
locket Game profile


Oct 4th 2014, 5:51:05

So for those in Sol who think it is a fun thing to do, this is really no different than either 1) another clan jumping in and winning a war for a a currently losing side or 2) another clan sending mass FA and winning the war for the losing side.

Sol has fluffed and many others have numerous times about those sort of things and yet they do it with netting. Fun.

flgatorboy89 Game profile


Oct 4th 2014, 6:20:10

No wai... you're seeing things mate.

<jon> off to bed fluffbeater :p
<mrford> i dont beat fluffs
<mrford> i eat them
<mrford> gosh
<jon> well, fluffeater
<Kat> oookay....

Alin Game profile


Oct 4th 2014, 6:53:52

first find who that player is ...
talk after ...

iNouda Game profile


Oct 4th 2014, 7:20:54

Wait wut.

Scorba Game profile


Oct 4th 2014, 10:52:04

It's funny that this is the only buyout being complained about so far, considering how common they are, even this set.

tulosba Game profile


Oct 4th 2014, 13:00:18

its only common when alliances who do them netgain - no market aid last reset

d20 Game profile


Oct 4th 2014, 14:56:11

bonus lah?

Ivan Game profile


Oct 4th 2014, 18:20:38

buyouts are stupid, every set not even worth discussing


Boltar Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 7:35:22

Originally posted by locket:
So for those in Sol who think it is a fun thing to do, this is really no different than either 1) another clan jumping in and winning a war for a a currently losing side or 2) another clan sending mass FA and winning the war for the losing side.

Sol has fluffed and many others have numerous times about those sort of things and yet they do it with netting. Fun.

when u were in LaF, i didnt see u making these threads about market buyouts or FA'ing to the top, hell i didnt even see u make a thread about LaF missiling a PDM guy out of the top10 cause he was aided to 1st rank.. but i guess if its for who u want to see in the top spot or top10 its ok

Furious999 Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 8:07:16

What is wrong with a clan organising themselves to boost one of their number to the top of the scores list? And what does it matter if the mechanism adopted is FA or a method using the market?

These things seem a natural part of a server in which co-operative play is the name of the game.

I rather admire the depth of commitment, active play and organisation which goes into such things, as I admire the same qualities when displayed in effective retalling, warring or effective politics.

The achievement of the individual playing the country concerned is devalued but 1a is about clans so individual achievements take only a secondary place.

If Rival or Omega or LCN or anyone else want to counter SoL's move it is for them to show the same measure of commitment and boost one of their own.

Edited By: Furious999 on Oct 6th 2014, 14:22:45
See Original Post

Xinhuan Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 9:21:44

Originally posted by Furious999:
What is wrong with a clan organising themselves to boost one of their number to the top of the scores list? And what does it matter if the mechanism adopted is FA or a method using the market?

The achievement of the individual playing the country concerned is devalued but A1 is about clans so individual achievements take only a secondary place.

There are 3 official metrics in the game for measuring clans:
* Total Networth
* Total Membership
* Average Networth
Achieving Rank 1 in all of these in a single reset is called the "Triple Crown". All 3 of these rankings can be viewed in higher detail within the game in a country that is logged on to the server under the Clans section.

Market aiding your clan member above someone else doesn't increase Total NW (you're just transfering networth), nor modify the clan's Average NW, and most certainly does not change the number of members in the clan. As such, market aiding isn't considered to be of any value other than to boost a single player's achievement, and doing so doesn't prove anything about that player's skill.

This is why market aiding is considered mundane because anyone can do it. Any clan can market aid. But not everyone can finish at the top spot without market aiding and that gives meaning to the number 1 spot.

locket Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 9:28:35

Originally posted by Boltar:
Originally posted by locket:
So for those in Sol who think it is a fun thing to do, this is really no different than either 1) another clan jumping in and winning a war for a a currently losing side or 2) another clan sending mass FA and winning the war for the losing side.

Sol has fluffed and many others have numerous times about those sort of things and yet they do it with netting. Fun.

when u were in LaF, i didnt see u making these threads about market buyouts or FA'ing to the top, hell i didnt even see u make a thread about LaF missiling a PDM guy out of the top10 cause he was aided to 1st rank.. but i guess if its for who u want to see in the top spot or top10 its ok

Laf doesnt do market aid. Laf didnt FA to the top when I was there. If you looked back you'd see I complained about a few of those things. I don't even know if I was in Laf when they hit the PDM guy. I was when Rockman hit QZ though. And I made plenty of comments. So yah... my thought hasnt changed

Furious999 Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 9:59:38

The game affords recognition to the networth of each country through the scores list. Furthermore, when a clan think a particular achievement is worthwhile and invest time and trouble in the endeavour official recognition is beside the point.

The arguement that anyone can do it is flawed: by the fact that there is only one No 1 spot available; and by the fact that those lacking the necessary organisation and commitment can't and don't.

locket Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 10:17:53

Anyone CAN do it. If Laf wanted number one every set they'd get it every set. If that became the goal of the game then wtf is anyone else playing the game for if all they do is send FA in some manner?

It is a lazy, low skill, meaningless accomplishment. Wars could always be your entire side of 150 countries versus one 30 member clan but people don't do that now do they.

Scorba Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 10:55:45

Not sure you're in the right place to be making those kind of comments. Xinhuan at least has a very practical view of things.

Xinhuan Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 11:16:34

Originally posted by Furious999:
The arguement that anyone can do it is flawed: by the fact that there is only one No 1 spot available; and by the fact that those lacking the necessary organisation and commitment can't and don't.

Sure, go ahead and do it then. Even if you get number 1 that way, everyone will just ridicule you as a player that got #1 only because you have 50 players behind you sending aid your way. It is not that it cannot be done. Sure it can.

The problem is funneling resources into 1 country simply doesn't serve any purpose, and any country or clan that got a single #1 slot that way wouldn't earn any recognition for doing it. At least you won't, from me.

Not only that, you have the rest of your clan members all "giving up" their income towards one country. It might be fun for that one country, not so much for the other 49 people in the FA chain. I certainly wouldn't join your clan if all I'm going to be doing it just to help someone else finish #1. A great clan is one where everyone helps each other to get a better finish as a whole, not one that helps a single country get a great finish.

And it is easy to wreck one country. Just a few missiles, bomb buildings, a few harmful ops, etc. Blah blah, putting eggs into 1 basket. You won't win any late game wars with a super country and a bunch of weak ones either.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 23:01:46

LOL. I can just imagine SoLers patting themselves on the back and applauding just how clever and skillful they are. Classic.

archaic Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 23:36:11

Originally posted by Xinhuan:

Sure, go ahead and do it then. Even if you get number 1 that way, everyone will just ridicule you as a player that got #1 only because you have 50 players behind you sending aid your way. . . any country or clan that got a single #1 slot that way wouldn't earn any recognition for doing it. At least you won't, from me.

I'm pretty sure they don't care what a bunch of butt-hurt laf guys think. You guys do fluff like this all the time, welcome to how the other half lives.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Furious999 Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 23:39:40

The exploit I dislike is this land trading thing.


locket Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 23:48:46

Originally posted by archaic:
Originally posted by Xinhuan:

Sure, go ahead and do it then. Even if you get number 1 that way, everyone will just ridicule you as a player that got #1 only because you have 50 players behind you sending aid your way. . . any country or clan that got a single #1 slot that way wouldn't earn any recognition for doing it. At least you won't, from me.

I'm pretty sure they don't care what a bunch of butt-hurt laf guys think. You guys do fluff like this all the time, welcome to how the other half lives.

Actually they do very different stuff. I am curious to know what you would think if this kind of philosophy was fine with war? Would gangbangs stop being fluffed about and people would walk about and say its a team game etc? Jesus.

And it isn't an exploit. It is an intentional game mechanic designed to help with the fact that there is very little land. I fluffing love ignorant comments like that. Want to know what would happen if ghost acres didnt exist? One of two scenarios or both.

1) Everyone farms untaggeds into 50 DR instead of just 5-9.

2) Laf runs techers and hits small clans that dont have any skill and cant hit back and then people whine about that.

Which would you rather have? The current system with a bit of choice or one where people whine about different things? Perhaps you should offer a fluffing solution instead of just repeating what ignorant people have said before you.

Nuketon Game profile


Oct 5th 2014, 23:50:33

There have been numerous occasions where someone was FA'd into the top spot. There have been numerous sets where buyouts happened to boost a single or few countries up into top spots. Who really cares? I think the thing SOL was attempting to accomplish this reset they succeeded in, and they probably don't really care what others think of it. Kudos to the teamwork involved in doing this.

locket Game profile


Oct 6th 2014, 0:18:31

Kudos for something that isnt hard to do? They didnt even get the country very high

Nuketon Game profile


Oct 6th 2014, 1:32:35

Yeah, kudos to them for the teamwork. It's not like they had a bunch of countries netting all set in order to push this guy up to 400+mNW.

crest23 Game profile


Oct 6th 2014, 2:52:18

I've died twice and Rage, LaF, and sof to altogether couldn't FA any of their members into 20% of my NW. Think about that for a minute.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

tellarion Game profile


Oct 6th 2014, 14:17:31

Originally posted by locket:
Kudos for something that isnt hard to do? They didnt even get the country very high

This was a war set and that player was a super active hitter, as well as FAing others.

Boltar Game profile


Oct 6th 2014, 14:26:16

Originally posted by tellarion:
Originally posted by locket:
Kudos for something that isnt hard to do? They didnt even get the country very high

This was a war set and that player was a super active hitter, as well as FAing others.

its funny to know who it is, and to see people think they are skill-less and have no knowledge of the game

iccyh Game profile


Oct 6th 2014, 15:19:24

Market aid and skill are two separate things; that country had a great reset before they were aided but that doesn't mean that they're not disrespecting the unaided players whose positions they are taking.

Scorba Game profile


Oct 6th 2014, 20:40:17

If you start getting into that though, what about others that got market aid this set? Even if in smaller amounts there was definitely other market action going on this set. From there, what about groups within a clan action to force market prices to certain levels or coordinated food sales? What ends up being considered acceptable? Everyone has different views of what should be allowed and many go well past the generally accepted lines.

iccyh Game profile


Oct 6th 2014, 20:50:27

The individual ranking isn't an alliance competition, so any time an alliance bothers to get serious about aid it turns the individual rankings into a joke. You can't compare $30b in coordinated market aid to the little bit other countries might have messed around with.

The other thing here is that when an alliance does something like this they bear the responsibility for the disrespect of individual achievement that goes along with it. Those alliances with members getting pushed down in the rankings would be well within their rights to be pissed as hell that SoL is screwing with their members resets.

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Oct 6th 2014, 21:19:58

It is all just semantics anyway.

Netters that care about individual rank will not look at the market aided country as legit, and they'll devise new ranking that are "clean" (minus the market aided people) and will pass those around as the true results.

Those that market aided will still consider it a win for them and will use it in attempt to increase internal morale.

In the end everyone contorts everything to serve their own purpose anyway.

Also, others will point out that none of these top finishers actually achieved an individual NW anyway. The tag you are in provides your country protection and greatly reduces the # of hits it will receive in a reset. Thus everyone's individual countries benefit from their tag (other than those who are suicided due to their tag association, some of them may turn out to be net losers).

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 6th 2014, 21:26:46

Originally posted by Xinhuan:
Originally posted by Furious999:
What is wrong with a clan organising themselves to boost one of their number to the top of the scores list? And what does it matter if the mechanism adopted is FA or a method using the market?

The achievement of the individual playing the country concerned is devalued but A1 is about clans so individual achievements take only a secondary place.

There are 3 official metrics in the game for measuring clans:
* Total Networth
* Total Membership
* Average Networth
Achieving Rank 1 in all of these in a single reset is called the "Triple Crown". All 3 of these rankings can be viewed in higher detail within the game in a country that is logged on to the server under the Clans section.

Market aiding your clan member above someone else doesn't increase Total NW (you're just transfering networth), nor modify the clan's Average NW, and most certainly does not change the number of members in the clan. As such, market aiding isn't considered to be of any value other than to boost a single player's achievement, and doing so doesn't prove anything about that player's skill.

This is why market aiding is considered mundane because anyone can do it. Any clan can market aid. But not everyone can finish at the top spot without market aiding and that gives meaning to the number 1 spot.

Spot on, end of discussion!
I financially support this game; what do you do?

iccyh Game profile


Oct 6th 2014, 21:41:09

While I'm usually one of the first people to attribute individual performance largely to the conditions provided by an alliance, the usual measure of that is on average as ANW or in aggregate as TNW rather than looking at individual performances which are far more variable and far less indicative of anything on an alliance level.

Everyone may try to contort things for their own purpose, but when they do so publicly it usually has the effect of pissing off whoever else in involved in whatever story is being told. Market FA is a very public story.

Furious999 Game profile


Oct 6th 2014, 21:58:35

#351 spent the set co-operating with his clanmates in war and in the measures taken to boost him to the No.1 slot.

#10 and #21 spent the set co-operating with their clanmates in maintaining tag protection and netgaining effectively.

#351 is going to win the set because the level of co-operation achieved by his clan is higher.

Had Rival, and in particular #10 and #21, wanted a Rival country to come out top what they had to do was boost one of the two sufficiently.

But #10 values his or her second spot and #21 values his or her third spot (assuming they can hold their places). Neither they, nor perhaps their clan mates, are willing to give up their personal achievement for the benefit of a Rival country to come out ahead.

It is a co-operative server. Those who co-operate best come out ahead.

Ershow Game profile


Oct 6th 2014, 23:00:24

...aaaannnd once again, Furious999 proves he has absolutely no idea what he is talking about.

Naivety is cute.

Stick around for a few years, perhaps even join a decent alliance, maybe you might learn a thing or two, until then, you really should refrain from posting like a nub.

locket Game profile


Oct 7th 2014, 1:11:11

Jesus furious were you dropped on Dagga's head as a child and then thrown off a cliff? You are talking out of someone elses ass with that crap.

@Boltar it is funny that a clan like Rival who rarely gets a chance to get 1st place gets it stolen away by a finish that has NO skill to it. Is the player who did it good? I could care less. He did not win it due to his skills. He wont it because of other reasons.

And tellarion, I would absolutely fluffing love to see you say that if Laf did this to beat one of your players in a netting set. Stop being biased.

Boltar Game profile


Oct 8th 2014, 22:46:12

so in ur opinion ur saying that the guy who finished 1st, got 50mil nw from market aid? is that what ur truely saying?

locket Game profile


Oct 9th 2014, 1:20:17

Jesus. You trying to act ignorant is kinda ridiculous.

anoniem Game profile


Oct 9th 2014, 2:00:53

good to see locket is still here

VicRattlehead Game profile


Oct 9th 2014, 2:20:44

I only came to this thread because I saw anoniem poste here and hadn't seen his name since I came back. We were in RED together ages ago.

Now I have read it all.

Wtf are you all whining about? It is pretty obvious that sol did this to wave a giant middle finger in the face of the laf/sof side, crushing them in the war and still getting the top country. As far as symbolic eff yous go, this is a pretty colossal and awesome one.

locket Game profile


Oct 9th 2014, 6:04:40

Vic it is only a giant middle finger to those who were netting. Laf thinks it required no skill just like I do and thinks it means nothing. It's just a fluff you to anyone who put time into netting.

locket Game profile


Oct 9th 2014, 6:06:54

Oh and hi Anon

Makinso Game profile


Oct 9th 2014, 20:35:18

Does locket speaks for laf? I'm asking because apart from TOB and Ingle I ain't sure who's part of LAF dons/heads atm. If not then this thread directly lost all my interest again.

So I'll go by officer barbrady on this one: "Move along people there's nothing to see here".

danzigrules Game profile


Oct 9th 2014, 21:42:56

Originally posted by Makinso:
Does locket speaks for laf? I'm asking because apart from TOB and Ingle I ain't sure who's part of LAF dons/heads atm. If not then this thread directly lost all my interest again.

So I'll go by officer barbrady on this one: "Move along people there's nothing to see here".

Yeah, other than that the Number 1 spot SOL got is about as good as all the ones that NA got doing the same fluff. So go ahead and move along and consider that number 1 a 100 like everyone else does.

locket Game profile


Oct 10th 2014, 2:21:13

I'm not even in Laf so nope. Might be allowed back in with the leadership change but who knows ;)

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 10th 2014, 3:51:53

locket you've always been welcome back!
I financially support this game; what do you do?

VicRattlehead Game profile


Oct 10th 2014, 5:45:17

Originally posted by danzigrules:
Originally posted by Makinso:
Does locket speaks for laf? I'm asking because apart from TOB and Ingle I ain't sure who's part of LAF dons/heads atm. If not then this thread directly lost all my interest again.

So I'll go by officer barbrady on this one: "Move along people there's nothing to see here".

Yeah, other than that the Number 1 spot SOL got is about as good as all the ones that NA got doing the same fluff. So go ahead and move along and consider that number 1 a 100 like everyone else does.

NA managed to take the #1 spot while also taking tnw and anw, don't be bitter. In fact, given the numbers, I am guessing NA still holds the record for tnw on this server.

DStone Rocks Game profile


Oct 10th 2014, 5:52:27


locket Game profile


Oct 10th 2014, 6:31:58

Haha by some Req.. not by one :P

Alin Game profile


Oct 10th 2014, 7:28:50

locket, how about the sets when your side did 10 time worse aid, harmful ops, market coordination and stuff like that ?

I didn`t saw you on this board biatching ...

locket Game profile


Oct 11th 2014, 2:30:03

Alin name one time that Laf did a market buyout while I was there. One time. When you show proof I will acknowledge your fluff.

If you could read you would have noticed I already said I said fluff insite and on here as well I believe after incidents like the Rockman on QZ thing.

I am not a hypocrite here no matter how you want to try to spin it. I never liked FA or market fluff to first place.