
Kill4Free Game profile


May 10th 2010, 14:39:39

Democracy is one of the least used governments. It's bonuses are decent enough, but the 0% commision is its unique ability pretty much.
Demo is the best goverment capable of reselling stuff. And I think more demo's in the game will stabalise market prices, as stuff that is too cheap will get bought up and resold at the going price, and the market price of whatever item should balance out.

But this is hindered in several ways.

First of all if a demo sees a bunch of warfare technology on sale for 500$ cheaper then what he thinks he can sell it for, he buys it, then can only put 1/4 of it back on the market. By the time he can sell 4-5 loads of it, the price might have fallen making him waste money.
Same with military, if a demo will buy and resell that, they can only sell 25% of it at a time.

So in order to fix Democracy and make it a competitive government, two things can be done.
First is increase the amount of whatever a Demo can put on market. Say it can put 50% of something on market at once instead of 25%. Another thing that can be done, is lower the time goods take to reach the market. Instead of the 4-6 hours, make it 1-2 hours. This would also make Democracy an anti-buyout country.

Hope you fellows take this into consideration. As I really do like the idea of a Demo country, but its drawbacks are too large to make it work well.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

MorTcuS Game profile


May 10th 2010, 15:02:03

Imo demo is already overpowered and is far from the least used.

Last round of team 4/10 were demos in the top 10.

Edited By: MorTcuS on May 10th 2010, 15:02:22
174099715 (not in use)

Steam : wargasm1

Kill4Free Game profile


May 10th 2010, 17:51:35

Right now in all the top 10's for everygame type, there are a total of 3 demos. Although from what I understand, most people are fascism governments, and just farm keeping all the food on market, then once it comes close to end of set and they need to unload food. They put everything on market, do a PS with all military, then switch to demo, sell their food and buy their military.
Even if you finish in the top 10 using that start, that doesnt count as running a demo.
Running a demo is inferior to other production governments, and is useless for a war government. For the most part it is used for stockers to unload their stocks.
Demo is least used on FFA anyway, thats what I have been playing. And there you dont even see Demo's till near the end of set.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

General TwizTid


May 11th 2010, 10:01:04

This is the current statistics from DMs site:
General TwizTid
EEVIL Member - Alliance
ICQ: 307692788
#nbk on
[01:37] <@Gambit> if it has a hole, ill fill it!

RaTS FYA Game profile


May 12th 2010, 15:10:42

techers would all be demos then, the ability to sell that much stuff, early would be super op
<~qzjul> it gives you a good introduction to orbital mechanics and a good appreciation for how central delta-V is and thrust to weight ratio
<RaTSFYA>The only thrust to weight ratio I'm worried about involves the women I pick up at bars

Kill4Free Game profile


May 12th 2010, 23:06:27

And I bet you that most of these Demo's just converted to demo for the destocking. Demo is by FAR the least used type of government, and is in need of a fix.

And yes demos would get a early advantage with selling tech, but that would only last for a few days or so, and all it would do is cause prices to drop slightly and Demo's would make a early profit. Having more techers at start, and more Demo's in general is a good thing, so I dont see why that isnt a good idea.

Monarchy (1391)
Democracy (104)
Republic (855)
Theocracy (371)
Communism (724)
Dictatorship (425)
Tyranny (918)
Fascism (543)
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Chewi Game profile


May 12th 2010, 23:15:16

Demo is fine. Just cause people aren't playing it doesn't mean it sucks and is underpowered.

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

May 12th 2010, 23:44:39

we already upped it in the last batch of changes; i think it's pretty good now
Finally did the signature thing.

Kill4Free Game profile


May 14th 2010, 15:38:30

The new fix just put it back up to where it was before.
And if it doesnt "suck and is underpowered" then why do people only use it for dumping saved up food?

It isnt bad, it is just that anything Demo can do, other Gov's can do better.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Chewi Game profile


May 14th 2010, 15:43:40

Cause they suck?

Techers have always stockpiled as demos.
The current Demo/Farmer > Fascist/Farmer
Demo/Casher almost makes as much as a Rep/Casher and Demo even has the 0% tax bonus.

Kill4Free Game profile


May 14th 2010, 15:52:18

Yes everyone sucks, that is the reason.

And no, Demo farmer is not better then Facist farmer.
Demo farmer makes 243% of normal food with max technology. Facism farmer makes 264.5% with max technology of normal food. Taking into account the 6% tax, facist farmer makes 248% of normal food.

That is if Tech is maxed, if not then Facism makes proportionally more, 15% more with no technology, facism can buy more tech sooner, and reach max tech in less time.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Kill4Free Game profile


May 14th 2010, 15:58:29

Not to mention that if you read my initial post i said, and I quote

"Democracy is one of the least used governments. It's bonuses are decent enough, but the 0% commision is its unique ability pretty much. "

Demo is ok, but thats about all.

For teching, theo's BTP bonus lets it be able to build less CS, build faster, and start teching sooner, not to mention theo can resell as well for some side cash.

Rep makes more cash, can explore better too. As well as 20% more cash then a Demo with both don't have tech.

Facism makes more food, and can stock up on food then switch to demo no problem and get the best of everything.

Demo isn't a bad government it just has no real niche to fill, it is just ok at most things, and what I am saying is give more people a reason to play Demo's, and the bonuses I suggested wouldn't make Demo a super great goverment, it would just give it a roll to fill.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Chewi Game profile


May 14th 2010, 18:19:45

Screw it, go ahead and keep thinking Demo sucks.

Kill4Free Game profile


May 14th 2010, 20:59:14

I never once said demo sucks. Nor do I think that. In fact you are says that everyone sucks cause they don't run demo's.
Instead of actually trying to debate the advantages of demo all you are doing is making a statement then getting mad when I disagree, and I am giving valid reasons for not agreeing.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

Chewi Game profile


May 16th 2010, 6:44:01

I said people suck for thinking demo is only useful for dumping stock.

Fascist's gimped Pop and PCI make it worse than demo for farmer.

Kill4Free Game profile


May 17th 2010, 3:52:33

No it doesn't. First of all unless the farmer had max res and bus tech it wouldnt even be noticed. But a facist farmer gets about 80% of normal income from cash.

My 18k acre country makes 700k cash a turn, a facist would make say 500k cash.

200k Cash is equivalent to 5000 food. Assuming food price to be roughly 40.

Now if 17k acres of those 18 were farms, that is 85,000 base food. Facism's 264.5% food income is 21% more then Demo. 20% if you include market tax.

20% of 85,000 is 17,000. Which is 680,000. So the bonuses that a facism gets from food is enough to match demo's pop and pci, and still have 480k cash left over.

That being said, a demo with maxed tech in res, bus and agri will be more profitable then a facist. But that is only with maxed tech really.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

qzjul Game profile

Game Development

May 17th 2010, 3:57:07

6% tax each way is a big deal for demo

it can also resell that way
Finally did the signature thing.

jedioda Game profile


May 17th 2010, 14:09:31

In the past (many years ago) I used to play demo and it was really a good govt (may be the best).
Since I restart playing (4 months ago), I tried to play demo but couldn't really succeed. The problem is that a demo needs to use it's max tech advantage, but in the past tech prices were around 2000 average and now it's may be 4000.
I think with current tech prices we can have 1 more advantage for demo: it would need less tech points to reach the same tech level.

jedioda Game profile


May 17th 2010, 14:11:24

(like new advantage for commies ?)

Chewi Game profile


May 17th 2010, 16:59:13

It already works like that currently. To max tech as a demo you only need as much as a non commie to max your tech.

Tpt should be changed to make tech prices more friendly.

Kill4Free Game profile


May 17th 2010, 18:33:45

Yep you are right jedioda, Demo's advantages dont matter will later on when tech is maxed.

I think as if jedi was saying that demo had a 20% tech bonus multiplier to go with their 10% max tech.

I think that would help a ton, as demo's do have a good chance of taking advantage of their tech sooner.

Demo's get pretty much no advantage at start just penalties relative to other goverments. They can almost pull even with max tech, but they are at a disadvantage until then. Keep in mind you can't really do big reselling if the tech you need for income is low. So you are just buying tech anyway.

Demo has the potential to be great, I am just saying they just need a little bit more so they will be a more common goverment, as we really need Demo's to balance the market with buy sell market reselling.
So many ways to die, only one way to live...

jedioda Game profile


May 18th 2010, 10:51:57

today formula is

With GvtEff=1.2 fo commie and 1 for other

I want to say GvtEff=1.2 also for demo