
Scott Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 2:41:08

Originally posted by Marshal:
we aren't taking your aid but we are selling stuffs to you, not even you yankees are self-sustaining.

Remind me which fluffhole you are eminating from?

Heston Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 2:46:33

Somewhere USA blood, lives and resources where shed.....
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Dissident Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 3:43:13

Originally posted by Heston:
Somewhere USA blood, lives and resources where shed.....

*makes obvious grammar wise crack about oxford comma and spelling of "were"*

Dissident Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 3:45:47

Were a lot of American lives lost in Canada when there was a war? How about Sweden?

I know you're all like proud and stuff of your military service and we should all listen to you because you sacrificed your life for your country... but that doesn't win arguments for you.

Scott Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 3:50:55

Originally posted by Dissident:
Were a lot of American lives lost in Canada when there was a war? How about Sweden?

I know you're all like proud and stuff of your military service and we should all listen to you because you sacrificed your life for your country... but that doesn't win arguments for you.

You don't speak German...


Heston Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 4:39:27

Originally posted by Dissident:
Were a lot of American lives lost in Canada when there was a war? How about Sweden?

I know you're all like proud and stuff of your military service and we should all listen to you because you sacrificed your life for your country... but that doesn't win arguments for you.

That's why you fluffs pray in French to the queen of England today. I guess sexual identity disorders are still second to Stockholm syndrome in Canada.
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Dissident Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 5:55:53

lol... i do speak german actually... but not for the reason that you're thinking. But ya, if you want to speculate on ww2's outcome if America stayed out, you can do that. but you know, of course, the war started in 1939 right? When was D day? why were you 5 years late to the party?



Feb 4th 2017, 6:14:05

Originally posted by Dissident:
Were a lot of American lives lost in Canada when there was a war? How about Sweden?

I know you're all like proud and stuff of your military service and we should all listen to you because you sacrificed your life for your country... but that doesn't win arguments for you.

#Sandwich #NeverForget
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Heston Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 7:35:52

Originally posted by Dissident:
lol... i do speak german actually... but not for the reason that you're thinking. But ya, if you want to speculate on ww2's outcome if America stayed out, you can do that. but you know, of course, the war started in 1939 right? When was D day? why were you 5 years late to the party?

Folks from Europe are flufftared for the second time. Germany took countries without firing a shot. Americans got our ass kicked for the first time in Africa as far as ww2 was concerned. Not counting the Americans in English uniforms...
Look at the marvelous fluffhole Europe is today. At least the English have some standards.
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Ivan Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 8:31:43

Heston, i do pray that you one day get to visit the countries you talk fluff about that will also give you a better understanding of how the world works and how different people see different things

so go ask your KKK clan leader if you can take a few weeks off to go outside the country for the first time in your life! altho im not sure if they'll let you back in

Marshal Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 10:08:42

Originally posted by Scott:

Remind me which fluffhole you are eminating from?

its not fluffhole.

Originally posted by Heston:

We used to be self sufficient. Democrats look to places where folks fluff on railroad tracks for cheap labor under the guise of helping them. It's sad really.

orly? when was that? 18th-19th century?
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Oceana Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 12:24:03

which will happen first a Major war? like WW3, or both NATO and SEATO go by the wayside, or Trump leave office whether (resigned (maybe cause he gets bored or frustrated), get impeached, or Assassinated?)

Neofight Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 14:33:57

Originally posted by cyref:
We may see Article 4 of the 25th Amendment come into play soon. Ready for President Pence?
Republican Congressional leaders would love getting Trump's BS out of the way.

there's already rumblings making it to the press

I agree that the Republicans would like to see Trump's back as much as the Dems. Don't expect it to happen. There would be a huge political backlash during mid-terms against Republicans for "non-democratic" power grab. Unless Trump really goes so far out on the fringes that circumvents the Constitution and endangers the US as a whole in a manner that is clear to a wide majority of Americans.

I anticipate 4 years of stalemate between Trump trying to implement policy as a plutocrat and the congress and courts blocking or revising it. Trump will claim victory no matter what occurs.

Dissident Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 18:00:33

Trump is a blunt instrument for those who are actually pulling the strings... aka those who craft his executive orders and make decisions for him. Do you honestly think he's making all these decisions?

Scott Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 18:07:25

Originally posted by Dissident:
lol... i do speak german actually... but not for the reason that you're thinking. But ya, if you want to speculate on ww2's outcome if America stayed out, you can do that. but you know, of course, the war started in 1939 right? When was D day? why were you 5 years late to the party?

You are assuming I am crediting the victory to the fighting forces... sure they kicked the fluff out of those krouts, but the industrial might of America won the war.

Scott Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 18:08:51

Originally posted by Dissident:
Trump is a blunt instrument for those who are actually pulling the strings... aka those who craft his executive orders and make decisions for him. Do you honestly think he's making all these decisions?

Sounds more like butt hurt feelings than a postition supported by facts.

Scott Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 18:09:36

Originally posted by Marshal:
Originally posted by Scott:

Remind me which fluffhole you are eminating from?

its not fluffhole.

Originally posted by Heston:

We used to be self sufficient. Democrats look to places where folks fluff on railroad tracks for cheap labor under the guise of helping them. It's sad really.

orly? when was that? 18th-19th century?

Well which one Marshall?

Dissident Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 18:23:13

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Dissident:
Trump is a blunt instrument for those who are actually pulling the strings... aka those who craft his executive orders and make decisions for him. Do you honestly think he's making all these decisions?

Sounds more like butt hurt feelings than a postition supported by facts.

Trump is a “blunt instrument for us,” Bannon told me. “I don’t know whether he really gets it or not.”

Heston Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 18:27:59

Originally posted by Ivan:

Heston, i do pray that you one day get to visit the countries you talk fluff about that will also give you a better understanding of how the world works and how different people see different things

so go ask your KKK clan leader if you can take a few weeks off to go outside the country for the first time in your life! altho im not sure if they'll let you back in

I have been to many of them. I'm not much for fluffting behind a fence on the dirt. Or squatting above a small hole in the ground. I won't bath in a stream or river. I won't fluff in the toilet and toss the toilet paper in the trash. I guess it come down to an efficient septic and plumbing system. Not nationality or race. Some places you can't tell if your at a garbage dump or on the freeway.
Ivan's intuition is nothing more than sjw talking points and racial effigies. I'm supposed to stand corrected? Lol

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Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 4th 2017, 18:31:46

I'm sorry you couldn't afford hotels with proper plumbing on your trip to Europe, Heston.

When I go to Europe, I have no such problem with plumbing :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Heston Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 18:35:53

Originally posted by Pang:
I'm sorry you couldn't afford hotels with proper plumbing on your trip to Europe, Heston.

When I go to Europe, I have no such problem with plumbing :p

Lol. Where the fluff was I? I was talking about the world not just Europe.

Edited By: Heston on Feb 4th 2017, 18:38:51
See Original Post
❤️️Nothing but❤️️💯❤️️❤️️🌺🌸🌹❤️❤️💯

Dissident Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 18:41:56

And we were talking about europe.... not texas

Scott Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 18:52:11

Originally posted by Dissident:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Dissident:
Trump is a blunt instrument for those who are actually pulling the strings... aka those who craft his executive orders and make decisions for him. Do you honestly think he's making all these decisions?

Sounds more like butt hurt feelings than a postition supported by facts.

Trump is a “blunt instrument for us,” Bannon told me. “I don’t know whether he really gets it or not.”

Now, some context, to go with those two sentence fragments. We will teach you logic whether you like it or not.

Ivan Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 19:19:18

lol wonder when he went to europe pang 300-400 years ago perhaps ;)

Dissident Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 19:36:31

Scott, those arent sentence fragments. Do you know what a sentence fragment is? Lol

Dissident Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 19:38:52

Or is this another one of those... factually they are full sentences but you feel like they are sentence fragments and thats whats important. #altfacks #factsaremyth #idgafanymore

Marshal Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 20:27:03

Originally posted by Scott:

Well which one Marshall?

Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

Scott Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 20:35:58

Originally posted by Dissident:
Scott, those arent sentence fragments. Do you know what a sentence fragment is? Lol

Go check the information in the quotes... not a complete sentence and does not even provide context. I could take your everyday language and make you look like you support Hitler...

I suppose it would be too hard for you to actually read what people write and say and draw your own conclusion. Instead, you let someone else tell you what to think. Makes perfect sense.

I am just glad you don't have a say in what happens here. You can get all huffy and puffy, but all it does is amuse me.

Heston Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 20:57:14

He is probably a decent of an American that went to Canada to dodge the draft.
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Dissident Game profile


Feb 4th 2017, 23:08:32

Scott, I think you should look up "sentence fragment" and get back to me.

As for the "context" there is no full interview given... but that quote is being used by almost every journalist reporting on it. For example:

I don't think context is necessary... unless Steve Bannon is a miner and Trump was in his hands whilest he was mining for gold...

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 5th 2017, 0:04:21

I have to say im enjoying the show. Trump is hilarious. He won the election, deal with it.
Feel sorry for the soldiers that got injured/died while he fluffed up.
Don of LaF

Marshal Game profile


Feb 5th 2017, 0:21:00

if he starts war against china on south china sea there'll be alot dead sailors.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....

SAM_DANGER Game profile


Feb 5th 2017, 3:42:07

Originally posted by Dissident:
Voter fraud is illegal... and doesn't happen in significant numbers.

Voter suppression, on the other hand, is evident.

From the Wall Street Journal:

Here are a couple paragraphs from the article that I found particularly interesting:

"Ninety-seven percent of the barely disguised phony voters were allowed to vote unimpeded, and none was referred for criminal charges or officially reported to the Board of Elections. One can only imagine what a sharp operator trying to fix an election could do by flooding polling places with ineligible voters."

"Last year a Democratic New York election official, Alan Schulkin, was forced to resign after he was caught on tape telling the truth about electoral process. “Certain neighborhoods in particular, they bus people around to vote,” Mr. Schulkin said. “They put them in a bus and go poll site to poll site.” In another case a local polling official reported to the police that a group of men had apparently voted more than once, while others were told they couldn’t vote because their ballots had already been cast. The police response, according to press reports, was that they don’t investigate alleged voter fraud."


farmer Game profile


Feb 5th 2017, 3:48:05

if there is no problems why not let him investigate? Nothing found will make him look even more stupid

Dissident Game profile


Feb 5th 2017, 4:25:51

I encourage the investigation, of course, but if it turns up that it's much ado about nothing, will the current administration even tell us?

Scott Game profile


Feb 5th 2017, 4:26:15

Originally posted by Dissident:
Scott, I think you should look up "sentence fragment" and get back to me.

As for the "context" there is no full interview given... but that quote is being used by almost every journalist reporting on it. For example:

I don't think context is necessary... unless Steve Bannon is a miner and Trump was in his hands whilest he was mining for gold...

I will look up sentence fragment as soon as you actually read what I write without nerd raging.

Inside the quotes... is there something in Canadian water that causes mental retardation?

Also - I read a story that said Dissident likes to "rape his cat" and controls him like "a puppet with his hand lodged in his rectum"...

No. I text required... clearly true based on dissident logic.

Scott Game profile


Feb 5th 2017, 4:27:34

Originally posted by SAM_DANGER:
Originally posted by Dissident:
Voter fraud is illegal... and doesn't happen in significant numbers.

Voter suppression, on the other hand, is evident.

From the Wall Street Journal:

Here are a couple paragraphs from the article that I found particularly interesting:

"Ninety-seven percent of the barely disguised phony voters were allowed to vote unimpeded, and none was referred for criminal charges or officially reported to the Board of Elections. One can only imagine what a sharp operator trying to fix an election could do by flooding polling places with ineligible voters."

"Last year a Democratic New York election official, Alan Schulkin, was forced to resign after he was caught on tape telling the truth about electoral process. “Certain neighborhoods in particular, they bus people around to vote,” Mr. Schulkin said. “They put them in a bus and go poll site to poll site.” In another case a local polling official reported to the police that a group of men had apparently voted more than once, while others were told they couldn’t vote because their ballots had already been cast. The police response, according to press reports, was that they don’t investigate alleged voter fraud."


Don't forget the Podesta email referencing how easy it is for illegals to vote...

Scott Game profile


Feb 5th 2017, 4:28:59

Originally posted by Marshal:
if he starts war against china on south china sea there'll be alot dead sailors.

Once we stop trading with them, their economy will collapse and 20% of the country will starve to death.

They won't fluff with us.

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 5th 2017, 4:37:54

they wont start fluff with us but Trump may start fluff with them.. And they will defend their national interests. First off, I think its stupid to challenge them on their island expansions. Why not focus on taking North Korea out and creating a unified Korea governed by the South. The stability and US dominance that this would create would overshadow challenging China on the island issue. You would have a US threat out of power, minimize the nuclear missile threat and create an even more powerful US ally in the Pacific.

Edited By: macdaddy on Feb 5th 2017, 4:50:39

Scott Game profile


Feb 5th 2017, 4:49:40

Originally posted by macdaddy:
they wont start fluff with us but Trump may start fluff with them.. And they will defend their national interests.

Hopefully they plan on defending their national interests with starving children, because that is the only thing they will have an abundance.

macdaddy Game profile


Feb 5th 2017, 4:53:39

I think its stupid to challenge them on their island expansions. Why not focus on taking North Korea out and creating a unified Korea governed by the South. The stability and US dominance that this would create would overshadow challenging China on the island issue. You would have a US threat out of power, minimize the nuclear missile threat and create an even more powerful US ally in the Pacific and in turn help keep China in check.

Heston Game profile


Feb 5th 2017, 4:56:38

Your script is skipping
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Pang Game profile

Game Development

Feb 5th 2017, 5:16:02

And let's dispel once and for all with this fiction that macdaddy doesn't know what he's doing. He knows EXACTLY what he's doing.
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Dissident Game profile


Feb 5th 2017, 6:30:56

Scott, show me the context, prove me wrong. i couldnt find the sentences from before and after the quote... so i am taking it at face value. This is how debates go. I present a piece of evidence to support my argument "Trump is a blunt instrument" by giving a quote from Bannon. If you wish to engage in an actual back and forth, it's up to you to disprove me instead of trying to goad me into disproving myself.

Scott logic... always delegating. So lazy...

Dissident Game profile


Feb 5th 2017, 6:32:22

Originally posted by macdaddy:
I think its stupid to challenge them on their island expansions. Why not focus on taking North Korea out and creating a unified Korea governed by the South. The stability and US dominance that this would create would overshadow challenging China on the island issue. You would have a US threat out of power, minimize the nuclear missile threat and create an even more powerful US ally in the Pacific and in turn help keep China in check.

The American's have been encircling China for a long time to try and isolate them geographically and militarily. Do we really feel comfortable with a nervous China?



Feb 5th 2017, 6:49:51

The problem with any China confrontation is that, even without the nukes, it's mutually assured economic destruction. The US buys all their fluff, and they've got so much invested in the US dollar that they could make it worthless.
Originally posted by crest23:
Elves is a douche on every server.

Ivan Game profile


Feb 5th 2017, 11:33:53

Scott Game profile


Feb 5th 2017, 13:07:52

Originally posted by Dissident:
Scott, show me the context, prove me wrong. i couldnt find the sentences from before and after the quote... so i am taking it at face value. This is how debates go. I present a piece of evidence to support my argument "Trump is a blunt instrument" by giving a quote from Bannon. If you wish to engage in an actual back and forth, it's up to you to disprove me instead of trying to goad me into disproving myself.

Scott logic... always delegating. So lazy...

Wait a second - you claimed no logic needed? Why the heart change now, because I used the same type of reporting to expose your chicken rape? It is not on me to show your original quote how to add context. We have no idea what was said before or after the author altered those sentences to fit his needs (that's why it was quotes midway through the sentence). You didn't even source.

Edited By: Scott on Feb 5th 2017, 13:11:52
See Original Post

Scott Game profile


Feb 5th 2017, 13:20:59

You can comment on American politics the moment you live in a country that doesn't have a king.

Come on now, even the cowardly French were able to get rid of their Monarch!

trumper Game profile


Feb 5th 2017, 16:23:43

Originally posted by Dissident:
lol... i do speak german actually... but not for the reason that you're thinking. But ya, if you want to speculate on ww2's outcome if America stayed out, you can do that. but you know, of course, the war started in 1939 right? When was D day? why were you 5 years late to the party?

Classic, 5 yrs late to the party as if fighting in North Africa, Italy, in the Pacific, or the Flying Tigers before them never existed.

It is nice to see Europe footing a little more of the Nato bill (Brits excluded as they have always laid more than their peer "equals")