
Rip It Up Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 7:24:05

Natural Born Killers NBK 273 $332,331,889 $1,217,333
Survival of the Fittest SOF 171 $331,813,938 $1,940,432

tis a good good day :-) we killed a lot of their breakers tonight. Yes we can... "touch this".

Tag Attacks Kills HPK Defends Deaths HPD
NBK 114,356 523 219 78,242 289 271 (Country Stats)
Totals 114,356 523 219 78,242 289 271 (Country Stats)

Tag Attacks Kills HPK Defends Deaths HPD
SoF 78,242 289 271 114,356 523 219 (Country Stats)
Totals 78,242 289 271 114,356 523 219 (Country Stats)
Pain is weakness leaving the body.

Bsnake Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 7:25:35

RIU.... its not about TNW to win a war....

its all about AVG and bellt button lint these days....

thought i would get in first b4 aponic gets on here and has a cry...
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Rip It Up Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 7:26:12

Pain is weakness leaving the body.

Dizology Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 7:26:46

AVG? Thats my virus scanner? and bellt? you must be as drunk as me right now :P

aliyah Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 7:27:18

Whoohoo! Decorating the NBK domain was not done in vain!

LCN Spellchecker in training

Murf Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 7:32:17


GunGrave Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 7:33:26

HA HA ... Tis a good day to be an NBKer... now back to the sorting room
Death smile upon all men,
all a man can do is smile back,
so come on... lets put a smile on that face. :D

Asst. Foreign Affairs
Natural Born Killers
email -
irc - #NBK

NOW3P Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 7:39:50

Congrats guys - but you still got 33 more countries bigger than NBK's biggest to take down before you can call it a win.

rebelnbk Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 8:01:20

You are the only guys in ffa who think they aren't losing.

NOW3P Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 8:03:07

not true - despite my thoughts on their politics, I think SoF is still just as in it as NBK.

NBK may be outhitting and outkilling them, but they are completely owning the advantage on breakers. They can break any NBK country almost at will, and it doesn't look like that's gonna change in the next few days, at least. On the other hand, NBK has a big avg land advantage, which is gonna pay off in the long run for them. Overall, it's a very even war still.

Edited By: NOW3P on Jan 2nd 2011, 8:05:48
See Original Post

rebelnbk Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 8:09:59

That's a 1a-ish point of view. ;)
So only if all their originals are dead we can call it a win?
And we don't have the networth, but we can break any country :p

Murf Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 8:10:46

well done rebel

Gmann03 Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 8:54:00

yeah, that belly button lint CAN B annoying.

guess what Diz, I use AVG FREE TOOOOOOOOOOO

Dizology Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 9:22:47

ya gotta be free :)


n0w3p - they may have more original breakers, but they're breaking our 2m net countries instead of our tops...

Dizology Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 9:23:23

ya gotta be free :)


n0w3p - they may have more original breakers, but they're breaking our 2m net countries instead of our tops...

Bsnake Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 10:03:40

Double post FTW!!!!!
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Dizology Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 10:07:00

.... are you hitting on me?

Bsnake Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 10:17:38

always ;)
<bsnake> 68,270,386 turrets whats that in NW??
<Crippler> 115m NW
<Bsnake> 38 mill NW nub... thanks for your netting advice.. Stick to killing nub

Rip It Up Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 11:39:03

Are you for real NOW3P? unless sof tags up about 100 1m+ countries, we are pwning this war. One thing you gotta remember, is that killing their small countries has been part of our strategy in this war to stop them from growing. if we wanted all their tops to be dead they woulda been. but that hasnt been the concentration of all our efforts.
they may have 33 countries that can break anything we have, but we have 100 good countries of our own that are more than capable of killing anything theyve got.
Pain is weakness leaving the body.

AquaView Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 11:54:45

this is to funny. first we out kill you you claim that not a winning. total networth is what counts this not a netting contest. so we take total networth then you say clan with the biggest countries what counts lol. well soon fix that too.

after the cf sof was all high and mighty thinking they had us beat. thinking there main being so strong. now you claim the holidays hurt you. what hurt you was you fighting nbk we don't roll over. but looks like you guys are.

to be honest nbk was always winning. why is that well we was out hitting sof 2:1 and are kills was taking about 100 hits less. plus we wall better and speed kill better. this has demoralized sof so they make restarts but don't come out of protection.

why we won is simple. we hit countries close to are networth, when hitting getting the max return. we took out the middle making sof main not being able to hit as well with there restarts. as we kept making the divide wider and wider. so putting out more hits and having less hit required to kill has conquered sof.divide and conquer is very powerful tool. from are first warchat we knew we had this won we just used the stratagy that is suited for us.

and for aodt 4 set ago when you claimed you won. because of networth if the set had gone on another few weeks it would have been the same as now. no clan can beat us on even number war as no clan can fight with restarts and keep making them as we can. why because we are NBK Natural Born Killers. its time for some respect.

Murf Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 12:40:01

roflmao you've always had our respect, but its posts like the above that make you sound like a complete disrespectful jackass

Dizology Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 13:10:36

hmm, AV, I wouldn't say I knew we'd won from the start but we knew what we were doing. It took its time to play out, and in our favor. As much as I would like to hope our wars end up with us winning, we can't claim always.

However, I enjoy a good even war, regardless of the outcome. SoF was excellent at the start of the war and its a shame they've died down.

I do believe that SoF were using whatever stat they could to say there were winning, but doesn't every clan try that?

I respect SoF and their 1a style of play (on their server), but they've given us a great war which has only earned more respect. Keep up the good work SoF!

Murf Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 13:47:17

Nice post Dizology

synoder Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 13:59:52

There are still 3 weeks left in the set so the war is far from over! As I have said for a while, the week after Christmas will be the crucial week and it has been. Sof has had a lot of inactives while NBK has been able to pick it up a little. You can't fault SOF for being inactive during the holidays but I am reminded that this is exactly when they had planned on FSing us. All that said, Sof has put up a great fight and I imagine they will continue putting up a great fight for the remainder of the war.

ps. I haven't seen any wailing fat ladies yet so nobody can claim victory.

Murf Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 14:12:12

depends on events in 1a to be honest, we lost half our members to a war in 1a also which hasnt helped

synoder Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 14:18:33

That was all just part of our plan Murf. You have no idea how deep this rabbit hole goes.

We have several members involved in wars as well in 1a. A couple of us are in RAGE and fighting along side your sol guys.

Helmet Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 14:25:29

If you're doing lemming attacks to take down the enemies top countries you're not winning. This fight is very close and I don't think either side is clearly winning. I'd say at best it's a tie with both sides having certain advantages. I do think the scales are starting to tip in NBK's favor due to SOF dropping off in activity, but they are not winning yet.

I'm impressed with NBK's fighting. I had some great stonewalling, quite a few countries around 400 hits, but there were also times when they got me and I still had turns which earned my respect. Most of the people i've talked to in game were pretty cool too.

You guys also killed a lot of my countries while I was celebrating new years, which was evil.

Kill4Free Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 14:30:45

I go to sleep and I wake up to a free for all commentary post :P
Nice job on killing mains fellows. SoF does have a breaker advantage, but everyone we kill cannot be replaced (No restart of theirs even made it close), but everyone of ours is already being replaced by our growing restarts. It is just a matter of time.

SoF has my respect for the war however, they warred the more conventional way doing what most people think is the best way to win. They also had far superior war countries then we did (most of ours were war netting) Also did a really good job of walling.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Popcom Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 15:24:35

i don't get what us lemming breaking has to do with anything.

we are killing your tops
you aren't killing ours

other then bigger top countries i think we are ahead in all areas. like k4f said, even with bigger top countries, they are dropping like flies, and so far sof has been unable to replace them. less you got a big rabbit up your sleeve...

also, i deff wouldn't say its a die with both sides having certain advantages. we are winning in every single war start. have passed in TNW and are only 648k NW behind ANW :P

~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

synoder Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 15:27:28

agreed, it is not a tie when you are losing in every main war stat. NBK hasn't won, but at this stage I think it is safe to say that we are winning.

Helmet Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 15:31:08

Originally posted by Popcom:
i don't get what us lemming breaking has to do with anything.

we are killing your tops
you aren't killing ours

other then bigger top countries i think we are ahead in all areas. like k4f said, even with bigger top countries, they are dropping like flies, and so far sof has been unable to replace them. less you got a big rabbit up your sleeve...

also, i deff wouldn't say its a die with both sides having certain advantages. we are winning in every single war start. have passed in TNW and are only 648k NW behind ANW :P

Well you're way ahead in countries, which obviously makes you ahead in hits and kills.

So TNW is a warstat but AVG NW isn't? Come on. If you want to clearly be the winner you have to get avg nw too or at least close the huge gap.

I'm not accusing you guys of doing this, but let's say 2 clans with 200 members get in a war and the one clan only attacks restarts. Therefore they get more kills, lower hpk, they grow in tnw because they're not breaking anything down,etc. Are they really the winner? No, they're not.

I'm not even saying you need to be higher in avg nw actually, but when SOF has a approximately 40 countries bigger than your largest country that is very significant.

Helmet Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 15:34:41

I'd also like to point out that you have 100 more countries. Hypothetically, if SoF picked up 100 countries right now. They would beat you.

As it is going now SoF will lose, but I don't think you can claim a CLEAR victory yet.

Popcom Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 15:40:40

you are ahead in ANW by 648k...not like you are way ahead.
and we only bring up TNW helmet, because sof kept bringing it up :P

and once again, sof has 40 bigger yes, but what do they do with them?
they kill restarts and 2 mill countries, and they are dropping like flies :P

~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

Kill4Free Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 15:41:51

33 countries now, a week ago you had 90, the day before CF started you had almost a hundred.

That on its own isnt too significant, but the fact that no restart has lived passed 800k NW for more then a day is. We also have more turns available to kill with. (Killing a restart slows that person down killing wise for 2-3 days)

This is completely ignoring the moral factor. Knowing your restart will die again, and again, no matter how many you make, causes people to be less likely to make another one. The more this happens the more likely it is gonna happen to the remaining people.

And popcom's arguement about total NW, was solely for that was your clan's stance at the start Helmet, that they had the NW advantage and hence were winning. We do not really think that NW kills.

And sure we are lemming top countries, but for the most part we are doing it with restarts, which have nearly the same income your tops do ;)

So many ways to die, only one way to live...

synoder Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 15:42:14

SOF has 320 countries when the war started, we had roughly 280. It's not like we have had a 100 country advantage the entire war. In fact, at the end of the CF the day after Christmas Sof and NBK were nearly even in countries.

And if sof were to restart 100 countries they would be losing in EVERY single stat including ANW. There ANW is staying ahead because we are restarting and your tops are not even hitting us except for LGs. So no, ANW is not an indicator of how this war is going.

Kill4Free Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 15:43:48

Originally posted by Helmet:
I'd also like to point out that you have 100 more countries. Hypothetically, if SoF picked up 100 countries right now. They would beat you.

As it is going now SoF will lose, but I don't think you can claim a CLEAR victory yet.

Well SoF had 313 to start with. And no it is not a victory yet.
And even if SoF picked up 100 countries, no they would not beat us, it would just slow us down by a week or so, numbers dont mean anything in the long run if people start to slack off on making restarts for even a moment, the only question would be how many sets the war might be :P.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Helmet Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 16:05:52

Originally posted by Kill4Free:
33 countries now, a week ago you had 90, the day before CF started you had almost a hundred.

That on its own isnt too significant, but the fact that no restart has lived passed 800k NW for more then a day is. We also have more turns available to kill with. (Killing a restart slows that person down killing wise for 2-3 days)

This is completely ignoring the moral factor. Knowing your restart will die again, and again, no matter how many you make, causes people to be less likely to make another one. The more this happens the more likely it is gonna happen to the remaining people.

And popcom's arguement about total NW, was solely for that was your clan's stance at the start Helmet, that they had the NW advantage and hence were winning. We do not really think that NW kills.

And sure we are lemming top countries, but for the most part we are doing it with restarts, which have nearly the same income your tops do ;)

I really haven't been involved in the arguing and I don't know what was said before. I don't read many forum posts, but I did read this one (at least most of it). My opinion of what wins a war has never changed. It's always been about beating the other clan down until they can't break your top players and just pounding them down to restarts.

I'm definitely not speaking for SoF. 1a is my baby and I have little involvement here.

Restarting for me isn't a big deal, but I'm sure it is for some people. I would almost argue restarting is refreshing because you get a break from attending warchats for a couple of days.

Wow, I didn't know we had 320 countries when it started. I got involved after the war was going for a bit.

I wouldn't be so sure about the Kill4free. I think if we could get near your output the breaker advantage would be significant. It's a moot point anyways because it won't happen.

Ivan Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 16:18:10

blah blah blah even if NBK wins NBK had the fs so doesnt really matter much with an FS im suprised that this war is running for as long as its also sad that sofs activity dropped but on the other hand its the holidays and SoF has done a good job keeping it inresting for as long as they have imo


Popcom Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 16:55:24

always some excuse.

we had the FS with no turns saved. u had the war countries and more members, can hardly cry advantage

~If at first you don't succeed, you are clearly not Popcom~

synoder Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 17:24:02

I agree with you helmet that if hits were equal then ANW makes a differnce but since our strategy was to kill as many countries per day as possible the hits are nowhere close. We sacrificed NW for hits and in the long run it has worked.

lol@ivan, I wont even bother responding to that.

Thomas Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 17:31:05

Is it me or do these FFAers lack simple reasoning?

HPK, Hits, Kills etc etc can all be skewed by killing restarts.

TNW can be skewed by variations in clan sizes, as 100 extra countries will add to the TNW.

You have to use these means of evaluating war performances subjectively. You can't apply each evaluation style to every single war, it doesn't work like that. Especially on this server.

But targeting restarts is a strategy that should fail 90% of the time. Leaving their big countries means you have to waste that much more turns/resources to kill their big guys, which will have to die eventually. Even if the guy isn't online, you could have easily killed 2 with what it took to kill 1 with all the lemming etc.

If SoF's activity remained constant throughout the set, I think that strategy would have come to bite you guys in the ass. But it seems to be dropping off since 1a is their priority, but it would have been nice to see the end result.

kemo Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 18:00:24

looked like a great war. one of the fairest ive seen in a long time. good job with your bot... erm i mean restarting nbk :P great activity

though im sorry to be tinklin in your wheaties but i still maintain what i kept tellin ya. breakers, breakers, breakers. you have to knock off their breakers with the least amount of turns used. might as well do it before they grow larger

that aside though im kinda hopin to see a rematch
all praised to ra

synoder Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 18:11:16

Thomas it only takes about 25 lemming hits to break, that's far from an extra kill. The point was that by killing all their restarts they would not be able to replace any breakers that were killed. We were in it for the long haul, not short term. We were still killing their breakers everyday, in fact we killed more of their orginal countries than they did of ours.

Kill4Free Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 18:16:26

Kemo reason we did this was a good part of how solid their countries were, if you cant kill something in less then 30 seconds the target will most likely wall. It isnt a matter of killing 2 restarts vs 1 breaker, it is a matter of killing 6-7 restarts (which all have turns too and kill you just as much as breakers) vs killing 1 breaker that will wall if you kill slow.

SoF knows what it is like to have to defend against a speedkill, so do we for that matter. We are happy when a kill run takes over a minute cause it WILL be walled 90% of the time.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

rebelnbk Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 18:17:09

We have more originals left then SOF.

Dark Demon Game profile

Game Moderator
EE Patron

Jan 2nd 2011, 18:20:06

yea but it was dam hard to kill all the breakers when they had Far better war country built way more stock and more countrys to kill us with.. if we were more war prep could have been way differnt
Natural Born Killers

synoder Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 18:25:46

Hard to CD and Demo a country with 1mil spies. lol

aponic Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 18:28:12

Probably hard to get spy ops too. I know Jak and I combined for 13 countries and all of them were well over 1m spies. I have 1.4m on 5 LOL. You find an advantage and you lean on it.

I think when you change the magnitude of a war, in the aspect of alliance versus ffa, killing restarts becomes a very viable strategy. In the end NBK turned a 100 country advantage which is something like 3000 hits daily at 30 hits per country. It deters people from restarting when they get up over country 40 or 50.

Opposingly, if we had managed to keep up activity, not in te last week, but say more around the 22nd on, we probably would have won. You can take this analysis in many different ways and say this or that, but the end result was an NBK victory. I am not into perpetuating things for some false sense of pride. We had a hell of a war effort. Last reset we didn't even have a website. I doubt many alliances would have measured up like NBK did.

Kill4Free Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 19:19:24

True had you guys been 100% active replacing all restarts instantly, then we would have done a different strategy :)
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Thomas Game profile


Jan 2nd 2011, 20:49:16

Originally posted by synoder:
Thomas it only takes about 25 lemming hits to break, that's far from an extra kill. The point was that by killing all their restarts they would not be able to replace any breakers that were killed. We were in it for the long haul, not short term. We were still killing their breakers everyday, in fact we killed more of their orginal countries than they did of ours.

25 Lemming hits of increased military losses and increased readiness loss. It might only be 25 attacks, but the readiness you lose makes it many more turns than that, and the military lost on a DH isn't fun either.