


May 3rd 2012, 17:33:51

well, she is going to beg Jeff to play again and redeem herself lol

and as much as i didnt want to see her gone, she was pretty dumb about things like being pissed off she didnt win immunity right before going to tribal, making a major big deal out of winning reward, and then the blindside comment at tribal was just too good lol ... although i doubt she thought it as funny as she said she would

i hope alicia goes next cause i havent liked her from the beginning, especially when she was all cozy with colton
Ragnaroks EEVIL Lady

locket Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 22:30:02

Alicia will be in the final three I think. Everyone knows that no one likes her :P

TheORKINMan Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 23:48:57

If Kim were smart the Final 3 would be Alicia, Kim and Tarzan :P
Smarter than your average bear.

locket Game profile


May 3rd 2012, 23:55:16

I honestly think Tarzan might be able to win if he makes it. I havn't counted the jury but I bet he'd get most of the men votes and if Kim voted out Chelsea I'd not be surprised if Kim doesn't get that vote... Deserving people rarely win survivor it seems :P

TheORKINMan Game profile


May 4th 2012, 1:47:03

I don't think Tarzan gets the male votes. He voted out Leif, Jonas, and Jay unnecessarily. The women also can't stand him.
Smarter than your average bear.

braden Game profile


May 4th 2012, 2:00:32

tarzan walked away from the male tribe, he called himself a free agent.

although few fear him as a winner, fewer probably strongly dislike him, and realize in a final three he is dangerous. and because he has no allies (as of this week airing, at least, that i recall) in the existing tribe he is an easy, easy, easy vote.

you can get rid of him and not cause a rift between any other existing alliances. he is the perfect vote. unless you're colton and hate christina, then she is the perfect vote, for being polite, quiet and honest.. she's a whore, i agree?

SMz Game profile


May 4th 2012, 2:10:29

what did i tell you guys?? Tarzan might make it to the finals... like I said the "Im crazy and not a theart" strategy has worked on survivor before! Im such an addict I remmber em all haha

anyways Tarzan won't get votes... , Its Kim's game to lose... from here on out im just watching to see if she makes a milion dollar mistake (in voting out the worng person)

locket Game profile


May 4th 2012, 4:11:44

I could see Kim pissing people off though. Kat for one wouldn't vote for her now. If she votes off Chelsea or Sabrina then those are lost votes since she made the promise to them... same goes for Alicia I think.. it might depend on how vindictive this group is :P

SMz Game profile


May 4th 2012, 10:21:21

locket - thats the 1 thing I hate about the survivor , rarely the best player wins... cause the Americans like to vote for a milion dollars for who the hate they least and not who played the best / dezerves it , the smart ppl who love the game vote for the best player , but sometimes its not enough :|

TheORKINMan Game profile


May 4th 2012, 13:01:45

I disagree that it's rare that the best player wins. There has been that perception lately because Russell keeps playing and he wont ever win a final tribal. Off of the top of my head in the 2nd half of Survivor's seasons I remember JT, Parvati, Todd, Bob, Boston Rob, and Sandra winning and they were all either the best players their season or one of the best. Fabio you could make an argument for either way on being weak/strong. Natalie and Sophie are the only two particularly weak players that have won IMO and both won because the people they were up against were colossal aholes.
Smarter than your average bear.

locket Game profile


May 4th 2012, 15:55:23

Dude... Sandra is fluffing TERRIBLE. She did nothing last time she won. Is that a skill? She was annoying as hell too.

TheORKINMan Game profile


May 4th 2012, 15:57:57

Sandra has played twice and won twice. She has to be considered one of the best players ever. She tried to make a lot of moves in that game and tried repeatedly to get Russell out but everyone else kept being suckered in by him. Ultimately she suckered him by convincing him that she hadn't done anything and thus wasn't a threat. Then went on to the final tribal and spelled out exactly how she repeatdly tried to help the heros but they rebuffed her, giving her all of their votes. That's a great strategy IMO.
Smarter than your average bear.

locket Game profile


May 4th 2012, 16:00:52

Originally posted by TheORKINMan:
Sandra has played twice and won twice. She has to be considered one of the best players ever. She tried to make a lot of moves in that game and tried repeatedly to get Russell out but everyone else kept being suckered in by him. Ultimately she suckered him by convincing him that she hadn't done anything and thus wasn't a threat. Then went on to the final tribal and spelled out exactly how she repeatdly tried to help the heros but they rebuffed her, giving her all of their votes. That's a great strategy IMO.

I'd say she played the worst strategy of the three :P Russel was a fluff which is why he will never actually be voted winner unless he changes his game. And the rest were the typical vindictive voters imo. To each their own though... can't stand that woman -_-

SMz Game profile


May 14th 2012, 21:32:43

w00t Kim won it like I thought she would , a dezerving winner for this season for sure!

and they announced season 25 too! sweet!! :) seems like 3 former survivors are going back , who you guys think it is? I bet Colton is one of them.

locket Game profile


May 14th 2012, 22:53:23

If Colton is back it could lose them some fans... I really hope he isn't unless he is ready to act a whole hell of a lot different. It would take a lot of interesting other players to make me tolerate watching him talk crap about people again.

I think Kourtney Moon from this season will be back(The chick who broke her wrist on the very first challenge) since she basically didnt get to play the game.

The other person I hope/think might be back is Russell Swan from Russel Hantz' first season.

locket Game profile


May 14th 2012, 23:00:25

Saw this on a site with possible spoilers for those who don't wish to know.

"Rumors have been flying for a while, and though it hasn't been confirmed yet, many “Survivor” spoiler sleuthers believe that the three returning players are Michael Skupin, Jonathan Penner and Russell Swan"

SMz Game profile


May 15th 2012, 0:26:57

omg locket that would GODLY!!!!

Michal Skupin was my fav player that season before he got injured , he's the first guy that ever get injured seriously on survivor! and I love jonathan too , the jewish mind :)
Michael Skupin is a boring dude , but I guss he does dezerve a chance at another shot since he was postioned very well in the game before he got injured. tnx for info locket! can't wait for next season ~_~

locket Game profile


May 15th 2012, 4:22:54

np :P Last time I checked for a returning player was Russel/Rob and the internet was right so I tend to trust the stalkers/sleuths out there

Gazza Game profile


May 15th 2012, 22:24:48

only good thing about Kim is that she has the same name as me...
Im farmer fluff and this is my fluff

Kid Game profile


May 16th 2012, 1:39:31