
mrford Game profile


Sep 9th 2011, 2:36:26


IMP and Focus want to war. FOcus thinks that you have a large mouth so they put a clause in a pact that says that if IMP hits you Focus will wipe the floor them. in focus experience this is usually enough and IMP doesn't plan on hitting you.

set goes on, you have your usually annoying ass big mough, and IMP is getting angered. (Prime was talking about wanting to kill you last set but i said we would do it in CC) and focus is unaware of the anger growing in IMP and continues prepping to war IMP down the road.

you finally push IMP over the edge and they kill you.

now, you accuse Focus of being fluffty allies because of the way they handled the situation. Could they of done better? sure they could have. but the one GLARING issue here that you refuse to address, and therefore you arnt entertaining the ENTIRE truth (truth is open to interpretation due to scope. that is a fact and has nothing to do with being dishonest)

you could of handled the situation much better as well. you could of backed the fluff off a DP's war target and not continued them to the point of them FSing you and ruining a DPs war. imo you fluffed focus over more so than they fluffed you over. hence there being 2 sides to every story.

you keep preaching truth, and calling everyone else liars. dude, no one is sitting here thinking up lies that they can tell you to fluff you over. you are just so infatuated with what you perceive as the truth that you keep coming up with these conspiracy theories and everyone involved is a liar. you need to get over yourself already before you get your clan into some real trouble. its really bad when people are on IMPs side over yours, you might wanna think about that.

Edited By: mrford on Sep 9th 2011, 2:42:26
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Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford