
enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 23rd 2012, 13:11:24

So i decided to post a war dec for the untaggeds since they havnt done one yet.

And because ffa players tend to be looking for someone to dump em's on or just pad warstats this may become something of a public service. :)

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 23rd 2012, 13:11:34

warstats link:[]=Z&badside[]=XxMDxX


hits kills hpk defends deaths hpd
13731 48 286 34234 156 219

Edited By: enshula on Jul 2nd 2012, 17:38:04
See Original Post

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 23rd 2012, 13:11:42

aggresive untagged target list:

East Guardian (#3552)
North Guardian (#3549)
South Guardian (#3550)
West Guardian (#3551)
Gardener123 (#3562)
Gardener132 (#3563)
Gardener321 (#3564)
Gardener213 (#3565)
Rene (#3555)
Rolly (#3556)
Thirteenth (#3305)
paellaPan (#3327)
jewjitsu (#3575)
struggle and famine (#2122)
National preparedness initiative (#3574)
Zebra Cake (#3364)
Darnassian (#3302)
DD (#3625)
Calliphoridae (#3558)
corfu (#3600) $182,309
1 (#3599) $254,524
quad (#3626) $323,890
2 (#3601) $300,004
Judgement Day (#2992) $1,601,356
Liechtenstein (#3533) $366,763
3 (#3602) $204,972
2 (#3601) $300,004
666 (#3627) $181,680 amusingly farmed by another country on the list
bbbbb (#3691) (#3691) 0.61m 1,426 T
(#3774) (#3774) 0.97m 3,255 T
(#3773) (#3773) 0.80m 2,966 T
(#3772) (#3772) 0.72m 2,715 T
(#3771) (#3771) 0.63m 2,736 T
polszczyzna (#3739) (#3739) 0.57m 3,329 T
(#3775) (#3775) 0.48m 2,870 T
69 (#3740) (#3740) 0.45m 3,192 T
WHAT DID YOU JUST GAVE ME (#4050) (#4050) 0.41m 2,975 T
Capital Controls Coming (#3797) (#3797) 0.40m 3,146 T
sPain (#3777) (#3777) 0.40m 3,155 T
Slicer (#3786) (#3786) 0.37m 3,161 T
xtc (#4051) (#4051) 0.37m 2,954 T
dont have much time (#3854) (#3854) 0.36m 3,192 T
Jerry Sandusky (#3865) (#3865) 0.35m 3,188 T
144 (#3799) (#3799) 0.35m 3,132 T
file FBAR (#3791) (#3791) 0.35m 2,835 T
3 (#3602) (#3602) 0.28m 962 T

Greece Bailout (#3784) (#3784) 0.86m 4,235 T
aaaaaa (#3690) (#3690) 0.62m 2,162 T
Greece Bailout (#3785) (#3785) 0.58m 1,518 T
PanDabearz (#4461) (#4461) 0.43m 2,777 T
jimmie (#4481) (#4481) 0.36m 2,844 T
jmp fce2 (#4423) (#4423) 0.34m 2,374 T
Andrea Pirlo (#4122) (#4122) 0.28m 1,943 T

Edited By: enshula on Jul 2nd 2012, 17:37:13
See Original Post

ZIP Game profile


Jun 23rd 2012, 13:13:06

is it later yet?
fluff your 300 Spartans fool - i have 32 of the biggest fluffed mother fluffers made of titanium !!
A brigade from Blackstreetboyz (#91) has invaded your lands! Your defenses held against the invaders and forced them away! Your military lost:1 Troops

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 23rd 2012, 13:24:04


ou812 Game profile


Jun 23rd 2012, 13:38:49

I've started killing then ens, I will point the vern towards this thread also.

rlxdntdt Game profile


Jun 23rd 2012, 14:17:06

Stay a while, stay forever

ou812 Game profile


Jun 23rd 2012, 20:28:54

Gardener213 (#3565)
Rene (#3555)
Rolly (#3556)
paellaPan (#3327)
666 (#3627)
1 (#3599)
quad (#3626)
jewjitsu (#3575)
3 (#3602)
National preparedness initiative (#3574)
2 (#3601)
corfu (#3600)
Zebra Cake (#3364)
Darnassian (#3302)
DD (#3625)

Raging Budda Game profile


Jun 23rd 2012, 20:41:53

<--Stat's padded.
Your base is mine!

bastion63 Game profile


Jun 23rd 2012, 21:56:18


JJosh Game profile


Jun 23rd 2012, 22:20:30

FFA ~ Ares
Alliance ~ SoL
#JJosh on your server

rlxdntdt Game profile


Jun 24th 2012, 1:03:19

whats the matter, did someone's multies get hit too much?

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 24th 2012, 14:38:29

updated list

rlxdntdt Game profile


Jun 28th 2012, 15:15:59

PANLV, hope your killer enjoyed siding with LAB

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 30th 2012, 12:44:45


must be at least two people doing this, 22 countries hit today

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 30th 2012, 12:45:53

edit: misquote

Edited By: enshula on Jul 1st 2012, 15:00:16
See Original Post

rlxdntdt Game profile


Jun 30th 2012, 15:11:16

ensteinshula , why did you try to create a bandwagon to kill untaggeds?

Dragon Game profile


Jun 30th 2012, 20:45:42

Probably because a large majority of untaggeds are up tono good every set.

It's almost impossible to believe at this point that there are ANY players who choose to play untagged and do so out of complete ignorance.

If I might ask, in your opinion, why would ANY player, with good intentions decide to play untagged on a clan server?

rlxdntdt Game profile


Jun 30th 2012, 20:53:42

its not a clan server , its a Free For All Server, atleast so far.

Maybe because they think the rules are worth shoving up your anus

Dragon Game profile


Jun 30th 2012, 22:06:04

You're really wrong. Yes, the server is called Free For All, but in case you haven't noticed, the vast majority of the server is clanned up.

That certainly doesn't stop any player from planning and executing some small measure of chaos, but it shouldn't be terribly surprising when some Founding Player like Enshula might speak up about fluff stirrers trying to ruin the server.

I certainly do not speak for or represent Mercs, and if you have some legitimate axe to grid with them, that's between you and them, but Enshula is one of the most respected players on any server in this game. It probably doesn't gain you any points to butt heads with him, but if that's how you roll, it's all good.

kemo Game profile


Jul 1st 2012, 1:06:41

oi chief. if its not a clan server then whys clans allowed? would you be referin to primary where clans are in fact not allowed?

my money says your just using that as an excuse for what theyre doing to the tags. its possible you could be stupid enough to believe what you used as a reason but i doubt it. then again maybe you do actually use rusty road cones to sit on?
all praised to ra

Tin Man


Jul 1st 2012, 1:56:54

free for all refers to the fact that when the FFA server was initially created you were allowed as many countries as you could stand... hence "free for all"

Now that we are only allowed 16 should we rename it 16 for all?

Also, there have ALWAYS been clans.. what the hell describes a server as a "clan server" other then allowing clans?

Tag all your countries up, there's a tag. All for one and one for all, if you leave them untagged then they have only the political 'power' of one country instead of your 16.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 1st 2012, 7:05:05

rlxdntdt unless your claiming to run more than 16 its obvious the latest list i posted isnt just you

all the countries i posted are ones with no way to prove they have a legitimate beef

ill take what seems to be your problem with pandora as an example

probably 1 guy in pan killed a few untagged suiciders earlier in the set, so in revenge you or whoeverer ran those countries killed a couple of pan countries with untagged countries

if the first countries killed were in tag rlxdntdt and the second lot of countries were as well, they would be a lot easier to link together and people could decide if they thought you had a valid reason for the conflict

no one has to kill any countries, but if there is a player who likes killing without any valid kill targets (highly likely in ffa) then starting with killing countries that act in a way they dislike is better than killing all untaggeds because they might be suiciders

some seem to be self farming experiments, some seem to be organised land farming for the purposes of inflating a tags anw, some tagged up and joined wars later in the set, some are probably untraceable spy countries, some are maybe new players, some might be playing untagged to see what happens

but everyone in ffa can tag up, and get at least some tag protection

if you grab things can go wrong, but when you dont grab even those people that try to push you around tend to get reined in by their fairer tagmates

the tags you seem to have an issue with this set are lab mercs pan

lab i dont know much about but are in a war now, so if you wanted to participate why not join the war, people seemed to be very upset at them for joining the war in the first place

mercs dont grab, havnt played on the server for what a year? so i dont see how this cant either be cross server, very old, or about something individual players did last set wherever they played

pan i think do grab but probably not a lot, however the hits on them seem to be confined to those who hit the untagged

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 1st 2012, 7:05:58


if you want to do what you want thats ok, but dont expect others to do what they want in return

kemo Game profile


Jul 1st 2012, 14:31:46

no enshula hes just goin for the biggest pan one he can break is all. atleast 1 i know of didnt touch anything outside the tag before it died for no reason

one of our players was doing preemptive untag killin which may have caused this douchebag to start killin pan but i doubt that. weve had suiciders for sets now so i think its just someone havin fun ruining others time
all praised to ra

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 1st 2012, 14:42:35

hes had 87 kills and 319 deaths in ffa so hes been killing someone in previous resets

i was trying to be overly unbiased saying he might have some justification if he only hit people who hit him

perhaps hes just going for t10 most deaths in ffa, hes currently 11th

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 1st 2012, 14:58:55


rlxdntdt Game profile


Jul 1st 2012, 17:43:03

nvm , all out war , including tko.

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 2nd 2012, 17:38:39




Jul 3rd 2012, 9:28:34

Flo, we need to have a chat. People wonder why this game is diminishing and it doesn't take a genius to understand. It's high school all over... the bullies pick on the nerds... except in this world the nerds pick on everyone else. I was a peaceful nation... and was attacked several times by these so called clans that say they like to see new players play. Cowards. Nothing but skid marks left after a fat man sits on a toilet for 45 minutes. Dip Skits that think they know the game.... but don't... which is why they have so many idiots running around attacking peaceful nations which in turn suicide... It's math idiots.... attack x amount of peaceful nations you get x amount of suicides. I am one, with you flo. I am now determined to make things right and I hope the administration of this game reads this. I was teaching my younger sister and brothers how to play....when some idiot loud mouth clan decided to hit us... a lot. Now for some reason they don't want to play... go figure. It may not be a lot but you just lost 3 more players admin... now add that to the thousands of untags who wish to play a game but do not wish to be a bunch of yellow bellie cowards. This was my first set back in over 8 years.... and nothing has changed. If the untags unite, we can show these little (private part) wet kids who haven't hit puberty know how things are done next set. Just create a random email account that I can email post it here, and wait for WaWa to tell you the subject header (so you know its me and not these skid marks) we can change things. We will be organized next set.

They only have numbers.... which is why they open their fat pie holes. I have already over 8 players that are tired of these D-bags cleaning themselves over us. Netters, you will be left alone so long as you do not hit us. But we will keep creeping up. As the Americans used the forests to pick apart England, we will mask our ISP's, make it our jungle and we will will appear out of thin air.

Edited By: WaWa on Jul 3rd 2012, 9:49:09
See Original Post



Jul 3rd 2012, 9:47:59


Warster Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 10:07:48

rlxdntdt i guess that was you that hit me, good job , shows you that nothing you say means fluff.
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

Warster Game profile


Jul 3rd 2012, 10:15:33

Originally posted by rlxdntdt:
its not a clan server , its a Free For All Server, atleast so far.

Maybe because they think the rules are worth shoving up your anus

Clan-based Servers

Countries not playing from within an established clan on clan-based servers will usually be attacked more frequently by other players! It is recommended that new players seek clans to play in on these servers. If you do not receive recruitment messages in-game, try introducing yourself on any of the Alliance,Free For All, or Team forums.

straight from Wiki- so the admins ( this section is done by members of staff) thinkFFA is a clan based server
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 3rd 2012, 11:26:55

doesnt the help popup still warn you to join a tag too?

Rockman Game profile


Jul 7th 2012, 3:51:21

Wawa - the cowards are the ones who refuse to tag up and take responsibility for their own actions.