that SoF had planned on calling in larger allies in an attempt to keep the war unbalanced. They didn't like the idea of fighting a war with even sides, eventhough they got the FS.

But everybody else should fight even wars. For the good of the server.

Twink Game profile


Nov 1st 2013, 16:15:03

What iScode really means is now that LaF are invovled SOF might actually have a slight chance.

Nothing to do with their war performance, just having 70+ Large warprepped countrys on their side.

Still a pathetic move by a clan that obviously has no balls any more.

mdevol Game profile


Nov 1st 2013, 16:36:36

Ha! This is funny to watch.

SoF, the key is to USE the massive FA you are getting from LaF (who is breaking a pact to send it, by the way). Did you guys not learn this last reset against us? Use the FA before you die.

Good work on both fronts guys...
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Alin Game profile


Nov 1st 2013, 22:58:14

as requested:

<Sov> GREAT JOB. Finally the war is even.
<Euglaf> ya thx. What do you mean by even?
<Sov> It`s even man, we are 200 and they are 100.
<Euglaf> Hmm ?!?
<Sov> Com on! Here is a quote from Sof constitution written by ME :
"Pharagraph 187 - Sof considers a war even when we outnumber the opponent at least 2:1. When the opponent is outnumbered 3:1 they can call in an ally and we will still consider it even"
<Euglaf> Wtf lol? Hey Goku come see this one!!!
<Goku> Ok ... what now ? How much FA do you need? Hurry up i am in a Starwars session.
<Sov> i was just saying that ...
<Goku> HOW MUCH? Make a list of your active members.
<Sov> Ok, ok it is # and # and .... ( 5 min of typing )...and #. And also PG`s restart. Max 4 packages / day for 2 weeks.
<Goku> Dude wtf? you want RAGE to get above us in TNW?



Nov 2nd 2013, 1:34:47

Haha keep it going Alin :)

Has made me laugh at least :P



Nov 2nd 2013, 1:59:20

Alin is actually dumber than Syko... didn't think that was even possible.

Tytanious Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 2:44:59

if you're stupid and you know, it war with SoL
if you're stupid and you know, it war with SoL
SoF has been defeated
RD has been deleted
if you're stupid and you know, it war with SoL

Pride Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 3:16:39

Lmfao @ Alins post. I seriously am going go copy them and read them when I'm sad :)

nimrodix Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 3:21:38

one bad war in how many sets. sof was do to have a down set.
dont think im not enjoying it because i am.
i suspect sof will be back to their old self.

Kalick Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 3:26:34

SoF's members are doing great and still cranking out the hits. Kudos to them. The problem is the leaders are so used to overrunning opponents with assistance from their allies that they don't really have a sense of the strategy needed to fight a war on their own. With LaF hitting and sending aid, things will turn around as it is the type of battle they are more accustomed to.



Nov 2nd 2013, 3:56:48

SoF really just took a risk with the new server changes by hitting early IMO. Obviously, RD being deleted probably hurt a lot of this resets strategy for them as well...

mdevol Game profile


Nov 2nd 2013, 4:12:53

^^^^^^ this ^^^^^^^^^^
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

Alin Game profile


Nov 7th 2013, 16:14:08

<Euglaf> Sup?

<Euglaf> Hi

<Euglaf>Look, next set , i have a FDP for <typing>
<Sov> Yo` bro, sorry for not answering, i was away in a business trip with my <typing>
<Euglaf> ... for SOL

<Euglaf> You know yestarday i was just messing with you.
<Sov> i figured after the FS.

*Sov is now known as SadSov
<Euglaf> why?
<SadSov> We planed this so good, just if there wasn't that fluffing game owner and his stupid rules ...
<Euglaf> ...

<Sov> Please Break pact with MD!!!

<Sov> Our tag is farm land. Please Break pact with MD!!!

<Sov> Can you tag Sof, your top 30 ?
<Euglaf> Come on dude, Just take it like a man!

<Sov> Just kidding :) :) :P haha rolf lmfao. you didn't took that serious right? i was drunk on 3rd 4th and 5th.
<Euglaf> Look, you war-strategy was so poor, you couldn't even beat Imag with it.



Nov 7th 2013, 17:19:55

Originally posted by Alin:

<Euglaf>Look, next set , i have a FDP for <typing>
<Sov> Yo` bro, sorry for not answering, i was away in a business trip with my <typing>
<Euglaf> ... for SOL



Alin Game profile


Nov 8th 2013, 11:43:31


martian Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Nov 8th 2013, 18:47:43

<kilerfluffy> I have now unleashed fluff BOT. All non fluff tagged countries will be destroyed in an awesome 5 second FS/mod power abuse combination! SUBMIT TO fluff NOW!

you are all special in the eyes of fluff
( ._.) -----)-->
(_(' )(' )