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1. I was the only SoF Head that knew that Hanlong was reading boxcar, but it's hardly cheating when he was 'given' admin access and this access only became a problem when the admin was in an alliance having conflicts with Hanlong. He still 100% denies the ingame admin allegations. Reading someones site is dirty and devious maybe, but I really don't care.
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that hanlong is editing fields in the database again? I cannot believe that you actually typed that post and hit "Submit Message".
If you support cheating, then you're destroying the health of the game.
The reason he admitted it is because I have the logs of him admitting it. Seems like no one cares. I'd have to suspect some Sof'ers are disappointed.
We said these things at the time because we knew information that could not possibly be getting to SoF was getting to them. Hell we were running canary traps and low and behold the exact misinformation we posted on our heads board was getting out to the likes of Ivan and Flamey (and obviously all LaF heads like H4 and Hanlong).
It's hardly surprising to take the next step and assume very quickly that SoF was in on it. Strange how we say these things, noone believes us, fast fwd a few months and proof is revealed and its like this "open eyes" moment.
Guys this had been going on for along time in a very organised and open manner and was deemed "perfectly acceptable".
I don't understand how the earth community lets these things go past. Doesn't anyone care about the actual game being fun and fair?
Slag, completely agree with your post.