
Cathankins Game profile


Dec 13th 2022, 19:46:06

Express destock

1. Sell max tech
2. Sell max goods
3. Go monarchy
4. Recall tech
5. Recall goods
6. Sell all food on pm($35)
7. Go theocracy
8. Buyout your private market

the sick Game profile


Mar 29th 2023, 14:43:29

I'm so confused by this.

What government do you start out initially before going Monarchy?
Are you saying to do a "Tech Start"?

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Apr 8th 2023, 8:45:38

He can be anything prior to that. Generally you do this for mainly for farmer and techer in express.

Also in express it's both possible and often worth to sell the food at higher than $35.

A-Rod Game profile


Apr 11th 2023, 0:25:49

The difference in tech between $35-36 is worth it, you can pick it up via orders at $1500 or less on the last day. It takes a LOT more tech to get to $37, so it depends on your stock.
Originally posted by the sick:
I'm so confused by this.

What government do you start out initially before going Monarchy?
Are you saying to do a "Tech Start"?
[quote poster=the sick; 51486; 1008874]I'm so confused by this.

Run you strat normally with your selected Govt such as fac farmer, burn all your turns stocking food. "Protect" your goods/tech on the market, then eat the small penalty switching to monarchy. Recall tech first then food and remember to sell your food as monarchy (I've too many times skipped this detail to my own sadnes, Cathankins keeps telling me to read the guide as I destock lol). With your stock now in many billions of $$ you swap to Theo from monarchy and it's free, no penalty. If you have been logged out long enough your PM will have generated enough military for you to blow your entire stock on cheap goods for a nice fat NW! GL!

the sick Game profile


Apr 28th 2023, 11:57:45

Interesting. do you you have a link to the guide you mentioned from Cathankins? I'd like to take a look at this! This is a strategy I haven't tried as of yet.