
Warster Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 22:31:58

Funny that, TKO gives pacts to anyone who asks for one, you don't ask, you don't get.

And I hate repeating myself, but just for you I will,

EVERY RESET its the untags that start suiciding on clans that don't even attack them, as a result their countries are killed, then their restarts are hunted, any new country that starts at 100 acres isn't touched, any restart that looks like a war country is watched, generally if it goes 3 days out of protection and hasn't tagged up and its built like the suicider countries then it dies.

You complain that tags pick on you and that you messaged all tags, well no one in TKO received a message, which country did you send it to??

Oh and its not my game I just offer up my free time here
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Warster Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 22:32:51

Foo and galleri I believe
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Dragon Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 22:35:56

Originally posted by WaWa:
Instead of being stubborn, why not try meeting the good players halfway... Oh right thats because the game moderator is a pres of a clan? Of course he supports the propaganda. Little does he know he is helping destroy his very own game. Soon this game will be ruined for everyone then nobody wins.

Unless or until you're a known and accepted part of the COMMUNITY, a player's "goodness" or "badness" is very subjective and not verifiable.

There is a learning curve on this server. Not a steep one, but one all the same. Neither you or anyone else is likely to come onto a server where around a hundred people have gamed together for a decade or so and dictate how "new players" should be treated or received.

My honest advice to you and anyone else is to listen to what's been said on this topic and take it to heart.

The flip side of the coin to your argument that the "new guys" should somehow be cut slack and reached out to at our obligation is diametrically opposed to the opinion of the vast majority of this server that states the burden is on the new guy to do more than simply start up some countries and expect everyone to respect him eve if we do not know he exists.

This isn't rocket science. I'm sure that I speak for everyone when I say we'd love you and any new player to join the community and enjoy the interaction.

This game is not why guys like Crippler or Warster or Enshula, etc have hung around for over 10 years and 3 or 4 different incarnations of the game.

They (and the rest of us) stick around because there are friends made, and Community.

SO you got roughed up. Tell ya what, buttercup, we've all been there and done that. Most of us learned from it. Now quit being pissy and hang out with us. We're not so bad.

Dragon Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 22:41:59

And like TKO does, ESD gives pacts to just about anyone that asks for one every set. ALL they have to do is come on here and ask.

In fact, At the beginning of every set, I ask players to tag up and introduce themselves to the server. If they do that and request a pact on the thread, they get a pact no questions asked.

We really can't be expected to seek out every new player and give them a Pie. We're not the Welcome Wagon. The New Player has an obligation to assimilate. Not the other way around.

KyleCleric Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 22:46:09

Like TKO and ESD, XI also pacts about anyone that asks for one.
This is our fluffing city. And no one is going to dictate our freedom. Stay strong.

KeTcHuP Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 23:03:20

Wawa (ps. do a better job of hiding who you are next time. Try using literate posts with mild ammounts of intelligence thrown into your posts):

TKO pacts any one man tag that messages us, unless they hit us or allies. Ask around. Ask any one man tag that has contacted me or warster.

The last one to do so did a massive grab on a 150k acre country. It was a fluffmove grab. We had reasons to hate. I talked to him, offered him help, and he is now on TKO DNH.

That is all it takes. Contacting us, and then not being an idiot. We are willing to help any new clan, 1 man tag or not, get to know the politics. Get to know strategy. All of that. We will always help new clans that actually give a damn.
Ketchup the Thoughtful Suicidier

Warster Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 23:04:31

Can I have one hahaha
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

KeTcHuP Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 23:10:05

NO. No one likes you warster. You dont get anything=P
Ketchup the Thoughtful Suicidier



Jul 3rd 2012, 23:21:08

What in the world is a troll thread? And yes I am new to this and yes I sent almost every single clan a message in game because that's how I thought normal people talk in this game. I had no idea about this stupid forum crap was until just a few days ago. I can't tell who is a pres or what rank all of you are from in game so I sent peace messages to random countries within your clans. Since I got mostly "fluff off" replies or no replies at all I am guessing they were low ranking people. Yall keep pretending like you would give everyone a pact...but you don't. You sit here and boldly lie because no one knows who you are.

Also, are you implying I am cheating? yes I have only 16 countries. In fact I gave six of them to my little siblings to teach them how to play even though they asked if I could set them up an account. I told them no I can't because it's against the rules. But again they gave it back after the loud mouths attacked them a lot. I will not tag up the rest of the set as WaWa seeing as how im 99% sure you guys would kill me. How dumb do you think I am? I will wait and attack. I will take my chances of living with the untags. You think you honestly didn't make some dangerous enemies? Mark my words we will be laughing every single set and yes we will do it by playing by the rules... You created yet another suicide member that was actually excited to play his first set back over 8 years. I remember why I stopped playing then but now I can run 16 very dangerous countries. Add in the members we recruited and now we are over 100+ countries... Until clans realize the harsh penalties for ganging up on peaceful nations, we are all officially the suicide members.

And again I know many clans here actually respect the new guys have a no lg'ing policy or at least know how to self farm. They need not worry that their sets will keep getting ruined by players, playing by the rules, set after set after set.

Warster Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 23:30:56

Wrong wawa

Self farmers are the people always getting suicided
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

KeTcHuP Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 23:36:00

"I had no idea about this stupid forum crap was until just a few days ago."

"Good grief people ok I suppose I can say this again for all of those cannot read. New world you implied I was a coward hiding behind a new forum name...I was explaining to you why I did so...because I was in the open and was attacked a lot. Now that we have leaked a little part of our future plans it's best if no one knows who I am....hence the hidden name."

... hidden name or didnt know forums existed... which one is it?

Also we do pact any clan that contacts us. You can have brothers and sisters playing so thats a straight up lie saying that mods wouldnt let you, you just need to be vouched for. If you tagged wawa we wouldnt kill you if you contacted us, said you want to be peaceful and net, and play by yourself. If thats the case PM me ill put you on DNH.
Ketchup the Thoughtful Suicidier

cRaZyDaVe Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 23:36:44

"yes I am new to this"
"first set back over 8 years. I remember why I stopped playing then"

contradict yourself much?

anyways, between your threats and the D-bags like flo that suicide the netters for fun, all you're doing is making it where all untags will be targeted

Originally posted by Twain:
I love the idea of sending even 100 troops into an area so they can go assassinate citizens one at a time.



Jul 3rd 2012, 23:48:30

Wow Crazy.... well lets see how many people it takes to figure this out. I will get you started. I haven't played in over 8 empires was started when???? .......almost there.....might have part of it figured out.....there yet? Well I will just tell ya Einstein. This is my first ever Earth Empires account! And since it's my first ever....that means I am new to this.... (gives you a trophy for being so super smart! YAY!)

And can I seriously ketchup? I thought it would be against the rules if I set them up, I really did. Thats why I just gave them several of my countries. Huh well learn something new everyday.

Well Warster thats unfortunate that the self farmers get suicided. I am not saying un tags don't have idiots running their countries... they obviously do. But you have to understand where there is a fine line. Attacking the small one man clans because you think it's free land when they ask for a pact is pretty low. It's making it so it's very hard for new players like me....yes, to play.

Warster Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 23:50:15

The thing they don't seem to notice is that a lot of untags are sitting at decent net and barely get touched I wonder why that is,
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332



Jul 3rd 2012, 23:53:52

I actually wonder also Warster, if your war is with them then its strange to see a lot of them doing well and not being touched. It's even stranger to see the big clans going after the small tagged people that ask for pacts... looks like some people don't know where the actual fight is.



Jul 3rd 2012, 23:57:38

Well the whole point of this was to try and recruit flo as another member. But if he suicides on netters then he is not welcome to fight with us. Hey untags we will keep an eye on you. If you are randomly killed by these people then expect a message of recruitment for next round. At this point I have nothing else to say as we will never see eye to eye.

Warster Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 0:02:33

They survive cos they don't do stupid things they don't run countries as tyr with high warfare tech and all jetter ( tyr all jetter with military strat would survive) they don't fire missiles or do special attacks,

You start playing and instead of asking why tags are killing the untags and some small tags, you assume that its for fun or just because they are big clans
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332



Jul 4th 2012, 0:30:44

Yeah you got me there warster, I do think it was for fun. After all out of the clans I sent a truce message to, 2 of them decided to turn around and attack me. I didn't launch missiles, I had no Tyr countries and I was actually around 60% off and 40% D. Oh and no warfare technology because I had no intentions of launching missiles at anyone. I mean I did have missiles but I didn't choose to make them.

KeTcHuP Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 0:56:08

WaWa you must email the game admins (theres a contact in a stickied thread) and let them know the situation.

And yes WaWa. PM me, letting us know you plan on being peaceful, and we will let you net out the set.

1 man tags get DNHs with us that are voided in one of three ways:
1- Hitting us
2- Aiding/allieing/etc. countries that hit us.
3- hitting an allie.
Ketchup the Thoughtful Suicidier



Jul 4th 2012, 1:45:55

Well thank you Ketchup, means a lot that you would still be willing to give me important information. If I could tell all the other untags I would definitely tell them not to suicide you guys. Unfortunately again, its like a bunch of chickens running around with their heads chopped off.



Jul 4th 2012, 3:36:07

Peeking in and postin'.

^ Good stuff

"I see with strobelight vision and I'm alwaze in a panic! My only skill is murder and I'm stuck on Automatic!"

Dragon Game profile


Jul 4th 2012, 14:11:37

Originally posted by WaWa:
Yeah you got me there warster, I do think it was for fun. After all out of the clans I sent a truce message to, 2 of them decided to turn around and attack me. I didn't launch missiles, I had no Tyr countries and I was actually around 60% off and 40% D. Oh and no warfare technology because I had no intentions of launching missiles at anyone. I mean I did have missiles but I didn't choose to make them.

Wait... you're not the guy that double tapped us and then after we retalled you did a bunch of SS,PS,GS and other attacks and then asked for a truce, are you? Retal On Retal (RoR) that includes farming and specialty attacks ISN'T the way you get a truce. The way to get a truce is to not commit belligerent acts in the first place.

If that WAS you, then you received an explanation about why some but not all of your countries were killed. If it wasn't you, then please disregard. I just found it odd that you should use the word truce in this thread and the guy in-game said the same.