


Aug 11th 2012, 13:38:32

its my name :)
Ragnarok's EEVIL Lady

Boltar Game profile


Aug 11th 2012, 14:56:23

ruth is a OLD person's name

Jack-m9 Game profile


Aug 11th 2012, 15:01:05

mines lame, refrains from telling any1 why, alri boltar long time ;p

Warster Game profile


Aug 11th 2012, 15:05:37

went by Warrelic ( a Starcraft clan i was leading was called War relics) when i joined earth, later on i wanted a new name and i let the members of NM make suggestions and this was the one i liked best.
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Boltar Game profile


Aug 11th 2012, 15:38:34

hey jack... yea its been a while bud

de1i Game profile


Aug 11th 2012, 15:41:48

deli llama, buddhist sandwich of the llama. eventually shortened to de1i when 1337 status was obtained (deli was taken when registering my hotmail account).

fluff if i really remember, i was 13 "/

Atryn Game profile


Aug 11th 2012, 15:52:22

Forum name: Atryn, short for Atryn Westlake, totally made up as a secondary character on the Moral Decay MUD circa 1995 maybe?

Wulf Michaelson - My SCA persona name. As a kid I chose this name for a Viking persona ~1980-81.

Red X Game profile


Aug 11th 2012, 17:17:18

Red X, well it came from teen titans <3 that show. Red X was not in the comics only the TV show so it kinda stood out.
Rey Rojo
Disgruntled Killer
Marked 4 Death
Vice President - Foreign Affairs
Forever Coalies Twin

Lobo Game profile


Aug 11th 2012, 19:47:26

I owned a Lobo/wolf named Tank. He was 110 lb *RIP 2011
For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack
The only real progress lies in learning to be wrong all alone. ~Albert Camus

Original SANCT...

Rolangunslinger Game profile


Aug 12th 2012, 0:25:35

I am a huge Stephen King fan, especially the Dark Tower series. The main character is Roland and he is a gunslinger. I just mashed it together way back in 1993 or 1994 when I first signed up for AOL, and have been using it since.

dixiechick Game profile


Aug 12th 2012, 0:31:34

Contrary to popular belief I am not named after the singers.

I used to be a manager of a store named "Dixie Oil" One of my young patrons would come in with her dad and call me the "dixiechick" so I have used it as a handle in games online ever since.

anoniem Game profile


Aug 12th 2012, 1:05:54

anoniem = dutch for anonymous



Aug 12th 2012, 1:16:06

My name is from one of the best TV series EVER! Obviously DUH!

Marco Game profile


Aug 12th 2012, 2:00:19

Yo momma gave me this nick

Serpentor Game profile


Aug 12th 2012, 3:10:50

My buddy who introduced me to the game on solaria went by Megaton. Naturally I had to go the gijoe route and be Serpentor.
The EEVIL Empire

Dragonlance Game profile


Aug 13th 2012, 12:45:17

i lance dragons in my spare time.

a dragon is an asian cougar. they stalk, its creepy.

Boltar Game profile


Aug 13th 2012, 14:10:00

so a 40 some yr old hot asian chick is called a dragon? good to know

Sifos Game profile


Aug 13th 2012, 17:30:16

When playing utopia I hated all the non-fantasy themed names, so I deviced the name Lythea (pronounced in swedish in a way which is really hard to explain in text) for my fairy province. I kept using names on the theme Ly-ea for other races too.

When I came back to earth it felt natural to device a name which a country could have and stick with that. Not sure if I nailed that theme fully, but after some 10-20 seconds Sifos (also swedish pronounciation but easier to explain, "si" as in spanish but with a longer "i", "os" as in the wizard of OZ) just felt good enough ;)
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

iTarl Game profile


Aug 14th 2012, 0:49:18

what about the "f" , silent?

crest23 Game profile


Aug 14th 2012, 1:31:07

My 1st name.
The Nigerian Nightmare.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 14th 2012, 1:48:12

One night in mid 90s playing cards with family I got the king of hearts more than a dozen times and it became easy wins, the GPA was my FFA clan tag :)
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 14th 2012, 2:06:22

It's my real name in Chinese.

deepcode Game profile


Aug 14th 2012, 2:24:07

A wordplay on computer programming and the character deepthroat from metal gear solid.

It just kind of came together :P

Jiman Game profile


Aug 14th 2012, 3:38:22

Jim + Man = Jiman.

Taveren Game profile


Aug 14th 2012, 7:54:36

Wheel of Time reference

Ta'veren : "A person around whom the Wheel of Time weaves all surrounding life-threads, perhaps ALL life-threads, to form a Web of Destiny."
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Skype: som3thingclassy

tellarion Game profile


Aug 14th 2012, 15:45:45

I'd like to lance DL sometime :)

Tellarion was some random name I made up back in the days of MUDs

Patience Game profile


Aug 14th 2012, 18:16:26

When I moved back to Canada from England, my best friend gave me a GnR CD with Patience on it... and when it came time to create an internet alias to keep in touch, that seemed like as good a name as any! (He actually played here for a while - anyone remember Nomad?)
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Boltar Game profile


Aug 14th 2012, 21:21:19

i was soo hoping thats where u got ur name from.. u move into 2nd before martian in my fav forum mod list

archaic Game profile


Aug 14th 2012, 22:31:53

In 1996 I was a playing chess at a site called Playsite, I originally started as Archean (a geologic time period) but because I was already old by net standards (25!), a few of the kids in chat called me archaic. I liked that better and when I became a mod, I changed it and have used it ever since. I've had a few alias's, but its been my primary handle everywhere for 15 years.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

digi Game profile


Aug 14th 2012, 22:39:45

got it off a blank CD :D

Sifos Game profile


Aug 14th 2012, 22:58:26

digi digi digi digi
digi digi digi digi
digi digi digi digi
swampy! swampy!
Imaginary Numbers
If you're important enough to contact me, you will know how to contact me.
Self appointed emperor of the Order of Bunnies.
The only way to be certain your allies will not betray you is to kill them all!

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 14th 2012, 23:08:52

Originally posted by Rockman:
Originally posted by Alana:
Originally posted by braden:
i was dun born with it


Me as well. My last name, not my first name.

Having the last name Rockman would kick ass. Whats your name? ROCKMAN fluff BAM.
- Premium Patron Member

DrZantalBu Game profile

New Member

Aug 15th 2012, 0:30:26

Bu: The olde Bu alliance which transcended all clans
Zantal: My spiritual leaders last name
Dr: Still working on my PHD :P damn thesis

Trixx Game profile


Aug 15th 2012, 16:33:55

i killed a rabbit and took its name but to avoid trademark infringement i added another x
Head of AT Spammage

ICQ: 138314471

PaleMoon Game profile


Aug 20th 2012, 15:48:09

I first joined IRC (back in 1999/2000) in order to arrange/hook-up for games of M:TG via "M:TG Encyclopedia" (using Sidestep, or whatever).

Everyone seemed to be picking all the awesome cards (Morphling, Masticore, etc). I decided to pick (one of) the worst rare cards every printed...

I've used it in every online game I could, ever since. :-)
"imo the true issue over there is and always has been palemoon." - Vic (Mr. Clear)

La Famiglia

Bigwiggle Game profile


Aug 20th 2012, 16:14:15

My name is kindof an obscure refernce.. but back in middle school I loved watching WCW/WWF. Guy named Norman Smiley (that as far as I know never won a match) had a finishing "move" called the Big Wiggle. He danced and humped his opponent and typically lost immediately after doing it

Pandora's Last Vikings | THE OMEGA

msn -

Patience Game profile


Aug 20th 2012, 17:29:14

Originally posted by Boltar:
i was soo hoping thats where u got ur name from.. u move into 2nd before martian in my fav forum mod list

lol... I loves me some GnR. It's too bad Axl was such a douche. :(
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

Boltar Game profile


Aug 20th 2012, 20:39:36

Originally posted by Patience:
Originally posted by Boltar:
i was soo hoping thats where u got ur name from.. u move into 2nd before martian in my fav forum mod list

lol... I loves me some GnR. It's too bad Axl was such a douche. :(

agreed douchebag :(

Dragonlance Game profile


Aug 21st 2012, 12:39:08

well, you do make me yella tella.

dLpLow Game profile


Aug 21st 2012, 14:19:01

my initials DLP and moms last name LOW

hence dLpLow

also had issues in pdm of ppl calling me dip low so thats why i got the capital L's :P
poor laf
10:36 ee: GS pLow is HERE (#422) [SoF] --> Oslo 1952 (#201) [LaF] -- 2C/81F
And for you freaks.

Drow Game profile


Aug 21st 2012, 14:44:11

Originally posted by Patience:
Originally posted by Boltar:
i was soo hoping thats where u got ur name from.. u move into 2nd before martian in my fav forum mod list

lol... I loves me some GnR. It's too bad Axl IS such a douche. :(

Fixed that for you ;)
Only have to look at the flufffit he threw about the original GnR lineup getting into the hall of fame, rather than the slavish band of axl worshippers he surrounds himself with these days. Fact of the matter is, he's been the only original member in GnR for a LONG time, and TBH, Watching the others play with Myles Kennedy on the mic was a buttload better.

Paradigm President of failed speeling

"EE's DILF" - Coalie

voltron Game profile


Aug 22nd 2012, 9:37:46

Old cartoon from from 80's growing up.

Goatman Game profile


Aug 22nd 2012, 16:40:08

kinda obvious mine is, dont u think
i have hoofed feet
a tail
and i like to eat everything and jump on cars


Patience Game profile


Aug 22nd 2012, 19:14:00

Originally posted by Drow:
Originally posted by Patience:
Originally posted by Boltar:
i was soo hoping thats where u got ur name from.. u move into 2nd before martian in my fav forum mod list

lol... I loves me some GnR. It's too bad Axl IS such a douche. :(

Fixed that for you ;)
Only have to look at the flufffit he threw about the original GnR lineup getting into the hall of fame, rather than the slavish band of axl worshippers he surrounds himself with these days. Fact of the matter is, he's been the only original member in GnR for a LONG time, and TBH, Watching the others play with Myles Kennedy on the mic was a buttload better.

lol Drow... You're absolutely right. That whole thing around the hall of fame induction really made my blood boil. He needs a spankin', and he needs it BAD. (And after that, he needs to grow the eff up.)
I cannot see your signature - so if it's witty, put it in a post instead! :p

archaic: Patty, if it was you wearing it, I'd consider a fuzzy pink pig suit to be lingerie. Patty makes pork rock.

PowerOfLight Game profile


Aug 22nd 2012, 19:45:07

I work in a power plant.



Aug 22nd 2012, 21:13:48

The Origin of Kangaruu -
It is derived from the Guugu Yimidhirr word "gangurru" refaring to the grey kangaroo. Sir Joseph Banks, botanist on James Cook's first voyage, noted the name of the kangaroo as "gangurru" when he tried to communicate with the Aborigines regarding the name of the strange hopping animal noted on Australia's shores. It is clear from Banks's observations and notes that the Aborigines consistently called the creature by that name.

The belief that the word means "I don't understand you" is derived from myth.

The Cloaked Game profile


Aug 23rd 2012, 1:08:26

I was 15. And needed a handle to post a message so I could get mad at someone on a forum.

I only ever use it for earth related things. I have a weirder tag for all other online stuff.



Aug 23rd 2012, 3:13:11

I have loved old mob/gangster movies from when I was younger. Godfather, Heat, Scarface, the classics. Hence, Mobster.

Outside of this game say on Diablo or SWTOR I go by Kismet, which means fate.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 23rd 2012, 7:51:52

Originally posted by Goatman:
kinda obvious mine is, dont u think
i have hoofed feet
a tail
and i like to eat everything and jump on cars


Lies!!!!, you got caught fluffing a goat, admit it!!!!!
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Hangar18 Game profile


Aug 23rd 2012, 22:44:01